View Full Version : Rotation Schedule
08-30-2001, 04:17 PM
You know the drill - follow with confirmed dates when mob is down. Also double check to be sure you are in the rotations you want to be in. I know it is a pain sometimes - but please post a quick note when a mob is taken down by your guild so we can keep the rotation updated.
There are now some (P) up there on various mobs, based on the fact they lived through the days those guilds were due for them. I'll be putting the dates with them and the F's as well.
<table border="0" width="97%" align="top" valign="top">
<td valign="top">
Hoss (P1-12/13)
NI (12/13)
Vind (P2-12/14)
L`Malla (P2-12/15)
NK (12/19)
VE (12/20)
GAP (12/22)
ML (12/11)
IG (P1-12/11)
IG (12/23)
L`Malla (10/11)
TR (added 10/26)
NI (11/4)
GAP (T-NI 10/27)
Vindi (11/13)
NK (added 11/17)
TV (added 11/19)
DSO (added 11/21)
VE (11/30)
Ragefire - Nagafen Due 12/29
ML (10/24)
TV (added 10/25)
GAP (10/12 out of turn)
DSO (Added 11/5)
Hoss (11/7)
VE (11/10)
NI (11/12)
SoS (added 11/14)
L`Malla (11/15)
NK (added 11/17)
Vind (11/18)
CDO (added 11/21)
Seekers (11/23)
Honed (added 11/27)
IG (12/1)
TR (12/22)
Hoss (12/21)
L`Malla (12/16)
Vind (12/19)
ML (P2-12/20)
Hoss (11/15)
IG (F2-11/21)
L`Malla (RP-12/17)
Vind (11/29)
NI (P1-12/17)
ML (11/9)
Vindi (T-IG 12/22)
IG (T-Vind F1-12/21)
ML (P2-12/19)
Hoss (P1-12/20)
<td valign="top">
L`Malla (12/18)
Hoss (P1-12/20)
Vindication (T-IG 12/22)
IG (T-Vind F1-12/21)
ML (11/23)
Hoss (F1-11/29)
Vind (11/30)
L`Malla (12/17)
Hoss (P2-12/19)
IG (P2-12/20)
NI (P3-12/21)
Vind (12/21)
Vindi (12/18)
Hoss (P1-12/21)
L'Malla (12/21)
ML (12/15)
Hoss (11/21)
NI (F1-11/25)
ML (11/26)
Vind (11/29)
L`Malla (12/17)
ML (12/22)
Vindication (T-Hoss 12/17)
L`Malla (12/2)
Hoss (T-Vind)
ML (P1-12/22)
Vind (12/23)
Hoss (P7-12/20)
L`Malla (P7-12/21)
ST Warders
ML (P1-12/21)
L`Malla (12/21)
Vind (P1-12/21)
Hoss (P4-12/21)
Hoss (12/15-12/19)
L`Malla (T-Vind)
ML (12/5-12/8)
Vind (T-L`Malla 12/20-12/24)
Vind (11/26)
ML (12/1)
<hr width="97%">
Current Rotations:
Trak = ML {IG}
Sev = L`Malla {TR}
Ragefire = ML {TV}
CT = L`Malla {Vind}
Dain = ML {Hoss}
Tormax = ML {Hoss}
Statue = L`Malla {Hoss}
Doze = Hoss {IG}
Lend = ML {Vind}
Zlan = ML {Hoss}
Klan = Hoss {NI}
Sontalak = Hoss {L`Malla}
Yelinak = Hoss {L`Malla}
ST = Vind {Hoss}
N ToV = ML {L`Malla}
VRP = Hoss (Vind)
<hr width="97%">
Rotation Changes.
11/20 Removed Hoss from Sev rotation.
11/21 Added CDO to the Ragefire rotation.
11/21 Added DSO to the Sev rotation.
11/27 Added Honed to Ragefire rotation.
12/2 Added VRP to the rotations.
12/19 Removed IG from CT rotation per request.
12-13-2001, 07:14 PM
Hoss and IG are trading the Statue
12-13-2001, 08:47 PM
Spoke to L`Malla, passing ST tonight.
12-13-2001, 10:52 PM
Tormax dead 12/13.
12-13-2001, 10:57 PM
Trakanon down 12/13
12-14-2001, 01:34 AM
Statue dead 12/13
12-14-2001, 02:09 AM
Doze dead 12/13
12-14-2001, 04:02 AM
patch tonite so fresh ntov all yours tomorrow andaas
12-14-2001, 05:58 AM
Yeah, kinda noticed that Ciner. :p
Lendi down 12/13, didn't do ST so pass there
12-14-2001, 12:11 PM
just to clarify about Dozekar. We should be up for Dozekar tonight. Last night wasnt our turn. We learned late that Hoss had passed and VE was there already killing the named drakes. We raced back to tov after we killed statue to prevent doze from rotting.
Hrm, I wasn't on last night, but apparently an officer from my guild contacted ML about the state of the warders at 10pm est or so, and was told ML was passing. I had assumed we were notified earlier in the day, just found out that wasn't the case. We'll be taking our turn tonight if nobody's got any serious gripes about it, as opposed to passing. I'd rather not blow our monthly extension on this, but if it's required, then consider this our extension. Thanks :)
12-15-2001, 01:46 AM
Just an FYI.. during the mass of zone outages, I had to log into an alt late this evening. So I log on my Zlandicar scout, and lo-and-behold, Zlandicar was up. :eek:
So... you may want to keep an eye out for him every day (I would say after 8:00 pst) there is a patch, might come out with a kill or something.
12-15-2001, 02:02 AM
I assume due to the number of zones that were down all rotations will stand as is?
Doesn't appear that anything died, so I'd assume that they would remain the same.
12-15-2001, 08:32 AM
Half of ML got trapped in SS last night thanks to that crap.
We're gonna kill Yeli and Lend today. SG was down also, prevented us even from trying to get folks to ToV after SS dropped.
12-15-2001, 09:29 AM
wasnt on last night but wanted to post what we were up for...
Tormax i think and is statue still up or did we trade/pass to IG?
looks like nobody killed anything last night, so I would assume that Vindication is up for Tormax, Statue and Trakanon
Basically I'd just follow the "Current Rotations" list and go with it, I think it's fairly obvious that basically everyone got jacked from killin shit last night.
Side note, if this "rot protection" is gonna be used and not be considered as said guild's turn, would this essentially make any mob that is going to rot due to lack of interest to a patch kinda free and not count against the rotation? I think Andaas mentioned this in another post, thought I'd bring it up here. It would appear a couple CTs have rotted, a ton of yels and traks, and a couple other random rotated ubers. Maybe we should just post our intentions towards our current mobs each day just to clarify what we intend to kill, thus leaving guilds with free time on their hands able to at least kill mobs that would otherwise rot, and these "rot protected" spawns not counting against the rotation, simply a pass for the guild currently up. That sound fair or wut?~
Oh, and work out stuff with officers, not a_random_member03 =)
That bein said, L`Malla intends to be in ST tonight, and we will do Kland and Dain if they pop.
12-15-2001, 09:56 AM
let go of the member/officer thing, months ago now~
servers coming down in 15 for a druzzil only emergancy patch!
so guess we'll be on tormax and statue, maybe trak
lol >< wasn't even aimed at you =P was a generalized comment, y0
so defensive~
Server downage can suck it, it ate zland! =/ Couldn't even log on test to screw with newbies.
12-15-2001, 06:28 PM
Yel Dead
Len Dead
12-15-2001, 08:45 PM
tormax dead
12-15-2001, 11:00 PM
statue also
12-15-2001, 11:08 PM
looks like wont be a patch tonight, so guess we up on warders, wondering there condition, how many of em alive l`malla?
12-16-2001, 12:25 AM
L`malla is in there now, might be surprised Ciner.
Good luck in there guys.
12-16-2001, 04:50 AM
Not a good night in ST. One warder down. GL in there, Vindi.
12-16-2001, 07:40 AM
didnt mean it like that, i figured at least 4th would still be up =D
12-16-2001, 10:05 AM
Trak? Was L`Malla - he die?
CT? Was Hoss - he die?
Nagafen? (For Ragefire) Anyone know if he died?
Not trying to push the rotations, just want to keep them updated, while I'm online. :)
Didn't know we were up, so yeah, we passed on Trak.
12-16-2001, 04:29 PM
Didnt realize CT was ours yesterday - so we passed - G'Luck L`Malla!
12-16-2001, 10:35 PM
I contacted IG today and they said they wouldnt be on Dozeker tonight due to lack of numbers.
Our guild was also suffering from that as well -- not even enough to make an attempt, so put us down for a pass.
I informed Vindication about him
Dlgoth Riknueth
12-16-2001, 11:30 PM
CT deaded
12-17-2001, 12:22 AM
The 15th was a free day for all cause of lag issues... IG was up the 16th, NI was up the 17th, I spoke to an officer in NI Sunday morning he said he'd pass the word.
Would have gotten today but didnt know NI was passing till 11est, will kill Doz today(Monday).
12-17-2001, 07:11 AM
Status Check:
Ragefire - TR
Sontalak - Hoss
Klandicar - L`Malla
Servers have been up long enough for all those now, any word for the rotations?
Dlgoth Riknueth
12-17-2001, 08:26 AM
Been checking on both Dain and Kland, haven't seen 'em yet. Will be on the lookout this evening, if either or both are up, they'll be dyin.
12-17-2001, 01:46 PM
Patch Schedule up:
Scheduled patches for the week of Dec. 17th. Monday, December 17 2001 11:41 PST
On Tuesday, December 18th, at 3AM PST, (11AM GMT), all servers will be brought down for a scheduled patch. The estimated downtime is 4 hours.
On Thursday, December 20th, at 3AM PST, (11Am GMT), all servers will be brought down for a scheduled patch. The estimated downtime is 4 hours.
- The EverQuest Operations Team.
Hoss will be PASSING on Statue and ST Warders for tomorrow (12/18) as we will be in NTOV.
Also - we will be using our extension to do our post patch Dozekar on Wednesday instead of Tuesday. If for some reason we are lucky and get to him Tuesday, will let you know.
12-17-2001, 03:02 PM
So is IG up for tormax? Vind got last kill so im assuming we are.
12-17-2001, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by Thanatoz
So is IG up for tormax? Vind got last kill so im assuming we are.
12-17-2001, 04:33 PM
is he up already? ive been gone all weekend. :(
12-17-2001, 04:57 PM
nah, hasn't been a patch, but will be one tonight so he should be up tomorrow
12-17-2001, 07:44 PM
Spoke to Thornteq, he says NK has not passed on Trak. AFAIK the Saturday patch was cancelled, Im not sure if Trak is even up. So I'm assuming he's not and staying out of Seb for NK to take a run later tonight. (we dont have a checker in Trak's lair)
12-17-2001, 08:17 PM
blah cancel that last message.
Technically NK is a little over their 24 hour limit, but patches have been insane lately so we're letting it slide some. They are geared up to whack him in a few hours, GL NK.
12-17-2001, 08:21 PM
Man, trak is annoying with all these patches :P
12-17-2001, 09:07 PM
Zlandicar up, 7:56pm PST.
Looks like NI is up.
12-17-2001, 09:15 PM
There was a 2 hour outtage for D Ro Saturday morning between 9 and 11 am Pacific. :)
Dlgoth Riknueth
12-17-2001, 09:49 PM
Kland down~ heading to dain weee
12-17-2001, 10:24 PM
As much as we hated to, we had to pass Zlandicar. Learned of him being up at about 11:30 EST and there was no way we could have made a decent attempt tonight.
We'll just wait till next time rolls around and maybe we'll have more luck with this mob. Good luck ML, hopefully ya guys can get him before this mornings inevitible patch.
/rude Verant and their constant patches
12-18-2001, 12:13 AM
doz dead
sont dead, trade with hoss
12-18-2001, 01:05 AM
Thanks VE, we will try it tonight, not sure if got enough. hehe yah the patches is annoying.
also, Im still kinda mess up about the time difference, gona get some time to figure em out.
12-18-2001, 04:15 AM
We not passing Trakanon, He is not up before patch.
We will try him after server up and within 24 hours, thanks.
Dain and Klandicar dead, Zland also dead about an hour before patch (not sure if this was a pass on ML or us just saving a rotting spawn.. one of the two~)
Dlgoth Riknueth
12-18-2001, 06:16 AM
Zland was simply to prevent rot and let the rotation move a bit. Throw us up as a trade on whoever was next, which I think was ML?
12-18-2001, 07:06 AM
If Trak wasn't up, who killed him?
By the way, so this is clear:
The patch Saturday AM spawned Trak - 12/15
Sunday he was still up - 12/16
Monday he should have still been up - 12/17
NK you had two days to kill him there, are you checking these rotations?
If he was not up Monday, then someone killed him and didn't post it. Talk about a lame (imho) dragon to pull that kind of crap with.
12-18-2001, 07:50 AM
Not up on monday.
So someone killed it and didnt report it I assume? Hmm.
We will be trying him within 24 hours after patch, will report back conditions.
12-18-2001, 10:09 PM
Lend and Yel dead
12-18-2001, 11:48 PM
wondering CT status, he dead I hope?
12-19-2001, 12:47 AM
Status Check:
12-19-2001, 12:59 AM
Cazic Thule is very alive.
12-19-2001, 01:02 AM
IG failed on CT and passed on Tormax. Please remove us from the CT rotation.
12-19-2001, 01:48 AM
Hoss said they would be using pass Tues and killing Doz Wends.
12-19-2001, 03:05 AM
NToV update - Due to the login and server hickups on Friday, our raid started on Saturday (as no rotation spots were used Friday). Hoss will be finished up in NToV tomorrow, Wednesday.
12-19-2001, 07:20 AM
Passing on Trakanon, Still not sure if hes up or not , Checking in progress.
From my source, Evening Regin seems attempted Trak after patch. Not confirmed yet.
Will post up a message after confirm trak is still alive or not. Good luck.
Curious about the ST warder situation.. they still up? =)
And Klandicar is up, GL whoever's next on it.
Dlgoth Riknueth
12-19-2001, 09:11 AM
Ok, I dealt with having our first NToV run during Thanksgiving, but second during christmas? Ya'll hate us, don't ya. I know you planned it. Sirensa and her gnomes sat around scheming this.
Every day more people post "sorry, wont be around for it" :( Anyone wanna trade? :D
12-19-2001, 12:42 PM
(Assuming Trak is up)
We will be using our monthly extension to take Trak on Thursday instead of tonight. Hi LotR.
Dlgoth Riknueth
12-19-2001, 12:56 PM
There's a patch tonight, so if you dont kill him tonight someone else might wanna so he doesnt rot *shrug*
12-19-2001, 01:39 PM
Trakanon down to us ! WOOOT ! We got him on the second try ! Thanks all for the support IGB )
Trak down, thursday, 4:00 international time.
Was an exciting battle! ;)
12-19-2001, 02:01 PM
Might be interested in trading Dl, let me see if guild will be around at all for the Holidays.
12-19-2001, 02:17 PM
ST Warders dead and buried
12-19-2001, 07:33 PM
traded ntov with l`malla since some of there folks away for holidays, will start run tomorrow
12-20-2001, 04:56 PM
ct dead last night sorry forgot to post
12-20-2001, 11:37 PM
Trak dead Friday 1am EST.
12-21-2001, 09:11 AM
Just wondering on a few spawns..
Hoss you got Doz on Wends right?
IG did you get Doz last night?
Hoss did you get Tormax/Statue last night?
I *think* were up for ST today, if so we'll be passing.
Dlgoth Riknueth
12-21-2001, 09:28 AM
2 of the 3 warders dead last night. first attempt on 3rd got him to 50 with a horrid half asleep fight =\ then people thought sleep was better than killing him.
Would love to go in tonight and kill him, though that kinda violates the whole rotation thing ;p
12-21-2001, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by Ciner
Just wondering on a few spawns..
Hoss you got Doz on Wends right?
IG did you get Doz last night?
Hoss did you get Tormax/Statue last night?
I *think* were up for ST today, if so we'll be passing.
Ciner I think you must be hanging around Quintall too much :P~
As far as I know we didn't do Tormax or Statue last night - I was gone all night sick though but fairly certain they are up. So mark us a pass.
Had an incident with Doz - don't ask! =/
Dlgoth Riknueth
12-21-2001, 10:59 AM
I have more stars than Sirensa on her own board, I feel special~
12-21-2001, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by Dlgoth Riknueth
I have more stars than Sirensa on her own board, I feel special~
But I have yellow stars =/
12-21-2001, 11:56 AM
Mark us as a pass to Doze
12-21-2001, 12:04 PM
You guys are wasting Doz's! Nooooooooooo!!!!
Dlgoth Riknueth
12-21-2001, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by Sirensa
But I have yellow stars =/
sure sure, just when i'm feeling special, you tear me down :(
Dlgoth Riknueth
12-21-2001, 01:57 PM
Servers just went
Was CT killed last night? Lend? etc etc yada yada?
12-21-2001, 03:05 PM
CT lived.
12-21-2001, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by Ciner
You guys are wasting Doz's! Nooooooooooo!!!!
*Hands Ciner a Valium with a Christmas hug*
Deep breaths guys - I'm sure Verant will be done fiddling with thier screw ups soon
*prays PLEASE let them be done soon!*
You know why I came back to EQ? Cause all the other games out there are WORSE - believe it or not *sigh*
Dlgoth Riknueth
12-21-2001, 11:29 PM
lend dead
12-22-2001, 01:08 AM
IG traded Vind with KT and Statue tonight. Both are still up .. mark us as a fail.
GL Vind tomorrow.
Merry Christmas guys...see ya next wed.
Dlgoth Riknueth
12-22-2001, 01:32 AM
3 warders dead
12-22-2001, 04:53 AM
CT dead.
12-22-2001, 08:05 AM
merry xmas, back on wednesday
12-22-2001, 12:41 PM
sont up
12-22-2001, 02:08 PM
12-22-2001, 02:54 PM
Another officer tells me that Vindi was trying Doze last night...I dont know if we passed to them or if it was to prevent rotting due to a patch. Really doesnt matter much considering that we have just not had the numbers recently due to Luclin problems and the holidays. I told the guild that we're up for Doze (??) and that if we dont have enough on by 8/9ish EST tonight to pass to Vindi.
Merry Christmas every one in case this is my last post before Tuesday :)
12-22-2001, 03:47 PM
doz is dead
12-23-2001, 02:34 AM
There was no patch due to prevent rot for.
12-23-2001, 04:07 AM
We killed Doz at 2am pst, so it was our turn in the rotation. Do your homework before you assume we jumped rotation, thx.
12-23-2001, 09:25 AM
ROFL I wasnt accusing anyone of anything...I plainly stated in my post that I didnt care cause we did not have the numbers on to do the job anyway.
12-23-2001, 02:00 PM
Not you Lylala, Quintall.
12-23-2001, 02:41 PM
Doz was dead like 2 days ago, early the morning of the day we were up for Doz we killed him.
12-23-2001, 07:16 PM
Sev up, we informed IG (a 57th cleric who is the only one that time). GL.
12-23-2001, 08:29 PM
Before you open your piehole again, try giving the IGB the full information, and post the kills when you do them, not 2-3 days after the fact.
Don't tell me to do my fucking homework when there is no information provided.
Here's the rotation:
Hoss (P2-12/19)
IG (P2-12/20)
NI (P2-12/16)
Vind (OOR-12/21)
If you killed it before NI, without consulting NI, you skipped them, pure and simple.
Do your own GD homework and math.
By the grace of NI though, they're not upset about it since they had other concerns and would have passed anyway by the appearance of Lylala's posts. I'll change the rotation to reflect a pass on NI's part this time. Don't come here trying to bust my fuckin nuts again unless you are looking at all the information and using what little math skills you gained before dropping out of elementary school to play EQ.
Oh, and Merry Christmas.
12-23-2001, 11:26 PM
Lemmah break it down for you Quint, since you clearly cannot comprehend, with or without information.
20th IG was up for Doz, passed.
(refer to my post the 21st asking if IG got Doz the previous night and Than's reply saying mark them as pass)
21st NI was up, I spoke to some officer early in the morning reminding them, he said he'd inform the guild.
22nd at 2am PST we killed Doz.
It truly isnt that complicated. Take that fucking OOR shit off immediatly, I get so tired of you doing shit like that without all the facts.
You realize its a public thread now that Andaas linked it to a location... Stop being moronic and jumping the gun every single time just because your brain dosn't move at the average speed for a human.
12-23-2001, 11:34 PM
20th IG was up for Doz, passed.
(refer to my post the 21st asking if IG got Doz the previous night and Than's reply saying mark them as pass) - right
21st NI was up, I spoke to some officer early in the morning reminding them, he said he'd inform the guild. thanks for info, nice of you to tell folks that before your people go jumping the gun about 'homework'
22nd at 2am PST we killed Doz. See above
It truly isnt that complicated. Take that fucking OOR shit off immediatly, I get so tired of you doing shit like that without all the facts. Then post all the friggin facts before your people piss in my wheaties. I already posted that I was changning it, do you ever read anything other than "see Spot run?"
You realize its a public thread now that Andaas linked it to a location... Stop being moronic and jumping the gun every single time just because your brain dosn't move at the average speed for a human. Yes, as a matter of fact, we link to it to amke life a bit easier, as was intended.
12-24-2001, 12:02 AM
sev dead 12/23
merry new year
12-24-2001, 12:17 AM
Vind - Tormax/Statue die yesterday?
12-24-2001, 03:15 AM
Grade cards out, yet?
I hope so.
Merry Christmas
12-24-2001, 03:49 AM
yes tormax/statue died, yelinak died also
12-24-2001, 03:50 AM
Tmax / Statue dead on the 22nd.
Yelinak dead on the 23rd.
12-24-2001, 11:13 AM
Done to here.
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