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01-11-2008, 08:57 PM

01-28-2008, 10:16 AM
Post your Grid addons too! I blame my losses on non-optimal grid configuration :P.

01-28-2008, 11:08 AM
@ Slyph
My Grid is now utilizing both Center Text and Center Text 2. As a "druid" I set it to show duration of Lifebloom on Center Text1 and # of Life bloom Counts (Stacks) in Center Text 2. Bottom Right Corner Icon shows my Rejuv and Bottome Left Corner Icon shows my Regrowth.

As a Priest/Paladin (and probably if I play a shaman healer), I have Center Text 1 as names only and Center Text 2 as health Deficit. It is, of course, greyed out if the target is OOR.

For any healer, I set the layout as 25 Man Layout + Pets (OMG your chances of winning that 1 gold for highest heal count makes a difference if you're healing pets!! /wrist Chain Heals).

I'll put a revised screen shot as well when I get home.

@ Peotr
Please link me the mod you are using for announcing Rez. As much as I configured this on Grid, I don't like pissing off our most talented healers :love:

01-28-2008, 11:50 AM
Ok, Ange. You have to tell me how to setup a UI as clean as yours! I have been working on my UI for last two days, it is still a mess. After playing on the 24" monitor for last two days, I felt it is just too big for game.

01-28-2008, 11:56 AM
Oh Lord no 24" Monitor is awesome as you can resize the UI in the Video Menu and fit more on your screen and mess with Fonts and make this even better.

01-28-2008, 12:12 PM
Bah, you must raid as DPS again... more profitable for me. This healing game is tough... between FoL and chain heals... Mmm.... hehe, reading more stuff online about healing, although it all gives stupid advice like "ignore the healing meters". They don't have 1G on the line!

I think I need more practice though and anticipate stuff more... if I can just lifebloom everyone pre-AoE....

P.S. Healing Zeyla sucks when 1G is on the line... he take NO damage! More life tap and SW:D plx!

PPS Must double healing output to beat chain heal... god, what hax

01-28-2008, 01:08 PM
I'm been trying to setup my ui again and i've been trying to find something thats minimalistic and clean. I used to have flexbar programed to pop up buttons and have layouts change depending on the situation. I don't really have the patience or time to redo all that. Hell i'm still trying to figure out how to play my hunter again ;P

Soo! Any suggestions from the custom ui crowd out there?

01-28-2008, 01:16 PM
@ Slyph (Renny's)

Dude - you are the most amazing druid in the world!! WTF!! You have +1100 healing and can go toe to toe with Zeph, Peotr, and myself (all with appx 1900 healing). Maed beats me (but not by much) on some fights because he has 1700+ (probably close to 1800) healing almost!! Lastly, you're a damn alt (sorta)!!! WTF - you're the one hacking!

Thanks for the 1 gold!! haha!!

Yes, ultimately, healing meters isn't so important if you do your job. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with trying your best to maximize your HPS (Heals Per Second). If anything - this ensures higher survivability of your raiders...Not to mention it's so "profitable!!" OOOH - 1 gold for most heals done!

You and Zeph are forcing my retired Priest to come out of Retirement....Damn you all!!! :love:

01-28-2008, 01:24 PM
Soo! Any suggestions from the custom ui crowd out there?

@ Mystrae/Kathris

You can start by telling us what you want to see in your screen first (i.e. what kind of information - oRa2, Damage Meters, DBM/Big Wings, Omen/Threat, Bartender, etc). Next, are you satisfied with the default Unit Frames or do you want something more "elaborate."

You can set hot keys (F5-F8 for example) to change your UI settings (load and disable some mods) by saving certain Layouts depending on the situation. However, for the most part, I use the setting up there 80% of the time (sometimes I put my DMs by my chat box to save more space).

Lastly, you can point out certain mods you prefer not to have in my ui up top or post a screenshot of your former UI :p Use WOW Ace Updater (WAU) as much as possible to make updates on mods easier after patches :thumbup:

01-28-2008, 01:26 PM
Yeah, unfortunately, it was more than 1 gold.... stupid me for betting per attempt... that's just crazy talk!

Anyways, still adapting to the Lifebloom rolling and playing with other healing strategies. Haven't seriously healed on the druid since lv. 60 where you just spam cast HT rank 4. Lifebloom was seriously gimp for a while since they didn't add your +heal bonus to the 2/3 stack.

PS We need to up the penalty for demon mind control. I vote 1g per demon possession! No penalty if a demon kills you since that was another healer's fault.

PPS I shall treasure the 1g 50s from our last attempt *snicker* Judgement of wisdom...

01-28-2008, 01:29 PM
Oh yeah, only mod I use that isn't Ace is Bongos and OmniCC for my action bars... I think they're really easy and intuitive to use. Bongos provides the actual action bars while OmniCC provides the global cooldown counter.

01-28-2008, 04:31 PM
This sure dose not sound like EQ Healing :) WOW Healing I just don't get it

01-29-2008, 11:05 AM
It's healer betting! Everyone wins!

Muahaha, I found out that I've been doing the tank HoTs wrong.... I should have been macroing the tank HoTs to save valuable mouse travel seconds! Dethrone the king!

On second thought, I should just macro the tank/warlock/SP to keep HoTs up on all of them.... pick up the SW: D and lifetap damage as soon as they happen!

01-29-2008, 11:27 AM
LALz - if you really want to be king of trash heals, you wont get it from healing tanks! So go ahead and assign your macros on HoTs on tanks and let me bask in my 1 gold victory! Because healing Pets + over aggressive DPS and primarily AE rains is what wins King of Trash Heals crown!

01-29-2008, 12:21 PM
Fine fine, I'll let you bask in your 1G trash crown victory, just remember to pay me the full 2G when I win the trash crown!

01-29-2008, 12:52 PM
Lol, I have three words for you two - carpal tunnel syndrome!

01-29-2008, 12:54 PM
Lol, I have three words for you two - carpal tunnel syndrome!

:cry: my wrist already hurts when i sway it from left to right and vice versa!!! I need to keep up with my forearm curls!

01-29-2008, 01:05 PM
For Rennys

LALz - Learn to Top Healing Meters!!!!! (http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=51005333&sid=1)

Best Part about the post

Special Tips for Certain Bosses
Snowballs can easily get you some 20 second silences on opossing healers in places like aq20 with kurinaxx, just stand in a blob of people and throw the snowball.
When nefarian does the priest call, use prayer of healing and lots of heals to make sure you have plently of targets to heal once the corrupted healing effect ends.
If you are a bomb of some sort, run towards the top healers in the healing ranking, this will keep them from overtaking you due to a chance death. (You can say something like whoops sorry my mouse died LOL, if you want to. If anyone complains remind them how you are always #1 healer and hence obviously the most skilled player)

01-29-2008, 01:09 PM
rofl that's awesome

01-29-2008, 01:15 PM
Flash heal: This one is essential for stealing heals from other healers espically druids with their slow heal. In trash pulls and some tank and spank bosses there aren't enough people to heal for the healers, so this means you need to heal first to maintain that #1 healing spot. If you see two people at 80% hp and a druid just starts to heal one, DONT heal the one the druid isn't healing, assist the druid and land a flash heal getting that person to full, then whilst the druid goes ??? and lands an overheal, quickly heal the other players, congrats you just got twice the healing , and your competition (the other healers) got none.

ROFLMAO - I make sure to target Flash Heal on those with incoming Chain Heal .... LALZ!!!

01-29-2008, 02:03 PM
Lol, it felt like you were assisting me the other night with my regrowths. Freaking flash heal lands just as regrowth goes off and I see a butt load of overheal. I have Ang and Zeph to thank for my glorious 20+% overheal, which is just terrible for a druid. We'll just change up my healing strat next time and see how it goes...

One of the best tips I saw in another thread was to sit in the lava in MC and just heal yourself. Hehe, we'll be seeing all the DPS run out of spore clouds next time while healers run in to try to top the meters. Yeah, Ang, I'm looking at you!

Carpel tunnel is a state of mind... besides, this isn't much typing. Command line junky ftw.

PS. Ang, about that wrist thing... no more Pretty Girl thread for you!

01-29-2008, 02:36 PM
You totally missed the comedy gold following the post! Although I have a feeling that Ang has read that post before...

You forgot the most important rule: let the other healers die.
Dead healer = Less healing meter competition = Higher rank on the healing meter = Good.
A well timed snowball on a low health healer who's desperately trying to self heal should do the trick.

02-13-2008, 01:19 PM
OMG, I totally need to wait 'til the WWS reports come out before I pay up next time Ang! Just calculated my lifebloom procs that got attributed to some one else, it was worth 350k of healing! Along with 400k of overheal >.<

02-13-2008, 02:39 PM
OMG, I totally need to wait 'til the WWS reports come out before I pay up next time Ang! Just calculated my lifebloom procs that got attributed to some one else, it was worth 350k of healing! Along with 400k of overheal >.<

The more you have ppl like Peotr, Zeph, and now Thellor - the more your lifebloom will be ineffecient :P

Those 3 are just beasts when it comes to healing that your LBs will only tick for 1 or 2 before they heal them to full :)


You will always own me on slyph anyway :(

Dude you're competing with +1300 healing with beasts who have +2k healing. Imagine how it would be if you had near +2k healing as well :)

Your main hand still sux on Slyph!!

Please don't forget to give me the myspace addys of ur gf's friends!!

Oh yeah - Redeemus wants in on the 2 gold "King of Trash" / "Top healer on boss" pools :P

02-14-2008, 10:22 AM
Yeah, sadly you're not on Dalaga more... could totally use the repair gold :). Interestingly, when we DPS, the pot is 10g for "King of Trash" and 2g for "Boss pew pew" but when we're healing it's 2g for "King of Trash Heals" and 2g for "Top healer on boss" I think we should up the ante on "King of Trash Heals" to 10g

02-16-2008, 05:01 AM
Yeah, sadly you're not on Dalaga more... could totally use the repair gold :). Interestingly, when we DPS, the pot is 10g for "King of Trash" and 2g for "Boss pew pew" but when we're healing it's 2g for "King of Trash Heals" and 2g for "Top healer on boss" I think we should up the ante on "King of Trash Heals" to 10g

I'm your huckleberry...


02-17-2008, 02:07 AM
Us tanks get the ass end this betting shit.

Can't bet on threat cause you greedy bastards will click off salv.

How bout this one. I'll bet ya all 2g on Hydross. You pull aggro I win.

Either way is a win in my book. : D

02-17-2008, 12:27 PM
you guys should bet on damage taken! yeah thats it.