View Full Version : Inc >>General V'ghera<<

12-18-2001, 01:54 PM
Hey guys, I posting here to ask Hoss for help in killing General V'ghera. I need to seek the help of another larger guild to do this because my own guild, Rutabaga Paradox, does not have the fire power to kill him. More importantly, Rutabaga as a whole does not intend to become a raiding type guild. I love my guild, and yet, I want to complete my epic quest. I have done all the steps in the quest, except kill the general. I have the quill, the j.d. dagger, so all I need is the pouch.

This is a goal that I really want to reach. Having to sneak through the plane of hate alone in a packed house (even Inny was up) to grab the book of souls, can really make you check your commitment to achieving this goal. While getting the Hate book was not necessarily a hard thing to do, I was crapping my pants the entire time. :) Glad I left my good leggings in the bank.

Anyway, I know Hoss keeps a pretty full schedule, and I know you guys have your own things that your doing, so I would not take it for granted that you took time out to help me complete my epic quest. Also, my rogue is camped in Kithicor with the sealed box to trigger v'ghera, and I would be there, ready to do it at whatever time and day you want to do it. I can be promptly available at anytime, as long as I know even an hour in advance. If you need to contact me outside of the game, my E-mail is pavakah@hotmail.com

Thanks for reading, and I hope that something can be worked out.

50 rogue
Rutabaga Paradox

12-18-2001, 06:17 PM
My rogue Oobah is also at the same point in his epic, and has been for the past few weeks. There is so much to do atm tho, that I haven't really bothered asking for help with this, and most likely won't for the next little while. I will let you know if anything comes of it.

12-18-2001, 08:32 PM
Sounds good. I have my quill already, so if you haven't done the robe quest, you'd have two chances for him to drop a quill. I'll make sure I keep my ears and eyes open then, for a time when you guys might do it.


12-19-2001, 12:20 PM
Is the General a triggered spawn that we can kill back to back? If so we miht be able to just kill him one more time, whenever we're there for a guildie rogue. or he might be like a 5 hour spawn, I dunno I'm not a rogue =P

12-19-2001, 03:24 PM
Yes, the general can be spawned back to back. In fact, unlike Ixiblat which can only be spawned once an hour (this has been the case recently, at least, from what I've heard), a second general can be spawned as soon as the groups are buffed and medded again. I dare say that 18 or so Hoss folks could kill two in a row, with less than a minute downtime between, although waiting five minutes to hand the next box might be prudent incase there's some kind of refresh time that might cause my box to be lost. /shrug

I would also like to do what I can to make this a low hassle time for you guys. I can afford to bring a stack of peridots, to save someone an extra trip. ...Not much else I can think of that I could actually do... Tell me, if you need anything from my end, and I'll get on it. I realize money is not much of an issue for you, but your time is, I'm sure, so I'll help anyway I can.


12-19-2001, 03:28 PM
When we do get around to doing this, I imagine we will fire a few off back to back, as I am sure other people in the guild probably have friends or their own chars that want to get this done. But like I said, it's just a matter of finding the time to get a few groups out to do this, and the whole Alt exp. thing has made it really tough to do that. No one wants to leave their exp. groups anymore :/.

As I said, if anything comes of it I will let you know.

12-24-2001, 12:51 AM
Hi there! :D

I saw this post and couldn't resist to ask for help as well. I am also at the point in the Ragebringer quest that I need to take down the general. If you guys are planning sometime in the future to spawn a few generals in a row I would really appreciate the chance to tag long and spawn one myself. Being in no guild, I have no real chance at finishing my epic without outside help.

If it would be too much of a hassle, I understand completely and you only need to say so. I thank you for your time Hoss. Take care everyone.

PS: Hi Teih :)