View Full Version : Attn: Tarissa - log parser

12-30-2001, 11:54 AM
Hiya, normally I woulda asked you this on the Safehouse, but Shadowcross the Signazi banned me. (For implying he was a signazi, go figure.) Anyway, could you email me the parser you've written? I'd like to run a few progressive tests of my own regarding Combat Fury. Though I think I left the address public in the forum, you can hit me at graymalkin@psu.edu. Thankyou, its much appreciated. (And yes, I had to ask Tseven to post on the Safehouse asking who the author was, I'd forgotten the discussion was in the main lounge and not back alley.)

12-30-2001, 02:22 PM
Sure! I'm not on a comp now that has it (that comp is around an hour away heh) but as soon as I get there I'll pretty up the code so its not so embarassing and mail / put it up on ftp somewhere.

BTW, I've made some changes to it such that it's a real-time parser you can run while playing EQ, and it calculates your DPS on the fly too ;) Of course, running EQ such that you can see this window is something I can't help anyone on *cough*

ps. it's an ugly console-mode application right now until I learn VC++ ;)


12-30-2001, 03:31 PM
Doomit, Tari in muh boat

12-30-2001, 11:41 PM

12-31-2001, 12:45 AM
Ah, thankyou very much. Given the rate at which I level, I'm gonna have ample data to work with. =)

12-31-2001, 03:58 AM
Originally posted by Hyarth
Ah, thankyou very much. Given the rate at which I level, I'm gonna have ample data to work with. =)

Can you give some lessons to Teih? =\

12-31-2001, 02:30 PM
Heh, I mean I level so slowly that I'll have days and weeks worth of logs to use. Now if I could only find a map of the Deep.

12-31-2001, 02:47 PM
Teih is our resident level 56 (almost 57!?) beastmaster who levels too slow=(

12-31-2001, 05:21 PM
can i plaease have a forum dedicated to making fun of teih ? :|:|:|:|

12-31-2001, 06:36 PM
fuk teih

01-01-2002, 09:44 AM
Parser updated again =o


If you use it for DPS calcing while you play, get the new version! I totally rewrote the real-time DPS code because after looking at the old code I had no idea how it worked to begin with ;p

01-02-2002, 03:35 PM
Give veggie a forum =|

01-03-2002, 04:05 PM
Updated again again =o

0.3 has a lot of neat additions, particularly the real-time damage taken per second! Also includes an option for a lot of defensive information, and a few display fixes.

01-05-2002, 01:03 AM
If your log file was even slightly large, the parser was getting really slow updating RT stuff. Way faster now. Why was it slow? i'm too embarassed to tell you =D