View Full Version : Easy question
01-25-2002, 05:42 AM
The wyvern was parked inside the entrance of HoT shortly after VE entered.
Gee, wonder who did that. :P
01-25-2002, 10:37 AM
Well, considering ML was in North ToV, where that wyvern originated, I would guess that they put it there.
01-25-2002, 11:14 AM
Some definitions and characteristics of a passive-aggresive.
FEELING VICTIMIZED - The p/a man protests that others unfairly accuse him rather than owning up to his own misdeeds. To remain above reporach, he sets himself up as the apparently hapless, innocent victim.
*MAKING EXCUSES & LYING - The p/a man reaches as far as he can to fabricate excuses for not fulfilling promises. As a way to have power over you - the p/a man may choose to make up a story rather than give you a straight answer.
There are lots of terms for passive-agressives..
In the popular "Bridget Jones' Diary," author Helen Fielding calls them "jellyfish" because you can't see their stings coming.
Another writer calls them "sniping sneaks."
A psychologist who studies the workplace even goes so far as to call them "psychopaths"
Andaas is a classic case.
01-25-2002, 11:24 AM
OOoOo Baramos do me!!! =D
01-25-2002, 11:29 AM
Baramos is still just avoiding the fact that ML was the guild in NToV that day. ML is the only NToV capable guild that has released these wyverns into the CoV aligned areas of ToV, as this has happened once before on an ML raid.
Instead of laying blame on others and denying full responsibility, why not just say "you know, maybe our pullers messed up and left the wyvern outside and it was our fault, we're sorry, we won't let it happen again".
01-25-2002, 12:00 PM
Andaas, I have an assignment for you, sonny.
When you get to high school you'll take a class called "Logic" in all probability.
In this "Logic" class, you'll learn about something called "logical fallacies."
Look up "post hoc ergo propter hoc" and then get back to me.
01-25-2002, 12:03 PM
exactly what is the point here? them fuckin wyvrens have been left in HoT/4 way for months. Happens all the time. Please explain why this forum was even made? Or is this the place where we post senseless flames and behave like 2 year olds.
01-25-2002, 12:13 PM
I think it's simple, Thana.
Andaas feels guilty. It's eating away at him. Demoralizing him. Tearing at the very fabric of his soul ! (His response to Roh, on killing Ventani btw, was "/tell Rohaisa 'ooops' " )
Therefore he's working very hard to change the focus from his guild's lie to the IGB to something else. (Another source of logical fallacy, Andaas, is changing the subject. Prepare an essay on that for me, please, in addition to your paper on passive-aggressive personality.)
This is the best he could come up with.
(Sirensa sorry, wood elves only.) =D
Are we done now?
I think I am... lunch time.
Have a wonderful day, everyone !
01-25-2002, 12:13 PM
You are correct Baramos that I have no definitive proof that it was ML who left the wyvern out in the open. Even had someone from another guild accidentally pulled that wyvern out of NToV, I still firmly believe that it is the responsibility of the NToV raiding guild to take some initiative and fix it.
That wyvern came out of your raid area, nobody elses.
Personally, I'm sick of Hoss members having to lose experience to move the static wyverns out of the CoV aligned areas of this zone. And now that Thanatoz mentions it, I realize that this isn't just the 2nd time this has happened since ML began NToV. Maybe I missed the so called "coincidence" of this happening in the past, and it has always been when ML raids NToV.
I know where Hoss moves see invis wyverns, and it is nowhere near where it could ever be accidentally aggro'd by someone, unless they are poking around inside the NToV area fairly deep. Where does ML typically move them? (Oh wait, I can answer that.. either Halls of Testing or West Wing).
01-25-2002, 12:19 PM
Oh yeah. Hoss released the sleeper. It was fun. My only regret is that my entire guild couldn't be by my side when it happened.
I think Baramos is trying to change the subject here.
01-25-2002, 12:27 PM
Now, Andaas, put on that thinking cap of yours and come up with an alternative, equally possible, explanation.
4 guilds in ToV that day. Do the math. (Arithmetic, really.)
You know how many times I, personally, have died to Wyverns that you and Vind have put in that 4 way, or the zone-out?
Personally, I'm sick of dying to that Wyvern, or ML members dying to that Wyvern, every time Hoss is doing ToV N, or finding it set up when ML's turn would come up on rotation.
And every time this has happened, Hoss has been in the zone, or has just shortly left the zone.
I must have missed this so-called "coincidence" before.
I believe you are doing it deliberately, and snickering about it just to spite us .
Andaas, Hoss has a record of lying to the IGB in the past. Several times.
Andaas, with this proof of lying as evidence, anything you say is suspect.
I say Andaas is lying.
We having fun? Subject changed sufficiently for you now?
Wait, lemme do my "Subliminal man" skit.
Hey Andaas (liar), how's it going old friend? What (Ventani) are you guys gonna be doing (liar liar) tonight? Hope you're gonna (sneaky) have fun. Not sure (Andaas is a liar) what we're gonna do yet, but (punk) we'll let you know if it's gonna (backstabbing liar psychopath) interfere with your (Ventani) plans.
01-25-2002, 12:35 PM
why are you guys arguing? if you dont want to have an IGB why are you here arguing? If vind requested this forum why havent they posted? this is gay
I really dont care to listen to you guys measure your dicks. you hate eachother and you know i dont think any of us care. So either say something productive or go away.
If we want a IGB it can be done. If we dont then theres nothing to say.
01-25-2002, 12:45 PM
Well... I know where Hoss leaves said wyverns, exactly, because I move them there myself.
As a service to everyone on Druzzil Ro, I am going to share one of our guild "secrets" so that we can make ToV a safer place for everyone. I know Sirensa, I shouldn't share this info, but hey, I have a weak spot in my heart for my pal Baramos.
The map below shows where Hoss parks the wyvern (if/when the spawn near the stairs can see invis). Just find the red square near the middle of the map.
So where does ML move that wyvern?
01-25-2002, 12:46 PM
Oh, LOL.
I missed Andaas's logic in his post.
He says:
Even had someone from another guild accidentally pulled that wyvern out of NToV, I still firmly believe that it is the responsibility of the NToV raiding guild to take some initiative and fix it.
That wyvern came out of your raid area, nobody elses.
That's not the dumbest thing I've heard on this board, yet, but we're getting close. =D
Your "firm beliefs" are wacky.
And please, stop using the word 'responsibility', since you've proven over and over again that you don't know the meaning of it. =)
Thana, I know - but Andaas likes to debate me. He's enjoying this, so I'm obliging him. =)
01-25-2002, 12:51 PM
Sorry Andaas, old frnd~
I can't reveal our top secret strats~
However, I'm glad you're offering your humble *cough* services to Druzzil Ro.
It should make it a better place for us all.
Wait !
I have a better idea, since you want to be of service to pay pennance for your vicious, heinous lies.
Hoss becomes the ToV police force !
We'll give you a holler in ToV next time, and you can direct traffic for us, Andaas.
I'll get you a nice hat and whistle.
01-25-2002, 12:54 PM
It feels like we already are the only guild that cleans up other peoples mistakes in ToV. I have moved the kos wyverns into the lower alcoves from other guilds raids many many times.
Its a shame that other guilds don't take the time to leave the zone safe for others.
01-25-2002, 12:54 PM
Thana, I know - but Andaas likes to debate me. He's enjoying this, so I'm obliging him. =)
You both enjoy it.
A little bitchfest on the boards never hurt anyone. Usually winds up building up to the point of comical and then you'll actually relax and see how silly you're being.
Reminds me of the discussions Quintall and I used to have... oh the memories!!!
01-25-2002, 12:55 PM
Ah, Andaas the victim.
Nice costume.
01-25-2002, 01:00 PM
Hrm, I missed the victimization in my post. I think its just that I don't like to see innocent people run into a zone and die to something that shouldn't be there.
So I tend to spend that extra 2 minutes it takes and move the hazard out of the main passage.
01-25-2002, 01:04 PM
Ahh... Andaas the HERO !
Yes... it... why yes.. it's...
You don't have to interview for the policeman job, Andaas, I'm already aware of your qualifications.
Just think how much more of a hero you'll be in your Policeman uniform.
I'll see if I can find a siren for you, too, to put on your horsie.
Much better costume.
01-25-2002, 01:08 PM
I'll see if I can find a siren for you, too, to put on your horsie.
01-25-2002, 01:09 PM
Bah.. I was gonna use that.
I had it in my back pocket.
Dlgoth Riknueth
01-25-2002, 01:11 PM
I am now dumber for having read this thread. Thanks guys!
01-25-2002, 01:14 PM
This is our thread !
Don't come in.
Thanks, frnd~
01-25-2002, 01:18 PM
But you're my hero Baramos. :(
01-25-2002, 01:21 PM
BTW, this thread is reason enough for me to not want to dissolve the IGB. I dunno what I would do without the semi-regular ongoing useless arguement threads that we have here.
01-25-2002, 02:06 PM
Godammit, would the two of you stop pissing at each other?
If Hoss and ML wanna play wyvern pranks on each other, go ahead. You both have resources where that becomes little more than a joke.
The fact is, I trust BOTH of you not to do that to VE.
The point is, there is someone who ISN'T to be trusted that way, and I'll give you one guess who.
Now are we gonna argue, or are we gonna deal with this crap?
01-25-2002, 02:20 PM
01-25-2002, 02:33 PM
I can't hear you.
01-25-2002, 03:55 PM
lol you two crack me up =D
01-27-2002, 06:47 AM
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