View Full Version : Vs
01-06-2002, 07:28 AM
gay as it may sound im sick of having VS killed-upon-pop by Honed. (go to the board and see the Venril thread for reference since i cant get my link to work)
I move for a restoration of Venril Sathir's rotation status.
Thank you.
01-06-2002, 11:09 PM
i know pooor pooor you .... if VS wasnt sittin there for 24 hours we wouldnt kill him but if ur not gonna get off your ass it doesnt mean were not goin to try ..... and just because u post that we ksd you on some mob doesnt mean its true and i dont appreciate you spreadin your bs ..... and plz no more tells about people trainin imps in Sol B and if you really wanna threaten me and Honed then go right ahead and train every imp in the f00kin zone
so quit cryin about it and do it its simple .... but if we have the force to kill him and he s been up for 24 hours then were gonna kill him
its almost funny some of the shit u claim to be fact :p
01-07-2002, 06:16 AM
Ahhh, memories. Perhaps you two should look back in some of the older posts on here, you sound an awful lot like ML/Vind/Hoss/L`Malla.
It's kinda cute. *wink*
01-07-2002, 07:19 AM
isn't it though Quintail, makes me get all teary eyed.
01-07-2002, 07:35 AM
/blush :p
VS should be up btw :D
01-08-2002, 09:18 AM
nah he was dropped yesterday by CDO and L`Malla
01-14-2002, 02:06 PM
Actually he was dropped last night by CDO and IG. TR was waiting in the zone ready but we honored those in the prep room, even after the second failed attempt.../sigh. CDO called in IG to help so he was down on the third try.
All I need for my long lost epic :-)
01-14-2002, 02:34 PM
Check the date, Erurat. :)
01-14-2002, 03:49 PM
Oh, sorry. I'm too quick to reply on this boards...hehe, sorry. What timer is VS on anyway (other than patch's)??
Lozer Bloodpaizan
01-16-2002, 12:04 PM
I was not on when the failed attempt(s) of VS were done by CDO, so I dont know the entire aspect of that. I will say that CDO will not engage VS until others have a fair chance at the mob. We have taken VS a total of 3 times, whether it be by solo, co-op or what have you. DSO and TR, please take your shot at em and good luck.
And Danst, no need to go off on Sea because the entire Druzzil Ro board flamed you about VS. Take it up with those who posted on the thread on those boards. She has been waiting for VS for sometime, so by all means they should be at least honored in giving a try.
01-16-2002, 12:32 PM
VS = 3 day(?) spawn
01-16-2002, 12:53 PM
um .... sorry but you dont know wtf your guild is doin half the time so why dont you jus worry about them and how their gettin killed instead of what im doin and what my problems are ok ? thanks
Lozer Bloodpaizan
01-16-2002, 12:56 PM
Thanks for your opinion Danst. Mind emailing me in discussing this? Or would you like to prove my entire point of you not having a clue of what respect or honor is?
01-17-2002, 09:37 AM
sure ... bring your clowns to the arena and we ll see how much honor is left in your many scattered bodies
and sorry i dont honor every nub out there ... its somthin you have to earn :p
Lozer Bloodpaizan
01-17-2002, 10:04 AM
See Danst, its like this. I can something solo that got your entire guild wiped out in CoM, pull the elevator Reavers at 54, something I am sure you still cant do at 59. And CDO took the entire first floor of Hate last time up, how did Honed do? Oh wait, Honed didnt show up for their scheduled Hate raid.
Anyone can zerg things, just because you can doesnt mean you have the skill to back up what you say you can do.
Seen Gore lately?
01-17-2002, 10:20 AM
ya ive seen gore lately ... and we almost kicked her ass whens the last time you tried gore ? and since we can kill VS with 20 people thats not exactly zerg methods... and with Hate sorry we were doin HoT but when we do go to Hate we dont take 3 hours to set up for a 1 hour raid .... ever been there ? oh and the the CoM comment thats funny bro .... we do reavers with one group we dont need a raid to kill them but keep tryin
send me a tell in game when you can get your clowns to any arena of your choice or jus type /guildwar but i cant promise it ll be quick .... beatin the shit out of your lame asses might be fun and hey beats exp ! :p
it would be one thing if your guild could kill gore .... then talk all the shit you want .... but when panzy ass guilds are jealous for other guilds growing and tryin new things try to keep your dumb ass comments to your self
:( <-- cause i feel sorry for your guild bro
Lozer Bloodpaizan
01-17-2002, 10:52 AM
To me, Honed = Chafaile. For those of us who remember Chafiale, they invited every Tom, Danst, and Harry into their guild, and then poof, gone.
You might not need an entire raid now, but you sure did then. And is another point about not honoring raid reservations in itself. CDO had CoM booked, and your guild decided to go ahead and claim it even though you knew it was booked.
For Hate, you had a scheduled Hate raid, wasnt due to having another raid, why cover it up? Your people didnt show up.
I have no issue with Honed as a guild. There are some really good people in there, and are basically who is keeping that guild together, not you. To have a mass duel, big deal, so you kill all of CDO, what does that prove? Not a thing, and you still wont get our lunch money either. So go try and bully on another guild Danst, because CDO wont stand for it.
01-17-2002, 11:16 AM
hahaha you crack me up
your correct we didnt have people show up for hate cause we were in HoT ... but i mention d this in the above post but you failed to read it correctly
unlike your guild everyone shows up for raids ... even the officers ! /gasp
as far as the guildin anyone who comes ? sure we guild d a few of your members and there very happy now .... send me a tell in game maybe you can join too :D errr wait nm... err wait sure i heard your an uber CoM puller !
Lozer Bloodpaizan
01-17-2002, 11:35 AM
No Danst, I didnt fail to read it, but obviously you are missing the entire point of this. YOU, not me, not CDO, not Honed, but YOU have no honor or respect for others because you think you have a huge guild that can just walk all over people.
CDO will honor the request of DSO and TR to have a shot at VS, no matter how long he is up, but will Honed? So far YOU have proven not to.
So if you have a problem with people pointing out that what you have done was wrong, then thats on you for not correcting it. I am sure Chafaile wished they would have.
01-17-2002, 11:42 AM
hmm each reply you make your topics get shorter
but also you fail to see the big pic .... because i have no honor for you or a few others doesnt mean that i do not honor anyone
oh and over vs
first no one gave a shit until we started farming
second people who cant kill him themselves or keep zergin to try whinned so we stopped ... which we didnt have to btw ... to give other guilds a chance to kill him
he is ffa and no one wants to change that its not my fault other guilds move faster than yours
so in short
i have no respect for you or your guild since you are the GL
dont hate the player hate the game
sorry i love that last one :p
Lozer Bloodpaizan
01-17-2002, 12:03 PM
Whether you respect me or not Danst, I could care less. After all, I did fight for your freedom of speech. But per the guide lines on these boards, and here is the cut and past just in case you cant find it:
If you are interested in fighting one of these mobs, this is the place to post intentions. Do not post intentions if you cannot follow through, or give timely notice if your plans change (ie, >24 hours).
For mobs that we all agree should be handled in this fashion, whichever guild was last to kill the specified mob give a 24 hour time frame upon respawn for others to make an attempt (not 24 hours per guild, just a single 24 hour period).
This 24 hour period can be waived if the repeating guild confirms with other proven capable guilds that they are not interested in the spawn on respawn day.
That is the guide line that is put up by these boards, not by me. So if you are not going to respect the request of another guild who is capable of killing him, then you are disrespecting the guide lines set up for these mobs. These were in place long before Honed was able to even think about taking out Upper Guk.
And its ok Danst, we dont need your respect, just stay out of our way.
01-17-2002, 12:29 PM
actually its to post your intentions .... doesnt mean you get the kill
Honed already learned that
and we ll be happy to stay out of your way ... besides its annoying to get that "you are being inspected by Loser" message so we ll jus move around your bodies :p
Lozer Bloodpaizan
01-17-2002, 01:12 PM
So you know how it feels to be screwed, congrats. And you should take in to consideration that you are doing exactly to these other guilds who have posted a request to take him down. At least these guilds who have posted for their "intentions" are standing up for themselves not to get screwed like you were.
Say what you want, do what you want, but the impression everyone is getting is that you dont honor a simple request or respectful enough of that request. Whether you respect the person making the request or not, that isnt taken into consideration.
Dont let the name fool you Danst, I could be Lozer, or I could be XYZ, the VS thing has your name all over it, not mine.
01-17-2002, 01:27 PM
its simple i want what is best for Honed ..... i dont give a rats ass about CDO or guild XYZ .... and they dont give a shit about Honed or what Honed has wants or gets
I look out for my guild.... if that means pissin off your guild or somone else s cause they didnt get to a FFA spawn first /shrug learn to mobilize better
if you cant get to the spawn first ... and have the numbers to kill it ( on a FFA ) then what gives you the right to tell us we cant kill it ?
as far as not honorin the unrotated board ... every time that we did .... he was killed in the early mornin and since im at work they didnt get a message not to kill him
Lozer Bloodpaizan
01-17-2002, 01:47 PM
So I guess you are a little tired of hearing about VS I take it by your response. Guess you will have to learn to live with that, after all you have earned it.
If you have a hard time communicating with your guild not to take VS down, obviously you dont communicate well. You have the option in game to use the /guildmotd, or even by word of mouth. Or you can post to your guild boards. Not telling you how to run your guild, but obviously they are not listening to you because I know you have "communicated" to them about not killing VS to allow for another guild to get a fair chance at him. Right?
If you werent on the IGB boards, then I can see your view of not knowing what the guidelines that are in place for this mob, but by the number of posts you have, that isnt the case. And appears that you can "communicate".
01-18-2002, 07:24 AM
Dont have to tell my what my options are ... i know them well enough but i dont check this site every 5 secs ... and unlike some people i work
and once again the guide lines for this mob are .... hes FFA thats it
post your intentions post the size of your manhood i could careless
besides i dont know what your problem is .... you cant even kill the damn mob by yourself :p is that some of your l33t tactics ? or maybe jus leadership skills
anyways this post is becommin useless ... you can send me a tell in game and we can agrue / duel / guildwar then... but im done replyin to your dumb ass comments here
Lozer Bloodpaizan
01-18-2002, 08:16 AM
Everyone has their own leadership style, and I have lead a successful guild since Druzzil Ro has been around. So make any comments or excuses for your guild or say what you want about mine, I am still here and not going anywhere.
You are missing the big picture Danst. But I guess we should have figured that out by your childish comments. So if you have to go back to class and do finger painting by numbers, I guess I will have to leave you be. Its ok Danst, you can take your ball and go home.
01-18-2002, 08:53 AM
Mobs go on rotation when they become highly contested and the guilds involved can't work anything else out. Read the rules please. And take the flames somewhere else.
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