View Full Version : maybe you can help..

07-15-2008, 08:21 AM
okay i have a few questions about sercurity measures i need to take to prevent keylogging....i am currently accessing 3 wow accounts....1 having zooq and all the other draenor toons on it...another with my priest on blackrock and the 3rd being the worst geared of them all a mage on dethecus...my dad plays the mage alot on dethecus....he tried to log onto that account the other day and apparently it was hacked......gear sold....gold gone...blah blah blah....well it turns out that it was a key logging virus off my cpu and i hate that it happened but im glad that it was that account that i logged into first that day and not my other 2.... the firewall/anti virus program i am using is called zone alarm....its fairly good about picking up stuff like this....i looked at the logs as to its activity over the past few days...it says that is has quarantined this program called game thief.....apparently its been detected on my cpu 3 times in the past 4 days....i know what you all are thinking....its not the porn i swear....after i check zone alarm and changed the passwords to the other 2 accounts...the very next day it was there again. i was like wtf...so i checked my internet history for that day.....i visited 4 sites....my credit union.....hoss' website.....aol music which is sort of a jukebox that i use during gaming....and the 4th was the guild page for downunder.....so i got to thinking where the hell am i getting it from....or is it hiding out in my cpu... i may just be paranoid but can some of the techies from hoss please spare a minute to provide me with a little info about this or possibly steer me in the right direction so i can prevent this from re-occuring in the future or some possible way i can get this off mine.

thx alot,


07-15-2008, 09:27 AM
Get a Blizzard authenticator when they're not sold out..

07-15-2008, 10:44 AM
Maybe YOU can help us Jarjar!

Really! Meesa?

Oh no. No no no. No, no, no. Mm-mm. No.

07-15-2008, 12:35 PM

just when we have the Senate just about under control, that damned floppy eared camel alien gave control to Palpatine...do you know how many concessions we had to give to the ET planet for reese's pieces tariff waivers? Preferred Trading Partner status to those Toydarians...sunblock shipments to the albino twileks...

next year I'm voting for Amadala, I think she has a long future with the Senate

07-15-2008, 03:20 PM
^ win.

07-15-2008, 04:05 PM
wall of text crits you for 10k................ loading please wait

07-15-2008, 07:40 PM
Buy a Mac

07-15-2008, 07:44 PM

07-15-2008, 10:13 PM
Don't know if you use Firefox, but I hear the NoScript addon helps a bit.

07-16-2008, 01:48 PM
Well, Asuryan was hacked too... here's what I told him.

bleepingcomputer.com - go to the forums and look around for malware/spyware.

-Spybot Search & Destroy
(download, update, then restart Windows in Safe Mode (F8), do each scan)

-Panda Active Scan
-TrendMicro Scan
-Kapersky (not sure if that's spelled correctly)
(run each of these online scanners on your computer, save the results)

-Hijack This
(run this on your computer, follow directions from bleepingcomputer... and post your results on bleeping computer)

After this, they should be able to help you find anything on your computer.
Run the first 3 and then the next 4 every 2 weeks. Use Mozilla Firefox, use NoScript addon or use AdBlock Plus and FlashBlock (all addons).

Get yourself a personal scanning engine like McAfee, and have it running all the time.

Lastly, read everything you can on Bleeping computer, they have a nice tweak guide for when you reformat your computer, very nice.

If you follow everything I said, you will at least have a much better understanding of the problems you may encounter online, and hopefully avoid them!


07-16-2008, 02:17 PM
or just reformat and don't do stupid shit anymore...

07-16-2008, 09:49 PM
Chances are that it has a secondary program that checks to see if the keylogger is still alive, and replaces the keylogger when it isn't. So, yeah, if you do what Kiry said to do, and it is still around, follow Lons' suggestion. A virus can't hide on an empty harddrive :) (Unless it has done something really really evil with the firmware)

07-17-2008, 05:25 AM
hmm a lot of text FTL....It might be that it's in your system restore file which might be stopping your anti-virus software from getting to it. Go into your control panel---> System--->System restore and turn off system restore and restart comp then run all your virus stuff again and see if it's still there.