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View Full Version : Luclin stuff :)

11-16-2001, 05:43 AM
http://pub13.ezboard.com/fthesafehousethebackroomsecretsspoilers.showMessag e?topicID=8679.topic

If every skill needs as much exp as entire lvl 51 or 52 or whatever I read somewhere, I think it will be alot of exping after luclin comes out lol...

I want flurry damnit! :)

11-16-2001, 07:56 AM
Endless Quiver - This ability allows the player to shoot magical arrows that scale in damage based on skill level.

Fletching/Bowyer Mastery - This ability reduces the chance of failing on an fletching combinations by 10, 25, and 50 percent.

Archery Mastery - This ability gives the player to increase their archery damage from 100 to 200 percent.

Yay archery improvements for the 2 or 3 mobs in the game where trueshot is more worthwhile than weaponshield.

Dual Mastery - This ability increases the players chance to use dual wield successfully.


Innate Camouflage - This ability allows the player to become invisible without the need to memorize a spell.

sweet :)