View Full Version : Anyone ?!

01-17-2006, 04:46 AM
Logged on eq for the first time since oct 2003 last night..Does anyone still play?

01-17-2006, 05:20 AM
Hey Divaa

01-17-2006, 05:41 PM
someone has to play the game still, y'know?

just like someone has to live in alabama, just no one knows someone who does.

01-17-2006, 06:17 PM
Hey Divaa. SOE is the debil... I do miss EQ very much some times.


01-17-2006, 06:50 PM
I'm still patched up on Ghel....I log in, wander around the bazaar feeling like a rat in a science experiment, and log out.

But I did buy a new arrow!! WOOT DPS upgrade!!

01-17-2006, 06:59 PM
Peotr and I are the only ones who log on semi-regularly. Not sure if you have the expansion with the guild roster, but if you hit alt + g you can view the list. Click on the date to see who was on most recently :)

01-18-2006, 12:30 AM
saw somebody playing elidroth, dunno if it was him or not

01-18-2006, 05:47 AM
Hello folks, I dont know what to say, this game has changed alot. When I logged on, I didnt know what spells were what. My cleric is broke and my wiz and rogue alts are naked and broke :( when I retired, I turned all my droppable items and cash to the guild bank. At this point I was like, no problem, I will explore and try to earn some cash. I ventured towards RM for some HG action, the HG's are gone and nothing but mosquitos :confused: I then passed through SK, hoping I would finally kill that quallmane sob :mad: and all the mobs that were in splitpaw are in SK wondering around. I entered splitpaw and almost got my arse handed to me by 60+ mobs lol. Every original zone I went through, I was the only player in it( I wanted to shout " Hello?! where is everyone?!". I went to the bazaar and I thought I was in the wrong zone, Its not the same bazaar anymore, totally changed. Im thinking, now I will go to PoV get alittle exp, the zone was empty! I went to drunder, fortress of zek..empty! Where the hell is everyone!!! I then thought I might want to figure my spells out and try to remember what does what. After getting confused, I clicked on my aa tab and observed like 10 tabs to dump aa's into. Im thinking holy crap have I been gone this long?!. Later that night I entered PoV again and omg 1 group was in there, some guy was running an entire group by himself, so I joined him for alittle while and said "damn my exp bar isnt moving" so I left and went to Pok to watch all the spam from people selling and buying buffs and kei, c5 etc. Then logged. I think today, I will see if Seb is still the same and take my 2 boxing arse down there to farm some goods, thats if that zone hasnt changed! The moral to this story is...If anyone has an active account and would like to bs, log on. :D

01-18-2006, 09:15 AM
I had activated Maegwin's account maybe three months ago or so. I was playing some alts with my brother-in-law.

While he was off doing school things I would log on as Maegwin just to see if I could get random groups where I used to when I quit. I'm talking Riftseekers, Muramite Proving Grounds, etc. Since I wasn't online at the times that I used to raid with Hoss it was really weird. Noone seemed to be online until after 8:00 PM and if they were they were raiding. Pick up groups were non-existant...I checked Fire, PoV, RS, MPG, those stupid name zones where you had to do all those trials to get access to places like Uqua etc.

Nothing, zip, nada zilch. Everyone had moved on to the trials/quests in the new Dragon expansion by that time and I wasn't going to buy the new expansion just to get a group.

I gave up after a week because groups just weren't happening and I was NOT going to solo PoV or Fire again :p.

01-18-2006, 10:53 AM
Pickup groups haven't gone the way of the dinosaurs, just gotta find them different ways. People actually use the /lfg tool to find groups and players. Also, Monster Missions allow people to make pickup groups with 5 rando's (don't even have to be very close in level) and make 1.5 or so AA for 30 minutes of work. You do need Depths of Darkhollow to use these though :\ You can still find groups in WoS or MPG.