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Enya Everquest
11-30-2001, 02:18 PM
Heya Ash, Wheet, Kami, Jy, and everyone!!

As you all may have noticed, I haven’t been on lately! Well I’ve been getting ready to leave for the Air force so I’ve been pretty busy with paper work and just took the test, which I think I did pretty good.

Wheet, don’t worry about me taking the "security guard" job for the bases, I made sure of that =). I'm leaning on opposite sides of the spectrum either 1) a Tech job or 2) Aerial Gunner =)

Ash, You the Bomb you've been a great friend and one of the most awsome guys around.

But anyways, you all been cool and I had a lot of fun with you all.

Farewell and make me proud,

The girl formally know as:
Enya – Abbess of Albion

Ps. I hope I get to do some Secret missions hehe =) oOhya!

Lronius de la Mancha
01-03-2002, 08:37 AM
ack thats what i get for not visiting these boards in eons. :|

Good luck on the air force enya. My mom was a 20 year captain in there. Good place to work if you commit to it :)