View Full Version : Shield Block and The Combat Table

11-03-2007, 09:53 PM
Blocking (http://www.tankspot.com/forums/evil-empire-guides/33094-blocking.html)

The Combat Table (http://www.tankspot.com/forums/evil-empire-guides/33093-combat-table.html)

Read it and understand why you need to use the Shield Block ability when tanking a Raid Boss. Or just use it.

Here's an excerpt:

An even more interesting thing about Shield Block: It pushes the chance to receive a crushing blow right off the table. Is that important? Yes. Yes it is. A point in Improved Shield Block doubles the effect of this. In fact, on many boss type fights, if you have Improved Shield Block, are diligent about putting up Shield Block when it refreshes, and everything goes right (see [link to crits and crushes]), you can tank the entire fight without taking even one crushing blow. Not only well worth the talent point, but given how hard bosses hit these days before the 150% boost of a crushing blow, it is a de facto requirement for successfully tanking raids.

11-05-2007, 11:39 AM
People spec in prot and don't put a point in this????!!


But yeah me and my buddy Myrie were talkign about this the other day. To me it just seems dumb since I already perma have it up to make sure revenge is always up.

11-05-2007, 10:24 PM
Imp shield block is definately a must have.

Just a note though, at most it will still only block 2 attacks per application, and there is a 5 second cool down. Some bosses hit faster than that.