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View Full Version : A humble request

12-10-2001, 09:21 AM
Hi guys, as you've probably noticed I haven't been on in quite a while (insert Eli who? no we don't remember you joke now). Many factors have influenced this but what it comes down to is that I think I'll only be able to play 10-15 hours a week on average for the next few months.

This will hurt a few things, namely my being able to continue to raid with you and hopefully join Hoss in the near future. Hoss needs people who can be there to raid, and I don't think I'll be that person for a while. :confused: Hopefully when my playtime increases I could try again to get a trial.

I would however, like to ask you, as a guild, if you will consider helping me finish my epic. Many of you have already helped me kill Ixiblat Fer with Andaas for Klerik's epic. Now I would ask if it would be possible to help me get the Overking in Chardok and Ragefire. The difficult thing about a guildless cleric is that unless a guild will graciously help him then he has no chance at his epic with the guild rotations of Ragefire. This is why I have, perhaps foolishly, decided to ask for the help of Hoss. All of you have made me feel right at home for the last 4 months while I joined you for raids including our server first clearing of NToV and all subsequent clearings. I feel that I've made a few good friendships and hopefully many more good impressions. Thus I have decided to make this request.

If you guys don't want to help me in this I totally, and with no ill-feelings, understand. It's not like I'm asking for help killing the ghoul lord in guk, I'm asking for Hoss, as a guild to grant me a Ragefire in their spot in rotation. If I am taking too much liberty with my newfound friendships I apologize whole-heartedly. I, like the rest of you, would like to see my epic. For most of you all that goal was realized months ago. I would also like to reach that goal.

Thanks for having me on all the raids guys and, like I said, please give this some serious thought but understand I would never think to expect this. This would be a gracious blessing and would be taken as such. Hope to see you again in Norrath.


12-10-2001, 09:22 AM
Last time I remember checking, I had a scroll from Chardok in the bank - and as I recall, this bit is multiquestable?

12-10-2001, 12:46 PM
Without checking the specifics, I can say most parts of the cleric quest is multiquestable. The problem is and has always been getting a turn on Ragefire.

12-10-2001, 01:37 PM
Yea, the note is multi-questable, I am 99% sure.

A lot of the cleric epic is multiable, but it is also a large pain in the butt, because a lot of times when you hand something in you get two items back, and it just gets convuluted keeping track of what goes where.

12-10-2001, 01:57 PM
Wow I'd love to find out a way to get that note from you Lola. The note is turned in with the staff of Ixiblat so if you turned it in first then I turned in the staff I should be able to get the orb as a result. This would leave me with just Ragefire left for my Water Sprinkler of Uber Rezzing.

You're very right Sera, it's that turn at Ragefire that I'd really be after then. I know that's the huge request to allow me a turn at Ragefire, but maybe if you guys are up for him and don't have any other clerics ready then I could step in and finish my epic. Thanks for helping with the info.

Lola, email me with anything I could possibly trade you or what you might be looking for in return for the note. My email is joshuatbaker@home.com and I check it regularly. We can hash out the details of the multiquest there.

Thanks guys,


12-11-2001, 08:40 AM
i have all the cleric epic camps done(up to fire elemental). If you need the note, i too have one that you can have. If anyone else needs a piece let me know.

12-11-2001, 10:43 AM
I could use pieces as well. I've got the plasmatic robe arranged (just have to spawn and kill him. My regular exp group can do that). I still need Ixiblat's rod and the note though. I'm happy to tag along and work for those but if folks have extras and are willing to help me get to my pearly quickly, I won't say no ;>
