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View Full Version : Phaera's Perception

11-28-2001, 08:12 AM
(These are the thoughts of Phaera alone, not her controller necessarily; will add more in time :) )

Clavicus - Humorous Tale Spinner, Fleet-Feet, Noble ard
Rhedd - Ancient Dwarven High Priest; Over the decades has become a bit deattached from reality.
Sirensa - Devotee of Innoruuk; ambitious priestess. A kind hearted woman, despite what her deity may think.
Fizbain - Simply smirks.
Andaas - The ring leader of our little band, somewhat quiet, and yet vocal when he needs be; fully respected by all.
If only he could work on that whole constant death thing..
Aularas - Vinilaa's "pet" Very quiet; his link to the land is strong.
Mintin - The urge to hug to life out of him comes to mind.
Frostboo - Silly human :)
Rika - A woman with her own agenda, has thrown herself in any given dangerous situation and come back victorous. Her bond with Quellious is adamant.
Exxile - Convinced he's a criminal. As silent and unseen as the air around us all.
Dharrk - In other situations, a would be nemesis of mine, however, as allies, a competent ogre. While I despise necromancy, his talents achieve the desired effect.
Vinilaa - My dark replica. She and I share many of the same beliefs. Another of the few I trust with my life.
Karendra - Oooh, the smell of damp fur! This one seems to be melded with the spirits, and sometimes weilds such power as to assume their forms. Her knowledge is only complimented by her confidence.
Drakky - Rumor has it he is the husband of Karendra, news to me :p I've known this man for a great many years and would trust none other as much to watch my back.
Ookep - See Mintin. Kidding aside, this master chef is also a master of the arcane arts, and he's a gnome! How can you go wrong? :)