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View Full Version : Luclin, power-patching, and rotting mobs

11-27-2001, 10:22 AM
I think we've all basically agreed that there will be no rotations on Luclin ubers for at least the 1st month.

There is another issue that is going to come into play with the launch of the new expansion, and that is frequent patching over the first 2 or 3 weeks after launch (possibly 2 or 3 patches a week).

An idea that I was bouncing around regarding this to help minimize the amount of rotting mobs would be to open up to a friendly free-for-all when one of these unexpected patches is about to land. What this means is that, given the fact that Mob X is going to rot tonight, that Guild Y can move in and kill it knowing that there will be a patch coming later that evening (and this action is 100% free of any and all rotations).

This would be done with cooperation from all guilds involved... so if you see something you want to kill that the guild up in rotation has intentions of killing before the patch, you can't jump ahead them and kill it - you need to ask first. This is just a way to help ensure that we don't have 3 or 4 mobs rotting with a quick patch that we are likely going to see after release.

11-27-2001, 10:44 AM
I like the concept but I see problems in the asking the other guild for permission area.

Last night we were told V+V were np to go ahead on, later after we've headed there we are told its not ok. So I ask can we at least get some of the mobs that will rot to patch. Got a blatant no. Some guilds, weither they can or cannot kill a mob, refuse to pass the mob on and instead prefer to see it rot. Thats the only problem I can see with it.

11-27-2001, 11:22 AM
Its really not that complex.. I'm talking about people being realistic with what they can and cannot accomplish.

Obviously, a guild that has never killed a specific mob should not tell others to hold off on it while they are killing another mob and running late.

I'm talking about a situation where Hoss is up for CT, Lendi, and Statue, which is a full plate for 1 day, but something I am very confident that we would be able to accomplish. If you were to ask me at 4:00 pst about doing the Statue, I would say no. Come back at 8:00 pst while we are setting up for Lendi, and I would again say no. Come back at 9:45 pst after we have some freak lag accidents or other problems with Lendi, and are still working on her, then yeah, I will change my tune.

Make sense?

And in the situation with Vindication last night... your "go ahead" on Vyemm/Vulak wasn't even given by an officer of the other guild. Try to keep arrangements and agreements between guilds to officers, otherwise you are just taking advantage of someone who doesn't know better than to say that.

Thats like having a guest on your raid call "CAMP CAMP" on a big pull, and having your guild listen to them as if they have a clue.

11-27-2001, 11:40 AM
Hey now~ The person said he had the OK from guildchat so we went with it.

11-27-2001, 01:04 PM
Ciner I was told you were giving IG your next doze by Vindmember_01, it was ok'd through your guildchat.

Thanks in advance

11-27-2001, 01:21 PM
Cool than

11-27-2001, 01:45 PM
Is it? Is it really?

You know u guys think going FFA will solve your problems of lack of shit to kill. Quite the opposite. This isnt some server with a single dominant guild. We are on a unique server with several guilds capable of doing the end game shit. I doubt any other server has what we have.

You all forget the luxary we have being able to run our guilds without the stress of what a FFA brings. You think youll get more mobs trying to compete with guilds who have double the numbers you have? You think Vind would have survived your episode 3 months ago when you guys had a mass exodus of members due to school, ebay or whatver? You would have folded in a FFA enviroment. And now u spit on the face that basically saved your guilds ass. The IGB ensured that YOUR guild would still see the end game. without it your members would have joined the next guild up in a FFA enviroment. And you dare tell the IGB that we suck? were pussys? JFC man wake up, we are a fucking great thing for all parties involved.

You know why i make it my business? Because I see the big picture. I see what this game could be without the IGB and frankly it is not a fun thing. You ignore your own luxarys the IGB gives your guild. Its not about respecting me or Hoss or ML or malla or anyone else. Its about respect for the IGB and what it gives all of us.

11-27-2001, 02:09 PM
Nice post Thanatoz, all true.

Btw Andaas:

I think we've all basically agreed that there will be no rotations on Luclin ubers for at least the 1st month.

Where did we agree to this?

Not saying I necessarily have an issue with it, for Luclin mobs, but I don't remember everyone agreening to it. I don't think it has been discussed enough yet and ramifications or lack thereof fully realized.

11-27-2001, 03:35 PM
It had been stated, a few agreed, and there were no objections. Abstaining from comment = agreement in my book.

11-27-2001, 11:56 PM
Than, your wrong.

Could be somewhat right from your view, but things arent the same on all sides, and they defenitly aren't as black and white as you have outlined.

11-28-2001, 06:07 AM
Actually Ciner, he's dead on.

You were the one who practically begged for an extra two days in N ToV for, what was it you called it? oh yeah, 'rebuilding'.

Vindication for all intents and purposes had basically disappeared for a while, that's a sure sign there's trouble in paradise. FFA environment then would defintely have sunk you completely, and even now it would only serve to ignite hidden fires in other guilds to make sure Vind got nothing if you did it. Not saying this in a mean or flaming fashion, just making sure you are aware of the *big* picture a bit more regarding things outside ofthe Vind microcosm.

11-28-2001, 06:48 AM
Lol stfu, that was months ago and I explained how it was owe'd us because you (Hoss/ML) had gotten the same distinction.

Somehow you've turned it into a ML favor for Vindi and have quoted it again and again for, what, 3 months?

Every thread where you say anything reguarding Vindi you bring it up lol, it was months and months ago and it was not a favor, it was balancing for the extended mobs ML *had had a chance to kill but failed to do so*, we've talked about this before remember hah.

The one nice person in your whole guild is Selice and she truly did do us a favor sorta.

My only thoughts reguarding the FFA situation is, were bored already(ML/Vindi/Hoss), if SoL dosn't bring 10+ uber encounters... and SoV is still it, rotations are getting larger and larger. Just thinking out loud, but I'm sure you've already read our whole thread on it from our private board hehe.

11-28-2001, 06:51 AM
Actually, that was more like a single month ago, and you did it crying how Hoss and ML got patches, and you didn't, then, oh my, your next run got a patch.

I bring it up because it's relevant to the NToV rotations and this discussion. You obviously feel uncomfortable about it in some way, or you wouldn't consistently try to evade it.

11-28-2001, 10:34 AM
I wont evade it. We were on tough times, Ciner asked for it for the guild, and you and everyone else agreed on it.

Too bad you didnt, our gain, but it was your call so quit whining over it.

11-28-2001, 10:38 AM
My post didnt evade it at all, I'm looking at it now it was two months ago.

You've mentioned it in every single one of your posts lol. I personally saw it as balancing.

Unfortunatly ML couldnt kill the mobs they had avail, thats the problem when you confinsate for lack of skill with numbers, need that critical mass to kill.

I never see the relivence either, you considered balancing the spawn a favor, I did not see it as such.

11-28-2001, 10:56 AM
Hoss killed our first Vulak on October 2. Vindication got their extra 2 days sometime after that raid... so it was more like 6 weeks ago, not 2 months, not 3 months.

11-28-2001, 11:31 AM
Unfortunatly ML couldnt kill the mobs they had avail, thats the problem when you confinsate for lack of skill with numbers, need that critical mass to kill

Guess that explains the ~60 Vind at Yelinak not long ago eh? Our numbers, as we've so often repeated it's almsot a drone now, have nothing to do with what we 'need' to kill something. Our critical mass for out first Warder was 18, without primals and DB, what was Vind's? We woulda have had more there if more had keys, bet on it.

Here's the biggest difference between ML and your 'leet numbers' thing you harp on:

ML is there to play with friends and have fun doing so, be it 6 or 600 of them.

Vind is there to 'win', and if they happen to be friends with the people they limited to the raid, so be it.

Either way, mobs die. ML has far less failures trying new mobs than Vind, yet 'we suck cause we zerg'. Whatever man, see it your way. I'm willing to give you credit for the things you kill in the manner you do, without insulting you or your bottlefed strats, (oops, insult broke in), it simply boggles me what about ML gets you so horny to put us down all the time?

Makes you feel manly? Makes your self worth more? Whatever man, if it floats your boat, sail on.

11-28-2001, 11:58 AM
your bottlefed strats

Hi Quintall,

Fuck off, we make up our own strats for mobs and dont just have 100 people run up and press attack like you. If you think we are using bottle fed strats, well your dead fucken wrong. So kindly fuck off and dont make accusations such as you did when you cant back them up.

Our critical mass for out first Warder was 18, without primals and DB, what was Vind's?

We killed the first warder with 18-20 I believe, Sirensa or Andaas can correct me if I am wrong. Oh btw, we didnt have DB either so stop bringing it up and we also prolly had less sov armor than you guys had when you killed him several months later. Thanks.

Now can we stop comparing dick sizes and get back to the point of this thread? FFA in SoL for a bit sounds good to me.

11-28-2001, 12:06 PM
LOL, guess I hit a nerve there. Ever seen 100 people hit attack all at once?

It's kinda like when 70 hit /guildremove at the same time...the zone would crash.

We work differently than you do, and as I said, kudos to you for killing your way, now stfu about our way and worry about your own selves, kk thx frnd~

11-28-2001, 02:32 PM
You float my boat~

11-28-2001, 02:35 PM
Ciner, that's so open for a witty come back, I just can't bring myself to do it, touche`.

11-29-2001, 09:55 AM
Back to the topic...

FFA in luclin makes sense, largely due to the fact none of us are gonna find one half ass uber and farm him for the entire first month, we are gonna be wandering around exploring, finding key mobs and quests and just enjoying the new expansion. When I say FFA, I mean FRIENDLY FFA. No KSing/Training or BS like that please. And no leapfrogging, lets at least pretend we are civil. If you see a guild is obviously engaged in a clearing of a zone to the boss or whatever when you zone in, don't make demands on killing the Boss mob or start zoning troops in to race them to it. Part of the whole friendly thing I mentioned above.

As to the FFA without consequences on emergency patch days during the fixing VI goes through with each expansion, I still fully believe killing vulak outside of your rotation spot should be considered your forfeit of your next turn, and that guild being unable to tag another till it comes back around. Or at the very least, a mini rotation set up specifically for him. Lets be honest, nobody is gonna go farm CT when there's a Vulak to be had, and if it feels like a patch is coming, you can bet there'll be more than just one guild interested in killing him. What's to stop a guild from camping there and killing him every patch day regardless? Personally, and I'm not saying this in a bitchy way, if Vulak dies to Hoss 9 times in the period of 2 weeks (extreme example, just using it) I'd expect you to forfeit your next turn. Just as if L`Malla killed him twice in one week, I'd expect to pass on my next turn.

To the permission part, I fully agree, permission should be asked before zoning in and setting up prep and all that. On the mob you've never tried before part, while a bit sketchy on the particulars and how it relates to certain rotations (ntov to be specific) is a generally sound arguement. But, and I mean this, still show courtesy and talk to the guild that is up for said untried mob before bum rushing the zone en masse. And make sure it's through officers, not a_random_member01.

Otherwise, I agree with what your sayin, Andaas.