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View Full Version : W32 Leech

12-18-2007, 06:18 AM
One of my co-workers has a 3 month old laptop with a 100GB hard drive in it that is now full despite having only put about 10GB worth of stuff on it.

It has been frequenting music-sharing sites and his son uses IM on it constantly.

Know of any way short of slicking the drive to get this sucker (literally) off the HDD?

12-18-2007, 10:37 AM
I have not used this tool personally but symantec has a removal tool to help. If nothing else it should start you off in the right direction.


Go Leafs Go.

12-18-2007, 10:59 AM
if it is 3 months old then just format it, nothing gets rid of bad shit better than just wiping and redoing