View Full Version : IGB changes?
01-14-2002, 11:40 AM
I was realizing the other day that a few of the rotations maintained here are way out of the scope of what this forum was intended to be kept for.
What is everyone's thoughts of moving the Ragefire, Trakanon, and Severilous rotations out of IGB and over to
Doing this would make it much easier for new people to get added into these rotations (since it is a public forum), since those spawns are what 95% of the people who approach me for forum access are interested in.
The balance of spawns are handled by 6 guilds or less, and should stay managed here in a more private setting.
01-14-2002, 11:45 AM
I agree.
Lately I feel like our server is a big walking calendar and it is annoying at best.
01-14-2002, 11:49 AM
I agree
01-14-2002, 01:57 PM
I've very new to this so forgive my ignorance, but isn't this rotation meant to make it more fair for all guilds to enjoy the benefits of mobs that aren't able to be scheduled? Fear, Hate, Air, ect are able to be scheduled so I understand why they are on but wouldn't the decision to remove the suggested mobs off rotation hurt the smaller guilds, like mine perhaps?
For instance, there are 300+ people in Guild X so the chances of their guild seeing that the mob is up is much higher. I don't know, just my 2cp worth. Like I said, TR is new to IGB rotation, but removing these mobs from the rotation would hurt us in my opinion.
01-14-2002, 02:05 PM
Andaas did not suggest that the mobs be removed from rotation - merely that the rotation schedules for them be moved.
01-14-2002, 02:23 PM
Yes I realize that. I should have been more clear in my response. My understanding was that was used primarily for raids that could be scheduled to avoid conflict. I thought the purpose of IGB was to schedule raids for mobs that aren't on a spawn timer or that could not "just be spawned".
To me, adding these mobs to would confuse the sole purpose of that board, which, in my opinion is to avoid scheduling conflicts on raids that can be planned ahead far in advance. How can I plan a raid for VS or Ragefire when it's not entirely known when the mob will be up? (except of course for known patches)
01-14-2002, 03:34 PM
Most of the rotations scheduled here are on predetermined spawn timers (NToV = 7 days, CT = 7 days, Tormax = 7 days, etc.). The rotations here were created to make things easier for a few guilds that are killing the main bosses in EQ.
01-14-2002, 09:04 PM
IMO, move those spawn to DRo.Net = FFA.
Go check out how many IGB guilds reserved in DRo.Net and you will know what's my meaning, heh.
01-18-2002, 09:48 AM
Using DRo would have a few problems:
1. DRo has no consensus on the rules used to share mobs. Nor is there likely to be any. There are some guilds that use DRo that are incapable of compromise. Further, consensus gets harder to achieve with more people involved. Hammering out the IGB consensus was obviously hard enough with only 4 to 10 guilds involved, all of them with at least semi-competent leadership. IMO the number of people involved on DRo would make achieving consensus impossible.
2. Even if a consensus could be reached, the strong leadership required to enforce it is lacking in some of the guilds that post on DRo.
3. The leadership required to enforce penalties from breach of rotation are totally lacking on DRo, unless hoss/ml/vindi/malla are willing to police it (and I can already see you saying no f***** way).
4. I'm not sure if Ahjess would like us using his board for it. It could probably be worked out. But just up and chunking something onto his boards without consulting him would at a minimum be inconsiderate.
5. There's noone on DRo to handle adding and removing guild from rotations.
6. Historically, Raids/mobs scheduled on DRo are the ones the top guilds are rarely interested in (prime example:PoH). I don't see that happening to Rage, Sev, and Trak. But the loot they drop is going to keep everyone interested in them forever.
7. Blurring the line between DRo and IGB could be a very bad thing.
Believe me, I know *exactly* what Sirensa meant about feeling DRo is a big walking calendar. Unfortunately, it is part of the game structure; Verant really loves these rare spawns. It makes sharing and cooperating with other guilds complicated and annoying.
I do agree there is a clear split in the mob difficulties. Rage, Sev, and Trak are all a lot easier than most of the other rotated mobs on this board. Handling them somewhere else may be work better. But IMO DRo doesnt fit the bill.
Lozer Bloodpaizan
01-18-2002, 11:47 AM
I do agree that moving these mobs to DRo would not be a good idea. But if the interest is to move these mobs to another board, would it be possible to have another guild host the rotation for these mobs, or any additional mobs that it is deemed needs to be moved? As long as that said guild maintained the policies that are in line currently and updated the rotation fairly and promptly like it is now, would that cause a problem?
I pretty much agree with movin the spawns.
01-21-2002, 12:23 AM
ML hasn't touched Sev in months, nor do we ever intend to again, lol. Trak is simply to finish VP keys, rarely do we find ourselves in need of his drops other than the teeth to be honest. Ragefire, well, that one I believe we have 5-6 clerics ready for atm, so we won't be dropping off it anytime soon.
Sev only went to rotation due to those damn green scales, for all intents and purposes, he's about as tough as a moss snake.
Now then, if some other responsible guild (*looks at the up and comers*) wants to get their feet wet and help out, mayhps we could look at changing the scope of the IGB back to being the top mobs, and reducing the number of chefs in the kitchen for the nonce. Would be good to see mobs that are seeing disputes again go there as well, and mobs that are a rite of passage for some of y'all, like say, oh, VS and Gorenaire?
Sampling of the mobs that would look good there and are pretty much ignored by Hoss/ML/L`Malla:
And while Ragefire isn't ignored by us, it would be good to see it move there as well. Perhaps then this up and coming guild that hosts this could put something in place that is lacking on D Ro, and get those other scheduled places into some form of agreement.
Volunteers? (*Looks at VE, TR, NI, IG, GAP, NK, Honed*)
01-21-2002, 07:12 AM
NI is willing to handle the posts for rotations on the mobs that will no longer be handled here.
I would rather DIE than see some of these spawns controlled by If this is agreeable with everyone, I'll try and get it fixed in the next week. Also make sure everyone has a chance to read this, and is in agreement as far as WHICH mobs will move to our boards.
01-21-2002, 10:19 AM
VE is willing to host rotations on these mobs, but we'd also support a move to the NI boards.
In order to make this move successful, we need to clearly define which of the top guilds are interested in which mobs that get moved.
We also need statements from Hoss, ML, LMalla about what they intend to do when (not if) a rogue guild deliberately tries to destroy a rotation on the second board. I'm quite sure Vindi will do that. Its an established fact they will kill mobs simply out of boredom or to create chaos.
However, I can leave that issue aside for now. Let's list the mobs we want to move. Will Hoss, ML, and LMalla please post which of these you still have interest in?
Gorenaire(ML:No interest)
Sev (ML:No interest)
Ragefire (ML:Wants. Hoss:Wants. L`Malla:Wants.)
Trak (ML:Minimal interest. Hoss:Minimal interest. L`Malla:Wants.)
Dozekar (ML:No interest)
One last thing: it would be useful to work out an agreement for "Minimal Interest" mobs, Trak in particular. We can work out the details on later, but one idea is you could stay off the rotation in exchange for coming to get a free trak tooth every week or so.
Lets keep this dicussion rolling!
- Graz
01-21-2002, 10:41 AM
VS - ML no interest
Velktor - ML no interest
Talendor - ML no interest
I think ML would be up for coming to Trak with other guilds for an occasional tooth in exchange for not remaining on the rotation, let's see if there's other suggestions, etc, before making any final decision there.
As far as how Vindication will be handled, that's something we do need to discuss in another thread. ML isn't going to be losing spawns to them, we'll fight them all the way to their disbandment if necessary.
01-21-2002, 09:17 PM
At this time T.R. is interested in:
Trak ??
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