View Full Version : anyone know if this is real?:(

06-13-2006, 07:42 PM


Andriana Duskrose
06-14-2006, 01:41 AM
Thus far, it's real as far as anyone knows.

06-14-2006, 11:38 AM
Sadly it's real. A couple people in another guild I know spoke to his mother. Apparently he died in his sleep from either a blood clot or sudden heart attack.

06-14-2006, 12:03 PM

I am really sad to hear this. Great guy, I think he was the first person I would talk with when I logged on every morning.

06-14-2006, 01:43 PM
yeah Cru confirmed it in Phank forums via Jumpp

the front page of www.phank.com is in response, no text, just a nice pic of Brith in WoW glory

06-14-2006, 06:51 PM
Found out about this last night and I've been trying to come up with the proper words to do the man justice. Words are still eluding me.

I spent alot of time talking to Brith about techincal shit, helping him to do bullshit research on patents and other stuff. Not to mention alot of in game stuff pertaining to Boss encounters and working out strats bouncing ideas off him.

I'm feeling a bit frustrated I'll never be able to talk to him again. I never really kept in touch after the EQ days ended. Everyone sorta drifted apart. I'm glad to find out he was a Bad Ass in WoW.

He definately was "The Man" in both life and game. I wish his family could know how many people he influenced online. Calm cool and collected, always ready to "die"* for the cause. Solid like a rock and always ready for action. He was definately the man to turn to when the chips were down.

This whole situation still feels a bit weird, I've never really gotten emo over someone dying, but I'm feeling a bit choked up.

Rest in Peace Brithrax.

* even tho the term "Die" seems a bit insensitive at the moment, lets face it he was a monk, and monks die....alot.
** ^ ^ same goes for wow warriors~