View Full Version : Looking for feedback =)

01-13-2006, 08:12 PM
Hey Ya'll,

Someone suggested that Aff./Destruct. would be more beneficial than my currenct spec, lemme know what you think of this one:

http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classes/warlocks/talents.html?5502200512201005000000000000000000505 2005102000100


01-13-2006, 08:57 PM
Looks like a good raiding spec, I dont have Improve Drainsoul or Improve Lifetap, I put those points in Improve Lifedrain and Improve CoA but that is your choice and playing style.

01-16-2006, 02:17 PM
I can speak for all the mages when i say put 51 points in Improved CoE. hahhahaha

01-16-2006, 09:18 PM
Air, ask firanja for access to the guild boards via PM. This is general atm. Also we have a few locks that would be more then happy to answer any/all questions.


01-17-2006, 12:25 AM
I can speak for all the mages when i say put 51 points in Improved CoE. hahhahaha

No CoE for you!!!!

PS Canada is not a real country =P

01-17-2006, 12:55 AM
I'd like to suggest MD/Ruin instead, since it's the only threat reduction ability a warlock can get.

01-17-2006, 05:21 AM
Personally on mine Ive gone 31affliciton-1demon-19destruction.

http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classes/warlocks/talents.html?5500050502201005110000000000000000055 0005022000000

Ive had no problems in controlling my aggro while chain nuking, but the trick is you do Not use your DoTs at raids. Do whatever curse debuff you like, but avoid agony, corruption, and siphon life. Generally when we have two or more locks at a raid, one does shadow on everything, another does elements. Saves alot of room on debuffs to not have half of them as warlock DoTs too.

Also in most raid settings, your preferred pet will be the imp in passive. In such cases, with dark pact you Never run out of mana, and wont have to Lifetap it back. Lifetapping during a Long encounter only puts additional strain on the healers, which have more important things to spend their mana on, like the people taking Real damage.

My warlock has alot of +dmg gear to the point that my base shadowbolts are over 800 (around 900ish with curse of shadow). Nuke til you're at half mana, dark pact it back to full, and resume.

01-17-2006, 09:40 AM
Heres some feedback (all imho of course) from a part time Lvl 58 Warlock:

You have placed the perfect 21 points in Destruction and achieved many obvious benefits for grinding or raiding. You're faster, crit more, hit harder, can deal instant damage and all from increased range :cool:. Who could argue with that?
Now lets look what you gained with your other 30 points:
faster corruption - not bad and required to get at lvl 2
Lvl 2 - 4 points for your mana pool - also good
5 points for a 10% chance to not be resisted - not good
beyond lvl 2 your getting some interesting stuff but basically the big news is 10% increased damage and you spent 21 points to get it. I guess if Nightfall has a 4% chance to proc on each tick of the trigger spells and not on each cast it might be a different story. I assumed the later and never looked back.
I would consider 9 points in Affliction and look at 21 in Demonology to gain:

improved health stones and blood pact
improved cc and pet tanking (non-raid benefits)
essentially instant Demon summoning (on cooldown)
Demonic Sacrifice for more mana/life or.........15% damage increase.
Nothing like popping that Void shield in a tough spot and replacing him/her almost instantly. Never actually had to do it, but I assume you could shield again if required. Thats 3810 damage absorbed and thats pretty sweet. Could just be the Paladin in me talking though, but still ;) .

01-17-2006, 11:59 PM
I'll put up my current build tomorrow... I currently have Ruin and MD which I like a lot and also instant corruption ;) =P. It's fun to tinker around with the calculator lol.