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View Full Version : My last post here

01-26-2002, 04:59 PM
I have no intention of reading any of these forums again as they currently exist.

So let me state here ML's thoughts, our future policies, and our reasoning for abandoning this board.

Vindication brought the server to FFA. They forced us to change our lifestyles of quiet comfort into an existence of uncertainty and confrontation. I don't expect to hear anything of substance from them, unless, after their loot pool evaporates, it's a cry to return to the very system that saved them from fading into obscurity 4 months ago.

Hoss betrayed the Druzzil Ro community with their selfish waking of the Sleeper. This act alone infuriated me enough to break whatever contracts I may have had with them. It also, by their own past declarations, became grounds to remove them from the IGB. They have always been dishonest, opportunistic, and selfish, with no regard to the welfare of the community in which they live - the admittedly exceptional abilities of their spin doctors notwithstanding. They have expressed their happiness with their apparently comforable perch on the fence overlooking FFA, so I expect very little from them in support of a return to the rotation system that was the IGB; unless the time comes when they feel the IGB is once again opportune, and they are willing to help make it happen.

L`Malla, according to their GL (who, unfortunately I feel, apparently contradicts prior posts from, and conversations I had with, his officers), is quite happy on his own fence perch, letting the wily winds of FFA take him whither they will. With no commitment from them to assist us in reverting to a rotation system, I see nothing left to be gained in debate.

Until the day comes that all three of these guilds approach Mythic Legion and ask for a return to an IGB rotation system, we are left with no choice but to play this new, "better", game that they have contrived for everyone's pleasure and enjoyment.

In the meantime, we won't be jerks. We will continue with our standards intact. We will not flame, train, or otherwise break the PnP rules in our dealings with others. Note, however, that we will work aggressively with the GM staff should another guild commit these acts upon us. Many of you are aware of my own past history with this. I've been personally responsible for seeing entire guilds disbanned and players removed from the game. This is not a boast, it's a reminder that I simply won't put up with crap.

We will remain courteous to other guilds, as we were last night with IG in the Deep, with the exception of Vindication - for bringing the server to this stupidity, and Hoss - for their disrespect for the entire Druzzil Ro community. Those two guilds can expect no leniency in their dealings with ML - it will be strict PnP.

Mythic Legion has, and always will be, a fierce advocate of a rotation system. This may be a game, and some may believe it to be on a higher competitive level than others, but we prefer a pleasant mix of leisure, friendly competition, and room to strive for our own personal excellence. We want to move at our own pace, but we strive to do so *without inconveniencing others* - a concept that some other guilds refuse to embrace. Me, me, me, mine, mine, mine. We don't believe in that. We all have a right to use our $9.89 as we please, within the bounds of the PnP, but "advancement" does not have to come at the conscious expense of another's enjoyment.

And "enjoyment" is what it's all about, right?

You want true "competition"? That's what PvP is for. There's plenty of games out there where you can, and are in fact meant to, "harm" your fellow players. Last one standing wins. Congrats.

But Everquest is not that game. I can try to bludgeon you all night long with my virtual Hammer of Smacking and you'll never even know it. Our weapons only work on computer controlled monsters. Against those, our only allies are our fellow players. Everquest was designed with cooperation in mind, not competition.

So when you feel like cooperating again, let me know.

And I'm not talking some exclusive NTOV-only agreement. It's all or nothing. That's self-serving and does nothing for the other guilds you share this world with. And when you do choose to agree, the IGB will be moved to a neutral site, not where it currently resides.

To the other guilds reading - I'm sorry it has come to this, but Mythic Legion simply cannot enforce or pressure a return to the IGB of yore on our own as long as these other three guilds are opposed to it. However, we have been down this FFA road before, and in the end always returned to the sanity of a rotation. I have no doubt that the novelty of this FFA nonsense will wear off in due time and once again people will regain their sensibilities.

Hopefully sooner than later.

Rohaisa Ravenlock
Guildleader, Mythic Legion

01-26-2002, 06:33 PM
Thread copied here so other IGB guilds can see.

ML's access to the IGB removed based on the above post.