View Full Version : BATTLE OF THE AGES! War is afoot@

11-10-2005, 09:57 AM
Hey guys disloca here!

I play with some of you in pvp quite often and yesterday on vent i came up with a clever idea. I also know a larg percentage of your guild is not pvp active and really this isnt directed to anyone that wouldn't be intrested.

This idea is more of a world event that would set a first for this server. Really a first for most servers in general since something of this size has never happened to my knowledge... *though i dought it*

Ok enough blabbing heres what i have come up with still in the blueprint stages so bare with me. Im just trying to see if there would be intrest in it amongst the higher end raiding guilds like my guild your guild and basicly every guild i can contact in the next months time.

SO here it is. A massive world raid event where we organize basically the first war our server has ever seen. Now idealy i would like to get 5-10 guilds involved each guild that is involved organizes there own raid group with there friends and guildmates to keep things kossher. SO in essence there would be like anywhere from 100-400 players from the alliance side depending on raid sizes and guilds that turn out attacking one location. The biggest attack on a hord population anyone has ever seen. Im sure lag would be an issue for sum but the idea of organizing a giant massive world raid event would be alot of fun.

SO im just throwing the idea around now what would you guys think?

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11-10-2005, 11:23 AM
Holy Lag Batman!


11-10-2005, 02:24 PM
sounds like fun! server crashing might be an issue though. maybe simultaneous raids on different cities with 1 or 2 raid groups per city would be the way to go.

11-10-2005, 03:11 PM
oh noes but i'll get DKs :| They really took the fun out of world pvp. Sounds fun, good luck getting it together. If there are horde to kill, I'm usually around (unless it means sitting in queue lately).

11-10-2005, 04:53 PM
I also know a larg percentage of your guild is not pvp active

not sure I agree with this statement... /shrug

11-11-2005, 08:32 AM
Well heck if you guys could start spreading the word and creating intrest that would be awsome for those intrested. Ill keep you guys posted with times and dates ext. Just let me know what you you guys are thinking?
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