View Full Version : Mandri + Drums + Pop-Punk = ?

Andriana Duskrose
09-05-2006, 12:21 AM
I am so ready to sell out! Send me my phat pop-punk sellout cash money!


Back in May/June (I think) I was re-hired (I did a prior tune, and I've played some gigs for them before) by a couple of guys doing pop-punk. These are the four songs I session drummed on, came up with the drum parts for, and along with my guitar player (was all recorded at his studio), also helped do a lot of arrangment work. They had some good ideas, but needed help to put them togther into songs. In total it took me about 5 - 6 hours to do all of them from scratch to finish.

The drumkit I used was pretty shitty, and it comes across in the production, but it's not *too* bad. Overall the songs turned out pretty good.

Enjoy! If you don't mind pop-punk.

P.S. Yeah, the singers could use more practice :D

P.P.S. That myspace link will eventually be used for my bands' stuff, when it's done, but right now it's just a work in progress.

09-05-2006, 12:35 AM
I give it 3 out of 5 chocoshakes.

09-05-2006, 10:38 AM
Not too bad champ. I'd go see that at a indyclub/bar.

09-15-2006, 09:41 AM
Looks good, where's the CD?


Andriana Duskrose
09-15-2006, 01:43 PM
Looks good, where's the CD?

Those songs aren't my band, I was hired (by another band, in this case two dudes) to come up with and play drums for those songs. I can bring you a burned (and anyone else who wants one) copy of all that stuff when I am in Toronto.

As for my band's original material, it's being worked on, it *should* be done sometime before the new year, but who the fuck knows there eh.

09-22-2006, 10:34 AM
Where's the song that you wrote for me? :( :unlove:

Andriana Duskrose
09-22-2006, 01:02 PM
Where's the song that you wrote for me? :( :unlove:

I had it all finished, sealed, and gift wrapped just waiting for you, but you're never around... So I gave to some bleach blonde with "fake" tits.

Oh, but don't worry sweetie, I'll be sure to write a new song, just for you! One day... maybe.

09-22-2006, 04:39 PM
You have a while to go before you guys become the next NOFX.

09-22-2006, 06:38 PM

Andriana Duskrose
09-23-2006, 07:12 PM
You have a while to go before you guys become the next NOFX.

Yeah, we'd have to start sucking more to challenge NOFX. I don't see how it's possible for us to suck more though.

09-24-2006, 08:07 AM
Suck More?

The power of money!
