View Full Version : Monday's NToV thing...
11-26-2001, 11:59 PM
Since I know this will be something discussed tonight/tomorrow, I figured I would get things started.
I don't necessarily agree with what happened tonight, but I definately see both perspectives, and can see where everyone is coming from.
First of all, I did originally try to have something defined in the NToV rules about patches and rotting dragons (and yes, ANYTHING that rots due to a patch is a bad thing). In that respect, I can understand Vindication wanting to move into NToV today to try to ensure that didn't happen, when I think we can all say with about 98% certainty that L`Malla was NOT going to be killing Vulak today.
I was surprised when I zoned into ToV later this evening to find Vindication alone in the zone however. As it was L`Malla's turn in NToV, and they should have continued pulling/killing as if there was no other guild there.
To Vindication, I think things could have been handled much more smoothly had you contacted L`Malla about the upcoming patch/rot situation before just barging into the zone. Believe it or not, things could have probably worked out good for both of you had you done that.
Anyway... I don't agree with the "pushing aside" of someone else as was done today, that was really bad form in my eyes. Vindication really should have tried to convince L`Malla *before* today that rotting dragons were bad, and that by allowing 2 guilds to complete NToV on the eve of a patch was a positive thing for everyone involved.
Now we have this event which is just going to leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth, heh.
11-27-2001, 12:47 AM
we all know vindi is talking about going FFA. I would like to congratulate them on short sightedness, and managing to piss off a good majority of their own members, way to be guys real class acts.
Since today's little bout of fun was called "FFA" by vindication, I would like a single day extension of our raid to friday, to make up for the fact we were screwed out of our spawns. And since Vindication killed Koi, Miri, Nev, Sev, Vyem, Zlex, Cek, and is prepping for Vulak now during OUR rotation spot, not their own, wouldn't this be the majority of the spawns and constitute them taking their turn out of order? Either way, Monday was fucked up, my guild got screwed out of spawns that were rightfully ours, patch or not Vindication acted with full knowledge they were killing another guild's spawns and against standard procedure on this IGB forum.
11-27-2001, 02:36 AM
Question for L`Malla here:
Why did L`Malla leave NToV tonight? You guys could have killed several dragons still and not made the night a complete loss. :(
First of all, we didn't read any l33t strats on the zone, we don't have 20+ members armed in primal, we have never even been in NToV ever before Friday evening. Hell, we all ran at Ikatiar wearing poison gear because his name sounded like he had some poison AE. We tried almost every dragon twice because we had no clue what the hell to expect most the time, disregarding Ikatiar, Jorl, Kreizenn and Dagarn because uh, Ikatiar didn't even have a freaking AE, Red dragon screams fire ae to me, white dragon screams ice, Dagarn was a red wurm.. yeah, not too hard to predict those. Unlike Vindication and Hoss, we didn't have a month+ to figure out the spawns, or even a full 7 days yet, we are learning, just like you did. Having Ciner tell an officer in my guild 'You don't even belong here, you can't even handle the back area spawns" as the reason they were killing stuff on our spawn... it's our first time in the zone, we are trying to learn the damn mobs, and having ones we haven't even tried yet killed without our consent on OUR turn. Lag from having an additional 45 people in Nwing, already laggy clerics and attempting to learn the mobs didn't increase our chances of killing. Our pullers were working with Zlex and them, trying to figure out if they were splitable, and Vindication ran by and whack Nev while we were trying. The only waste was our rotation day, and it wasn't wasted by us.
And to answer your question, we didn't leave early at all, closer to midnight pst.
11-27-2001, 03:20 AM
Ahh.. I zoned in around 11:00 pst and saw only Vindication in the zone - it looked like L`Malla had pulled out (well, there were 2 or 3 L`Malla at the zone in... but I figured you weren't trying to pull NToV dragons there, heh).
I realize that you are learning the zone, we've all been through the test pull, test fight, etc., process.
Kinda rude to be told you don't belong in the zone though, shrug.
11-27-2001, 03:49 AM
Hah, okay dont wanna get into a lot of this...
But, I'll say what I know and people can hear our side of it. When I first logged in people were talking about how ntov was going to rot as L`malla clearly couldnt kill everything in a day.
So, I asked Taur to speak to his friend in L`malla, who turned out to be Lorpse, to see if it was ok with GC if we killed Vyemm and Vulak. Lorpse said GC was fine with it(Taurean has screens of this if needed). Once we heard GC was ok with it we began heading to Ntov and I opened up CoH.
After I've CoH'd 30 people Dlgoth sends me a tell something to the reflect of, I heard you had spoken to someone saying it was ok to kill Vyemm and Vulak, its not ok we want these mobs(and the rest I gathered). Dlgoth hadn't been on earlier, when I tried to send him a tell.
So we've CoH'd 30 people, more otw, had to make a desicion to roll with L`malla and leave or let mobs rot to patch. Wasnt easy and we argued quite a bit in GC about this.
Thinking back to the inital formation of the IGB I clearly remember patch days as being FFA, we dont want shit rotting, we play this game to kill mobs. Perhaps this rule didnt get carried through, but, even still we found it irresponsible of L`malla to let Ntov mobs rot to patch when they are just incredibly in demand.
So we cleared on over to Kio, took a while with all the debating and such. We asked if L`malla had killed Nev, wondering if they were going to have time for this mob, before attacking). Heard they had failed Nev 2+ times. Engaged and slew the best.
Healed up, checked to see if L`malla had killed Nev and was going to have time for Mir possibly? Found only 13 L`malla in zone though and thus assume some sort of death had just happened(failed Nev again I guess?). So again, swords twirling, fists blazing, another dragon was brought to its knees.
Then we had a delema, wernt quite sure what to do. The clear choice would had been to go to backdoor and finish those dragons who obviously wouldnt be too hard, but we saw 50+ L`malla still in zone and understood they would still be killing Nev.
So, we braced our bodies and brought on the mighty Vyemm. He knocked us around like a yo-yo... but in the end he too died and spat his last curses upon our blood drenched swords.
Now it was around 2am and we were not sure what to do, still 42 L`malla in zone, down from the 65 for the first for Nev attempts. So we figure, we'll start clearing over there and see what there up to when we arrive... we fight through drake and wurm alike. Eventually arriving at L`malla, we note now only 36 in zone.
So I ask what officers on. Send Atrist(sp) a tell saying something to the effect of "If your having a hard time with Zlex/Nev... we can kill Zlex for you and you can get Sev/Cek, there loot stinks, but at least ya folks can own some dragons tonight."
She(he?) then said my in game personality reflected my out of game personality and I must have been abused as a kid to be such a flagrant bully. I then replied "How did you know, so are you interested in Cek/Sev to give your guild something to kill?" ... she said something about how we could do whatever we wanted, we'd do it anyways.
Noting L`malla had failed Nev 3+ times now and currently had 36 members only left, who were just sitting there... we start to clear to Nev, at this point the 36 L`malla left in zone decided what they couldnt do with 65 they clearly couldnt do with 36 and left via the gateway to Plane of Mischeif.
We slew Nev Zlex Sev Cek within a few hours, began to pull the Vulak drakes but just didnt have the time as GM was giving us the 30 minute warning.
Now the simple question is: Would the mobs have rotted?
Simple answer: Yes.
While I feel for L`malla that they cannot yet kill some of the backdoor dragons, I cannot let my sympathy interfere with my duty to my chosen guild, Vindication.
The thing that bugs me the most about the whole night, is that Vulak rotted. This should never, ever be happening. Had we not debated with L`malla, over mobs in the end that would have rotted, for an hour, we would have had time to save him from oblivion too. But, hey, you win some and you lose some!
1, Lorpse isn't an officer
2, Wtf does it matter what number of people we have in the zone? 1 cleric = no raid amigo, thanks. You honestly expect us to tell people "Sorry, we only need one CoH bitch on this raid, don't come."?
3, I don't remember 65 of us in the zone, I do remember the total number in the zone hitting 103 or so, 47ish of you and the rest us. yeah, 65 =)
4, the 36 of us sitting around when you rushed past us while our monks were working with Zlex was closer to 40, with 4 clerics. Dunno if you noticed, but I'm pretty sure you guys use a trick (since you mentioned it in a previous post concerning Hoss killing it) to avoid the AE, one that we weren't aware of. My mind told me "hrm, 40 people, 4 clerics, hoshkar like dragon, we aren't aware of the trick. lets leave it alone." At this time, we found out that Vindi was prepping for nev, the only non-vulak or Zlex room (which we were still in the process of working out how to pull) dragon. That is when we pulled out, sir.
Yeah, we got surprised, I think we figured out the "Trick" with zlex though, I'll post it later or something so you guys can verify. Would be nice to find out a "trick" of our own, though I honestly dont think we are so original in this game of tried and true tactics for farming. On a side note, Lyubm enjoyed the show when he got back from AFK. I can't believe you guys actually set up a hospital for Nev. Must have been some po'd members in GC eh? Personal shots aside, I think us staying a 4th day (Vind's first run was what, 8 days?) makes up for the um, bullshit last night. Not like it'll postpone the rotations, we just want fair shots at all dragons, not having ones we intended to kill taken while we are in the zone =)
11-27-2001, 05:20 AM
I'd prefer to keep all "trick's", tactics, strategies, and other information like that out of this forum.
Should you have discovered something that will give you an edge, you should keep it to yourself, since not everyone that reads this forum may know that info. Its kind of like telling someone how a movie ends before they've seen it, /shrug.
For all the info about EQ on the internet, surprisingly, there is very little tactical data about NToV available. That isn't to say it doesn't exist, as I recall seeing a few bits and pieces appear at certain times over the past 2 months that I didn't appreciate my competitors learning, hehe.
I'll bet Hoss, Vindication, and ML all do things quite differently in NToV as suits each guild best. I can almost guarantee that Hoss does several fights back there very different (in pulling and fighting positions) than anyone else on this server, and likely other servers as well, hehe.
Dlgoth Riknueth
11-27-2001, 05:28 AM
Ciner like I said last night, you know how to get ahold of me pretty much 24 fucking hours a day. You KNOW I have AIM running ALL DAY at work and you've contacted me before on it.
When it was in your best interested to try to set up ST runs with L`Malla you were on AIM talking to me, but when its in your best interests to avoid me and claim someone said you could have our mobs, you have no way of contacting me?
The whole thing is bullshit and you know it.
Can you e-mail me your aim name?
I need to talk to you some (unrelated to IGB stuff, just as two old school people). Im not on much but do want to talk to you about something :)
I wasnt there so im not getting involved.
11-27-2001, 07:25 AM
Nice spin. Won't work. That was taking a rotation spot, pure and simple. On no other turn that there was a patch coming during it, (yours included, there was plenty of emergency patch warning), were the dragons considered FFA. You know it as well as everyone here, so don't try to bullshit us.
Every single guild on the IGB has heard and been shown via eamils and whatnot, how Vind intends to FFA the server starting with SoL. You've been flexing testing it for a bit now, and it's time to put up or shut up.
There's a reason other servers look at Druzzil and wonder how the hell we can support 3-4 'Uber' guilds, it's called the IGB and the cooperation it lends to us. I know ML won't let D Ro become like the new AB Euro server, and I'm 99% sure no one else here on the IGB will.
You actions in N ToV were inexcusable, and any attempts to lighten them or explain them in such fanciful storytelling is quite laughable. ML is voting that you should lose a N ToV rotation spot.
11-27-2001, 07:57 AM
The things you get in email. Normally I wouldn't put these up here, but since you feel the need to spin things to try and get out of this Vind, it seemed appropriate to show how things really are seen by you.
Ciner, you are such the lying type, it's a wonder you don't have two tongues:
Member # 29
posted 11-27-2001 09:21 AM
Man, felt great last night to save mobs that were going to rot to patch. Thing is the IGB has gotten out of hand heh, when you've mobs rotting to patch cause its soandso's turn, something is fuct.
Member # 71
posted 11-27-2001 10:41 AM
last night was quite a lot of fun, even though malla was being gay when they could not kill any mobs and still wished to save them for patch. Just another reason FFA should be put into place.
You know, that's only a short sampling of a very interesting treatise on going FFA and trying to fuck the rest of the server. There's lots more, including serious discussion of awakening the Sleeper and stopping others from getting Primal. Truly Ciner, tell us how this was all in fun or joking around again. Pull more wool over our eyes and make us think yer some kinda 'nice and reasonable' kinda guy, while you sharpen knives for those not already at the same point in the game.
Be a man Ciner, take responsibility for your actions and those of the people you are leading. Cause if you can't do it here, in a game, how the hell will you ever do it in RL?
11-27-2001, 08:00 AM
I'm happy you can read our board but posting private infos dosn't go far in my book. Not even gonna comment on posts you take from reading our board, am sure if anyone read another persons private board they could dig up some trash.
My post on board says exactly what my post here said. The mobs were going to poof, glad we saved them. Had the mobs not been going to poof, would agree to it taking a rotation slot. Not counting it as a rotation slot. You want to mark it down as such go ahead, but once ML's 4 days are done in Ntov we're going in. If you've a problem with that FFA on us Quint.
11-27-2001, 08:06 AM
You leapfrogged L`Malla, not even 6 hours after posting you wouldn't do any such thing during their turn.
You've had member post how 'ghey' it is when guilds do that very thing on other servers, on other guild boards (FoH to be specific), yet there you go and do it.
The IGB bent over backwards and gave you 2 'extra' days on your first rotation of NToV, since ML and Hoss had patches during thiers. Then you got a patch in the middle of your turn anywa, and no one leapfrogged you.
Your actions are inexusable Ciner. ML is voting that killing 8 of 15 NToV dragons while another guild is up there (btw, they had at least 10 hours before patch when you went in), constitutes jumping rotation, and therefore you should be held one out. Be a man and accept that you fucked up.
11-27-2001, 08:08 AM
And yes we've discussed FFA, its really not a secret its all over and the initial post even says. "Board isnt secure but this is something we need to discuss."
The reason its something to discuss is rotations are growing larger and larger while there are less and less mobs to kill... everyone is getting bored. Thank god for SoL, just hope there are pleanty. Like I said in the thread what needs to happen is ubers 3-4 day spawns, would be so much less anger. If mobs wernt a problem I cant imagine why I would even talk to you Quint, and I think we both could appreciate the beauty of that.
11-27-2001, 08:10 AM
Originally posted by Quintall_ML
ML is voting that you should lose a N ToV rotation spot.
We vote on IGB punishments, but don't vote on rules? That seems kind of inconsistent.
Hoss and other NToV guilds have all agreed that a few rules should go into place for NToV, and ML stands alone in wanting a 7 day rotation period, claiming that "we don't vote here, we all must come to an agreement".
Can't have it both ways.
11-27-2001, 08:10 AM
And fwiw, I don't read your private baord. I get enough of your lying crap here on the IGB, and honestly don't want to see it there too. You've got unhappy members Ciner, they have email, and they use it, since they can't change it from within without becoming ostracized.
ML doesn't want FFA, Vind does. ML is going to fight you every step of the way if you try to make D Ro FFA, bet on it. And no one will win because of it. You are a loot based guild Ciner, what will happen when the loot drys up because the rest of the server won't accept your little FFA?
11-27-2001, 08:12 AM
The term vote is wrong there, my apologies. ML feels, that per the guidelines of the rotations, Vind has jumped a spot, and should be skipped on their next rotation.
11-27-2001, 08:13 AM
I'm not accepting shit, the mobs were going to poof lol. As my post says, we didnt kill a single dragon till 11est when it became *abundantly* clear, that L`malla was not going to be able to kill all of them and the mobs, plus there loot would be poofing to patch.
Had L`malla kill Nev Sev Cek, or something at least, I could see where your coming from. Then we truly did steal mobs that they would have killed. As L`mlla was unable to, we simply saved loot from poofing.
Lastly if you want to talk about this further, can do so in AIM or IRC not going to have another huge flame here. I've posted where I stand on it and I'm inflexible.
11-27-2001, 08:20 AM
Can't keep up with the posts!
I don't give a shit if you spy it from our board or someone does email it to you. Posting it here is totally improper.
Also if our guild is so unhappy why do I see 10+ ex-ML in it and yet 0 ex-Vindi in ML. Just some food for thought.
Most likely wont be responding to this thread anymore have said where I stand and I dont think its unreasonable when the stuff was poofing.
11-27-2001, 08:22 AM
Bullshit Ciner. You were there in N ToV long before 11 Eastern, by about 3 hours at least.
Tell me something. If ML came into N ToV and told you we were gonna kill any dragons you didn't, regardless of what you said, would it make you rush things a bit here and there? Would it fluster some of your members, to where they are concerned more with where ML is than watching their aggro control? You bet yer ass it would, especially if we had 30+ in the zone and more arriving almost by the minute.
I've got to say too, when it comes to NToV greed, wow. You got, let's see here, 2 days added to a rotation, an emergency patch that no one leapfrogged you, and extra spawns prior to a patch by virtue of ML waiting till after patch to start their turn. And now, you go in and leapfrog another guild (which btw, is against the PnP, I woulda petitioned you straight up, and likely being as your guild has at least 1 warning I know of for sure for the same sort of thing, you might have been getting disbanded for it), and you kill 8 of 15, over half the spawn. How many N ToV mobs in November Ciner, eh?
You pushed to have ML skip a rotation on that bugged Sont we killed, and we did. We took our medicine. Here now you are guilty of jumping another guild's spot completely WHILE THEY WERE THERE, and it's time to take your medicine.
11-27-2001, 08:24 AM
Know why there's no Vind in ML? Because we won't even eval em, they aren't the kind of people we want in ML. Which would also explain why some former ML are in Vind btw, except in 1-2 cases where it has 0 to do with guild and everything to do with RL friends.
Dlgoth Riknueth
11-27-2001, 08:40 AM
We logged in at 7pm est and there were about 30 vind in zone showing up, some even having the balls to ask OUR clerics for aego for christ's sake.
After all the bitching back and forth it was almost 10pm before we started pulling Lady N's guards and what not. Hell we had to pull THROUGH Vind until you guys moved, and all the while you were telling my pulling that it was your kill...
11-27-2001, 08:44 AM
Originally posted by Quintall_ML
Bullshit Ciner. You were there in N ToV long before 11 Eastern, by about 3 hours at least.
Correct, we arrived around 8est and sat around argueing for about 90 minutes. Then we cleared from Nev to PoM, from PoM to Aary(left side, Mir and Kio were up) which took 90 minutes. The mob did not die till 11est. Andaas can verify some of this as he sent me a tell around 9-10est I believe and I said Dl wasnt answering my tells in response, though Dl turned out to be LD when I was sending tells.
Originally posted by Quintall_ML
Tell me something. If ML came into N ToV and told you we were gonna kill any dragons you didn't, regardless of what you said...
You are absolutly welcome to babysit us any time you are worried a mob we are up for is going to rot to a patch, infact I'd demand it, absolutly nothing I hate more than mobs poofing to patches.
Originally posted by Quintall_ML
2 days added to a rotation
Old news, you made the call, you were ok with it, going to ever stop living in the past?
Originally posted by Quintall_ML
an emergency patch that no one leapfrogged you
Notice the word emergency in there, we had no way of knowing it was coming or would have been happy to work with someone else to finish it. L`malla's was a scheduled patch.
Originally posted by Quintall_ML
And now, you go in and leapfrog another guild
Do you understand the defenition of this? It means, another guild is about to engage said mob and you run physically past them and engage said mob. Thats the PnP defenition, what we did was in no way petitionable.
Originally posted by Quintall_ML
and likely being as your guild has at least 1 warning I know of for sure for the same sort of thing
We have zero guild warnings, Seekers recieved one for doing this at the Zlan so long ago, we never did though. I think Hoss may have one though from the Yelinak thing, which was lame of the Gms to do and didnt make sense at all.
Originally posted by Quintall_ML
You pushed to have ML skip a rotation on that bugged Sont we killed, and we did.
Uh maybe cause you killed two of the exact same mob in a row? Was no patch coming, the mob was in no danger of poofing, I see no relivence of this whatsoever.
Originally posted by Quintall_ML
now you are guilty of jumping another guild's spot completely WHILE THEY WERE THERE
Were they at Kio? In the walls maybe? Were they at Mir when we almost lost due to a major fux up? Did they share our joy as we saved Vyemm from patch oblivion? Did they look on as we killed Nev? Perhaps you think they were watching our strats for Zlex? Nope, infact L`malla wasnt there for any of the dragons we killed.
Originally posted by Quintall_ML
and it's time to take your medicine
Lol just thought this was a funny statement.
11-27-2001, 08:50 AM
As to our guys asking yours for Aego, almost defenitly a joke lol.
I never told a single one of your pullers a thing, infact your the only person in L`malla I spoke to at all up till Artist(sp) at the end of the night when I tried to *give you dragons that you clearly couldnt kill to*.
Remember me saying... "what mobs do you want tonight, what can you kill, we'll just take the stuff thats going to poof"
It was right before you said "eat a dick ciner" :cool:
11-27-2001, 08:55 AM
That Yelinak thing was weird.. at first I was told that we were going to get a warning over it. Then a GM summoned a few of us and we talked, and we were told that we would not be getting a warning, but they were going to keep an eye on us.
But we were getting a warning for trying to exploit Woushi, a dragon our guild had never attempted. This warning coming to use due to a petition logged by Hali one afternoon when Hoss was heading to Kael for a Statue or Tormax raid and trained Woushi to the zone, heh.
In the end, I think both accounts ended with no warning, although I would wager that Hoss does have a warning listed someplace over the Yelinak thing. Verant customer service is not very direct with anything they tell you... I'm just mad that I misplaced the log I had with the GM stating that we weren't receiving any warnings, hehe.
11-27-2001, 09:40 AM
Vind is not giving the IGB the finger eh? Pretty sure you just did.
grow a set and show some accountability for your actions. Get off the fence and go FFA or stick with the IGB.
11-27-2001, 09:42 AM
Ok when I grow a set I'll let you know Than.
11-27-2001, 10:11 AM
Ciner thought you were done replying? Thought u could be reached on aim? so what is it? Neither? or are you done replying to this post now for the 4th fucking time?
Dlgoth Riknueth
11-27-2001, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by Ciner
As to our guys asking yours for Aego, almost defenitly a joke lol.
I never told a single one of your pullers a thing, infact your the only person in L`malla I spoke to at all up till Artist(sp) at the end of the night when I tried to *give you dragons that you clearly couldnt kill to*.
Remember me saying... "what mobs do you want tonight, what can you kill, we'll just take the stuff thats going to poof"
It was right before you said "eat a dick ciner" :cool:
Well at that point I felt that sense and rational thought wasn't sinking in with you, so I'd just go ahead and hop down to your level ;)
11-27-2001, 10:16 AM
I never insulted you personally or you guild, you took that step first Dl.
Than wtf are you even doing in this thread heh, seriously man, you dont kill these mobs, you wernt there. Do you add anything at all to this conversation or just trying to flame more on the IGB?
To answer your question though... I was going to bed and then got my second wind so am now fooling around on Tribes 2 but about to go to Broodwar cause horrible map up!
11-27-2001, 10:19 AM
add IG to the ntov rotation.
There ya go big boy. Enjoy
11-27-2001, 10:22 AM
Play on playa, pop ya colla.
You still dont kill/have killed any of these mobs.
Hey I'd be stoked to see IG get some shizzit goin on in Ntov. About time you guys stuck your feet in water...
11-27-2001, 10:24 AM
"Play on playa, pop ya colla. "
wtf? Is this new dewd speak?
11-27-2001, 10:28 AM
From some movie I watched a bit ago :D
I do get out occasionally :p
11-27-2001, 10:29 AM
Two issues seem to be getting confused here.
1) Vindication saving NToV from certain destruction due to a patch.
2) Vindication supposedly declaring FFA on the entire server.
While Ciner has tried to explain both of these, there still seems to be some lingering uncertainty (thx Thanatoz' post). So let me do my best to explain.
1) Last night Vindication killed several dragons which L`Malla was not going to get to either because they had logged or were busy attempting other dragons. At no point did we "leap-frog" or otherwise interfere with L`Malla's raid. While they were fighting Nev we were fighting other mobs and preventing drops being wasted due to a patch, which is totally legit.
That said, communications between the two guilds were handled in a piss poor manner. From the haughty and arrogant displays by Vindication members, to Dlgoth's "eat a dick ciner" a lot of people were being really immature, and this is where the root of the problem lies. In no way did our actions last night prevent L`Malla from attempting to kill Koi`Doken, Mirrenalla, Vyemm, Vulak, Cekenar, Zlexak, Sevelak or Nevederia. Upon zoning in they will those mobs up and ready to be slain. So with all due respect, get off your evangelical soap boxes, we did nothing wrong. Hopefully in the future we can communicate better and not let things degenerate to this level.
2) Vindication is not declaring FFA on the entire server, or any part of the server. When SoL is released we will be running around and exploring new zones just as everyone else will. While yes, we did discuss the possibility of going FFA, we decided it wasn't worth the hassle. Quite frankly this situation could have also been avoided if certain people spent more time reading their own guild's private message boards rather than Vindication's.
11-27-2001, 10:32 AM
To quintall, let me go get my violin choir.
To anyone else, L`malla killed dick last nite, we kept mobs from rotting, you can complain about it anyway you want but the IGB was not created to let people have RIGHTS TO ROTTING MOBS.
11-27-2001, 10:36 AM
Quite frankly Coq if your guild would spend less time blowing smoke up our ass and show more accountability for your in game actions we wouldnt be talking about FFA.
This is 3 times in the past 3 weeks that youve fucked with the IGB. Trak-Yelinak and now ntov. 3 times where u claim u are above the rules. 3 times where every officer from Vind will post a response and all saying the complete opposite.
Dlgoth Riknueth
11-27-2001, 10:40 AM
Love the hero portrayal gracious of you all to "save mobs from rotting"...
11-27-2001, 10:43 AM
We didn't do anything to say we are heros, we killed them for ourselves, and for our own benefit, and because no one else was going to.
Rotting mobs = bad.
Mobs left up at time of patch rot, does everyone see grasp this concept?
I wasnt on last night, I didnt want to get involved today, but I feel I must now because some people cannot understand simple concepts such as those above. Was the IGB made so we can let mobs rot to patches? Mobs that were with 95% certainty not going to be touched by the said guild who was up for them?
Answers these questions please. I would really like to know.
Also, this is to EVERYONE can we please keep the guild flames out of this and discuss it w/o having to pick out the facts from in between the flames?
The way I see this whole situation is Vindication saw mobs that were going to rot do to the patch, instead of sitting on there asses they went and killed them as to prevent them from poofing, or does ML, IG, L`Malla, Hoss, and every other guild here enjoy seeing mobs that you could be killing go poof do to patches? The problem arises do to communication failure between two guilds, well not communication failure but clear communication failure. This issue should have been brought up on the IGB long ago, but it was not for some unknown reason. So I will pose the question in another thread, and I would like to see all your responses.
11-27-2001, 11:57 AM
Fact is, Vind, Hoss, and ML all had mobs rot to patches DURING their runs, and no one was disrespectful enough to leapfrog the other.
Now, L`Malla is on their first run, and Vind, only having killed Vyemm and Vulak once (as has ML, Hoss has what, thrice?), decides that this gives them the right to tell L`Malla they are coming up during their turn and killing them. I don't doubt that this had a large part to do with why L`Malla got nothing killed for a few hours.
L`Malla had already shown they were capable of killing the mobs in there, per the same guidelines set for Hoss/Vind/ML, yet you claim they weren't going to kill those mobs. Big friggin deal if Vulak/Vyemm rotted ONE more time to a patch, it wasn't your turn in there, period.
It was L`Malla's.
11-27-2001, 12:28 PM
It is a big fucking deal, were talking about the most desired mob in game here not some Trakanon or Sev.
11-27-2001, 12:31 PM
I think the problem is we view this differently.
I see the IGB as a tool to make sure all spawns are killed period.
While you see it as an order that must be upheld even if that means mobs rotting.
11-27-2001, 12:47 PM
The difference between mobs rotting on ML, Vind and Hoss's turns in the past was that no guild was really capable of saving them. That would have been like us complaining every week that AOW is rotting. Pointless since no one is killing him anyways.
Now there are unfortunately 3 guilds who can kill Vulak and being that his loot IS the best in the game, he should not be allowed to rot EVER, no matter what.
If 10 dragons are still up on the day of a patch and the guild whose turn it is cannot kill them all, swallow your pride and share. Take a full extra day post patch. Don't assume you can kill 10 dragons in 1 day on your very first try.
Had we discussed this in advance and agreed to some sort of way of sharing, everyone could have gone home happy.
I feel the blame is both Vindication's and L'Malla's. Vindication for being rotation jumpers and L'Malla for trying to force rottage.
Rezz posted in another thread "And yes, I agree there might be a vulak rotting, but I won't bet too heavily on it. I'll let you know in plenty of time to come in and kill him if we won't be attempting."
I think it is great that you had so much confidence in your guild. But with the amount of dragons remaining yesterday, and as it was a first raid, you guys should have come to the boards to try to work something out with other guilds to ensure no rot. Had there been some sort of real discussion, we could have easily had 2 guilds in NTOV without even encountering much of each other in the night.
I don't think it is ok to ever let a Vulak rot if it can be stopped. We can rotate *rottage* mobs among the guilds who have proven to be able to clear the whole zone. We should try to help each other ensure there is no rot. If Hoss has to clear half of NTOV so that ML gets a Vulak, so be it. We would expect the same if a rottage Vulak was ours.
Don't be dicks, and don't try so hard to flex your nuts. It's annoying and gives everyone a big headache.
In conclusion:
1) L'Malla should get Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri to finish their raid.
2) Vulak rot is NOT ok. Vulak rottage discussion (rotation) needs to be established.
3) You all give me a headache.
4) Gnome plz.
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