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View Full Version : FYI - regarding Cell Phone Sales Calls

01-10-2006, 03:17 PM
Effective January 31, 2006:

Cell phone numbers will be given out to Call Centers for their use. If you do not want sales people to call your cell phone number, you might want to consider placing it on the Do Not Call Registery Listing
by calling 888-382-1222 and having your phone number taken off.

Have a wonderful day!


01-11-2006, 03:00 PM
While it's true that the major wireless phone providers (Verizon excepted) have announced their intention to establish a 411 directory (http://clk.about.com/?zi=1/XJ&sdn=urbanlegends&zu=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.qsent.com%2Fwireless411%2Finde x.shtml) of customers' cell phone numbers beginning in 2006, it is not true that they plan to "publish" said directory for any and all to read. Participating companies say the numbers will be made available only with customer consent, and only via telephone to users who dial directory assistance and pay a fee.

The companies swear the numbers will never be accessible to telemarketers. In fact, per FCC regulations, telemarketers are already prohibited from calling cell phone numbers using automated dialers, which are standard in the industry.

Not everyone is convinced that consumers' privacy will be adequately shielded, however, as evidenced by a privacy protection bill already introduced in Congress which would modify the plan to allow 411 callers to be directly connected to requested parties without the latter's phone numbers being given out. Lawmakers have yet to act on the legislation.
Contrary to what some variants of the email rumor claim, there is no 31-day deadline for adding cell phone numbers to the Do Not Call list — indeed, there is no deadline whatsoever.

However, those Fraternal order of Police assbags can still solicit you though.

01-11-2006, 04:58 PM
Daisiee are you a dad yet? How have you been sir?


01-11-2006, 08:19 PM
No, the baby does not pop out until end of march. It costs mucho $$ for baby furniture. I hate pottery barn with a passion now.