View Full Version : Question to you multiboxers
08-01-2008, 02:00 PM
Is it possible to use and have it work with the account that's not being viewed on my screen?
Basically looking for a way to hit certain macros on the hidden screen without having to switch over.
08-01-2008, 03:36 PM
Yes and No. It depends. If you're using Keyclone/Multicasters, you'll have to assign the keys you want to press on your N52 to not be available on your main window. That way, when you press on the keys, the main window is unaffected and the background client will elicit the said keystroke.
PC1 - 1 = Does Nothing (main wow window)
PC2 - 1 = Chain Lightning (background wow window)
Pressing 1 on the N52 will do nothing on your main window but will allow your background wow window to cast chain lightning.
When I 5 box renshin, his page 1 is completely blank. 1 - 4 are all heals on PC#2 (which is Angelie) and 5 to = are all nukes on my shaman/warlock/mage depending on what I'm using. I never even look at my priest or DPS - but am able to invoke keystrokes I need. Sometimes, when I use my N52, I just have #1 on auto spam because it's greater heal without affecting my main window which is Renshin.
The other option is if you use AHK. It will allow you to have key bindings on 1 for your main window as well as your background window but having AHK active will allow some keystrokes to only produce the keystroke on the background window. However, I will never sponsor AHK as it is capable of programable actions (such as moving from one point to the next or automated sequence of actions) which can cause your account to be banned.
Good luck and I hope you are able to get what you need.
08-04-2008, 07:01 AM
I am totally lost on what the f Angelie just posted above.
Lumpia Hubad 4 life.
08-04-2008, 09:36 AM
Speaking of Lumpia Hubad... We need to make Sunday's our normal time to run it, say in the afternoon?
08-04-2008, 12:09 PM
Yes, I actually need to run the 5s tonight so we can get our points in. Maybe after the raid?
I have one of these. It's magikx.
08-14-2008, 01:56 AM
ohhhh dats nice macro keybaord, but hugeamous
08-14-2008, 01:31 PM
that thing is sick!
08-15-2008, 02:19 AM
You multiboxers are crazy. Wish I could afford a second account >.>
08-19-2008, 08:21 AM
I should have spare software with 0 characters on it next week if someone wanted to take it over and not buy WoW. I'm staying at 3 accounts for the time being. Just a "meh"...
08-21-2008, 10:38 AM
I'm just setting up a 2nd account to transfer my Shaman to and wanted to ask what the correct process is. I did the recruit a friend thing to get an account going, then I just need to buy vanilla WoW and then buy TBC correct? Once I get both of key's entered, I then do the paid character transfer to my new account?
I will prob be dual boxing from my laptop at first, just helping my shaman through quests, dailies, and some easy instances. I may do some ghetto arena's as well (I suck at arena anyway, I can imagine dual boxing is going to be a joke at first, heh). What are the advantages/disadvantages to running two PC's versus running two instances of WoW on the same system?
Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.
08-22-2008, 04:26 PM
Run 2 clients of wow on the same pc on different monitors (dual screen) is a lot easier than running 2 clients on one monitor on the same pc. If you go this route, use Keyclone (just google it).
If you have the spare $$ to have 2 pc's - it'll just be less laggy (though running 2 clients on a 25 man raid for me is doable - so I'd imagine it will be for you too, mr Z Nerd). It's when you go 3+ wow's at the same time where having multiple PCs become more and more of a necessity.
You will want to have multiple WOW folders if you're going to run multiple clients in one PC simply because you would want to have different saved keybindings and macros in case you want to use your background wow client as a main and just play 1 char at sometime.
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