View Full Version : For Lonskils...

05-31-2006, 04:51 PM
Don't ask...
Now stop attacking my avatar!

05-31-2006, 04:53 PM
Im not the one with the Hell Spawn sperm barreling it's way to the destruction of all time/space/and the universe avatar but hey to each his/her own.

05-31-2006, 05:32 PM

05-31-2006, 09:38 PM
oh so now you have decided to go with the grim reaper, excellant choice for someone that is bent on the destruction of life such as yourself! The fact that it is Homer Simpson further illustrates how you are trying to suck the life from people by saying Doh! over and over. It is just plain simple to me that regardless of what avatar you pick I will not feel safe on this planet since you are trying to kill me!

05-31-2006, 09:59 PM
oh so now you have decided to go with the grim reaper, excellant choice for someone that is bent on the destruction of life such as yourself! The fact that it is Homer Simpson further illustrates how you are trying to suck the life from people by saying Doh! over and over. It is just plain simple to me that regardless of what avatar you pick I will not feel safe on this planet since you are trying to kill me!

I neither confirm nor deny any of the accusations.

06-01-2006, 12:23 PM
See, it is the kind of response that a cold blooded assassin would come back with. You and your reaper will have to fiind someway else to bring the destruction of the universe, because I'm on to your methods now.

Your chosen path though seems to be marked with callous attempts at trying to change the minds of what you would refer to as the "Sheep" and as this may be true I have to remind you that there are others like myself that see through this veiled attempt and will not let it pass. To get to the rest of the world in your way to the destruction of the known universe you will have to go through us. The justice league will not stand for this and I assure you that although you hold many pieces in this game of chess we are not the pawns you think we are.

May the light shine through the darkness you have embraced and let you see that your path is through Hell and damnation.

By the light I stand!

06-01-2006, 03:09 PM

06-01-2006, 04:30 PM
I like my way better. They dont see me comming til it's too late... the good boy, the quiet one. Then at the end I let them realise what's going on, play with them a little more, then finish the job.. Far more entertaining then simply dealing with them.

06-01-2006, 05:30 PM
I see you have now recruited Art into your evil schemes and are gathering in the place where darkness holds the light at bay. Believe me when I say that a storm is coming that will wash away the blight that you two are and it will start with a tiny thing called hope.

I hope that in the end that you find the light, but I am not holding my breath after seeing your choices in what you will do. There is always two paths that you can walk and choices to be made you seem to have taken the path that is over hung with trees and litered with skeletons of the good people that made a wrong turn on their way to the light and had their souls sucked out.

May the light prevail!

06-01-2006, 09:14 PM
I found the light! and then put the rock back over it.
