View Full Version : New Prof...

09-15-2008, 01:00 PM
There is a new profession coming soon called Inscription, and I have been looking through it some....

It looks to be pretty neat, except for one thing....

From what I saw....there is nothing for warriors to use (please tell me if anyone found a link where there is). WTF...so warriors get nothing at all from this prof. to benefit them too? That is WEAK.

09-15-2008, 01:05 PM

Looks like warriors get the shaft AGAIN...Fuckin blizzard..


09-15-2008, 01:07 PM
yes cause dual wielding 2h weapons has "I'm getting fucked over" written all over it AMIRITE?

09-15-2008, 01:10 PM
And what will that do for tanks?? nada...

That is 1 tree. Look at all the other classes and their new spell/talents...and they still get glyphs to pump them up even more.

I still say we are being shafted....big time.

09-15-2008, 01:14 PM
lets see here, mages get a glyph that makes the dot on fireball not happen and the snare off of frost bolt not happen. WOW that's just fucking insane right?

09-15-2008, 01:15 PM
And what will that do for tanks?? nada...

That is 1 tree. Look at all the other classes and their new spell/talents...and they still get glyphs to pump them up even more.

I still say we are being shafted....big time.

Blizzard is in the process of annihilating the ideal that Warriors always equal Tanks.

Druids, Warriors, Dread Knights and Paladins are all in the process of being equalized. How well it will pan out... who knows-

Either way, that tradeskill really just went in. I doubt Blizzard is finished implementing everything for it.

09-15-2008, 05:37 PM
No worries wresh you will get your glyphs. Just cause they havent announced or implemented them doesnt mean they arent on the way. I highly doubt they would leave a class out of the new profession system. They seem to be putting alot of effort into your class so be patient, it will come.

09-15-2008, 06:12 PM
Hopefully DKs dont get glyphs since they already have a built in glyph system from what I have heard. What we need are epic inscriptions that give you the Vael buff.

09-16-2008, 06:33 AM
Hopefully DKs dont get glyphs since they already have a built in glyph system from what I have heard. What we need are epic inscriptions that give you the Vael buff.
Hopefully DKs were just a joke and are deleted from the xpac...

09-16-2008, 06:36 AM
Hopefully DKs were just a joke and are deleted from the xpac...

I would have to agree with berae :D

09-16-2008, 07:24 AM
Why all the hate for DKs all the time. I bet you hate our space goat overlords too.

09-16-2008, 09:47 AM
You guys all suck at research! This is really old news. mmo-champion has pretty much daily updates on WotLK stuff. Also, ALL classes have glyphs.

Glyph of Battle - Increases the duration of your Battle Shout ability by 1 min.
Glyph of Barbaric Insults - Your Mocking Blow ability also taunts the target.
Glyph of Blocking - Increases your block value by 10% for 10 sec after using your Shield Slam ability.
Glyph of Bloodrage - Reduces the health cost of your Bloodrage ability by 50%.
Glyph of Bloodthirst - Increases the healing you receive from your Bloodthirst ability by 20%.
Glyph of Charge - Increases the range of your Charge ability by 5 yards.
Glyph of Cleaving - Reduces the rage cost of Cleave by 5.
Glyph of Devastate - Your Devastate ability now applies two stacks of Sunder Armor.
Glyph of Enduring Victory - Increases the window of opportunity in which you can use Victory Rush by 5 sec.
Glyph of Execution - Your Execute ability deals damage as if you had 10 additional rage.
Glyph of Hamstring - Gives your Hamstring ability a 10% chance to immobilize the target for 5 sec.
Glyph of Heroic Strike - You gain 10 rage when you critically strike with your Heroic Strike ability.
Glyph of Intervene - Increases the number attacks you intercept for your Intervene target by 1.
Glyph of Mocking Blow - Increases the damage of your Mocking Blow ability by 25%.
Glyph of Mortal Strike - Increases the damage of your Mortal Strike ability by 10% but the healing penalty is reduced by half.
Glyph of Overpower - Adds a 50% chance to enable your Overpower when your attacks are parried.
Glyph of Rapid Charge - Reduces the cooldown of your Charge ability by 20%.
Glyph of Rending - Increases the duration of your Rend ability by 3 sec.
Glyph of Resonating Power - Increases the maximum targets affected by your Thunder Clap ability by 4.
Glyph of Revenge - After using Revenge, your next Heroic Strike costs no rage.
Glyph of Shield Slam - Increases your block value by 10% for 10 sec after using your Shield Slam ability.
Glyph of Spell Reflection - Reduces the cooldown of your Spell Reflection ability by 2 sec.
Glyph of Sunder Armor - Your Sunder Armor ability affects a second nearby target.
Glyph of Sweeping Strikes - You generate 30 rage over 12 sec when you use your Sweeping Strikes ability.
Glyph of Taunt - Increases the chance for your Taunt ability to succeed by 8%.
Glyph of Thunder Clap - Increases the radius of your Thunder Clap ability by 2 yards.
Glyph of Victory Rush - Your Victory Rush ability has a 30% increased critical strike chance against targets above 90% health.
Glyph of Whirlwind - Increases the number of targets you Whirlwind ability hits by 1.

09-16-2008, 05:07 PM
Rogues don't have any that I know of.
Keep in mind I don't care enough to look :)

09-17-2008, 10:54 AM

Looks like warriors get the shaft AGAIN...Fuckin blizzard..


Right now, the following inscriptions have been revealed in the WotLK Beta. Since it is a beta, the list is not complete nor is it final.:)

09-17-2008, 03:58 PM
I maxxed out my inscription on beta and while there are no warrior glyphs currently (at least there were none 2 days ago), they have stated over and over that there will be glyphs for all classes. Add to that, warriors have a glyph section in their "spellbook".

Every single class will be getting the benefit of inscription, although it really isn't a huge benefit at this time... most of the glyphs aren't really huge buffs to abilities, more minor things that situationally help you (and some cosmetic stuff).

And DK's actually don't have a built in glyph system... and while they are fun to play, I think their implementation in raids is ridiculously complex right now (at least it seems so to me)... although I haven't done any of the end game stuff with one yet so I can't say a lot to that personally.