View Full Version : HOSS and ST

01-21-2002, 09:09 PM
Congratulations to HOSS for quite an incredible accomplishment!! Was cheering for you guys tonight. Grats =)

Aiyre Soulfyre
High Priest

01-21-2002, 09:18 PM
Jebus fuck, that was quick!

01-21-2002, 09:27 PM
Thank You =) It was one of my funniest nights in eq, and my final =)

01-21-2002, 09:33 PM
Rock on Hoss! ;)

~The Rice Man

01-21-2002, 09:45 PM
Thx ;)

That kicked ass

01-21-2002, 09:51 PM
Thanks :)

Most fun I ever had playing EQ!

01-21-2002, 09:55 PM

I can't wait for all the dinks to start crying about not having primal when they got their shrine key last week =)


01-21-2002, 10:05 PM
Thanks for the words guys.. nice to see some people still recognize an accomplishment..

Had to be the coolest fight I've been in..

01-21-2002, 10:05 PM
Congratz Hoss on awaking the sleeper ^_^ now you too can enjoy the newbies cryin on Druzzilro.net and such tells as:

"Hi i wont port you, Rez you, buff you, or help you cause your Guild so and so"


and my personal favorite

"I'm more mature than you, but i'm going to post about you being childish and greedie, i hate you and cant wait till your parents credit cards are maxxed out"

Zerixia Phaseshifter
60 Phantasmist

01-21-2002, 10:37 PM
My parents credit cards have been maxed out for years =\

01-21-2002, 10:45 PM
Thanks all =D

Definitely most fun ever =D

01-21-2002, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by Zerixia
[B]Congratz Hoss on awaking the sleeper ^_^ now you too can enjoy the newbies cryin on Druzzilro.net and such tells as:

Actually Zerixia, I've found that a vast majority of the server realizes what an accomplishment we made and are very positive about it. Yes, we did do an event that changed the server, but unlike recent events, a lot more people are supportive and congratulatory.

- Semele

01-21-2002, 10:58 PM
Thanks guys :) It was the first night in a long time where you could just feel the adreneline rise, the closer the mob got to dying. Total rush!

01-21-2002, 11:00 PM
Yeah Semele your right there :), just couldnt help to poke fun at how Druzzilro.net and some the lower level players are lately hehe.

01-21-2002, 11:04 PM
Thanks, it was lots of fun :)

Herakles Moltenbrau
01-22-2002, 01:03 AM
I'm glad you all had fun.

Seriously, without flaming, what was the difference between releasing the Sleeper and killing Venatai and leaving another warder up? I really don't understand and would like to hear a reason or two. It's been reported extensively what happens when the Sleeper gets out. Just trying to get Hoss's perspective on the whole thing.

01-22-2002, 01:07 AM
It's a scripted event. Part of the game. We wanted to complete the script. Like it or not, Sleeper's Tomb is not about farming the warders. I would have liked a Sceptre of Destruction myself. But this was not about loot.

Why'd we do it? Simple.. it was a challenge. It was FUN.

01-22-2002, 01:12 AM
Grats pals.

imo should have farmed Ventani a couple of times before letting loose, but then again guilds are different on your server! hehe trying to get our damn monks shrouds in our guild first no shrouds outta last 2 killings but 7 daggers =/

01-22-2002, 02:02 AM
Grats you guys~

01-22-2002, 02:07 AM

well done Hoss

But couldnt you wait a little longer so Rhedd couldnt quit :(

Torrid.... rofl nice update i love the quest part .. chuckle


oh and in memory of dro board.

I HATE YOU why you loose sleeper our candystore is closed now Fuck you
Sorry couldnt resist :)

01-22-2002, 02:29 AM
Congrats HOSS, you guys fully deserve a grats for waking the sleeper. Mind not the gay fucks from dro boards, they are quite meaningless. Maybe Rohaise will get more zergs to join her guild~
Was quite a feat and took effort to kill that warder, thats what EQ is about.

01-22-2002, 05:44 AM
Grats on the kill guys, oh and thanks in advance for getting me a phatty ring! =D

01-22-2002, 06:14 AM
Congrats Guys. Nice kill.:)

01-22-2002, 06:51 AM
Actually, I have given mad props to several of the Hoss people I know, but still think what Vindi did was lame as hell...

So don't try to lump them in with you.

Grats Hoss!

Not a heck of a lot for a cleric to lose anyway..;-)


01-22-2002, 07:32 AM
Grats guys on awsome kill. =) Like others have said, would have been great to have been there to watch it.

To those who are mad... hey if you dont wanna go anymore I'm sure I can find plenty of people who would still like to go to sleepers in your place =P. In the words of the Sylvester Stalone in AntZ " Quit yer Bitchin"!!

And that's all I have to say about that.


01-22-2002, 07:41 AM
Personally, I've got mixed feelings about the waking of the Sleeper. First I'd like to say Grats for the kill, a true accomplisment. However, the true feat was simply killing the 4th Warder, it had aboslutely nothing to do with waking the Sleeper which in my opinion is a purely selfish act, which removes 4 dragon type mobs from the game which others would have enjoyed having the opportunity to kill. I've never had any interst in ST so it really doesn't affect me, however, I think this script was one of the most foolish that VI ever came up with, simply because guilds will want to trigger the script to say they did it. In my opinion, VI would have been alot smarter if they had made the script where it reset after a month or so, giving others a chance to meet the same challenge.

Once again grats on the kill but at the same time /boo for waking the Sleeper, cuz you could have killed the 4th and left one of the others up and still had the "Server First" bragging rights.

01-22-2002, 07:46 AM
Actually, I think the Sleeper script is brilliant. They couldn't realistically reduce primal drop rates and have the EQ community not give them hell for it.

Instead, they use guilds' hyper-competativeness as their tool to reduce the primal flow. Very very smart of them.

01-22-2002, 07:51 AM
Well the main reason Herakles is because we wanted the challenge... it was the biggest adrenaline rush Ive ever had in EQ =) When the Sleeper awoke it was like Oh Shit ya!

On a side note if we had not released her, someoone else would have very soon.

Regardless it was fun and it was in no way about loot =)

01-22-2002, 08:04 AM
last night was sooo much fun
i could not sleep for like 3h's after =o
i got some nice pics of em also :)

01-22-2002, 08:05 AM
Doomit~ Gimme the pal shield and i'll give you a critical grats~(maybe even crippling grats) But if you don't you just get a grats equal to a paladin swing~

01-22-2002, 08:09 AM
Zappo was trying to cyber me for those entire 3 hours...

01-22-2002, 08:18 AM
This coming from the guy who was trying to slip me his virtual tongue over ICQ :/

01-22-2002, 08:45 AM
Server firsts are overratted, Grats on server last! :D

fu Eomer

01-22-2002, 09:06 AM
Great job Hoss!


01-22-2002, 09:12 AM
Zappo was trying to cyber me for those entire 3 hours...

01-22-2002, 10:10 AM
How's it to feel comradery with the equine gimp guild, Hoss? Grats on a server first, 5 months too late and done out of spite =)

01-22-2002, 10:16 AM
The equine gimp guild? Is there a new guild? <Legacy of Horses>?

While I've made it clear I think that releasing the sleeper was a bad idea, it is also clear to me that it wasn't done out of spite. Perhaps some of the childish comments made after the fact have created a level of "so nya" satisfaction, but that was far from the purpose of the whole endeavor.

(Edit2: If server firsts don't mean jack, then this seems (even more) silly: "Wow, what an incredible evening. For the first time ever on Druzzil Ro, ALL THREE Velious leaders have been slain by the same crew in a single night. ")

01-22-2002, 10:21 AM
I think he meant too late as in, too late for it to be a first in EQ, or to mean much. I think anyway!

It's too bad you feel that way Rezz, I will still cyber tho.

01-22-2002, 10:29 AM
Guess I should congratulate you al on it too.

It is a setback for our guild. Not alot of us have primals, SODs and stuff. Not end of the life tho, primals still drop, would take a bit longer, but I have patience. Pity I wont get a gnome mask tho :(

Grats Hoss, it's a very big accomplishment I think after hearing how hard Ventani is.

01-22-2002, 11:11 AM
Your an idiot rezz just from that post. I don't really know who you are in EQ nor, Do I care.

We killed Ventani or whatever the hell her name was for one Reason, A Challenge. It was a challenge to kill the warder and hella fun. When the sleeper was released all I could think of was Hell ya that was the funniest moment in EQ history for me.
I am retired now, and have been for about a week. I could care less who it affects other than hoss. I came back to kill him for 1 reason, To say I did it.

If you think it is just to smite Mythic Legion or Letzlootrot er Lmalla then you are sadly mistaken because I don't think many of us care or have this pounding urge to just screw over other guilds.

01-22-2002, 11:14 AM
How's it to feel comradery with the equine gimp guild, Hoss? Grats on a server first, 5 months too late and done out of spite =)


01-22-2002, 11:53 AM
I thougt if any one should be mad about any thing,is that they didnt get to waste their exp running to SS to die.Was totaly worth it~

01-22-2002, 12:01 PM
my dreams of soloing the warders has been dashed =(


01-22-2002, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by Rezz
How's it to feel comradery with the equine gimp guild, Hoss? Grats on a server first, 5 months too late and done out of spite =)

I love how people like to get off on belittling our success. If you had the opportunity you would have done the same thing. I am extremely proud that we accomplished a kill of a difficult mob with probably HALF the force used by others to kill Ventani. It amazes me that 32 people from all over the world can come together and work as a team so well. We spent hours working on strategy and we were rewarded with success.

And as for spite? Its no secret that events have been accelerated by the disintegration of the IGB. But that's about it, it was either us setting the Sleeper free or someone else. Although I can say that we did get some great motivation by the begging of a [guild name witheld] officer to not destroy their Sceptre of Destruction E*Bay farm. Ultimately, it was about us doing something fun for US and US ALONE. Each of us had a heroic moment in that fight; I'm proud of mine.

Baroness Semele Mooncaller
60th Heirophant
HOSS - Druzzil Ro

01-22-2002, 12:05 PM
Well said Seme!

01-22-2002, 12:09 PM
Alright for you brainless fucking morons - here you go.

Selfish?? HA! You fucking idiots. I think it's pretty selfish of you to try to tell me I have no right waking the Sleeper. Why not? Give me one good reason.

I worked my ass off to be where I am today. And one of the few things I wanted to do bad in EQ was release the Sleeper. And boy was it fucking fun to see that script go off. Who are you to say I should wait until you deck your whole guild out in Primal's and SoD's and Monk robes before I release the Sleeper?

So, sorry, It's not my problem you newbie guilds suck so much. If anyones selfish it's all you people calling US selfish for releasing the Sleeper.

So what it boils down to is; You were too slow. You lost out. Not my problem. If you had worked your ass off as much as I did - you would have saw the Warders and had your SoD like me.

Fucking whiny newbie guilds. Wah. I didn't get my SoD because I was too fucking slow. Your fault. Not mine. Not to mention the game was designed to be like this. Bye morons.

*edit* Oh yeah. You all can flame me for this. I pushed my guild hard to release the Sleeper.

Drakky the Champion

01-22-2002, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by Daisiee
my dreams of soloing the warders has been dashed =(


OMG OMG.. Daisee has revealed the true motivation we had behind releasing the sleeper. :D

Drakky.. /bow

01-22-2002, 12:14 PM
Ah, Drakky, diplomatic as always.

Don't worry, [guild name withheld], I'm sure you'll find another source of ebayable loot.

01-22-2002, 12:19 PM
and Keanued 'Whoah.' I'm suprised the sleeper was able to make it to SS with Opiie there ^ - ^
~ Way to take care of business.

01-22-2002, 12:21 PM
I find it ironic and highly amusing, that just about the time the Sleeper was being freed, I was watching Godfather Pt. II...

"I know it was you Hoss... you broke my heart!"

01-22-2002, 12:22 PM
Drakky is my hero =\

01-22-2002, 12:31 PM
You can still go to ST and get primals every three days, and there is the prismatic scale quest as well.

We don't need to be the first guild in EQ to do something, it was just fun as hell to do it and I don't hsagadf care if other guilds have done it.

01-22-2002, 12:42 PM
BTW... for everyone wondering. You can go to ST *NOW* and start killing those golems. The Master of the Guard is up (and I'll assume all the rest). Have at it.

01-22-2002, 01:21 PM
Hearing that they were going to release the sleeper almost had me and hammur reactivate our accts just to kill Ventani, and release the sleeper, then cancel the accts again.

BUT i dont have a key... :D

Kick ass Hoss, dont listen to people who are upset about this, you guys rocked, i just hope someone was trying Yelinak...

Didnt someone tell you all this, "You will NEVER release the Sleeper" ?



01-22-2002, 01:22 PM
Yelinak was dead, but a bunch of people went to SS to get killed by Kerafym!

01-22-2002, 01:35 PM

01-22-2002, 01:38 PM
My personal reason for wanting to wake the sleeper was this:

killing Ventani with another Warder up (notice the toughest dragon aruond is called a Warder? Level 60 Ranger = Warder, coincidence? I think not) would have been like "yay yay WOOT GRATS GUYS!". And then you celebrate a little less next time, and less the next, and then it's routine.

But killing Ventani and watching Kerafym awaken was something that gets your pulse racing. Something that gets you more excited about anything you've accomplished in EQ since the day you got that SMR 2 years ago, or when you got your first ever planar item. Being part of something that will never ever happen again on the server was a true, exhilirating rush, something that's not so easy to get when you've been almost everywhere and killed almost everything.

It was worth it.

01-22-2002, 01:53 PM
Grats you all! :D

Good accomplishment, and they're right in the assumption that if they didn't do it someone would have. Eventually someone would've done it, and although I didn't get my shot to see the Warders, there's still hope :P

I did some reading up on the stuff, and although I can't confirm it for sure, there's a quest to put the Sleeper back to sleep although the quest is, of course, broken. (duh)

I do actually like the script, although I realize everyone's dismay at not being able to get some items, and others being alot harder to get, but just look at it this way, it puts a little uniqueness out there in this "every sub-catagory of guilds has the same equipment" game. I know it's alot easier to say in my position not going to ST any time soon, and everyone would've liked to get it, but maybe if the putting the Sleeper back to sleep quest is put in, and worth it, (Lord Yelinak says, 'Bring me a robe from the warders and I'll give you a 10% chance to wake the Sleeper, k thx ph4t l3wts!~') then everyone'll be able to get it sometime.

Anyways, grats again. ^-^

01-22-2002, 02:27 PM
Tilea said it far better then I ever could have.

01-22-2002, 02:28 PM
"The Beast in me is caged by frail and fragile bonds..."

Most of you know who I am. For those who don't, I'm a Hoss tank. I've played EQ pretty much non-stop for two years. I've seen a lot of zones; some hot and some gay as hell.

Getting into the Sleeper's Tomb is a combined effort. There are a number of guilds who've been able to defeat the dragons that drop the item needed for the key...but getting your key is only the first of the many that will be required to raid the Tomb.

Once inside, getting to and surviving the trip to the Warders is another massive undertaking. Some guilds have farmed a few hundred keys and have no problem throwing vast numbers of players at the mobs...calling the kill a 'win' /shrug if that's what strokes your nob, more power to you.

Other guilds use elite coordination...maximizing the efforts of all classes in order to accomplish with 'few' that others would require 'zerg' numbers.

Killing the Warders was not about fucking another guild out of their loot. It wasn't about 'payback' to Vindication for going 'FFA' (which was bound to happen sooner or later anyway.) It wasn't done because we 'hate' everyone else. For me, it was about pride.

I'm glad as fuck I was there to be part of that event. I'm proud as hell I'm in a guild capable of WORKING TOGETHER with enough coordination to pull it off.

If Verant wants to put in 'no respawn' mobs, and that pisses you off...take it up with their Customer Service...the phone number's on their website.


p.s. I dont have a Sceptre of Destruction either.

01-22-2002, 02:34 PM
Funny thing is, the other guilds that are st key capable had way more SoDs, Gnome Masks, and Clawed Guardian Bracers than we did. Not to mention the zone is easier now, and there will be less competition for ST dragons, so all your guilds can still get decked in primals, and primal avatar spells.

This was not about loot at all. There is a mob, kill it, this game wasn't mean to look at pretty mobs and not kill them. The whole sleeper script was amazing, and guess what? yes, thats it, they put the script in for a reason, TO ACTIVATE IT!! :)

That was the funnest night of EQ for me by far. I'd look forward to a similar script in the future.

Why trying to ruin our accomplishment with hateful posts and false accusations, most of the time with out even knowing the full story. That shows a great level of maturity on your behalf. I hope you are proud of yourself. :) So go ahead and flame me, put me on ignore, tell me you want to beat me up in RL. All over a mob in a video game. Go for it, if you hate someone over a reason like this, I probably don't want to be your friend anyways.

01-22-2002, 02:35 PM
Elkay is the own =\

01-22-2002, 03:26 PM
This was one of the most intense satisfying accomplishments of my EQ life.

Thanks Hosslings for making it happen!!

Great job on EVERYONES part!!


01-22-2002, 03:43 PM
i thought i released the sleeper drakky =/

anyway, thanks, st was a fucking gay zone with those retarded gating golems THX LD UBAR AND ELY

01-22-2002, 03:52 PM
personaly I think the best fight ever was vulak +6 adds...

some flame .. some dont .. so what!! grats on a great accomplishment in the game. Primals will be easier to get now .. however less frequent (as if guilds need more than 1-2 per trip anyway) ...

I probbly will never see ST and its not a huge problem for me. I would like to know how many will use the taly instead of get a key lol.

to all my friends in hoss GRATS!!!! to those of you who dont like it GET BENT!!

Sir jgable <honed>

01-22-2002, 03:56 PM
Gratz on being the 10th or 11th to wake the sleeper. So whats on the menu next? What are ya gonna kill this time and say your the first to do it? I heard there is one orc_pawn007 that has never been killed in EC... You people are pathetic, everyone knows WHY you woke the sleeper, but just keep blowing smoke up their asses and tell them otherwise.

01-22-2002, 04:02 PM
oh... ha - ha - ha - ha you are so funny ranoog. comparing an orc pawn to ventani, okay.

01-22-2002, 04:11 PM
Its ok drakky, he needs to make lame posts insulting everyone else with non factual statements so he can feel good about himself. Lets not take that away from him.

01-22-2002, 04:25 PM
wurmslayer 1000pp
RBG 25000pp
accomplishing a high end goal priceless

rock on with your bad self

01-22-2002, 04:38 PM
Congrats Hoss!

Kocho Divah

01-22-2002, 05:02 PM
i just came from ec to score another serverfirst (orc_pawn007)!
i want to thank you raanog for making this posible (thx for the info).

01-22-2002, 05:38 PM
Karendra you lie, I have the screenshots to prove it. I WAS FIRST!

01-22-2002, 06:26 PM
Why so angry rhedd and drakky = \. One person from l`malla brings up the ST primal loot and you jump all over l`malla..wth. I say Congrats and nice kill and i dont get any recognition for saying grats. IMO should have farmed Ventani but i dont belong to Hoss so my saying so doesnt mean fifi. I bet that was a rush to kill his big ass the first time though but always let zappo die..just cause. That is all~

01-22-2002, 06:55 PM
It's just a game. Take in a DEEP breath, and realize, that this is just a game.

If you actually were upset that the Sleeper was released, get over it. Once we do the recapture quest (or whoever) then it can be done all over again.

It's okay though, you'll get over it.

To Ranoogg - You are a board troll. The real Ranoog uses 1 g not 2. Or posts under Goonar. Since you are just some panty waste who likes to talk shit out their ass, take this into consideration: You are lame.

I can understand that you have a lot of time though, and that the petting zoos won't let you back. I did however find pictures of your parents, and it explains a lot.



I can't really tell which one is which (mother or father) but I bet since you are still breast fed that both fulfill that need.

Have a nice day ya' fooking gimp ass bitch.

-Fizzy: You have been pwned, again.

01-22-2002, 07:21 PM
is that really ranoog? heh...doesnt sound like him

01-22-2002, 07:40 PM

And the msg board trolls continue..

01-22-2002, 07:43 PM
i am a bit sour about you ruining my chances with gnome mask but odd's are i wouldnt get one anyways just wanted to say GRATZ! on the kill guys~

01-22-2002, 07:53 PM
I did not jump all over L`Malla. Don't know where you got that from. My post goes for anyone who thinks it was selfish of us to release the Sleeper is all.

Morassis Weeple
01-22-2002, 08:19 PM
OK.. i still don't get why HoSS would kill all the warder. You guy said it fun to kill the 4th, why don't you just leave the other alone? I know other ubah guild have farm sleeper and get ton of primal/priceless, SoD.. ect. but what about other? To me this action is completely selfish and unjust. Our server have let sleeper stay up just because they respect other, no offense but why didn't ML release sleeper? why didn't L`malla release sleeper? we all know they have the force to do, but the fact that they didn't proven that they know what is good for the server itself. Again, this action is completely selfish, you said you doing this for FUN.. what the different between killing the 4th warder and killing all of the warder?

That all i have to say for my part, what done is done, but i still have to give my little input into the subject.

Baron Morassis Weeple
60th Grandmaster of Druzzil Ro

01-22-2002, 08:26 PM
Your right drakky..my bad bud. Meant that to rhedd then meant to address something different to you..getting tired.

01-22-2002, 08:42 PM
why didnt ml or lmalla release the sleeper?
cus they cant.

01-22-2002, 08:44 PM
H E L L O B U L L S H I T. Obviously you have no fucking clue how hard Ventani is. There is no way in living hell L`Malla has the forces to kill Ventani atm. And he isn't that zergable so I doubt ML could kill him.

Morassis... read my damn post it explains why, geez.

01-22-2002, 08:49 PM

01-22-2002, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by Morassis Weeple
Our server have let sleeper stay up just because they respect other, no offense but why didn't ML release sleeper? why didn't L`malla release sleeper?

Hey genius, you can't zerg Ventanii when you don't have enough keys to kill him. Remember, the strategy is, to get 6 drones, then spawning pool, then keep pumping those zerglings, but then you know what happens ... YOUR SUPPLY LIMIT HAS EXCEEDED.

01-22-2002, 09:37 PM
Could it possibly be because the person that posted that was an Officer? And Officers "should" represent their guild as a hole more than regular members.

01-23-2002, 02:58 AM
This is a lesson in why opinions are like assholes, everyone has them and they all stink.

OK.. i still don't get why HoSS would kill all the warder. You guy said it fun to kill the 4th, why don't you just leave the other alone?

Let me break out the crayons and construction paper for you. Killing the 4th warder and releasing the Sleeper is a SCRIPTED (Intentional design) event in which the creators, VI, deemed it a good idea for this to happen. Why not kill the 4th? So we let the Sleeper rest all day? he needs to wake the fuck up.

I know other ubah guild have farm sleeper and get ton of primal/priceless, SoD.. ect. but what about other?

What about them? I don't remember signing anything that said I wouldn't release the Sleeper so that everyone and their twinks on the server could get primal.

To me this action is completely selfish and unjust. Our server have let sleeper stay up just because they respect other, no offense but why didn't ML release sleeper? why didn't L`malla release sleeper?

Our server has let Sleeper stay up long enough. Why not do it? So YOU can get to ST and get primal? Waaaah. If ML and L`Malla wanted to, I mean REALLY wanted to, they probably could have. You assume a lot when you think that the Sleeper was left alone because the guilds respect each other. It's because they want primal. It's all about the phat l3wt.

we all know they have the force to do, but the fact that they didn't proven that they know what is good for the server itself. Again, this action is completely selfish, you said you doing this for FUN.. what the different between killing the 4th warder and killing all of the warder?

Selfish? In what way? We didn't share or something? Go to another server where there is 1 UBER guild, and you aren't in that one and see how far you get. The difference in killing JUST the 4th and all of them is simple, as stated before, it's the script, the story, the quest of the game design. GET OVER IT.

That all i have to say for my part, what done is done, but i still have to give my little input into the subject.

Baron Morassis Weeple
60th Grandmaster of Druzzil Ro

You are right, it is just your input and I speak solely for myself when I say that you are in need of deep therapy and real friends.

-Fizzy: Not just another lite beer.

01-23-2002, 04:04 AM
Actually, the only reason I think it's not that much of an accomplishment is because the officers of Hoss (at least a couple) were rather against freeing the sleeper back when ML was talking about freeing it months ago. I remember something about the guild that frees the Sleeper breaking IGB and being selfish and such, and a lot of talks about teaming up with various other guilds to stop ML from getting keys so that they wouldn't be able to wake Kera. Fiz is entirely right, it's all about the lewtz. And I think the timing, while a bit late to be some hugely wonderous first, is rather interesting. I know it definitely isn't to get back at Vindication =)

And as far as putting it back, I'll believe that when I see some script related to it ;) Thx for cybers Eomer! /hug

01-23-2002, 04:58 AM
Petition for a zone repop :|

01-23-2002, 06:41 AM
Originally posted by Rezz
[B]I remember something about the guild that frees the Sleeper breaking IGB and being selfish and such, and a lot of talks about teaming up with various other guilds to stop ML from getting keys so that they wouldn't be able to wake Kera.

There is no more IGB.

As for stopping ML from getting keys... it was a thought of HELPING their regular members since it would (maybe) prevent all the officer's twinks from getting keys and maybe some of the peasant members would get one!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D

Baroness Semele Mooncaller
60th Dubious Sanity Druid
HOSS - Druzzil Ro

01-23-2002, 06:44 AM
As usual Drakky you are so full of yourself and full of shit. You get one thing stuck in your head and no matter what you are ALWAYS right.

01-23-2002, 07:00 AM

01-23-2002, 07:08 AM
Rezz, we didn't awaken the Sleeper to get back at Vindication. We don't even have anything to get back at them for. If anything, Vindi was the only guild who was entirely congratulatory towards us about awakening him. Their only concern that I'm aware of was that they had the chance to get killed by him in SS. And some of them did, too ;)

01-23-2002, 07:59 AM
Read the part where I said "I know it definitely isn't to get back at Vindication =)" Cuz I was being serious ;p

Andriana Duskrose
01-23-2002, 08:08 AM

I could've solo'ed Ventaii ANYTIME, with dual ebony blades to root park him, and then DoT him to death with Tolan Vambraces, but you are so greedy and could not share the communist ideal with your fellow Marxists!!

I hope you die in an evil Winnipeg winter where your greedy carcass is consumed by powerful super, africanized mosquito's in summer!

CaNaDa 4 Lyfe!

P.S. Andaas is evil, Nuuk is more evil, and nerf Aedail's archery.

01-23-2002, 08:10 AM
the high point in my EQ was the 4th warder fight
i cant say i was ever as hyped after killing a mob as when we killed him
why did i have so much fun?
it was like no other fight i had ever done- i wish more mobs were hard like em tho :)

01-23-2002, 08:27 AM
hehe someone heard Aedail got solo exp on 4th Warder I see =D

01-23-2002, 08:30 AM
mofo claims he did 60k :/

01-23-2002, 08:32 AM
Wow I so agree with Andriana, FU drakky :((

01-23-2002, 09:12 AM
You all should be kissing Andy's and Siren's asses. If I had my way, Ventani would have been dead before Vulak ever was on druzzil. I pushed for it HARD. Vulak is a gimp, I wanted my guild to kill bigger fish.

We didn't rely on FoH's lame archery strat either. I did more from melee than archery. I'm pissed I wasted my time raising archery to find this out.

01-23-2002, 09:36 AM
As usual Drakky you are so full of yourself and full of shit. You get one thing stuck in your head and no matter what you are ALWAYS right.

Yah ok. How about you live up to this comment? Feel free to argue with me on this subject. I'll be glad to put you in your place. Back up your shit talk, dink.

01-23-2002, 09:38 AM
Hi.. How's my EQ?

Call 1-800-wha-aaaa

01-23-2002, 10:40 AM
All I can say is....


That is all good day. =)


Ps. I dont doubt he did 60k. He does like 400 a hit with trueshot up. Not to mention 800 or so crits =) NERF !!!!!! =P

Oh ya and more monk loots plz :p

01-23-2002, 10:48 AM
He does even more now, with archery mastery. I think he was saying he gets 1600 crits or something, not sure.

01-23-2002, 11:06 AM
100 - damage before modifiers
200 - 2x from level 51+ ranger mob standing still bonus
400 - 2x from archery mastery
800 - 2x from crits
1600? - trueshot

rangers > bane wizards now

even if my numbers are inaccurate (I'm sure they are somewhat), ranger archery damage is crazy now with aa skills...

only one ranger there had archery mastery though, and aedail doesn't have endless quiver (pretty sure anyway), so no 14 damage arrows. Ventani was dead, aa skills or not.

01-23-2002, 11:26 AM
Actually, the only reason I think it's not that much of an accomplishment is because the officers of Hoss (at least a couple) were rather against freeing the sleeper back when ML was talking about freeing it months ago. I remember something about the guild that frees the Sleeper breaking IGB and being selfish and such, and a lot of talks about teaming up with various other guilds to stop ML from getting keys so that they wouldn't be able to wake Kera. Fiz is entirely right, it's all about the lewtz. And I think the timing, while a bit late to be some hugely wonderous first, is rather interesting. I know it definitely isn't to get back at Vindication =)

Um, server went FFA.

Second of all, [quote from why you didnt leave one warder up here] if we left one up, another guild would have killed it. Simple as that.

I think Fizbain and my earlier post still sums it up great:

Verant put this script in the game for a reason, for it to be activated.

It was fun for me, and I'm sure would have been for you if you were there.

01-23-2002, 11:40 AM
he has endless quiver =p

Oh ya eomer he said he your wrong he got 66k!!
Highest hit with trueshot 1708 !!!!! Rangers are useful again. Poor wizards hehe


Buazag Bonesteel
01-23-2002, 12:00 PM
Drakky you selfish bastard. Ate the whole damn bowl of noodles :mad:

JFC I go out of town for a little while and look at all the stuff that happens!! Grats on what must have been a fun as hell fight Hoss.

01-23-2002, 12:10 PM
Uhhh... Rangers have always been useful :( And in my opinion, they went overboard with Archery mastery and it will probably get nerfed when enough Rangers have it at level 3.

01-23-2002, 12:24 PM
I got Endless Quiver, and the 14dmg arrows.

Let me show you the archery that is supposed to outdamage DB wizards so easily.

[Wed Jan 23 05:37:20 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 24 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:37:20 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 24 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:37:22 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:37:22 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 24 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:37:22 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 24 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:37:27 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:37:27 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 28 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:37:27 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 28 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:37:32 2002] Sneeky Scores a critical hit!(620) <-- NERF PLEASE )¤#=)2
[Wed Jan 23 05:37:34 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:37:34 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 24 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:37:34 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 24 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:37:36 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:37:36 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 8 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:37:36 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 8 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:37:38 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:37:38 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 148 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:37:38 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 148 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:37:39 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:37:39 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 24 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:37:39 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 24 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:37:41 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:37:41 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 24 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:37:41 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 24 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:37:43 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:37:43 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 196 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:37:43 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 196 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:04 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:04 2002] Aedail Scores a critical hit!(110)
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:04 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 110 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:04 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 110 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:06 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:06 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 68 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:06 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 68 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:07 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:07 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 296 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:07 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 296 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:11 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:11 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 8 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:11 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 8 points of damage
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:16 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:16 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 24 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:16 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 24 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:20 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:20 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 308 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:20 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 308 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:22 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:22 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:22 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:24 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:24 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 24 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:24 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 24 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:29 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:29 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 300 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:29 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 300 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:31 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:31 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 8 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:31 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 8 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:32 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:32 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 172 points of damage.

ok, this sucks, I need Avatar maybe I thought, so I melee'd for a few to get a proc.

[Wed Jan 23 05:38:37 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 1 point of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:38 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 30 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:38 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 1 point of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:39 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:39 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 1 point of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:40 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:40 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 14 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:41 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:42 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 31 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:42 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:43 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 20 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:43 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:43 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 2 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:45 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 60 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:46 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:47 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 37 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:48 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 23 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:48 2002] Your body screams with the power of an Avatar. <--- yay, lets rock
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:49 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 3 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:49 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 57 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:50 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:50 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 2 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:50 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 30 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:51 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:52 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 34 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:52 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 6 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:52 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:54 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:54 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 5 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:55 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:55 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 40 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:56 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 50 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:56 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:56 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:38:56 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 32 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:00 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:01 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 35 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:01 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 2 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:01 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 19 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:02 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:02 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 21 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:02 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 2 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:03 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 68 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:03 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 4 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:03 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 5 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:03 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:05 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 6 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:05 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 29 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:06 2002] You kick A Possessed Warmaster for 19 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:06 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 6 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:07 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 43 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:07 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 14 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:07 2002] A Possessed Warmaster hits YOU for 436 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:14 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:14 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 16 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:14 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 16 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:15 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:15 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 160 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:15 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 160 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:20 2002] Aedail's bow crackles with natural energy. <--- YAY, trueshot, lets outdamage some DB wizards!!!
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:20 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:20 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 320 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:20 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 320 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:22 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:22 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 40 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:22 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 40 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:24 2002] Your body screams with the power of an Avatar.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:24 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:24 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 152 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:24 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 152 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:29 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:29 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 32 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:29 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 32 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:36 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:36 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 32 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:36 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 32 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:38 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:38 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 640 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:38 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 640 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:40 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:40 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 32 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:40 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 32 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:42 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:42 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 504 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:42 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 504 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:43 2002] Your body screams with the power of an Avatar.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:43 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:43 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 40 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:43 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 40 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:45 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:45 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 464 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:39:45 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 464 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:01 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:01 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 56 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:01 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 56 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:02 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:02 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 144 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:02 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 144 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:06 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:06 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 64 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:06 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 64 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:07 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:07 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 240 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:07 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 240 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:11 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:11 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 80 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:12 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 80 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:13 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:13 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 1000 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:13 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 1000 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:14 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:14 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 120 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:14 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 120 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:16 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:16 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 128 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:16 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 128 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:18 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:18 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 32 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:18 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 32 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:20 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:20 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 792 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:20 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 792 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:21 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:21 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 56 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:21 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 56 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:23 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:23 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 81 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:23 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 81 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:28 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:28 2002] Aedail Scores a critical hit!(443)
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:28 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 443 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:28 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 443 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:30 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:30 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 80 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:30 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 80 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:34 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:34 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 56 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:34 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 56 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:38 2002] Your bow shot did double dmg.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:38 2002] A Possessed Warmaster was hit by non-melee for 32 points of damage.

Disc wasn't finished yet here, but arrows was poofing because he was pushed into a weird position, so all I was hitting was PC's.

[Wed Jan 23 05:40:38 2002] You hit A Possessed Warmaster for 32 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:41 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 2 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:41 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 5 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:41 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 49 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:41 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 14 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:42 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 17 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:42 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 6 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:42 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 23 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:42 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:43 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 4 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:43 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 31 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:44 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 3 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:46 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 19 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:46 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 3 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:47 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 32 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:47 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 32 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:47 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 26 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:48 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:48 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 17 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:49 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:49 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 33 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:50 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:52 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 32 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:53 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 4 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:53 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:53 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:53 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 39 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:54 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:54 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 2 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:54 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:54 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:55 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 52 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:55 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 86 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:56 2002] You kick A Possessed Warmaster for 1 point of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:56 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 30 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:58 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 6 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:40:58 2002] You slash A Possessed Warmaster for 3 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:41:00 2002] You kick A Possessed Warmaster for 17 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:41:01 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 65 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:41:01 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:41:02 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 12 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:41:03 2002] You crush A Possessed Warmaster for 19 points of damage.
[Wed Jan 23 05:41:04 2002] You kick A Possessed Warmaster for 1 point of damage.

My trueshot disc started 5:39:20 and ended 5:40:38.

That's 78 seconds.

During the Trueshot disc I did 5628damage (WOW NERF PLEASE).

5628 / 78 = 72DPS.

Wow, 72 DPS, It's completely unfair that rangers have the ability to do 72 DPS on a mob without having to actually touch it!

Decrease Hit Points (HP) by 1615 (L60)
Casting Time: 7.0 seconds
Spell Recovery: 2.50 seconds

7 + 2,5 = 9,5 seconds

lets throw in 5 seconds extra for lag, I'm feeling generous today!

9,5 + 5 = 14,5 seconds

1615 / 14,5 = 111DPS

And that's not counting crits, resists may happen, sure. My fire nukes on the same mob hit for full, all of them though. So I'd think a resist would be pretty rare. And you can probably decrease the casting time on it, since 5 seconds lag is pretty much.

Oh, and did I mention Trueshot has a 72min refresh time?

* Target cannot be rooted.
* Target cannot be moving.
* Targets *middlepoint* can't get pushed inside a wall. (happens on dragons ALOT).
* PC's can't get in th way or arrow will poof.

Oh, and another thing, there is no autoattack for Archery, you have to keep clicking that button, which means if I lag the button click will be delayed, which will also mean a delay in damage, while a rogue/monk/warrior would just continue to hit since he has autoattack on.

I have critted for 1708 4 times so far, in over 50 trueshot sessions, so much for that.

Sorry, can get back to the subject now.


01-23-2002, 12:37 PM

omg nerf!

01-23-2002, 01:10 PM
Well, you really can't compare Luclin to non-luclin. DPS goes way way down vs anything with SuperExtraNew AC like those RoF bosses.

01-23-2002, 01:19 PM
Even without the archery mastery skill, and with only little bitty 3 damage summoned arrows, my trueshot still did a ton of damage to Ventani. Dunno how it works against luclin stuff. But with trueshot up, almost all arrows hit for 250 or more, with my best crit being 779.

01-23-2002, 01:19 PM
Uhm, wizards can't bane that mob, post the log of Ventani. And yes, your damage to ventani beat the shit out of Nuuk's.

Luclin mobs are a very different animal. Fights last a LOOOOONG time. So, if I were to use all my mana, asuming the luclin mob didn't rape me for it, I'd be oom doing nothing while meditating. Of course if you want to get specific to the mob in your log, wizard aggro is a HUGE concern because of DT, so we are foced to space out nukes light years apart, etc etc.

Of course if we use a nuke robe, we can do 625 damage every 15 seconds. This is far more efficient then meditate + nuke. By your own admission you do well above that DPS.

Keep in mind, Luclin was made to FAVOR casters. You would do even better on velious mobs, save the ones that slow, and perhaps Aary. I readily admit wizards perform well against the RoF mobs. But then, we don't seem to have much trouble with them anways.

Sure you can post your logs against mobs you don't fair well against. I can post logs of my damage to tunare where I did under 4000 damage and went OOM too.

01-23-2002, 01:22 PM
Hey I only did around 50-60k to Ventani before he decided to play patty cake with my face.. I wouldnt say he beat the shit out of my damage Torrid haha..

Be interesting to see if Aedail can match our 100k+ damage on Vulak next time :)

Only thing I feel ripped off about is PP per dmg.
12pp x 2 for 2k dmg, I doubt arrows cost that much to make haha

Nuuk tells the guild, BRB starting a ranger twink.

I am not Evil, Andaas is though!! He made me do it!!

As far as freeing the sleeper goes, half the other servers have done it as well, get over it. Most everything that you go to sleepers for still drops and more often now with 2 day spawns.. Only thing people whining here about to me is thier Ebay business just got cut off, well tooo bad!!! Play the game!! Move on!! Sorry no more Sods on Ebay from Druzzil... You know who you are!!

01-23-2002, 01:27 PM
Heh this is ridiculous

Ok, lets pretend I have unlimited mana. How long do you think I'd live if I chain casted sunstrike? Nuuk and I were dying to the warmaster with finite mana and spacing nukes far apart.

You guys are DREAMING if you think we were even approaching 80 DPS. Wizards using the horse bug to cast while meditating were getting 85 DPS max, all the while getting a ton of aggro, on blue con exp mobs.

edit: 16k difference is pretty big nuuk, about 3/4 torrid's entire mana bar :P Besides, just going by what you said :P And aedail isn't spending a sinlge PP on arrows now with endless quiver :P

01-23-2002, 01:38 PM
Nerf all of you dammit!! :D

Warriors clearly superior then..

Otherwise.. HUSH..

You can't ALL be the masters of dmg output, and I think the majority of us who are still FAR behind you 4 classes are bored listening to it..

Wizards, Rogues, Rangers, Monks.. (In no particular order.. don't want to start yet ANOTHER war on this topic)


01-23-2002, 01:43 PM
Actually Eli, Torrin's DPS will beat Torrid's in non-aoe exp groups easily :P

01-23-2002, 01:45 PM
Well, I did 80k+ to Vulak in 30 min or so once with mana rods up the ying yang and a shaman healing me..

From my estimate, thats still only works out to be 45 dmg per sec. So if I was a ranger right now, i would say nothing and just smile!!

01-23-2002, 01:51 PM
heh you forget melee are 140% slowed

01-23-2002, 02:09 PM
Vulak is about a special of a case as you can get. Yes wizards DESTROY vulak. No other mob in the game has so many variables set to favor the wizard class though, not even close. You can't balance a class by making them good on one mob, heh. (especialy one as trivial as vulak)

Next time we do vulak, I'll just chain dispel his slow off Torrin!

01-23-2002, 04:12 PM
Elidroth is right!

SIMMAH DOWN NAH! ...yah hear!

01-23-2002, 04:50 PM
Ok, lets pretend I have unlimited mana.

Ok, lets pretend trueshot disc lasts forever.


01-23-2002, 05:04 PM
why so hijack a thread meant to bash hoss and bash yourselves??

your ruining my EQ experiance with this injustice .. give others the chance to flame


sir jgable

01-23-2002, 05:28 PM
Grats frnds, you are the win.

like woah~ <>_<>

01-23-2002, 07:32 PM
Lex ho!

who let you out from underneath your rock? ho ho! how ya been?


Waiwai Kendo
01-23-2002, 11:23 PM

Grats hoss!

YZR-M1 (http://www.cyclechaos.com/wiki/Yamaha_YZR-M1)

01-23-2002, 11:24 PM
ROFL Waiwai..

He said Mount..

OMG that's funny.

Sabinn Treesmoker
01-24-2002, 02:10 AM
Drakky u are a prick. u said before that its not my fault that i am a lower lvl and not high enough to go to sleeper, well shit man, sorry that u found out about the game before me, and evan if i did, i could get the game waaaaay before u and be totaly decked out and been lvl 60 for a year or so and still not have a chance at SoD, and other kool weapons due to my guild, u know hoss don't let anyone in or in lewts, if they did they would become what u are always saying u hate, zurg, And i find nothing wrong with ML anyway, nicest ppl i've met, not assholes like vindication and not stupid pricks like YOU, its power in numbers, and shit, i do think ML could take out 4th warder. and your little come back with that will be some retared shit like, "ohh how would u know" or "quit n00b",
so bite my woodelf ass
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

01-24-2002, 02:37 AM
omg drakky w o w he liek was pwning You :(

01-24-2002, 04:06 AM
Yeah, and I bet Drakky really cares that people say he is wrong (and everyone can beat 4th warder that raids ST) from people who have never fought him.

01-24-2002, 04:17 AM
i do think ML could take out 4th warder.

They tried, and lost.

i could get the game waaaaay before u and be totaly decked out and been lvl 60 for a year or so and still not have a chance at SoD, and other kool weapons due to my guild

SoD is not nodrop. Primals still drop, so what's your point?


01-24-2002, 08:30 AM
Good God Sabinn.. That was ONE sentance? /boggle.

01-24-2002, 08:49 AM
He's smoked one too many trees I think.

01-24-2002, 08:50 AM
Drakky u are a prick. u said before that its not my fault that i am a lower lvl and not high enough to go to sleeper, well shit man, sorry that u found out about the game before me, and evan if i did, i could get the game waaaaay before u and be totaly decked out and been lvl 60 for a year or so and still not have a chance at SoD, and other kool weapons due to my guild,

So what you are basically saying is that if you were Drakky, but not in Hoss, you'd still suck ass. You also are saying that your guildmates aren't capable of getting there. Nice job there gimp.

u know hoss don't let anyone in or in lewts, if they did they would become what u are always saying u hate, zurg,

WTF are you talking about? We don't let anyone in? We don't fork over loot to people like you? GET A FUCKING CLUE. On a side note, how does Hoss become a "zurg" (ZERG by the way you dumb fuck) by killing shit with 30+ people? You need a clue. Go spend your daddy's money.

And i find nothing wrong with ML anyway, nicest ppl i've met, not assholes like vindication and not stupid pricks like YOU, its power in numbers, and shit, i do think ML could take out 4th warder. and your little come back with that will be some retared shit like, "ohh how would u know" or "quit n00b",
so bite my woodelf ass

We're stupid pricks? When did that happen? We must be relying on dumb luck to do what we do with the numbers we have. There is no skill in attacking a mob with 70+ people. There is no strategy. You are a dumbass. You obviously need to be educated above the third grade. You do know what a run on sentence is right? Yes, HOW WOULD YOU FUCKING KNOW? QUIET n00b.

Fucking loser....

-Fizzy: pwning your newbie ass since beta.

01-24-2002, 08:51 AM
can i be KOOL too? :| pls?

01-24-2002, 08:58 AM
no vegu =\

01-24-2002, 10:16 AM
"and other kool weapons due to my guild, u know hoss don't let anyone in or in lewts,"

With all due respect, there is nothing due to your guild. There is nothing "due" to mine, either. The only thing that is DUE to your guild, is what you make for yourself. Awakening the Sleeper was due to us because we put the effort into making it happen, plain and simple.

As for Hoss not "letting anyone in or in lewts", yes we refuse to ever let anyone into ST anymore. To make this possible, we have wedged all our Ogres into the first door in the zone, hereby being sure we never have to let anyone in, ever again.

01-24-2002, 10:31 AM
If you think Hoss is a bunch of selfish pricks, explain why we sat on our asses for 2 hours yesterday waiting for NI to give Statue a shot, so that we could give AoW a try. Not to mention we also helped them kill Vind prior to that, as most of their melee were dead.

Fuck you if you think Hoss is out to screw you. We may not be out to help you either, but we aren't looking for an excuse to fuck anyone over.

01-24-2002, 10:49 AM
Due to your guild? Like I said, not my fault you/your guild suck so much.

Bite my barbarian ass fucking newbie!


Amuel Daemon
01-24-2002, 11:01 AM
I agree, drakky sucks!

Buazag Bonesteel
01-24-2002, 11:50 AM
Less politics-----More Beer

But yes, Drakky sucks....noodle stealin bastard

01-24-2002, 11:55 AM
ROFL Waiwai, so gan =|

Again, Verant made the script for it to be activated.

01-24-2002, 12:11 PM
Yes, and Verant is always is looking out for what is best for the players.

01-24-2002, 01:04 PM
If they were doing that they would just shut down EQ completely!!! muhaha =)

01-24-2002, 01:08 PM

I can just see the patch message now

January 24th, 2002

* We have shut down all the Everquest servers in the hope that you will all go out and get a life!

01-24-2002, 02:14 PM
:rolleyes: fu video game drug!

01-24-2002, 06:24 PM
And again, Verant admitted that script is incomplete. Why activate something incomplete? :)

Amuel Daemon
01-24-2002, 06:37 PM
We had to do it because like we are ninjas and it was totally sweet to flip out and cut off Ventani's head.

01-24-2002, 06:52 PM
/agree muel!:D

01-24-2002, 09:24 PM
I may not agree on all your arguments for killing the sleeper, but I will say Grats on a server first. It wasn’t easy, and it is something that a guild can be proud of.

Now the next server first is to complete the quest to capture the sleeper again. :D

Gratz on THE Sleeper

GL on your future endeavors.

01-24-2002, 10:09 PM
Tilea! dun forget about da trolls blocking the zone too! duh :rolleyes:

*We are da ninja's! and we rox0rz!*

01-25-2002, 11:00 AM
I blame Sirensa..


01-25-2002, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by Amuel Daemon
We had to do it because like we are ninjas and it was totally sweet to flip out and cut off Ventani's head.
Dammit muel that was sekrit.

01-25-2002, 04:06 PM
at least while ppl whine here or go kill 4th warder and noobie stuff they leave froggy alone :/

01-26-2002, 12:38 AM
The End.

psst.. Fuck newbies! =o =o o= o=

01-26-2002, 08:35 AM

01-26-2002, 09:46 AM
Wow is this our new PL'ing thread?



bullar owns!


01-26-2002, 09:48 AM
kaka on aed

01-26-2002, 10:05 AM
I wanna be cool newbie!

01-26-2002, 10:59 AM
What about paltar, Squishy?

01-26-2002, 11:00 AM
Oh I forgot, you're from the SOUTH =\

01-27-2002, 01:03 AM
mmmmm cock~

01-27-2002, 02:01 AM
Eomer stfu.

01-27-2002, 03:17 AM
my threat please leave.

01-27-2002, 06:21 AM
kaka on vegu
kaka on kare

paltar på arcius~


01-27-2002, 10:30 AM
shut your cake hole squishy =\

01-27-2002, 10:46 AM
Can I have some bullar?

01-27-2002, 12:09 PM
did i hear pl thread ?

01-27-2002, 12:59 PM
omg weeee PL

01-27-2002, 03:47 PM
This is not a pl thread :|

01-27-2002, 05:16 PM
that is correct Arcius , because this is MY thread!! now you all go and leave plz thx

01-27-2002, 06:53 PM
Karen bears can't own threads....

01-27-2002, 07:08 PM
omg this new thingy is now liek Muwhah ver 3.0

01-27-2002, 08:34 PM
Only Rhedds and Arciuses can own threads.

01-27-2002, 09:46 PM
Stuf you board trolls mah thread move on .

01-27-2002, 10:36 PM
I agree Arcius, should we plevel this thread too?

01-28-2002, 12:57 AM
bears owning threads ?
bo ha ha

only thing bears will ever own is gnome kabobs when they are asleep and not fighting back

01-28-2002, 11:09 AM
Lepra = real bear

Karendra = nastyfakevilebear


01-28-2002, 11:46 AM
paltar på arcius~

yah, frukter kraften fran min morker riddare!
=o keke drive thru~

Welp, that's all about that =/

01-28-2002, 12:26 PM
Maybe Rhedd.

01-29-2002, 05:37 AM
Bah...I am about to lose my virgin poster status but had to say this...

ROFLMAO Fizban...one of the funniest replies I have read in awhile. Good job.

Sabinn...nice run-on sentence. I do know which guild you are in and they have a lot of nice folks in it and are curretlyin ToV areas, so I would say they do not suck...but that is my opinion.

Anywayz...rock on Hoss. You all have my compliments on holding off of the 4th warder so long.

Painina Rearend

02-06-2002, 10:19 AM
sabinn was removed from honed ... after not passing eval status

but drakky < danst

that is all
kk thx

02-06-2002, 10:15 PM

Good post, I didn't understand the whole Sleepers tomb awakening (guess im not a true EQuester). After readin post, I get it now *YAY*. Grats on awakening the sleeper. As for Sabinn, drakky owns j00. Gotta give props to Honed too, we're getting better and better every raid so we'll be in ST soon 'nuff.

Just had to reply cuz im n00b.

P.S. I have screenshots of Drakky in full cobalt (YOU ARE MY HERO)

Lilgiant of Honed )56myrmidon(

02-07-2002, 12:52 AM
Oh cool! Show 'em! I don't have any pics of me in full Cob and Epics!

02-07-2002, 03:14 AM

02-07-2002, 03:02 PM
Here ya go Drakky , bah torrid, he asked me not j00!

02-07-2002, 03:06 PM
Drakky = Epic EggMcMuffin



02-07-2002, 05:12 PM
Where are the screenshots of Drakky before he was the Champion? :confused:

Amuel Daemon
02-07-2002, 05:19 PM
drakky sux

02-07-2002, 05:28 PM
aparatus sux

02-07-2002, 05:30 PM
WTF! Kallaill you must die
/kill kaillgimp
/poke kallgimp's corpse

that was pwn :D

02-07-2002, 05:32 PM
u couldnt keel me if i dotted myself down to 1hp and stood in one spot idle for 1 hour!...fu keke thnx

02-07-2002, 05:33 PM
I just killed you, didn't you read my post :rolleyes:

02-07-2002, 05:35 PM
no u were dreaming...remeber how i woke u up..went something like.....


02-07-2002, 05:37 PM
Hi Kallaill this is reality Aparatus is your god worship or die.

See kall even reality pwns you :cool:

02-07-2002, 05:39 PM
fark i jus got pwned

02-07-2002, 05:40 PM

02-07-2002, 05:45 PM
omg i have 4 blue stars u only have 3!...i jus pwned u

02-07-2002, 05:46 PM
Damn you did just pwn me whatever shall I do :confused:

Amuel Daemon
02-07-2002, 05:46 PM
I think I have four blue stars now.

02-07-2002, 05:48 PM
oooohhhh apa...amuel jus pwned u too!

02-07-2002, 05:49 PM
I'm getting pwnage from everyone now:mad:

04-30-2002, 04:48 PM
im an asshole

05-01-2002, 05:13 AM
fu zap

05-02-2002, 11:44 AM
yeah :o fu