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View Full Version : The Moods of Seraphina

01-20-2002, 09:03 AM
Things have changed in Hoss since Seraphina's acquisition of the Crown of Many Mood Swings, it has become clear that you have to tread lightly.

For example, on a Monday morning:

Wowza, talk about a party weekend. Only the bold and the brave would dare ask for a quick aego for it at a time like this and it can be a dangerous proposition my friends; I tried it last night, and turned around to:

Yikes. You just don't want to go there, and not without Kazumi's Note of Preservation up and ready, for sure. But being a bard, and pretty darn stupid when you get right down to it, I tried to lighten-up the situation with a little joke, and the 'ol DA song 2-1/2 mins from recharge:

That's right - LOADING... It was over for me, but maybe with this warning you may avoid the same situation. Tread lightly!


01-20-2002, 08:12 PM
HEH, I still think Card being my dorf chick honey pie sweetums love slave was the best...He wont admit it but we all know he loved being a dorf :)