View Full Version : Hoss, are you trying to wake the Sleeper?
01-21-2002, 11:45 AM
Hearing some rumors.
Just want to clear them up.
01-21-2002, 11:47 AM
Btw, ML will likely be in ST tonight to get our CoH link back up for the next spawn.
We won't be touching Ventani.
Mythic Legion has promised to never wake the sleeper. The cons obviously outweigh the pros.
Dlgoth Riknueth
01-21-2002, 03:50 PM
I've heard the same ><
01-21-2002, 04:51 PM
If Hoss releases the Sleeper, believe me, you'll all be the first to know.
01-21-2002, 05:21 PM
Thanks for the typical non-response, Sirensa.
I did manage to get a real response from Andaas, online.
Hoss is intent on waking the Sleeper as soon as possible, so as to "beat" Vindication to a "server first".
Their public line they came up with is they are "just trying to further the script".
It's only Verant's way of nerfing the zone while putting the blame on the players.
Hoss has spent the last two days trying to kill Ventani after the other warders are dead, with their sole intent being to awaken the Sleeper.
If Hoss continues this stupidity, and continues their attempts to wake the Sleeper, they forsake the IGB community, and the server at large.
I will begin the process of moving the IGB from this tainted site, and the reasonable people on this server will do everything in our power to return it to sanity.
I had hoped to be able to include Hoss in our goal of seeing a mature server not being run by the whims of little kiddies.
But they've shown their hand, and it looks a lot like Vindication.
Any guild who operates with the sole purpose of furthering their own goals (even as frail and small-minded as those goals are) with no concern for the population at large, and in fact removing the potential for fun from others, is just pathetic.
01-21-2002, 05:54 PM
We've yet to break any IGB rules, we've stolen no spawns, broken no rotation.
Hoss has been minding it's own business in this fiasco so far. Why we are any of your concern is beyond me.
And as for pathetic... any guild who spends hours crying to a GM when they could have fought and earned their mobs defines pathetic far more than one that mind's its own business.
01-21-2002, 05:58 PM
We've yet to break any IGB rules, we've stolen no spawns, broken no rotation.
Never said you had. But you're betraying the trust of the server community with your actions.
Hoss has been minding it's own business in this fiasco so far. Why we are any of your concern is beyond me.
And as for pathetic... any guild who spends hours crying to a GM when they could have fought and earned their mobs defines pathetic far more than one that mind's its own business.
I have no idea what you are referring to here.
01-21-2002, 06:10 PM
Look MCFLY...
Vindication was en route to ST for Ventani today. We beat them to the zone. End of story. What we did is no different than your plan to "protect" other mobs from being killed by Vindication.
01-21-2002, 06:14 PM
LOL you're protecting the Sleeper?
Oh, sure.
All this tells me is you are worried Vindi may beat you to some precious "server first".
Look, yer either wit' us, or yer agin' us.
Opportunistic is not an honorable trait.
01-21-2002, 06:15 PM
As I told you in game tonight Rohaise, Hoss is working on attack strategies for killing Ventani. Yes, we are doing this with the other 3 warders killed, which means that a successful fight versus him will result in releasing the sleeper.
Of course, I also told you that the likelyhood of Hoss doing so tonight was doubtful, primarily due to a lack of numbers. ML has faced Ventani if I'm not mistaken, so I'm sure you know the difficulty of the fight. Please ask around from various sources, and I'm sure you will learn that Ventani is not killable by a force of 20-24 people. Most kills have been in the ballpark of 40-50 people.
Does this mean that Hoss intends to release the sleeper? Who knows, it is something that we may do in the near future, hell, if we got really lucky tonight it could happen. However, simply spending time in ST and working up a valid strategy for Ventani when we aren't interfering with other peoples raids seems to be the most intelligent way to work up a strategy for killing him when there is another warder up.
Take this for what you will. The sleeper will eventually be released on our server, and probably sooner rather than later. The loot to be had in ST is not the picture of bountiful loot that you paint, aside from very few drops from the 3rd and 4th warders (which nobody is even killing the 4th), most of it is trash. Resist stones are a joke, heh.
01-21-2002, 06:23 PM
So the minority (Hoss) has decided to tell the rest of the server what's best for them.
"ST loot sucks, therefore, we're not even going to give you the opportunity to find out for yourself, and experience an incredibly fun part of the game".
01-21-2002, 06:30 PM
As I recall, Hoss vehemently opposed the efforts of anyone seeking to release the Sleeper.
In fact, they went so far as to say they'd support removal from the IGB of any guild who did anything so "heinous." There was a movement at the time to make this a formal agreement.
You'll remember, at the time, I refused to enter into this agreement, because I didn't trust Hoss, and I didn't want to be thrust into a position where I'd be forced to break my word.
This is exactly what I meant. Hoss's word didn't mean anything then, and it doesn't mean anything now.
The arguments against releasing the Sleeper have already been made on this forum, and I'll not bother repeating them. They are valid arguments by honorable people. Hoss made a strong case against it, and true-to-form, is waffling to suit their self-interest, desire for notoriety, greed, and childishness.
Hoss is a guild who is led by liars, sneaks, and opportunists. An older, more cagey version of Vindication. Take a look at Vindication's web page, then look in the mirror, Hoss.
You clearly have no place in adult negotiations.
01-21-2002, 08:49 PM
Class act guys. Thanks for giving the server the big fuck you.
Selfish asses.
01-22-2002, 12:45 AM
Heh, well I must be the last person on the server to find out about tonight's events.
Proves my point, however.
HoSS is exactly as I painted them in the posts concerning this very subject.
Simply put, liars.
Typical HoSS.
Dlgoth Riknueth
01-22-2002, 05:39 AM
Lol a can shove that favor up your ass..
01-22-2002, 10:02 AM
Since you just shut off one of the primary next steps for VE, I think you should start handing out loot from all your kills as a measure of good will. Since primal weapons and other stuff are "trash" you shouldn't mind giving it away.
Contact me in game and we'll draw up a list of people to attend your raids for the loot.
May as well close this board Andaas, I'm pretty sure nobody cares what the opposite side thinks at this point. Btw, Fuck you, two-faced assclown.
01-22-2002, 10:23 AM
You guys seriously need to lighten up and get over it.
We played the game by Verant's rules.
01-22-2002, 10:27 AM
yes, now it's Verant's rules.
When it was even a remote possibility that ML had attempted to wake the Sleeper a few months back, (And we all know ML wouldn't have done it, even if we could), you all raised such a fucking stink, and wouldn't let it drop for days.
The people here had an AGREEMENT. You broke that promise.
How the hell do you expect any of us to trust you ever again?
You just screwed the server by your selfishness.
01-22-2002, 10:30 AM
Hoss, in the process of hiding behind "Verants Rules" just violated the rules & trust you and Hoss helped support with the IGB, and the other guilds on the server.
Comparitive to:
In certain unnamed countries it's legal to throw acid on a woman when she spurns you. Legal there? yes. Appropriate and moral? Not a prayer.
But you're right. It's ok, under Verants rules to f**k your friends.
Let's just be honest,
With the risk of the server going FFA (percieved risk that now Hoss has ADDED to) it would be a downright preservationist thing to do... to remove items & weapons from the game that allow another guild to gain strength to threaten your FFA mobs. So Hoss ganked the sleeper, removed some very nice items from the game, choked the flow of high DPS weapons, and helped ensure they stay towards the top of the pack.
Ok under Verants rules? Yes.
Selfish as all hell? Yes
A stab in the back of all the other IGB members?
I don't see how you could see it any other way.
01-22-2002, 11:28 AM
In case anyone was wondering, I was not joking about Hoss handing out their loot. I was dead serious. You dont want "trash" 13/20 weapons loot. We do.
First VE candidate is Galudan, let us know what zone to send him to tonight.
01-22-2002, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by Grazel_VE
In case anyone was wondering, I was not joking about Hoss handing out their loot. I was dead serious. You dont want "trash" 13/20 weapons loot. We do.
First VE candidate is Galudan, let us know what zone to send him to tonight.
If you want a primal weapon, go into sleepers and get one off the golems.
01-22-2002, 12:18 PM
I'm assuming Hoss has no interest in killing any ST-key-dropping mobs anymore, as ST loot is worthless to you.
01-22-2002, 12:39 PM
If Hoss is going to be spoon-feeding your members rotting 13/20 weapons, I guess we'll still need to get ST keys.
01-22-2002, 01:41 PM
I'm sure you see lots of other 13/20ish weapons rot in places other than ST.
Having spent the last 4 months carefully scheduling PoF around CT to guarantee Hoss, etc wouldn't have to hassle with us in the zone, I'm sure you'll return the consideration.
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