View Full Version : Severlious, can he be reserved
tanzen knifeblade
11-15-2001, 03:45 PM
Hello Hoss. I am getting very close to completeing the warrior epic, as I am now to the point of the green dragon scale, which brings me to the point, I atempted to reserve Sevelious on the druzzil board but was informed that he is already on rotation, and that your guild is the keeper of this rotation, if this is so I'd like to get my guild Torvus'vir into the rotation for an attempt(er kill) on severlious, if it is not could you plz info me wher a can gain info to reserve him. Thank you for your time
Tanzen knifesblade
56 Warrior
11-15-2001, 07:12 PM
Im not in hoss, but being in a guild that is on the rotation, i can tell you strait up its a joke. I dont know WHO is killing it, i hear a lot of GAP and NK but i wont draw conclusions as GAP actually woke me from sleep to kill sev with them, giving me the green scale.
Lets just say in the last 2-3 months, the severillous rotation hasnt even completed a single cycle, unless VE was skipped and i dont believe that occured. keep in mind that sev is like a what, 3-6day spawn? How many patches have there been since then? I think the rotation should just be torn down at this point, if a guild wants him, camp him. If a guild wants him and is being KSed tons of times in a row, the guilds who DO need sev will never get him.
11-16-2001, 12:32 AM
Yeah, there is a rotation for Severilous, but since joining it our turn hasn't come up yet. So like Dinthar said, it isn't working. :p
11-16-2001, 06:04 AM
Sev doesn't spawn anymore because L`Malla killed him 26 times over Halloween. Dicks~
11-16-2001, 07:58 AM
LOL this rotation must truly suck, we haven't killed Sev once in the months I've been with Hoss :)
11-16-2001, 12:51 PM
Who's Severilous??
jk :p
11-18-2001, 05:53 PM
I dont think there ever was a rotation
on the outdoor kunark dragons.
ie sev,tal,gore I seem to remember them
just being a kill if you find 'em up kinda thing.
I dont think we've killed Sev in a long time.
11-18-2001, 08:59 PM
well, considering that many people are agreeing that this rotation isnt working, could we start a petition to get it removed? The guilds that need him can camp him, and we wont get into fights with NK and other guilds who are jumping rotation. I would personally spend time camping severillous for my guild, VE does not have one warrior epic yet.
11-19-2001, 01:06 PM
Don't forget that green scales drop off Hoshkar in VP...
11-20-2001, 07:16 AM
yea but heh, thats a whole new problem =P Trak rotation has like 10 guilds on it, VE would be lucky to have enough VP keys to kill hoshkar is about... i dunno 1 year? =P
I just dont see the purpose of severillous being on a rotation no one respects. VE doesnt want to jump the rotation, but no one seems to care about severillous, what are we suposed to do.
Buazag Bonesteel
11-20-2001, 07:27 AM
Always the scale keeper in the Hole. Not sure what happened to the Sev rotation. We've killed him twice......ever.
11-20-2001, 09:15 AM
scalekeeper only drops red scales, from what ive seen anyway, or else he would be farmed like other epic mobs =P
tanzen knifeblade
11-20-2001, 09:57 AM
So what your saying is my epic, has about a 0 and 2% chacne of seeing completion.:mad: :confused:
11-20-2001, 12:32 PM
You have a better chance farming Hoshkar than Sev I'd say.
11-20-2001, 04:29 PM
ya, but there are many guilds that are capable of farming sev and NOT vp =P thats the point. Anyway, seems VE are finally up for our spot on rotation, only took 4 months or so =P (BTW, GAP actually traded spots with us on rotation, so we did not go through a full cycle, it was about half and still 4 months long).
11-20-2001, 05:19 PM
Chances are 90% of Sev's spawns have gone unnoticed, or at least unkilled. Having a rotation on a mob like this seems sort of silly.
tanzen knifeblade
11-21-2001, 12:37 PM
ok so i know when sevelious will spawn next not including patches, does this mean i can kill him and no ones gets pissed, or do we sit here and talk about it some more, or do rhedd just give me a green scale for looking cool in all my champion's armor(only 56 don't rip). what huh:D :cool:
11-21-2001, 02:00 PM
At this point, I'd bet at least half of the guilds in the rotation for Sev have no real need for him, thanks to better weapons already in the game.
I for one want to finish my epic just to finish it. I already have weapons that FAR surpass the light sabers..
In reality, I think very few guilds give a damn about the rotation on this 'dragon'.
tanzen knifeblade
11-21-2001, 03:46 PM
I myself dont not have better weapons, but think of the epics as more of a pride thing for the guild as a whole, to my up and coming little guild epics are looked as, as a acomplishment for the guild as a whole which is why I'm pestering some much about this. We as a guild respect all most all the the "uber" guilds and their accomplishments, we do not want to step on any toes, for we may ask for assistance(in the form of advice, or phsyical) and we dont want to burn any bridges so to speak over this!!!:D :p
11-22-2001, 12:29 AM
well VE is up for sev as per the rotation, we will let you know when we wack him tan... If the guild after us doesnt want him, i guess you can talk to them.
tanzen knifeblade
11-22-2001, 11:23 AM
Thanks bro, let me know after you take him out, and if ya need help i'd be more than willing to throw my body at him.
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