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View Full Version : Heroes season 3

09-23-2008, 08:56 AM
I am a little disappointment of the season 3 opener. It was exciting to watch, but there were too many subs stories botched together. None of them were compelling. Too much time altering were used too and not much connection were found between S2 and S3 except the assassination.

Maybe these villians escaped from the level 5 will make next couple epsodes more interesting.

I like S1 best because the story telling was intriguing and plots were well developed. Audiences could find characters they cheer for or hate. After watching the S3 opener, all of them can be killed for all I care. Writers can always bring dead back; if stories suck or there are too many loop holes to fill, lets change the timeline and replot another story!

With all that said, I will still watch it, with less enthusiasm.

09-23-2008, 09:28 AM
Cool :) I am glad Heroes sucks, maybe more will show up to raid now :) There is always the digital video recorder too :P

09-23-2008, 09:28 AM
I agree for the most part. I liked it more then you, but I agree they put too much stuff in the opening episode. Too many story lines flipping around. My biggest complaint with the series is usually they dont move the story along fast enough for my taste. The opener for S3 I thought moved way too fast. I'm sure it will slow down into more concentrated story plots as the season goes on.

As far as the time travel thing goes, I dig it. The butterfly effect as it relates to time travel has always intrigued me in television and movies no matter how bad the end result was. I even liked that horrible time traveling Medevil movie with the guy from the fast and the furious. (forgot the name of the movie)

Although the characters do not follow a scorecard of "good" or "evil" any more, I still like them and remain somewhat attached to their history and how they got where they are today.

Like I said, I think I liked it more then you. S1 still definately the best. S2 I didnt like nearly as much, but S3 looks better then S2 from what I am seeing so far..

09-23-2008, 09:41 AM
I agree the S3 looks better than the S2. The S2 totally sucked. At least main stories in the S3 have finished for the all episodes, so maybe the stories will be more cohesive and better developed in later episodes.

09-23-2008, 09:46 AM
I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out. They have great potential this season to make or break that show.

09-23-2008, 10:07 AM
Nuuk, come play!

09-23-2008, 10:40 AM
Time Bandits > all

09-23-2008, 02:42 PM
WTT walls of text about Heroes for walls of text about WoW

09-23-2008, 03:46 PM
My god..... I am still reeling from the full hour long "pre-game" show complete with a FRIGGIN COUNTDOWN TIMER !!!!!!

My wife had to have it on in the living room while i was sitting there raiding on my laptop last nite...... what drivel of a show.... I swear the writers are some ADD schizo's who couldn't sit still as children.... what is the point to the damn show? Why is the world in continual peril ? Why o why ....... ok couldn't the whole 3 season non-story have been summed up in a single blissfully short mini-series? Save the Cheerleader! Oh how I wished the damn cheerleader wouldnt get up after having her skull opened up... oh how cruel to let it continue......

... er .... aaaaagggggghhhhh my brain is melting...... ooohhh the paaainnnn...........

09-23-2008, 11:54 PM

I play, just not with the guild for quite a while lately. My own personal reasons, nothing to do with anyone in particular or the guild. I have 5 70's and a few in the high 60's and I am leveling a Rogue at the moment.

I plan on leveling and raiding with the guild full time in Wrath if everyone will have me...

Truthfully I am just afraid of Lons yelling at me more :) j/k

P.S. I miss the old EQ days!!

09-24-2008, 12:18 AM

I play, just not with the guild for quite a while lately. My own personal reasons, nothing to do with anyone in particular or the guild. I have 5 70's and a few in the high 60's and I am leveling a Rogue at the moment.

I plan on leveling and raiding with the guild full time in Wrath if everyone will have me...

Truthfully I am just afraid of Lons yelling at me more :) j/k

P.S. I miss the old EQ days!!

Yes, you best come back for Lich King. Or else Better will come kick your ass. <3

09-24-2008, 01:49 AM

I play, just not with the guild for quite a while lately. My own personal reasons, nothing to do with anyone in particular or the guild. I have 5 70's and a few in the high 60's and I am leveling a Rogue at the moment.

I plan on leveling and raiding with the guild full time in Wrath if everyone will have me...

Truthfully I am just afraid of Lons yelling at me more :) j/k

P.S. I miss the old EQ days!!

Afraid of Lons, haha that's a new one!! NOT!

09-24-2008, 10:03 AM
there was only one reason to watch the preshow

and it involved a deep plunging neckline

Ando was so hot!

seriously I had to ask my wife how old Claire was because I felt all dirty

09-24-2008, 09:19 PM
I read somewhere that there were initial plans to make each season with a different cast of characters, and people had become so attached to the season 1 cast that they kept them around. I think it will be really annoying to continually add new characters to an overly bloated cast. This show is about to become a full-blown soap opera where any plot line can be undone and everyone is related to everyone else. Altering time seems way too powerful of a power for this show, it gives them too many ways out.

I'm going to go ahead and make a prediction. They will have some show focused around WW2 Nazis. Think of Star Trek, but with the Heroes cast! Actually, maybe George Takei will make a guest appearance for it!!

I'm really skeptical. I'll continue to watch it, but this season may totally kill my interest in a show that sounded very cool.

09-24-2008, 11:09 PM
Fringe is teh win!! JJ Abrams!

09-25-2008, 04:53 AM
Fringe is very cool. A lot of style, great photography and the mad scientist cracks me up. Great production so far.

Andriana Duskrose
09-25-2008, 08:18 AM
I want to do hawt n' nasty things to Dania Ramírez, and all the blondes on the show, pfffffft, whutevar.

10-30-2008, 05:48 PM
Any new thoughts since the last few episodes?

11-01-2008, 08:10 AM
Its interesting.

I just don't like some of the places they have gone with the characters.

11-11-2008, 10:47 AM
Last night's episode is not bad. It connected events happened in the first season. Hopefully Hiro didn't die but become powerless for a while like Peter.

Overall the season 3 is better than the season 2, but I still have no idea what exact the big picture is for the season 3.

11-13-2008, 04:09 PM
Heroes season 3 is falling down the DEEP chasm of WTF!

11-18-2008, 04:37 PM
Yea I'm going to be pissed if Hiro loses his powers. He's such a great character.


11-20-2008, 10:00 AM
Pfft, by the end of the season, the time-line will have been righted, and we'll learn that everything that happened in season 3 never happened.

Then, in an effort to create a new interesting story arc for season 4, there will be a story that interweaves all of the characters, with a catchy tag line of, "Save the cheerleader, save the world".

11-23-2008, 05:46 PM
I heard they fired the guy writing this season and hired the one that did season 1 and lost.

Uncertain how this will factor in to the existing episodes, but sounds like good news!
