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12-14-2001, 10:48 AM

1) Biggest EQ Pet Peeve

2) Biggest non-EQ Pet Peeve (ya know.. the real world stuff)

12-14-2001, 11:42 AM
1 the new graphics (all trolls have no pants on .... as well as half elves an they now have some child rearin hips ewww :mad:

2 people with mullet hair cuts and people who dont use turn signals rawr

<- also bored at work ... todays the x mas party so not a damn thing to do ehhe

12-14-2001, 11:47 AM
1) New Dwarf Models. I no longer have an ass. I would like an ass. It makes me look correctly proportioned instead of some mangled spider in odd armor.

2) Real World. :D :D :D


12-14-2001, 11:53 AM
1. "u".

2. Smokers.

12-14-2001, 12:18 PM
1) People who don't know the difference between the following words:

Your & You're. Lose & Loose

2) Stupid People in Cars(tm) that when lost, instead of pulling over to figure out where they are.. JUST FUCKING SLOW DOWN in the middle of the road.

/vent off

12-14-2001, 12:34 PM
1) Hey - my ass is missing too and it is damn annoying. I hate having a flat ass. Also, people in my group who spam HEAL ME!!!!!!!!!!!

2) Those people who have to lick their fingers before they can hand you a piece of paper or open a bag. As if I want some random person's spit on my receipt, bag, etc. It completely totally grosses me out. /shudder

12-14-2001, 12:43 PM
EQ Pet Pieve: Sirensa

Real life pet peive: Smokers, not so much the habbit just the friggin smell its nasty!

12-14-2001, 12:52 PM
EQ: Either people who spam heal me, or people who never raid and then show up once in a blue moon and get something really good (generally because no one else wanted, but it still bugs the fuck outta me)

RL: What Eli said (PULL THE FUCK OVER, YER IN MY GD LANE), or people who talk with fake accents (my neighbour is a head of something at the provincial museum, and he talks with a fake or at least exaggerated english accent, and this electrician I worked with once thought he was Irish, even tho he was really just some hick who thinks Irish people say "I dare say" all the time).

12-14-2001, 12:53 PM
not sure about 1, but 2 is not being able to play EQ from work anymore.

12-14-2001, 12:59 PM
1) EQ pet peeve: the whole "kk thx la" thing. sorry but I hate it

2) Whiners/complainers. I'm tolerant of most things but I hate complainers. I also hate people who get in front of me at an ATM line and just have to make 5 seperate deposits.

12-14-2001, 05:17 PM
what kid of smokers rhedd!?

12-14-2001, 05:34 PM
EQ - newbie beggers that are to lazy to earn there stuff and try and bum/scam off others.

RL - people spitting chewing tobacco spitting or just chewing it,:(

12-14-2001, 07:10 PM
1. What Zerixia said. Can I have some stuff plz? Need pp for my lvl 1 spells plz. U got some armor for me? Or, my fav, a nekkid high elf comes up to me in WFP, stares at me, and 30 seconds later says, "Sow" BWHAHAHAHA! I laughed in his face and left.

2. People who chomp their gum/chew with their mouth open. Sheesh - chew gum if you want, just don't sound like a cow doing it. ;-)


12-14-2001, 09:14 PM
1. Complainers: whether its a n00b, someone who constantly bitches about how they hate their class, someone who just likes bitching, someone who complains when we don't try their way, someone who refuses to admit they are wrong, someone who doesn't get an item they want and mouths off about it

2. Assholes who get hot chicks, people who hold stupid grudges, people who pick apart everything you say, and bad drivers.

Kinthalas Dv`Esha
12-14-2001, 10:18 PM
1: plz, thx, u, ur, etc.. Basically people being lazy by not typing out ~5 letter words :\

2: Two-faced people

12-14-2001, 10:21 PM

Originally posted by Kinthalas Dv`Esha
2: Two-faced people

12-15-2001, 06:37 AM
bahahaha Andy :D

12-15-2001, 09:43 AM
1. People who have forgotten that EQ is just a game some of us play to have fun and think that their enjoyment (misery?) > everyone elses.

2. People who are self absorbed and/or obsessed with their own dysfunction.

12-15-2001, 09:54 AM
1.) someone who constantly bitches about how they hate their class, someone who just likes bitching, someone who complains when we don't try their way, someone who refuses to admit they are wrong, someone who doesn't get an item they want and mouths off about it

thx Dharrk for #1 ^^

2.) Real Life things you can't get around, like sleep, what is with sleep, I can keep putting it off with coffee though ^^

12-15-2001, 10:40 AM
1 - umm, has to be a Dragon Bone Bracer. Risk vs. Reward.

2 - People that use the middle finger to point at things. God Damnit, someone made the pointer finger for a reason, don't you realize that you are offending people every time you use your middle finger to point? I use to work with this guy that used his middle finger to point at legal documents with his clients, trying to explain it to them. He could never understand why they left him.

12-15-2001, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by Dharrk
1. Complainers: whether its a n00b, someone who constantly bitches about how they hate their class, someone who just likes bitching, someone who complains when we don't try their way, someone who refuses to admit they are wrong, someone who doesn't get an item they want and mouths off about it

2. Assholes who get hot chicks, people who hold stupid grudges, people who pick apart everything you say, and bad drivers.

In response to your first set of pet peeves~

Someone complaining when a guild refuses to "try their way" can often be justified and sometimes even constructive! If someone has a good idea for a strategy for something you keep dying to, but it is too far off the beaten path that people refuse to even try it when it really could work, that is dumb. Not very tactical to keep going with the same strategy over and over when it doesn't work, hoping one time you will get lucky or happen to have enough brute force for it to work.

You will rarely hear me admitting I am wrong, because I rarely, truly believe I am.

I didn't get some items I wanted, and even took it a step further than complaining(got tired of doing it!) and deguilded.

In response to your second set of pet peeves:

It's ok if an asshole gets a "hot chick". If the guy is shallow/dumb enough to judge the book by the cover, acting like an asshole, treating her as a nice piece of meat and has no real love for the person... do not worry. If that is not what the woman wants, it will not work out in the end anyway and they will seperate. If a woman wants to be treated that way, then you never had a chance anyhow if you're not like that.

People often must hold grudges. If a person truly wants to be forgiven and isn't proud of what you're holding the grudge against them for, then fine, give them a chance. But you can't really forgive someone easily if you know they only want to be forgiven for self benefit from you, or if you know they have no intentions of acting any better than they did before. To be ignorant of how a person really is, and keep giving them chances when you don't think they can be trusted, is just screwing yourself over and over.

I failed my drivers test! (don't learn to drive when it is winter in Canada, and you can't see the lines on the snow and ice covered streets.)

Is this considered picking apart everything you say? O.o

Now my own pet peeves...

1: Dedicating 8 hours a day(minimum), for over a year to a guild, to get 2 items of real value, while I watch other people who spent the same time and effort to get about 12 of real value in the same time. Oh and high levels who not only consider themselves more experienced game players than lower levels, as they should, but somehow think they are superior as people and have more rights than a newbie.

2: The way most people are(too much to list), mosquitos, people who spell "Canadian" as "Canadien"... and people who think Canadians live in igloos!

Hate me yet, Dharrk? ^^

Just bored and having some fun... no anger in this post :cool:

Buazag Bonesteel
12-15-2001, 10:49 AM
1) ne one, ne way. Most abbreviations don't bother me but for some reason this one does :p

2) Pennies. Wtf is up with pennies anyway? They get more useless every day. Sleep too. Life is busy enough without wasting a third of it sleeping. I need rechargeable batteries or something. Come to think of it so does Tari....just for different reasons :D

12-15-2001, 11:21 PM
guess i'm misunderstood by my comments completely...:(
Also, I rarely hate a person, there's probably only about 3 people I have ever met that I hated. Pet peeves just anger, even temporarily. People I hate would be people who continually say or do wrong things regarding me with the intent to hurt every time, and I may hate them, but I will still be respectful to them. People I hate the most would be people that wrongfully involve my family in any manner to hurt me or in general just to hurt them.

So, basically my pet peeves aren't big enough to ever cause hate, they are just things that when I see are like, "Ugh" or just dont like, no real long lasting significance in almost all, but not extreme cases.

OK I'll stop rambling now, just maybe clearing up anything that might have been misunderstood in my previous post.

12-16-2001, 10:09 AM
1) Dorfs they suck and dont even realise it
2) Ppl who wake me up before 2pm on sunday

12-17-2001, 03:42 PM
1) It peeves me that to a large extent a player is considered "good" or "useful" or dare I say "uber" only if they are doing end game conquests killing L33t mobs and getting Ph@t L3wts. I admit that I fall into that same line of thinking unconsciously at times and it bothers me. I know so many people in eq that are wonderful people, that like to spend their time finding out all the recipes and making tons of food to give to their friends, or that aren't so caught up in how important what they are doing is and will come help a friend camp an important drop. I guess what my eq peeve comes down to is that in general people take eq too seriously. Everyone's time is SO important and everyone is SO rushed to xp xp xp or raid raid raid. Why not take a night and go help an old friend that isn't "uber". Spend tonight in a zone you wouldn't normally frequent and meet new people. Sure they may not be 60 and playing since beta with an epic on 3 characters, but I think you'll find there are some good players out there in zones like guk, solb, seb and even more so there are good people out there waiting to be met. Just my pet peeve guys :D

2) I really can't stand people's attitude in this world that think they deserve something for nothing. I can't stand the welfare mentality (I can't make a living for myself and my family so I'm going to make other working Americans support me and I think I'll keep having more kids so I can get more money and never have to work again). I can't stand poor drivers, THAT IS A GREEN RIGHT TURN ARROW SO TURN YOU IDIOT. I can't stand people that dress/act/talk a certain way in order to be accepted. Have enough integrity to be yourself. Be confidant.

/rant off

:D :D :D Eli

12-17-2001, 03:57 PM
EQ: Linkdeath. It always strikes at the wrong time.

RL: People that exit on the service road and zoom through the stop sign just to get back on the highway so that they can be a few car lengths ahead of me during rush hour.

12-17-2001, 04:39 PM
1-Dewd speak. Guildchat chit chat thats cheerful. Not getting healed. Tarissa.

2-People who think dark beer or some lame import is the shit. Women who dont know there role.

12-17-2001, 04:49 PM
/frown Thanatoz

12-17-2001, 06:54 PM
/moan Thanatoz

Guinness 4 lyfe

(Buaz thinks you have it confused with Bud Light giving you the shits)

12-17-2001, 07:03 PM
guinness is the beer that eats like a meal

12-17-2001, 09:38 PM
Grammar Police tells you, "Their not there"
Not cheerful just like you like it :)

12-18-2001, 01:27 AM
1) EQ related: Everyone who pisses me off. I may be having a bad day, and believe me you'll know about it. I get pissed off a lot, and it's usually the people who CONSTANTLY ask for shit from me. Don't let the armor fool you, I don't have 120k in plat sitting in my god damn mother fucking bank. Get a fucking job, buy the plat on E-Bay and SHUT THE FUCK UP. Ahh better.

2) RL related: Ignorance. Plain ignorance. Lack of common sense on a person's part to do the right thing in a given situation. Examples include some if not all of the following: Standing in front of the main door to a business socializing with people and blocking the door, turning left in the left lane instead of the turn lane, walking around without watching who or what they run into, that dumbass in the drive through who was reading the menu for 20 minutes, pulls up to the speaker and says,"hang on a sec." and Richard Simmons. Just to name a few.

12-18-2001, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by Tarissa
Guinness 4 lyfe

OMG so true! I won't even drink another beer (except some nice ale I had that was made by Belgian monks, that was pretty good).

Yes as Tari said, Thana you must be a Bud drinker... :rolleyes:

12-18-2001, 09:19 AM
As a Canadian, I think I speak for all of us when I say what the fuck is up with Bud and Old Milwaukee? How the hell does anyone drink that monkey piss?

Andriana Duskrose
12-18-2001, 11:18 AM
Real Life pet peeve: I would say being in a very male dominated job industry (music), where people (mostly drunk men) think that just because I am female I don't know shit about what I am doing.

Also, people who seem to live in malls with their whole tribe of morons, and walk extra slow side by side, so no one behind them can walk around them at a normal human walking speed.

EQ pet peeve: That would the over abundance of Monk only gear, I think Verant forgot why Monks were suppose to have shitty, limited gear in the first place. And please no more bows as 90% of the Ranger only loot.

I failed my drivers test! (don't learn to drive when it is winter in Canada, and you can't see the lines on the snow and ice covered streets.)

Heh, I took my drivers exam in late November with snow and ice on the road and did just fine :D

12-18-2001, 11:32 AM



12-19-2001, 09:14 AM
EQ/other games: I h8 when people use l33t talk normally and not for jokes. like this is EQ not some hobo chat room on AOL
ever have some people talking in your group/char room in like EQ or SC in some other language - when you know some of that language but not every thing so you read them saying "hey Phil, <some random words you don’t know> kill zappo.. ect train bla bla bla"

RL: when you need to explain EQ to people who don’t play-
"Yeah soo I get home and log in, or I sleep- then wake up and play till when ever my dad comes in room and yells at me. oh yeah and now and then i eat"
But usually I attempt to relate EQ to drugs, more people accept it like that
“this sheet good like ganja straight from the pipe yo! And you can be on for hours but it feels like minuets and like you remember it… but not really”
and they say “damn your screwed up”

12-19-2001, 09:17 AM
like this is EQ not some hobo chat room on AOL

Are there a lot of wired hobos? (hoboes?) I guess AOL makes sense as an ISP for them, due to their frequent travelling.

12-19-2001, 11:18 AM
Zappo is fuxd up

12-19-2001, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by Thanatoz
Women who dont know there role.


Round 2:

EQ: People who haven't figured out what that little button labeled 'Caps Lock' does. Dewd Speak. Verant's stellar patching process. Guides. All of them. They suck. Period.

RL: People who attempt to flame others on EQ message boards but can't spell or handle simple structured grammar. Drivers going 55mph on the freeway, who seeing me coming up behind them at 85mph (or more) change into my lane FOR NO GODDAMN REASON!

12-19-2001, 12:08 PM
What is their "role"?

12-19-2001, 12:33 PM
Independent women yes, housewives no! (unless that makes you happy~)

Seriously, what's attractive about some life-frightened cake-baking pta-meeting bathroom-cleaning qvc-shopping blanket-knitting baby-making grocery-listing kitchen-cleaning milkman-oggling woman huh? huh!?

Not that there's anything wrong with that!~

12-19-2001, 12:41 PM
Seriously, what's attractive about some life-frightened cake-baking pta-meeting bathroom-cleaning qvc-shopping blanket-knitting baby-making grocery-listing kitchen-cleaning milkman-oggling woman huh? huh!?

Depends if you're the milkman or not.

12-19-2001, 05:35 PM
Hmmm... Can Rhedd count as a pet peive? :)

12-19-2001, 07:34 PM
1: Rhedd

2: People that call me George, James and Tea Drinker " you know who u are"

12-20-2001, 07:18 AM

12-20-2001, 02:35 PM
sorry rhedd we all agree u count as one :)

12-20-2001, 02:36 PM
I still wanna know what the "women who don't know their role" means exactly.

12-20-2001, 07:53 PM
Just means that they agree to what the person thinks they should do. Just funny hypothetical thing that some men like to say in a sort of battle of the sexes. No harm intended.

12-21-2001, 12:50 PM
New RL pet peeve. Idiots who think that LOTR is a ripoff of Star Wars (there's this wizard and he's just like Obi-wan you know, and they face this evil guy in armor...) <sigh>. Where DO the mental midgets come from and can we send them back to wherever it is? Please?


12-21-2001, 01:01 PM
Sorry, Drakky originated STUF, not me, I can't take credit for his typos!!!

12-21-2001, 01:12 PM
Eq pet peeve- Lets see, i dunno, i havent played in weeks/months, if anything i suppose it would have to be the fact that they wont change our server to a PvP server so i could kill people when they piss me off

RL pet peeves- Polls like this...

j/k sirensa ahahaha


12-21-2001, 01:28 PM
EQ pet peeve:

Eastern Commons. If those silly rumors about the Sleeper one day awakening and going on a killing rampage through every zone ever become true, I hope he does EC twice.

Real life pet peeve:

Being interrupted from playing EQ. doh, I need a life.

12-22-2001, 02:09 AM
I made this for Siren during out last fear raid =D


12-22-2001, 09:36 AM
Actually, the person who originated "STUF" was none other then


Vegar tells the guild, "stuf teih."

12-23-2001, 09:28 AM
actually it was famor who told me to stuf first :|

12-23-2001, 10:54 AM
i was gonna say it was teih, know your info!

12-23-2001, 05:21 PM
Hmmm. I STILL say its Rhedd...

12-24-2001, 11:14 AM
All of you just need to stuf

12-24-2001, 10:15 PM
1. Complainers: whether its a n00b, someone who constantly bitches about how they hate their class, someone who just likes bitching, someone who complains when we don't try their way, someone who refuses to admit they are wrong, someone who doesn't get an item they want and mouths off about it

2. Assholes who get hot chicks, people who hold stupid grudges, people who pick apart everything you say, and bad drivers.

Amen dharkk

12-26-2001, 10:50 AM
FU Tari =/

12-27-2001, 12:17 AM








/ignore wtfshisnameagain



newnamesameguy tells you 'HI SIR !!!?!?!!...'

2. ppl who talk more than they should ^^
Which is really ironic, for anyone who knows me long enough is painfully aware of how much I talk and talk and talk. I could go on for hours =/ So aggravating.

edit- just getting rid of some redundant statements ^^

kk thx plz drive thru~

12-28-2001, 12:50 PM
Biggest EQ Peave: Giving a good deal to someone - so they suddenly think I'm their best friend...so for like eighteen weeks I have to endure shit like:

Player_43223 tells you, 'HEY BRO!'
You tell Player_43223, 'hi'
Player_43223 tells you, 'How are you!? You see that new flic bro?'
You tell Player_43223, 'I'm fine. Who are you?'
Player_43223 tells you, 'Oh you sold me that gay loot for lots of plat the other night, but made me feel like I was getting a great deal so now I'd like to follow you around and shine your hemet.'
You tell Player_43223, 'bye'
/Ignore Player_43223
Player_43224 tells you, 'Player_43223 wants to talk to you.'
You tell Player_43224, 'He's an idiot and on my ignore list. If you mention him again - I'll just ignore you as well.'
Player_43224 tells you, 'Player_43223 wants to talk to you.'
/Ignore Player_43224

Biggest RL Peave: People who think that by wearing a ribbon they are somehow more concerned about 'whatever' than I am. Get a life, people. Get a real life. Just because you wear a pink ribbon or red ribbon or blue ribbon or purple ribbon or white ribbon or whatever dont mean you're the worlds greatest empassioned human...You're not. You're just advertising the fact that you are a consumer who'd buy just about anything... especially if it was for a 'cause'

Kattoo Tacit
12-29-2001, 02:20 AM
To truely understand any situation you need to step back and view it as an outsider.

EQ: From my normal view---
The guy that I had to list every character on his account on my ignore list.... then his friends entire account of names. All because I had extra stuff once I didn't want to sell and gave to him as he was the closest non npc. He thought I was placed on Dro to twink all his characters from that point on.
Or another guy that has been sending me tells every damn day for as long as I can remember and I still have no clue who he is or why he is talking to me. Nice guy I guess just been going on so long I would feel bad putting him on ignore now... It is the most annoying daily hello I get.
Most of all... The massive numbers of morons.. not the ones that are new to a situation.. bah you know the ones.... unless you are one of them.

From an outsiders view---
People who group with you once or twice and think you are buddies.
People who have no goals.
To a real lvl 1 player fine steel is uber--- to a real lvl 20 a lamintation is godly--- anything better than what an individual has they consider that uber... We were all at the many stages of growth at one point or another, minus ebayed or friend twinked players. Thus (Those who forget where they came from or where they have been)
People who forget that EQ is a game that is suppose to be fun.

RL: Normal view---
When my wife trys to get me away from EQ.

Outsiders view---
People who neglect thier families for EQ.

12-29-2001, 03:44 PM
lol, i get the same thing elkay

I had this like level 15 ogre give me constant tells for about 2 weeks after i gave him some bronze or some weapon or something

He was tellin me all these stories about how he was depressed and he "looked up to a great warrior like me so much" lol.. i didn't have the heart to put him on ignore =/

finally i managed to dump him off on some other poor warrior :D

12-29-2001, 04:28 PM
Yeah, but Kail, I'm not a warrior...:p

12-30-2001, 06:08 AM
EQ Pet Peeves:

Crappy Half Elf Paladins /cough wont name names /cough Kattoo.

*whistles innocently*

N00bs who train mobs to the druid ring or the tunnel and then get mad when you dont save them~

N00bs who get mad at you when you wont port them for CR for 12p cuz you have a life...

N00bs that ask you to run from FoB to OOT to rez them for 12p...

>> But I lost all my exp! And if you don't rez me I'll never get it back! As a cleric it is your JOB!! <<

And my favorite >> N00bs who chain inspect me and then spam me wanting to know how a dr00id can be wearing plate >.<

RL Pet Peeves:

Men who are bad in bed and too stupid to realize it.

Men who talk to my tits. Hi I know they are down there, thanks for reminding me.

Women who weigh less than 130 lbs and think they are fat.

Women who dun watch football~ Cuz we all know football owns!

12-30-2001, 01:34 PM
#1 is the same as Elkays,i give a random noob a spider fur cloak or some thing they send me tells for ever asking me how im doing,i just dont have the heart to tell them to STFU.

12-30-2001, 10:46 PM
I have found several very entertaining ways to deal with these biscuitheads...not necessarily in order of favorite:

You tell Noob_0345, 'I really don't have time to talk with you right now, but Drakky makes it his personal goal to mentor as many young players as possible.'
You tell Noob_0345, 'Please take a moment and let all your friends know this as well. I'm sure he's quite busy at this time, and might not be able to answer immediately...'
You tell Noob_0345, 'So be persistant. Send him as many tells as you can to keep him reminded that you're waitiing on his reply, and if you cant get thru - try asking all your friends to try on your behalf.'

You tell Noob_0345, 'You're an idiot. Fuck off.'

You tell Noob_0345, 'As a matter of fact, I do have a bunch of gear that I no longer use - was just going to let it rot, but if you'd like it...'
You tell Noob_0345, 'You're welcome to it. The corpse is right at the back of the Polar Bear pit outside Vox's lair...but dont worry! You wont agro Vox from that location.'
You tell Noob_0345, 'Send me a tell when you get there.'

You tell Noob_0345, 'Fuck off, you're an idiot.'

And last but not least!

You tell Noob_0345, 'Have you ever seen a grown man naked?'


12-30-2001, 11:24 PM
Drakky LOVES mentoring new players..and I have screenshots to prove it! :D

12-31-2001, 01:30 AM
wtf, Drakky won't even answer my questions :/. just says something about eating cock

01-03-2002, 08:27 AM
ohh yah mine are
2. People who ask me for buffs on raids when I am the olny Enchanter and am in the process of buffing everybody.
3. Arrogant people
4. Luclin

01-03-2002, 08:34 AM
just read what Thanatoz said lol
last time he said that it spawned a huge "fight" (for lack of better word (half asleep)) over his belifs.

01-04-2002, 10:12 AM
EQ Pet Peeve: Ookep SnakieCakes

RL Pet Peeve: Ookep SnakieCakes


01-08-2002, 06:27 AM

1: People who don't know who the fuck you are when you need something from them. However, they are your best friend when they need something from you.

2: beggars

3: idiots (you explain something to them in detail and they still don't fucking understand)

4: random newbie asking you newbie questions when you're deep in a dungeon or while in raid -- while I do take the time to answer most of the time, it really annoys me =P (I mean, go search the fucking web for your answer)


1: bad drivers(especially those in california)

2: bad pedestrians(especially those in california)

3: idiots (you explain something to them in detail and they still don't fucking understand)


1: your instead of you're
2: there instead of their or they're
3: could of, should of, would of as oppose to could've should've would've
4: I'm sure there's plenty more that I can't think of right now.
5: "Anyone can blah blah blah?" I've caught several people using the "Karendra question grammar structure". Karendra has an excuse but shame on the rest of you!

01-08-2002, 10:54 AM
bad drivers

ya those latests GeForce drivers suck arse!!!!


01-08-2002, 10:54 AM
bad drivers

ya those latest GeForce drivers suck arse!!!!


01-08-2002, 11:28 AM
people who repeat themselves =o

01-11-2002, 11:15 AM
RL & EQ:




Garal Flanders
01-12-2002, 12:00 PM
1. RL Pet Peeve: People who think that they are your friend in real life and try to just "happen to be here" when they here you discussing weekend plans with other people and are really just annoying as hell

2. EQ Pet Peeve: Going to the nexus. I mean seriously, the boat can be explained to keep dimension in the game, but "porting" up that takes like 2 seconds having an insane waiting time!? WTF I think VI just likes to screw with us.

3. EQ Pet Peeve: Going LD right as the Nexus Scion says that the port up is imminent.