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View Full Version : Moo... hiya all :)

12-31-2001, 01:08 PM
Heya all, how yah doing. :o). Glad to see the forces finally clash, especially like yesterdays to last night ><. Anyway... cya :p

4x Enchanter
Dire Wolf of Pak'Cafan

12-31-2001, 03:52 PM
Hi there :D:D:D:D:D:D!$$)(!I$@!11


12-31-2001, 08:46 PM

Hiya Kami :o) . What's up, being a naughty person again, mezzing and debuffing us. Huh!! =P

4x Enchanter
Dire Wolf of Pak'Cafan

01-01-2002, 07:51 PM
That's all i'm good for :D:D

01-02-2002, 02:50 AM
Rofl, check your PMs on EQvault =P

4x Enchanter

01-02-2002, 03:48 AM
check yours!! :PP

01-02-2002, 01:45 PM

You guys up for a Test of Tactics thing? =P

4x Enchanter

Lronius de la Mancha
01-03-2002, 08:33 AM
oh god
kuriin get the fuck off my board!

hehe welcome to our little nook

01-04-2002, 01:10 AM
/hug Jyotika... Please reconsider on what you're doing :(....

Kami, shoot me a PM on EQVault (and or Jyotika) when ya get a chance please, thanks! :o)

47 Enchanter

Lronius de la Mancha
02-07-2002, 09:22 PM
ugh pm?

but but :|

02-07-2002, 10:27 PM
Heya Kuriin.... don't know if ya remember me but I figured if Sudie remembered you'd remember since we were all pretty much day 1'ers. I've been following your posts on Galahad... glad to see you're still with Pak. Hope to see you around and maybe I'll get a chance to stealth mez ya with my minstrel :)

(retired 38 skald <Pain> Midgard Galahad)
(Ducati 40 minstrel <Hoss> Albion Galahad)

Saider Steelwolf
52 semi-retired Druid of Druzzil

... yes... still thinking on it Kall...

02-07-2002, 11:42 PM
Still with pak , yep. Hehe, we made our way through Sheeroe only to find out the dragon wasn't there. Was pretty lame since we had like 10+ purple mobs in camp on the way there and at the dragon portal ;/.

And, hehe. Only if you can kill me! Sucks tho you guys get stealth :/
