View Full Version : Epic Battle Between Horde and Alliance

06-22-2006, 02:53 PM
Is this possible on this server? Id so like to find out. So me and Ecreif of the Horde have decided to try and make this happen.

What this war is, is a massive battle between the Alliance and The Horde. THIS IS NOT A STUPID HONOR GRIND, so all those that think you will de rank cuz you cant take an hour off of your precious BG time need not read this...fools... Anyway this battle will take place in no town, and in a secluded place with no NPC's or civilians what so ever. Our ideas are leaning towards The Thandol Span on the border of Wetlands and Arathi Highlands, Some Valley in Hillsbrad its acually more like a crater. But for us to even begin scheduling a date for this to happen, we need enough support. This battle is intended to include Hundreds of people! hence the word EPIC! so if you want to participate, or you want your Guild to participate just contact Ecreif or Tromgal on Horde Side. I know this will be hard for the Alliance, so just post here any vent or TS info we can talk to you on, or you can make an Alt and talk to us on Horde, or you can post here.

Also any suggestions as to when, and where this battle should take place are much appreciated, you can offer any help you think helpful. thanks

If this goes well enough,Me and Ecreif will begin making movies such as this
We will make movies with acual organization, actors all that jazz...it will be to cool to handle. But for that stage to even happen, This Epic battle must happen! SO SHOW US YOUR SUPPORT and lets try and get this thing started! tell everyone you can!

Rise up HORDE AND ALLIANCE the time has come to shed blood once more with one another!

06-22-2006, 03:00 PM
You realize this guild is full of hawt gnomes so you would die right...

I don't PvP but I would log in to own your ugly ass!
