View Full Version : X-Box!

01-03-2002, 06:21 PM
So awhile back in some forgotten thread I made a long post with a whole lot of positives about the Xbox, and how much I was liking it. I have since finished Halo and had the chance to play/buy several other games since, and have a few more things to share.

First, Halo is incredible. One of the best FPS I have ever played, damn near as good as Half-Life, and better than just about anything else. I love that game!

That's where the good stuff ends! Either I have some terrible terrible luck, or there is a serious issue somewhere with X-box's. 3 out of 4 games I have purchased and played a decent amount, have completely frozen the system at one point or another. Totally frozen.

I played through the entire Halo campaign single player with not a single crash or bug, although once or twice during the loading screens the progress meter would stop, and occasionally move back a bit, before continuing on again with no problems. That struck me as odd though. But then when a friend came over one time, and I decided to try one of the first two or three missions of the campaign in co-op mode to show my buddy the ropes of the game and just to have some fun. Pick a mission, mission starts to load, progress meter gets about halfway, stops, moves back a bit, moves forward, then: "This disc is either damaged or defective. Press A to try again." I press A. Hard freeze. Oh, the disc must be dirty, so I pull out the disc, notice it looks perfectly fine for me, but wipe it clean regardless to a nice polish. I try again, and it does the same thing on that mission every time I tried it.

So I decided well fuck it, this sucks but it's 1am and I can't really return the game this late, I will try another mission. The rest all seemed to load fine, it was just I believe the 2nd and 3rd missions I could not properly load. I returned the game a few days later and it seems to load those missions fine now, and I haven't had a problem with Halo since.

DOA3 plays perfectly that I have found, but then again, it's the game I have played the absolute least of.

So then for Christmas I get Project Gotham Racing from my sis. It's an okay game I guess, but I have always preferred simulation type racing, more along the lines of Grand Prix 3 (Geoff Crammond owns, and to me, GT3 seems arcadish, let alone Project Gotham), so I am not the biggest fan of it. But regardless, that's not the point of this. I played the game quite a bit, got through a few levels of Kudos challenges and was having fun. Then I noticed my sister was driving a car that I didn't yet have access to, and she said she had just been doing "quick races" and not "Kudos Challenges". So I figure "cool, I want a Camaro too" so I go to Quick Races, and pick New York Wallstreet or something like that. Game starts to load, little "K" in the bottom right corner happily spins showing it's making progress... then it kind of gets jerky, stops, start, stops, and stays that way. Oh for fuck's sake I think, you have to be kidding me. I got it to freeze 8 times in a row on this race before I got bored, I pulled the CD out, cleaned it, popped it back in. Loaded race fine. I try to load again, freeze. So then I try in Quick Races San Franciso. Freeze. So by then I am extremely pissed off that my 600 dollar (we use monopoly money up here!) investment seems to work as well as the '87 Chevette I race with, if not worse.

I decide that there must be something seriously wrong with my Xbox, perhaps the DVD drive is wonky and that's why it seems to freeze all the time while loading. I also decided that Project Gotham is gay, and want NHL2002 instead. So I return my Xbox and get a new one at Future Shop with no hassles (they didn't even sign my receipt or anything else, was almost strange. they just gave me another one, told me to show my receipt to the person standing at the door, and I walked out. Ima go back with my receipt and get me a free Xbox!). I go to Toy's R'us and am told by the guy in the game dept. that I can only exchange for the same game, but then the customer service people gave me in-store credit and I got NHL2002 instead (the geek was bitter as fuck, looking at me all dirty and shit).

So great, NHL2002, I lub hockey! It's a pretty good game for the most part, not realistic in any real way, but better than NHL Hitz anyways. But lo and fucking behold, it freezes too! I have only maybe played it for two hours maximum, and only completed two games, but it has already frozen on me, a brand new game, on a brand new Xbox. I had just finished my first season game against Ottawa (5-2, oh yea) with 20 minute periods (more on that later, btw), and my players were dancing around the goalie all happy as pigs in shit they had one, then the screen freezes and the sound just starts looping the last half second it had played, and stays that way until I turn the console off. Wow, that's reassuring.

But not only that, from what I can tell, NHL2002 has a rather MASSIVE oversight/bug, or at least it seems to on my Xbox anyway. You can play a full season, or a partial season or whatever on it. When you choose to start a new season, you are given a menu with various options, like the difficulty level, period length, what whistles are blown and so on. I picked 10 minute periods prior to playing that game against Ottawa. The game options default is set at 5. My game against Ottawa had 20 minute periods. This is a rather large issue. I have since tried creating 3 separate seasons all with varying options etc, and yet every damn time that I start the first game, the period is sitting happily at 20:00.

After all this, I think I am going to be returning my Xbox altogether and getting either a refund or store credit for it. I really don't feel like having a 600 dollar investment that is barely working properly a month after I bought it. At least with PC's I can fix them (oh yea, I am writing this on my secondary box cause it appears my primary's mobo died sometime between last night when I shut it off, and this afternoon when my sister went to turn it on to get Civ III out of it).

Anyone else out there with Xbox's that have anything to say about this?

01-04-2002, 11:09 AM
I've played it a million times at friends houses (dont have my own) but it has never once froze

01-04-2002, 12:49 PM
Well, I got a full refund on my Xbox and the accessories I had bought, so that's good. I am really disapointed though, I quite liked it (I love the controls for it, and it's just a good system design IMO) but I really don't want to be stuck two months down the road when the 90 day warranty is gone with a broken system that costs 200 bucks to fix. And having the second Xbox freeze within an hour of starting to play a brand new copy of NHL 2002 to me REALLY signifies there are some serious issues with them at this point.

01-05-2002, 06:50 PM
I haven't had a single problem with mine..

SSX Tricky
Project Gotham

All work just fine.

01-05-2002, 07:13 PM
I guess I just had bad luck on both systems then. Maybe in 6 months I will get another one, for now I don't want the headache.

01-06-2002, 08:36 PM
I had the same problem with my Playstation 2, games freezing on mine while friends' worked perfectly. Just good luck I guess.

Only reason why I plan on getting an x-box is because they got rights for the Lord of the Rings games ^^;;

01-09-2002, 07:02 PM
Electronic Arts, not Microsoft, has the rights to Lord of the Rings games based on the movies:

REDWOOD CITY, Calif., December 18, 2001 – Electronic Arts (NASDAQ: ERTS) officially announced today that they have signed an exclusive deal with New Line Cinema to create games based on the upcoming The Lord of the Rings movies. New Line Cinema will release three movies based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s classic literary works, beginning with The Fellowship of the Ring (December 19, 2001), followed by The Two Towers (Holiday 2002) and The Return of the King (Holiday 2003). The license grants EA the exclusive rights to develop and publish products based on the movies for next generation video game consoles and handheld platforms.


No comment on whether or not we have an X-Box version planned. :)

By the way, for those who don't know, an X-Box is basically a PC, which means many of the games you see on it will be ports from the PC version of a game, or there will be a PC version following shortly after the X-Box version is done. This is how Halo got to the X-Box; Microsoft bought Bungie, who were developing it for PC and Mac, forced them to change the focus to X-Box, and is now delaying the release of a PC/Mac version so as not to take away from the X-Box hype.

01-09-2002, 07:33 PM
Regardless of platform, Halo is a damn good game. How well would it do on a PC I wonder? The graphics in it are pretty damn good. And also, most people play PC games at way higher resolutions than Halo, so that would really choke performance I would think.

01-09-2002, 10:34 PM
/hug Scrith :)

01-10-2002, 07:41 AM
Halo was originally developed to be a pc game and not a xbox game.

01-10-2002, 08:13 AM
I am aware of that. What I mean is, the graphics are so spectacular in it, that I wonder if they can even approach them on a PC. Despite the fact that most computers now have way better specs than an Xbox, there are so many different parts in PC's that they can get way better performance out of an Xbox. And also, most gamers play at 1024X768 or whatever, yet I think Halo is rendered at 640, even on a HDTV.

Of course, by the time it comes out for the PC, they may well be fast enough to look even better than the Xbox version. All I know is that Halo is the most visually stunning game I have ever seen. It's really cool at the start of the second mission, you can walk up to a cliff edge, look down and see a sparkling ocean, and the Halo stretching out into the distance, curving up and above you, and then coming back down on the other side. It's really cool, probably one of the few games that I have just stopped and stared for several minutes.

01-10-2002, 09:59 AM
I'm looking forward to playing Halo over the Internet on my PC, the way it was intended (I believe they wanted it to compete with the Tribes series, originally).

01-10-2002, 10:13 AM
Heya Scrithy..

While Halo is very VERY nice on the Xbox.. (I even found I could easily adjust to the controls nicely) It just won't be able to compare to the controllability of the PC.

Gimme mouse + kb anyday over ANY kind of joystick/gamepad for a shooter.

01-16-2002, 02:53 PM
Hey I got an Idea for you.

I have an Xbox and a playstation II. My playstation stopped working and wouldnt play or read some games and I couldnt figure it out. I think i may know.
If you do leave your Games in the PS2 or Xbox it tends to make the games or your concsole not work. I even read the Xbox instructions and it say if you leave games in it when your not useing it, it has a chance to mess it up or something.

I used to leave them in my PS2 and it dosent read anything anymore. I been taking them out on the Xbox and i never every had a problem with it. And i been playing Halo tons =) Just a thought i dont really know though

01-16-2002, 03:04 PM
The problem is leaving games in the system AND leaving it on. All of the games have some form of looping auto-play BS that will eventually burn out the drives if left unchecked.

Just turn the console off if not using it.

Oh.. and BTW..

Obi-Wan rocks.. So sad dead Darth Maul :D

01-16-2002, 03:40 PM
lol how does a cd inside an off system break it. Nothing is happening with no power! Unless the discs have magic powers :P
Ever leave a CD in a CD player, its the same thing its safe. I think Elidroth got it where he said leaving it on inside for long time. :D

01-17-2002, 07:50 AM
Gah, I keep leaving FFX running in there like overnight~