View Full Version : question i was wondering

07-23-2008, 11:58 PM
is it beneficial to have a imp spirit specced holy priest in 25 man raids....cant remember if we used one or not....we are raiding 3 coh priests atm and didnt know if it was better to have 1 imp spirit spec.....


07-24-2008, 12:03 AM
DS is killer

07-24-2008, 12:04 AM
WTH? Raiding? :-/

Thought you couldnt raid.

07-24-2008, 12:08 AM
That's what I thought too.

07-24-2008, 01:22 AM
raiding a holy priest on blackrock....im in a aussie guild that raids at 4am server........so it fits my work schedule......and yes a holy priest.....was just curious whether i should sac healing to boost raid dps.... priests name is hantrin....hes getting better gear atm but i do alright...we are learning ilidan atm....wtf rough fight.....


07-24-2008, 01:22 AM
so yes or no on imp spirit?

07-24-2008, 01:28 AM

Without a doubt.

CoH is nice and all, but you should be raiding with 1-2 resto shamans as well. Thus, 5 raid healers in one raid may be a little too much.

07-24-2008, 07:23 AM

Without a doubt.

CoH is nice and all, but you should be raiding with 1-2 resto shamans as well. Thus, 5 raid healers in one raid may be a little too much.

5 raid healers is actually very nice, from previous experience. My last guild had 3-4 coh healers and 1-2 resto shm continually in the raid. DS is extremely beneficial for the raid but you need to evaluate who would be best to drop to DS.

07-24-2008, 04:55 PM
Lies! 3-4 CoH priests in a raid? What kind of mythical raid is this that has 4 holy priests? Screenshots or it didn't happen!

07-24-2008, 06:19 PM
not in this guild but if you look up evanesca, snolbias and papasan all on hyjal + me = 3-4 coh priests (though papa switched to DSnear the end)

07-24-2008, 06:31 PM
*sniff* 3-4 holy priests... it's like a caffeine induced hallucination of heaven...

07-24-2008, 06:57 PM
Anime Panties sniffing wut?

07-25-2008, 12:48 AM
5 raid healers is actually very nice, from previous experience. My last guild had 3-4 coh healers and 1-2 resto shm continually in the raid. DS is extremely beneficial for the raid but you need to evaluate who would be best to drop to DS.

Wait...wait...let me guess. You had the best geared DPS warriors on the server but not a single enviable clothie in sight?

07-25-2008, 01:58 AM
no resto druids sleepey? cause thats a fuckton of healing

07-25-2008, 07:49 AM
no resto druids sleepey? cause thats a fuckton of healing

We carried 1-2 resto druids(pref was 2) and a holy pally(we had 4 blessings tho! 2 prot, 1 ret)

Wait...wait...let me guess. You had the best geared DPS warriors on the server but not a single enviable clothie in sight?
Actually.....lol....I dont think we had one single dps ever below 1k dps, most hung around 1500 and we only had 1 melee group and we were lucky when we had 2 hunters on, the rest were all casters.

07-25-2008, 03:49 PM
@ Spooq

"IT" depends how good you are with healing as a CoH priest. If you can blow the other healers out of the water as far as healing out put, Improved DS is not necessary in the end game content. The amount of "spirit" only covers some mages, priests, and druids. The rest don't really benefit from it. So if you're raid setup does not rely heavily on these classes - there's no need for Imp DS if you're going to sacrifice 6% to 10% of your healing.

3-4 Resto Shamans > 3-4 CoH Priests. Other than trash pulls (which can be done with any healers), where do CoH Priests shine prior to Sunwell, hmm?

Rage? No
Anatheron? No
Kazrogal? Good Luck
Azgalor? El oh El (other than melee - people shouldn't really get hit by AE - and when they do - they are so spread apart)
Archimond? /turn on everyone running everywhere with their heads cut off

Najentus? If you have the same group stay at the same spot - otherwise - No (and you can be incharged of melee group - but you'll be OOM 70% into the fight and shamans can heal the melee group for the entirety of the fight)
Supremus? No
Akama? No
Gorefiend? Not until the 50% of the fight - even then - CoH Priests still don't shine
RoS? Possibly
Bloodboil? Yes - Prolly one of the few where they really shine because of the 2-3 groups designated to get dmg.

Not saying CoH priests cannot go toe to toe against Chain Heal spam shamans. But when you consider bloodlust/heroism plugged into the dps group for 30+ seconds into the equation - they blow priests out of the water. Not to mention if you have self preserving resto shamans like Peotr - you can put him into any group and he will enhance that entire party whether it's melee or caster. Priest is just a stand alone character who has no innervate, no battle res, and no totems.

If you're a spectacular healer - go CoH. If you're above average and below - go IDS.