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12-30-2001, 10:45 AM
Needs to be changed to 2 days, all three guilds that kill Vulak have proven they can do so now in 2 days or less.

If it is longer than 2 days now, it is mearly offering the oportunity for guilds to kill Vulak two or possibly three times, as happened this last rotation.

Which... while nice, isnt the way rotations should be opperating.

12-30-2001, 12:56 PM
Like posted in the last thread about reducing the rotations, ML won't support a move to reuce it again until it's been able to be visited by all guilds on the current rotaiton.

Being that L`Malla traded with Vind due to holiday timing, and the sheer volume of patching this month, this hasn't occurred to our satisfaction.

And when we do revisit it, dropping it to two days is too far atm. ML did it in two days because we have working people on vacations right now thanks to the holidays. Vind did in in a single day because people are out of school, etc. I hardly think the current rotation is a valid example of how turns will work in a non-holiday environment.

We'll visit this again when every guild on the rotation has had a 5 day turn, and not before.

12-30-2001, 01:02 PM
One other thing, that hasn't been brought up yet.

How are we handling guilds having >3 guests on a run in N ToV?

From what I hear, at least two groups of Night Kids assisted Vind's kill of Aaryonar on their last turn, during one of the two clearings.

It was my understanding that's not a solo kill, per the guideline set forth many moons ago.

CT is one thing I can see other guilds being there on, I think we've all had turns where a smaller guild was due to clear the plane, and afterwards they hung out for a CT kill. However, Aaryonar, etc is kinda off the beaten path in N ToV...even when there's 175 people and 4 guilds in the zone.

12-30-2001, 03:27 PM
Only person I can think of from NK that was there was Kevinmen. Please if you've got a complaint bring names, logs, facts... not "I heard".

You know what "I heard"? ML sucks and needs nearly tripple our numbers to pull shit off in double the time. But, you dont see me saying that without facts.

Vindi and Hoss both cleared it in one day, before people were out of school.

I'm confused as to why we must wait 4 more days because your slow ass takes longer to clear with 75+... Explain that to me.

12-30-2001, 03:40 PM
Lol 2 groups of night kids. Hahahahahahahahaha.

kevinmen was there, as was golding who happens to be pawlus' brother.

Then for vulak we had yamasa who is a rogue twink of muse, one of our members. So thats a total of 3 people with a night kids tag, and since there need 12 people to compose 2 groups I think some recounting is in order there.

12-30-2001, 04:38 PM
Thanks for the clarify Wyvern. Like I said, was just asking.

Ciner, yer not fit to lick the nuts of a porn star clean, so gtfo and find something worthwhile to do with your life, like flippin more burgers at McDonald's.

ML does things our way, not yours. Why? Because we're not filled with kids that have issues spelling or speaking like normal human beings like you have surrounded yourself with. Our people don't see this game as a way to feel better about themselves, they see it as a place to have fun. For most of them, EQ comes 3rd on life's priorities, hence our folks will take more time to do things if we damn well please.

BTW, ditched your guildies during a wipeout again lately?

Back to the original intention of this threa, ML still isn't going to discuss shortening the rotation length until a complete rotation of all guilds involved has occured, as was agreed in November. So move along and stop trying to show everyone how big your ego is, we're not interested.

12-30-2001, 05:10 PM
If the time limit is shortened again, I believe that 4 days as was originally proposed is more than fair for everyone involved.

I think that the special situation of guilds getting multiple ToV clearings in one rotation turn is something that we should get away from as well (as much as I like the extra time there, hehe). The frequency of patches in the past month created a unique situation that allowed each of us multiple clearings, once things settle back down to patching every other week or so it will probably be easier to just let each guild have 1 Vulak and then move on.

Is a 2 day limit out of the question? Not really... I'm pretty sure each of the Vulak capable guilds could easily pull off 1 day clearings now without issue.

12-31-2001, 08:12 AM
Hrm, as much as I like the idea of getting 2-3 vulaks in the allotted timeframe, shouldn't there have always been a rule that you get 5 days or until clear? I thought that was the original idea, you had enough time to clear then your turn was over. if you didn't clear in 2 days and it was patched, you still have 3 days to clear it, regardless how much was cleared before. Perhaps that should be thrown into the ruleset, killing vulak is the effective end of your turn regardless of how much of your 5 days is used?

And as to the shortening of the days allowed per run, I'll let you know L`Malla's standing after this coming turn. I think this second run in the area should help us determine if shortening is warranted. Hell, we might clear in 2 days, who knows? I just like killing dragons =) The moon, sadly, seems devoid of em =/

12-31-2001, 09:12 AM
Originally posted by Rezz
Hrm, as much as I like the idea of getting 2-3 vulaks in the allotted timeframe, shouldn't there have always been a rule that you get 5 days or until clear? I thought that was the original idea, you had enough time to clear then your turn was over. if you didn't clear in 2 days and it was patched, you still have 3 days to clear it, regardless how much was cleared before. Perhaps that should be thrown into the ruleset, killing vulak is the effective end of your turn regardless of how much of your 5 days is used?

The original intent was 1 Vulak per rotation turn, however, with the frequency of patches, it was just easier to give each guild their 5-day turn and take what they can get. For some, it pushed us to work harder to make the most of our allotted time in the zone (ie, had Vindication played their cards right, they could have gotten 4 Vulak's in a matter of 5 days on their previous NToV slot).

I think reverting back to 1 Vulak/turn is something everyone will be fine with, especially considering that the time frame between patches should normalize now with 1 month behind the release of Luclin.

Dlgoth Riknueth
12-31-2001, 11:23 AM
If its changed to 1 Vulak per run as you say it was intended, I have no problem with that. The only problem I really have atm is that the North ToV change topic keeps coming up right before our turn. I have no problem discussing changes and working out something, but give everyone on the damn rotation their full shot on the current rotation first. Some of us haven't been doing NToV for 3 months as you know. ;)

01-02-2002, 01:03 PM
Hypothetical -

How about wording it this way (you KNOW I like words - nice and simple).

"Each guild has <b> UP TO </b> 5 days to clear NToV, the finale spawn being Vulak. The turn is over when Vulak is killed or the end of the 5th day, whichever comes first."

To be fair to L`Malla - no changes should be made until after thier 5 day rotation - no matter what happens. Much as I know everyone liked having multiples due to patching nightmares, in the big picture it isn't exactly fair for any that DON'T get those multiples. And yes, I am in the first half of the statement with my first trip to NTov being a double run - BUT I know how easily it would be to resent it from another point of view. I also think the number should be left at 5 or even 4 but no lower. Reason for this is - sure , if you can do it in 2 days - do it and the rotation moves even faster. But if you can't - for whatever reason (exams, holidays, whatever), why should you be penalized? Those who can get it done faster - kudos. Those who are still learning should get a fair chance to work at getting faster and more efficient. When someone new comes into the rotation - they should get as much chance to learn the area as everyone else did within certain rotation boundaries.

01-02-2002, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by Mystari
Hypothetical -

Mystari... I reinstated your access to this forum so you could "unsubscribe" to threads. Once you do that, please let me know and I will remove your access again.


01-04-2002, 08:20 AM
sorry - I misunderstood - drop me today

01-10-2002, 02:37 PM
Okay, all guild's on the rotation have done the 5 day thing, I agree that shortening to 4 days is fine. Also, I always assumed that Vulak dying was the end of the turn, therefore L`Malla is fine with that being the constant; Vulak dies and your rotation turn is over, regardless of remaining days on your rotation slot.

note.. VRP can pretty much be ignored now I would assume, since the 4 guilds on the rotation have all proven "Vulak capable"

If we decide to keep it around, add L`Malla to the VRP rotation.