View Full Version : Fishing for Life.org

05-19-2006, 04:36 AM
<TABLE class=blue_border style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width="80%" border=1><TBODY><TR><TD align=left>This is totally not a solicitation. Only check it out if you want too. by no means is anyone under any obligation. Also if it offends anyone let me know and i will take the post down. It is just something that we do, and we want to share with others. Please dont feel obligated, Just like in wow, where we need teamwork to survive our raid dungeons In real life, Zander and I strive to teach our children that teamwork is the best kind of public work. We belive that kids should volunteer in their communities and this is a fun way that they get to help other kids in their community.

Fishing for Life.org
</TD></TR><TR><TD>Zander's and My daughters are involved in a very special non-profit organization. Fishing For Life.org. The kids raise money to help kids in poverty stricken area's get time from mentors and all the things that they need to get ahead. Please click on this link and read all about it.
This link is directly to the donation page. But you can also click in the upper left hand corner of that page to get all the cool info on how this organazation helps kids.
http://www.sportrpm.com/donations/?association=100002 (http://www.sportrpm.com/donations/?association=100002)

#328 & 330
If you do decide to donate to our either or both of daughter's accounts, ( this money is not for them. it is for the organazation, they just keep track of how much each child has raised ) please use their entry numbers to donate. Their entry numbers are 328 and 330. Please donate what you can. Every one dollar is a dollar for kids that will be used to help them succeed. We think that this is an excellent opportunity for our children to get involved in raising awarenees for other kdis who dont have all the luxuries that they have. Hugs to everyone to helps us!!!
