View Full Version : Let me Introduce myself

02-15-2006, 09:59 PM
Hi all i am Cowkiller killer of cows. I have an app in to join this guild so i thought what the hell jump in there and say hi so HI. i am 29 and married with 3 kids all girls. My wife and i play WOW all night and by day i am a butcher and well she plays WOW and raises our kids. I would be moveing over to you all from Valor some of you know the deal with that guild i am sure it tooka bad turn in the last week and well i am loseing pople that i love to play with like madina and case so i am looking for new place to call home and hope that it is with you all vary shortly. i have been playing an alt a lott this last week do to the heart breaking exp we had as a guild in valor so if ya need anything just send me a tell when you see cowkiller on or i check these forms a lot lately do to the fact that i do not want to see valor forms right now at all. If you want to know what happened with them check out there web page www.guild valor.com thanks and hope to hear from ya soon.

02-16-2006, 04:56 PM
Nice to meet you Cow.

I'm sorry to hear about Valor and to be honest the stories I've heard are pretty bad about this situation. You guys will land on your feet.

Just a tip though block wording will make the gnomes want to kill people so paragraphs or spaces are your friend :) You don't want the wrath of our gnomes!


02-16-2006, 05:26 PM
Just a little warring about this guy.. this guy will leave u if u start having problems and he isnt reliable if u start having the sliest bit of problems he will leave and go apply and then if things go back 2 normal and the other guild wont take him he will come back wanting 2 join... just a little warring thankz

Anyways, Nice to meet you Cow

02-16-2006, 11:08 PM

02-17-2006, 12:09 PM
Yea Valor went threw a rough week there but nothing we wont bounce back from. Alot of people jumped ship when things got scetchy *Cough cow Cough* lol, but needless to say this isnt a guild breaking event and what doesnt kill you makes you stronger.

Theres a new GM Argosissar new class officers basicly its the revamp of an old guild with a new face. ALl of the people that gave Valor a bad name way back when are all long gone. LOl its funny when i ask people why they think valor is a crummy guild. Ask them to tell me about events that had taken place that sparked there hate for us and who was involved its people that have all be gone for ages.

Anywho what happend in the past week to our guild only got rid of the coat tail ridders that we didnt need anyway. Needless to say nothing has changed in our ENd game endevors as we 1 shoted our way up to baron as we do every week on thursday.

Thanks for the support my friends from hoss. :)
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02-17-2006, 12:32 PM
Does Valor need the drama gnome set to level 5?

02-18-2006, 02:08 PM
Sorry about the block wording and bad gramer in general. I will work on this. As far as the valor thing i was refering to the raid leader leaveing with the guild banks. But anyway i am now iun distruction Case's new guild.