View Full Version : Politics!! BEWARE!!

10-27-2008, 11:55 AM
GO GO McCain! I pray that Barrack Hussein Obama will LOSE! He wants to take away our guns and our freedom. He's very dangerous for this country and wants to bring socialism in and ruin the GREAT U.S. Listen to Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin. He won't even show his birth certificate to prove that he was born on U.S. soil. I wouldn't mind if Sarah Palin became President. She's a strong woman.

Feel free to comment! Even you Obama supporters..... ;)

10-27-2008, 12:10 PM
Aniaa is really a closet Obama supporter..She just won't know it until she's about to pull the lever and jumps ship to the dark side...(pun intended =o)

10-27-2008, 12:13 PM
LAWL Forums TROLL! Why don't you just go register to vote!

10-27-2008, 12:29 PM
i sense this thread will be hilarious in two days! dont disappoint me hoss!

10-27-2008, 12:31 PM
Go obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From an outside perspective, without any of the bullshit from bias press/adverts on both sides, Obama is the way to go. I've watched all the debates, read all of the news on the BBC news site, sufficed to say Obama should be the next president. Put it this way, the entire world is rooting for him. American politics doesn't just affect you, it affects the world and with obama it can be a better place.

McCain seems to dodder a lot and really stumbles when speaking, also seems that he is more interested in making angry faces and mud slinging than actually explaining his intentions.

Palin I'm not even going to comment about, sufficed to say it backfired for McCain.

Obama does have his faults, smugness for one but he is cool, collective and is actually focusing on the issues!

Biden is the old war horse, similar to McCain but without the angry faces.

Not going to comment on the internal issues other than the economy, when the current administration had the issue of sub prime it really effected the rest of the world and I like how Bush is dealing with it at the moment in all honesty, he's copying Gordon Browns plans which is a good thing imo.

I'm not going to Bush hate here as for one, there are too many texans in Hoss for me to live and two, he's been doing a good job recently.

10-27-2008, 12:36 PM
i sense this thread will be hilarious in two days! dont disappoint me hoss!

It would be hilarious if it weren't for the fact that she's serious :\.


10-27-2008, 01:06 PM
the whole world should pray, that the americans won#t be so stupid to vote for an old grandpa with his stupid god'girl on his left.

but we know, americans are americans

10-27-2008, 01:12 PM
WTB Republican Party
We have a Socialist Party and a Neo-Conocrat Party

McCain is politics as usual
Obama is scum who raised in power within the Democrats in typical Illinois fashion. Through underhanded dealings, etc... ohh wait politics as usual.

Time to throw my vote away to the libertarian party again.

10-27-2008, 01:16 PM
I'll say a few things when I get home from work..

But to give a little hint of what I think.. McCain is an idiot.

10-27-2008, 01:58 PM
I could say a lot of things but I don't want to get embroiled in a massive debate because people will rarely change their minds or opinions.

I have a seething hatred for Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, and FOX news, so it's obvious which side of the fence I'm on.
Herbal vaporizers (http://herbalvaporizers.info)

10-27-2008, 02:38 PM
i sense this thread will be hilarious in two days! dont disappoint me hoss!

why wait


10-27-2008, 03:01 PM
Obama is scum who raised in power within the Democrats in typical Illinois fashion. Through underhanded dealings, etc... ohh wait politics as usual.


No one will check his background, and when someone questions him he squirms like a little kid who got his hand caught in the cookie jar....then changes the subject as fast as possible.

He has also slipped up nunerous times on his personal religon. He claims to be Christian, but on multiple occassions he talks about his faith being Muslim...So, which is it?!?!

Both of them (McCain/Obama) are idiots, and I do wish there was an independant to vote on that was worth a shit.

10-27-2008, 03:09 PM
I'm voting for the internet inventor, Al Gore!

10-27-2008, 03:23 PM
Both candidates suck. But, whatever, neither can hurt the economy more, unless one of them manages to pull a Coolidge in office.

10-27-2008, 03:32 PM
omg parak /hump

10-27-2008, 03:59 PM
I'm not saying who I'm voting for, but here are a few things to consider before you vote.


YouTube - The Lesser of Two Weevils (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mbA-zrsKa0)

10-27-2008, 04:15 PM

WASHINGTON - Law enforcement agents have broken up a plot by two neo-Nazi skinheads to assassinate Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and shoot or decapitate 88 black people, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said Monday.

In court records unsealed Monday in U.S. District Court in Jackson, Tenn., federal agents said they disrupted plans to rob a gun store and target a predominantly African-American high school in a murder spree that was to begin in Tennessee. Agents said the skinheads did not identify the school by name.

Jim Cavanaugh, special agent in charge of ATF's Nashville field office, said the two men planned to kill 88 African Americans, including 14 by beheading. The numbers 88 and 14 are symbolic in the white supremacist community.

The men also sought to go on a national killing spree after the Tennessee murders, with Obama as its final target, Cavanaugh told The Associated Press.

"They said that would be their last, final act — that they would attempt to kill Sen. Obama," Cavanaugh said. "They didn't believe they would be able to do it, but that they would get killed trying."

No immediate comment
An Obama spokeswoman traveling with the senator in Pennsylvania had no immediate comment.

The men, Daniel Cowart, 20, of Bells, Tenn., and Paul Schlesselman 18, of Helena-West Helena, Ark., are being held without bond. Agents seized a rifle, a sawed-off shotgun and three pistols from the men when they were arrested. Authorities alleged the two men were preparing to break into a gun shop to steal more.

The two men were arrested Oct. 22 by the Crockett County, Tenn., Sheriff's Office. "Once we arrested the defendants and suspected they had violated federal law, we immediately contacted federal authorities," said Crockett County Sheriff Troy Klyce.

Cowart and Schlesselman are charged with possessing an unregistered firearm, conspiring to steal firearms from a federally licensed gun dealer, and threatening a candidate for president.

The investigation is continuing, and more charges are possible, Cavanaugh said.

The court records say Cowart and Schlesselman also bought nylon rope and ski masks to use in a robbery or home invasion to fund their spree, during which they allegedly planned to go from state to state and kill people.

Ram vehicle into Obama?
For the Obama plot, the legal documents show, Cowart and Schlesselman "planned to drive their vehicle as fast as they could toward Obama shooting at him from the windows."

"Both individuals stated they would dress in all white tuxedos and wear top hats during the assassination attempt," the court complaint states. "Both individuals further stated they knew they would and were willing to die during this attempt."

Cavanaugh said there's no evidence — so far — that others were willing to assist Cowart and Schlesselman with the plot.

He said authorities took the threats very seriously.

"They seemed determined to do it," Cavanaugh said. "Even if they were just to try it, it would be a trail of tears around the South."

The court documents say the two men met about a month ago on the Internet and found common ground in their shared "white power" and "skinhead" philosophy.

14, 88 are skinhead symbols
The numbers 14 and 88 are symbols in skinhead culture, referring to a 14-word phrase attributed to an imprisoned white supremacist: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children" and to the eighth letter of the alphabet, H. Two "8"s or "H"s stand for "Heil Hitler."

Helena-West Helena, on the Mississippi River in east Arkansas' Delta, is in one of the nation's poorest regions, trailing even parts of Appalachia in its standard of living. Police Chief Fred Fielder said he had never heard of Schlesselman.

However, the reported threat of attacking a school filled with black students worried Fielder. Helena-West Helena, with a population of 12,200, is 66 percent black. "Predominantly black school, take your pick," he said.

10-27-2008, 04:54 PM
lons=thread derailer

10-27-2008, 05:00 PM
My vote has already proudly been cast for Barack Obama. If anyone wants to have a serious discussion, message me in game and we'll talk, but please don't bring any of the outrageous claims I've seen here with you, because they only make you look foolish. It just makes me sad how easily some people can be so sucked in by the frenzy that is unsubstantiated propaganda.

To those that disagree with me, I only ask that you seriously think about why you think the way you do, question those reasons and their truthfulness, and then take the true, legitimate reasons and ask yourself if they are worth voting for four more years of the same policies. If you feel that they are, then I respect your decision, but please keep the chain-email bullshit out of it.

10-27-2008, 05:01 PM
Vestax for Prez!!!

10-27-2008, 05:01 PM
My vote has already proudly been cast for Barack Obama. If anyone wants to have a serious discussion, message me in game and we'll talk, but please don't bring any of the outrageous claims I've seen here with you, because they only make you look foolish. It just makes me sad how easily some people can be so sucked in by the frenzy that is unsubstantiated propaganda.

To those that disagree with me, I only ask that you seriously think about why you think the way you do, question those reasons and their truthfulness, and then take the true, legitimate reasons and ask yourself if they are worth voting for four more years of the same policies. If you feel that they are, then I respect your decision, but please keep the chain-email bullshit out of it.

Thanks for summing me up, Inso!

Now I don't have to write the post, since Inso wrote it for me.

10-27-2008, 05:02 PM

No one will check his background, and when someone questions him he squirms like a little kid who got his hand caught in the cookie jar....then changes the subject as fast as possible.

He has also slipped up nunerous times on his personal religon. He claims to be Christian, but on multiple occassions he talks about his faith being Muslim...So, which is it?!?!

Both of them (McCain/Obama) are idiots, and I do wish there was an independant to vote on that was worth a shit.

Yep- honestly, the only candidate both sides had to offer this entire cycle I respected was Ron Paul... just because hes the only one who I knew where he stood. The rest are so f'ing squishy on all issues you really have no idea where they stand. Every day they both slip on their own words...

10-27-2008, 05:02 PM
Thanks for summing me up, Inso!

Now I don't have to write the post, since Inso wrote it for me.

Doma old enough to vote??

j/k /tease

10-27-2008, 05:19 PM
I'm still trying to see the puppet strings that are used to make McCains limbs move. Special effects now a days are amazing. I do like McCains familiarity with curse words. Nothing says president like horse shit.

YouTube - John McCain Clearly Saying Horseshit during Debate (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Cj7reiFaaM&feature=related)

As for Palin...she speaks for her self.

YouTube - Sarah Mania! Sarah Palin's Greatest Hits (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrzXLYA_e6E)

10-27-2008, 05:30 PM
He said horseshit....who cares? Do you really think a president sits in a vacuum and does nothing but think of the United States and is Jesus reincarnate so he would never say a curse word or think a bad thought if he saw a big ole pair of tittys and a ass in tight jeans?

10-27-2008, 05:31 PM
He said horseshit....who cares? Do you really think a president sits in a vacuum and does nothing but think of the United States and is Jesus reincarnate so he would never say a curse word or think a bad thought if he saw a big ole pair of tittys and a ass in tight jeans?

yaay someone else who thinks the pres should be a real person

P.S. I <3 big titties...that is all

10-27-2008, 05:32 PM
yaay someone else who thinks the pres should be a real person

P.S. I <3 big titties...that is all

I'm just sick of everyone that holds their politicians and sports figures to standards that they can't even commit their lives to.

10-27-2008, 05:36 PM
On the old forums myself and Jess used to run we had a no politics/religion clause as it usually ends in arguements but to be fair, there were usually a lot of resultant laughs :p

10-27-2008, 05:36 PM
My vote has already proudly been cast for Barack Obama. If anyone wants to have a serious discussion, message me in game and we'll talk, but please don't bring any of the outrageous claims I've seen here with you, because they only make you look foolish. It just makes me sad how easily some people can be so sucked in by the frenzy that is unsubstantiated propaganda.

To those that disagree with me, I only ask that you seriously think about why you think the way you do, question those reasons and their truthfulness, and then take the true, legitimate reasons and ask yourself if they are worth voting for four more years of the same policies. If you feel that they are, then I respect your decision, but please keep the chain-email bullshit out of it.

Um...outragous claims....hmmm

Inso, I like ya bro...but do some investigation on how Obama got his credentials for yourself. I have, and ALOT of things do not add up. I am not saying he would make a bad president someday....but I am saying he needs to come clean on ALOT of questions that have been presented towards him that he evades every chance he gets. What does he have to hide?

10-27-2008, 05:39 PM
And on the thought of either of these men in power. I'm scared, I'm really God Damn scared.

On one hand you have Mc Cain that up to about 2 years ago was someone that played by his own rules and did what he needed to do, but was probably sat down and told if you want to be president you will have to do this this and this and thats horseshit as well. Probably why he picked Palin was to ruffle the feathers of all those fuckers that did that. The man is a war hero and has a long history that we as Americans can look at and see what we will be getting. Good or bad I like being able to see what someone has done through out their life time so I can decide.

Obama has really no history and has never had to make a real stand or even have anything we as Americans can look at to a track record. What I have seen from him is a bigoted Preacher that he wrote a book about how much he admired. A trival track record as a Senator with less experience that Palin does. He is well spoken and well educated, has all the balls of a casturated goat.

I don't want either one of them and there is no lesser evil amoung the two and we have no other options I'll flip a coin and vote.

10-27-2008, 05:42 PM
A trival track record as a Senator with less experience that Palin does.

Now, normally I say my thing and get out of political conversations because they always leave a bad taste in my mouth.

You can't be serious.

10-27-2008, 05:48 PM
i want you guys to elect mccain/palin, then when putin rears his head, you can have palin vs putin.


10-27-2008, 06:48 PM
the whole world should pray, that the americans won#t be so stupid to vote for an old grandpa with his stupid god'girl on his left.

but we know, americans are americans

Please go troll somewhere other than here...


10-27-2008, 07:48 PM
i want you guys to elect mccain/palin, then when putin rears his head, you can have palin vs putin.


vegar/parak 2008 (Tonight's threatdown: BEAR PRESIDENTS)


10-27-2008, 10:49 PM
I'm not going to Bush hate here as for one, there are too many texans in Hoss for me to live

Bush is NOT a Texan.

10-27-2008, 11:50 PM
I'm amazed how awful this propaganda is on both sides. I have to go to snopes.com after everything I hear, and most times it's totally not true. I used to think people that were voting along party lines without any research were totally ridiculous. Now, I'm not so sure. Whatever opinion these two candidates had has been superseded by their respective parties. I do think with a democratic majority, we'll get more stuff done than with a republican president and democratic majority.

I would really like a list each candidate's proposed cabinet members and have them debate issues pertaining to their area of expertise. I would also like to know potential supreme court appointments. Foreign policy is a good area for the candidates to debate. That and budget. Otherwise, I consider whatever each candidate has to say kind of useless.

Once again, I live in a state with a decided outcome, so there is little reason to cast a vote. Maybe I should move to Ohio or Florida, where my vote makes a difference!

10-28-2008, 03:26 AM
Bush is NOT a Texan.

Agreed! You will find very few Texans who are willing to claim Bush as our own, both McCain and Obama supporters.
Body Science (http://bodyscience.ws/)

10-28-2008, 04:35 AM
Agreed! You will find Texans who claim Bush as our own.

OMG I can't believe it

10-28-2008, 05:38 AM
A trival track record as a Senator with less experience that Palin does.

I don't want either one of them and there is no lesser evil amoung the two and we have no other options I'll flip a coin and vote.

I agree completely....

Anyone who is completely for either one of these candidates should really wake up because you have been brain washed into thinking they will be a great president.

Howard Stern did a street interview of 10 African Americans asking them who they would vote for...90% (so 9 out of 10) were voting for Obama. When asked why? They answered, because they want to see a black president....After getting this answer, he read them 10 quotes from both Obama and McCain on their views of various things. After these 10 quotes 7 of the 10 agreed with what McCain had to say, yet they were still going to vote for Obama....Very sad to live in a country where people will vote on someone even AFTER they agree with the political views of the other person.

Oh, and I went to Obama's own website to view his voting record. I only went back from 10-08-2008 to 12-7-2007, and this is what I found....

Total chances to vote - 243
Times not voting at all - 166 (68.3%)
Times voting no - 28 (11.5%)
Times voting yes - 49 (20.2%)
Percent of chances to vote where he actually voted - 31.7%

You can check it out for yourself at http://obama.senate.gov/votes/

I am not by ANY means saying vote for McCain....BUT...for those of you that have made posts saying you will have words with anyone going against Obama....Check him out a little further before speaking please....

I live in Illinois, and all I hear is Obama..Obama...Obama. Since he was elected to the Senate, he is on the news every single night. So I have heard it all. Lons is right though, his experience SHOULD be questioned...Just like Palins'.

10-28-2008, 07:07 AM
already voted, and sooo tempted to make this thread interesting, but for the reason of loving so many of you in this thread, i'm keeping my mouth shut...cuz at least my vote cancels out one of you... ;)

10-28-2008, 07:34 AM
ever gone to walmart to buy underwear?

You have Hanes and Fruit of the Loom, a couple other brands, but theyre pretty much the same thing.

Now you can watch Michael pitching Hanes, or you can watch singing fruit pitch Fruit of the Loom, but when you go to WalMart and hit the underwear aisle, you grab what you've been wearing for the past 20 years, because well, while theyre pretty close to the same product, you just like the waistband in one better than the other

Welcome to American politics 2008

McCain and Obama are both trying to sell change. Neither are far enough reaching change like Paul's (because he's just way too erudite to rule on the vote of the lowest common denominator) but both are really hardselling that on November 5th, the United States will be set on a course of change.

But a change to what? I mean in the foreign sector, so we get great political capital from Obama as Pres, what does that mean in a global economy? Venezuela is going to sell us oil cheaper or ask Putin to quit leaving his bombers in their parking lot overnight? With McCain, the Maverick of 2 years ago has succumbed to the party man trying to steer the GOP away from the legacy of GWB. His version of change is a reversion to the GOP of when? If you trace the path of the GOP backwards to where it diverted from Goldwater conservatism, you have to go back to the election of Reagan maybe...how was the economy then? Not so hot guys...

I'm voting for Obama specifically on the change platform. Not that I expect the United States to be any better on the 5th of this November or the next year. I am worried about Pelosi being more powerful than Obama. I don't like Pelosi much and don't like the changes (or lack thereof) that have occurred since the Dems took control of Congress in the last elections. Some of today's mess needs to be handed to Dem control of Congress. But I'll take that risk. Like a football team predicted to win the SEC West and who won't even go to a bowl, you have to get rid of the coach

Obama's affiliation with Ayers to me is my only concern for him personally. Don't care about the politics of his pastor. Don't care about his religion. Don't care where he was born (and for that matter I don't care if McCain was born in Panama before the soil was deemed US or whatever...this is supposed to be the best man for the job at some point not a confluence of events of birth but I digress) I'm Christian and am a firm believer that the religious right needs to GTFO of politics before we walk any further down the path of implied theocracy.

And the thing about the RR is they play to the same people that the Dem/Rep marketers target. If McCain's current slip can be traced to the stance of the RR, do we really think that it's not smart enough to see which way the winds are blowing and start lobbying/backing Dem candidates who are pro-life? There are quite a few of them out there you know...Rep =/ pro life anymore than Dem = Pro choice with a 100% Venn diagram

What scares me most about all of this is the vehemence from both sides' surrogates (from paid strategist to unpaid mom in pajamas at 2am on the internet) completely (read: irrationally) hating the other side, to the point of brainwash paranoia. If this was the 30s, I'd be reading about the Yellow Peril and the Fiendish Huns. We skirt political correctness in our ads of course, but Obama bucks and discussions of Palin's eyeglasses to bolster why the other side will make a better President is just stupid. And we eat it up on the TV and radio, so it's only going to get worse...

I've said it before, give this about 3 more elections if we continue on our course of "I'm for X because he's GOP" and get less and less of an idea about our candidates' positions, we're just gonna go to the polls and have a touch screen ballot with one screen

It will have a Red Elephant on the left hemisphere, and a Blue Donkey on the right. You can touch anywhere on either panel and pick your candidate.

I mean seriously, we're almost there. We have an old guy and a political neophyte running against a political neophyte and an old guy. We're just buying Michael's underwear over a singing Apple. It's the same damn product with slightly different waistbands:)

10-28-2008, 08:22 AM
My only issue with the above post is that by the very law of the land being president does indeed require that the accident of your birth make you a natural born citizen. It may not be fair but that's how it works until an Amendment to the Constitution occurs.

10-28-2008, 08:31 AM
but as said that's a digression

If it's proven without a doubt that he's adopted by an Indonesian guy and actively hiding his natural status, yeah Constitutionally he's done

but I read that line as an attack done after he's pretty close to winning the thing, not something that one group or another did as due diligence when he was an up and comer

I mentioned the McCain thing up there too...remember the back and forth about whether or not he was covered by some statue which grandfathered in people born on military bases in other sovereign countries before the land had been deemed US soil? Did it get dismissed as an attack or was it pursued as a valid Presidential topic?

Regardless, we're not talking Ahnold for Pres here...I think Obama's birth status will come up fine (granted if the IOC verifies it he could also be a 16 yr old gymnast from China:P)

10-28-2008, 08:41 AM
Ah the IOC a prime example of a bureaucracy at its finest.

Also in either of their cases I do not believe being born on native soil is part of the Natural Born Citizen requirement as long as the parents are Americans and fill out the proper paper work to prove citizenship but I could be wrong. The question I believe with Obama is while his mom was busy being uber anti-establishment did she fill out said paper work.

10-28-2008, 09:49 AM
He said horseshit....who cares? Do you really think a president sits in a vacuum and does nothing but think of the United States and is Jesus reincarnate so he would never say a curse word or think a bad thought if he saw a big ole pair of tittys and a ass in tight jeans?

Well I do hold the president of the United fuckin States to high standards. I myself can call horseshit and curse like a cunt if I so desire. Calling out horse shit in a presidential debate seems a little childish.

10-28-2008, 10:06 AM
Just be glad you didn't live in the 1700-1800s then Oct. Back then full out fist fights on the floors of Congress were not exactly rare. Also Lincoln allowed his mentally unstable wife to continually unbury their dead child and change his clothes on a regular basis. Trust me if the worst a president does before or during his time in office is say horse shit publicly you should count yourself lucky.

10-28-2008, 10:11 AM
Well I do hold the president of the United fuckin States to high standards. I myself can call horseshit and curse like a cunt if I so desire. Calling out horse shit in a presidential debate seems a little childish.

Exactly what I tried to say before... I don't need to hear "SOCIALIST BASTARD!", "FUCKIN' COMMIE!", or questioning on his religion or citizenship (which is absolutely ridiculous to question, as he has been MORE than crystal clear on his religion, and you'd think him not being a citizen would have, you know, MAYBE COME UP WHEN HE FIRST PUT IN HIS BID!).

I need to hear legitimate reasons, both factual and relevant. Unfortunately, I'm just not getting that, nor did I expect it. This thread is only divisive, which is why I'm done with it. That's all from me, see you in the fun threads.

10-28-2008, 10:16 AM
But Inso - I miss you so :(

10-28-2008, 10:35 AM
absolutely ridiculous to question, as he has been MORE than crystal clear on his religion

Where have you been hiding? He has...on MULTIPLE OCCASSIONS on TV said...My Muslin faith...OR...MY Muslin religion..

You are acting like this has been an attack against you personally. If you are a democrat for this election fine...No one is saying to vote for either candidate, but for someone that has not voted at all in over 300 chances while being a senator (feel free to check out the statistics at http://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/members/o000167/ )
...you feel he can lead a counrty?

Missed Votes...Barack Obama has missed 303 votes (46.3%) during the current Congress

Voting with his party....Barack Obama has voted with a majority of his Democratic colleagues 96.0% of the time during the current Congress. This percentage does not include votes in which Obama did not vote.

Both of those are directly from the Washington Post.

If you feel the need to get pissy against people for voicing their opinions on someone, maybe you should post facts yourself on why you think he should be our president.

Ask yourself why he refuses to submit his college transcript records as well... GWB did, and even though he was a "c" student he still showed them to the masses for viewing. Obama has yet to do so, and refuses...why?

10-28-2008, 10:38 AM
I will note also that I don't believe McCain has posted his but by his own admission he admits to being in the lowest tier grade wise of his class.


10-28-2008, 11:14 AM
Missed Votes...Barack Obama has missed 303 votes (46.3%) during the current Congress

John McCain missed 420 votes (64.1%) during the current Congress and has, as of May 2007, missed 10 of 14 votes on Iraq.
From your same source....http://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/members/m000303/

10-28-2008, 11:18 AM

10-28-2008, 11:21 AM
Why does it matter whether Obama is Christian or Muslim? One brand of superstition is about as silly as the next.

10-28-2008, 11:34 AM
John McCain missed 420 votes (64.1%) during the current Congress and has, as of May 2007, missed 10 of 14 votes on Iraq.
From your same source....http://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/members/m000303/

Ok and Forty??

I am not claiming McCain is good either....someone asked for proof for people's posts against Obama....so I gave them some.

Let's face it...BOTH candidates are not good....and to think either of them are...is mad mojo.

10-28-2008, 11:57 AM
Ok and Forty??

I am not claiming McCain is good either....someone asked for proof for people's posts against Obama....so I gave them some.

Let's face it...BOTH candidates are not good....and to think either of them are...is mad mojo.

I understand what you're saying...Was for comparison purposes mostly, but also for you since you added the comment below without the McCain side of it.

"but for someone that has not voted at all in over 300 chances while being a senator...you feel he can lead a counrty?"

Sounds biased when you leave out the outside.

10-28-2008, 12:05 PM
I vote Republican because I can. No need to elaborate on why because it could cause chaos and I will have to slap you with my 2 inch lumpia.


10-28-2008, 12:06 PM
Being from Illinois I am biased. I get to hear alot more on Obama than most of the country gets to. I do not feel he is ready to lead this country yet. I would prefer he prove himself capable of being ready for it.

Is McCain the better choice?? No.

This election would have been a perfect time for an independant to come out of the woodwork and probably would have had a great chance at winning. But even then..look who we have there...

Ralph Nader?
Robert Barr?
Cynthia McKinney?
Charles Baldwin?

Are you serious?? What great choices!!

Nader would probably have the best chance as an independant of winning if he could have gotten any type of steam going to debate these two, but even then would he (or anyone else) get anything done with congress when he is not part of either side?

10-28-2008, 12:17 PM
you proved a voting attendance record for both candidates, yet I never saw that as a reason to vote for either of them in the first place, nor did the OP even hint at it as a reason to be voted

look, as a product of what we have amassed into our own collective public knowledge field, what are the things we can glean from this thread?

someone uses the Hussein middle name as a lowbrow conservative effort to create a perception of the man
someone talks about their joint abysmal voting attendance
we discuss the birth qualifications of both senators
we discuss distinctions of change
we discuss disclosure of grades or lack thereof
we discuss presidential ettiquette (horseshit)
we discuss faith
we discuss implied racism (vote for a black man when you agree with the white)
we discuss explicit racism (the white supremacist planned assassination)
we saw the socialism talking point

anyone see some important things missing? One poster remarks about world goodwill for Obama and another believes that the economy can't get any worse for either of them

do we have an opinion on Presidential issues or just on Presidential perceptions?

10-28-2008, 12:18 PM
It shouldn't matter if he IS a muslim or not, even though he's made it quite clear he's Christian but the pundits have nothing else to pound on.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I'm atheist. I don't give a shit what you believe in, just don't push your beliefs on me and don't tell me I'm going to hell because of it. My parents are Buddhist, sent me to a Jewish pre-K, best friend growing up was devout Christian and I went to her services the morning after sleepovers. My roommate is Hindu and I have a number of friends who are Muslim and Mormon. My boyfriend's grandfather is Catholic priest and he went to a private Catholic high school. They are all good people.

I find it sickening how big a part religion plays in politics. This forum bickering is exactly why Colin Powel threw his cards behind Obama.

I'm also troubled by, not what Sen. McCain says, but what members of the party say. And it is permitted to be said, such things as, "Well, you that know Mr. Obama is a Muslim." Well, the correct answer is, he is not a Muslim, he's a Christian. He's always been a Christian. But the really right answer is: What if he is? Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country? The answer's no, that's not America. Is there something wrong with some 7-year-old Muslim American kid believing that he or she could be president? Yet I have heard senior members of my own party drop the suggestion, "He's a Muslim and he might be associated with terrorists." This is not the way we should be doing it in America.

And he refered to this image:
I-OLITE VAPORIZER REVIEW (http://vaporizers.net)

10-28-2008, 12:20 PM
The reason his religion matters taken from a non-religious angle is that his religion will influence like aligned people to his side. By constantly saying he is from both he is trying to maximize his voting pool. While this isn't bad per se it is when it is done through dishonest means.

From an Illinois bias viewpoint:
Also note that Obama is part of the Illinois leadership. Some quick facts on Illinois with a concentration on Cook County (aka Chicagoland)

The murder rate in Chicago exceeds the death count in Iraq by over 50.



Now then that being said I rarely vote for president as I am living in Cook County and on the rare occasion that a Rep may win Cook County and generally with it all of IL the dead come out and give a couple of votes too.

Also note neither candidate has said anything of substance this whole campaign to lead me to believe they would make a good choice.

Edit: Also a good thing to note is that if you support Obama's economic plan you are supporting Socialist if not Communist concepts. I have heard Obama on numerous occasions use the phrase "spread the wealth out." That is a concept straight out of the Communist Manifesto. While I sincerely doubt that Obama endorses the concept of a violent upheaval by the working man it would be best for you to make sure you realize the middle class is not the primary beneficiary under the system he is proposing.

10-28-2008, 12:48 PM
I don't have a dog in this fight, the way I see it:

We have an old guy and Elly May Clampett running against George Jefferson and an old guy.

10-28-2008, 12:53 PM
Ensuring there is money to be spent from all sides is also the basis of Capitalism, otherwise the whole system fails.

10-28-2008, 01:06 PM
I've said this in a previous post but could not find the post to quote it. Basically we have two sides doing a dance to attract the most votes. During this dance it is imperative to be extremely vague in order to not piss off too many people. What does this mean for the voters trying to figure out which puppet to vote for? Well since there is very little substance to go on we are left with the appearance and presentability of the candidate. Does he/she speak well and intelligently? Would you want this person representing your country? Do you believe any of the horse shit that spews forth from their mouth? Do they share similar beliefs, whatever they may be? It's sad I know, but it seems the reality of the situation. I've heard the lesser of two evils (weevils) thrown around, perhaps its true.

I apologize for using explicit verancular in my last post, but it was reiterating the fact that such language is unacceptable for a president. Just my opinion. We all have our opinions. Hopefully the populace makes the right decision, because the country and the world could really use a strong/intelligent leader atm. Docta out.

10-28-2008, 01:11 PM
Ensuring there is money to be spent from all sides is also the basis of Capitalism, otherwise the whole system fails.

Doma could you clarify your post? There is no subject in your sentence.

Also Oct, I understand your opinion but as I used to be a History major I have seen and heard so many goofy stories about presidents that it takes more then vulgar language on a national/global scale to make me blink now a days. But you are absolutely right about it all being a dance to offend less people.

10-28-2008, 01:26 PM
Taken from Wikipedia, which admittedly isn't the greatest source of information, we have this definition.

Capitalism is the economic system (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_system) in which the means of production (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Means_of_production) are distributed to openly competing profit (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Profit)-seeking<sup id="cite_ref-0" class="reference">[1] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitalism#cite_note-0)</sup> private (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_property) persons (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Person) and where investments (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Investment), distribution (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distribution_%28business%29), income (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Income), production (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Production,_costs,_and_pricing) and pricing (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pricing) of goods (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goods) and services (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service_%28economics%29) are predominantly determined through the operation of a free market (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_market)<sup id="cite_ref-Bacher_1-0" class="reference">[2] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitalism#cite_note-Bacher-1)</sup> in which anyone can participate in supply and demand (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supply_and_demand) and form contracts with each other, rather than by central economic planning (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_economic_planning).

For one to be able to seek a profit, a profit must be able to be made in the first place. If the free market has no means to pay for the goods or services provided, then you get into a situation of high demand and supply, but little exchange of these same goods//services.

Now lets take a look at Socialism and then communism, with the definitions taken from the same admittedly questionable source.

Socialism refers to a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating state or collective ownership and administration of the means of production (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Means_of_production) and distribution of goods, and the creation of an egalitarian (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egalitarianism) society.

While this hits closer to home than communism, it is *NOT* what Obama is proposing. Obama is *NOT* advocating collective ownership but rather a slightly weighted balance of wealth through the society.

Communism is a socioeconomic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socioeconomic) structure that promotes the establishment of an egalitarian (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egalitarianism), classless (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classlessness) society (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Society) based on common ownership (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_ownership) of the means of production (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Means_of_production) and property in general.

Again, we see no *common* ownership based on the means of production to the general public, only the ability for any individual, or set of individuals, to take part in the free-market economy.

So lets take a look at America *on paper*. *On paper*, we are a classless, egalitarian society, which puts us closer on paper to Communism than Obama's idea of a change in the way wealth is distributed in our society.

Egalitarianism defined, for those unclear.

Egalitarianism (derived from the French (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_language) word égal, meaning equal) is a political doctrine that holds that all people should be treated as equals and have the same political (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_freedom), economic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_freedom), social (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_justice), and civil (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_rights) rights.

10-28-2008, 02:42 PM
Doma you did little to clarify the post I quoted. What is the purpose of your sentence.

Also communism in practice has never been done per the dictionary definition, except in rare instances such as the kalbuks(sp?) (Jewish communal farm, and even these aren't true communisms.)

What Obama is saying is that a rich person whether inherited or earned deservces to lose more money so that people who don't feel like working (granted this doesn't take into account people just down on their luck who are trying) get govt money to spend. I will grant that this is in fact a poor comparison and it was made overly simplistic by design.

10-28-2008, 03:02 PM
What Obama is saying is that a rich person whether inherited or earned deservces to lose more money so that people who don't feel like working (granted this doesn't take into account people just down on their luck who are trying) get govt money to spend.

Raising income taxes on high-income individuals and lowering income taxes on others is not actually giving government money away to anyone. It is redistributing the tax burden. I believe that Obama's argument is that it shifts the burden off of those less able to bear it and on to those more able to bear it.

10-28-2008, 04:02 PM
Who says I was only talking about the income tax changes?

10-28-2008, 04:56 PM
I'd just like to say that this is the most brilliant PL post topic ever.

10-28-2008, 05:12 PM
Palin scares me, but then again anyone who takes the bible literally does.

One more thing:

Has anyone here ever read "Harrison Bergeron" by Vonnegut? OR seen the TV short with Sean Astin made from the short story?

I feel like actually live in that distopian society only the elites are not there to "make things run" they are simply taking as much money as they can and saying "FU!" to the rest of the U.S.

For those that DARE to read and think for themselves: http://instruct.westvalley.edu/lafave/hb.html (http://instruct.westvalley.edu/lafave/hb.html)

10-28-2008, 05:13 PM
I vote Republican because I can. No need to elaborate on why because it could cause chaos and I will have to slap you with my 2 inch lumpia.


I know why!

Renshin is a David Letterman fan and loves all the material Sarah Palin is creating for him.

I honestly didn't think the Republican Party could find someone that came across as dumb as Bush does in front of a camera. But they did. Palin is the improved Bush 2.0 when it comes to stupid comments.

10-28-2008, 05:32 PM
... Palin is the improved Bush 2.0 when it comes to stupid comments.

Yes, but we all smile and fawn over the Pretty Women; no matter what they say (or for that matter whether they make sense at all).

We just want our pretty people to look at!

10-28-2008, 05:49 PM
Why does it matter whether Obama is Christian or Muslim? One brand of superstition is about as silly as the next.

The day science can create a tree from various molecules is the day I'll say maybe your correct. Until that day something had to create it! I call that something God.


10-28-2008, 06:01 PM
The day science can create a tree from various molecules is the day I'll say maybe your correct. Until that day something had to create it! I call that something God.


Trees are too easy. Let's try something more challenging: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4871540.stm

10-28-2008, 06:02 PM
The day science can create a tree from various molecules is the day I'll say maybe your correct. Until that day something had to create it! I call that something God.


Can't they cross splice/Genetically modify trees like they do plants, creating trees that don't occur in nature?

10-28-2008, 06:03 PM
Trees are too easy. Let's try something more challenging: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4871540.stm

Also http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/7694663.stm

10-28-2008, 06:45 PM
The day science can create a tree from various molecules is the day I'll say maybe your correct. Until that day something had to create it! I call that something God.


Who created God then? That's the one I'm worried about.

10-28-2008, 08:51 PM
mmm religious discussion, that is the obvious next step in this thread.

my god owns your god!


10-28-2008, 09:01 PM
I don't have a god, so how can it be owned?

Thread fails.

10-28-2008, 09:06 PM
I don't have a god, so how can it be owned?

Thread fails.

If you dont have a god you cant play obviously!

10-28-2008, 09:07 PM
If you have no god then by default anyone elses must trump his non-existent butt yes?

10-28-2008, 09:08 PM
actually, if you dont have a god, i will declare war on you until my god is your god!

PS: I believe in pandaism , my god is a giant panda that comes to eat the earth in 2012.

10-28-2008, 09:22 PM
Trees are too easy. Let's try something more challenging: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4871540.stm

They use cells from humans to do that. It's impressive but it still isn't taking something from complete scratch (molecules), and making a tree!

Maybe someday the lint in my pocket will turn into something magically but until that point I'll believe it was created/engineered/designed by "something".


10-28-2008, 09:22 PM
actually, if you dont have a god, i will declare war on you until my god is your god!

PS: I believe in pandaism , my god is a giant panda that comes to eat the earth in 2012.



10-28-2008, 10:01 PM
No, it just means that my god can never be trumped!

10-28-2008, 10:05 PM
Who created God then? That's the one I'm worried about.

That's right Forty... FEAR ME!

You all know its true.... MAN created god!

10-28-2008, 10:59 PM
The day science can create a tree from various molecules is the day I'll say maybe your correct. Until that day something had to create it! I call that something God.



Old article, but it's a fairly prevalent theory today. It's enough to fund expeditions to Mars to find water and geothermal vents. Are we alone?? ::cues X-Files music::

10-28-2008, 11:00 PM
God is an all mighty, all knowing omnipotent "being". So being that as it may, it should be possible for this entity to create a stone so heavy that even "he" cannot lift it. If god can create such thing and thus not be able to lift it, than "he" is not omnipotent. If "he" cannot create this so called unliftable stone than again "he" is not omnipotent. Such a conundrum. How can such a power over all things exist? Just some food for thought. I knew this would turn to religion. Like Vega said its the obvious choice for new discussion. El Oh El

Ive always wanted my signature to be the one it is now, but it would not fit within the 500 character limit. So I took out all periods and the authors name....It just barely fits. Its Albert Einstein. One of the greatest minds ever to grace our earth. Curiously he was a religious man.

"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind." A. Einstein

10-28-2008, 11:23 PM

Old article, but it's a fairly prevalent theory today. It's enough to fund expeditions to Mars to find water and geothermal vents. Are we alone?? ::cues X-Files music::

LOL talas :)


10-29-2008, 02:32 AM
I'm voting for Angelie and Renshin as his running mate! MOOO!! :)

10-29-2008, 02:53 AM
Clearly Nexten/Draecco is the smarter choice..Sexhancement for 2008!!

10-29-2008, 09:58 AM
Actually Octavius that argument is supposed to be a logic riddle the problem is it has an inherent fallacy built into it which means the conclusion can be anything. So God is all powerful, thus he can create a stone he cannot lift. Therefore the conclusion is he makes himself stronger and lifts it.

10-29-2008, 11:47 AM
Actually Octavius that argument is supposed to be a logic riddle the problem is it has an inherent fallacy built into it which means the conclusion can be anything. So God is all powerful, thus he can create a stone he cannot lift. Therefore the conclusion is he makes himself stronger and lifts it.

How can an all powerfull being become more all powerful? Infinity cannot be larger than it already is.

10-29-2008, 12:24 PM
sure it can , it is infinity

10-29-2008, 01:10 PM
sure it can , it is infinity

Infinity already implies that it is unbounded and thus nothing is greater in number, because it encompasses all numbers. If you think of Omnipotent, it is very similar and thus cannot be trumped. This is an excercise in futility, but discussion is what a forum is all about.;)

10-29-2008, 01:21 PM
That's the point Oct infinity is infinite. Your argument is putting a limit on it by its very nature and thus opens the door for limitless possibilities.

10-29-2008, 01:53 PM
That's the point Oct infinity is infinite. Your argument is putting a limit on it by its very nature and thus opens the door for limitless possibilities.

No the limit is that it's a rock HE CANNOT LIFT, so no matter how strong he makes himself he still CANNOT LIFT IT!

Otherwise it'd be the "rock that he could lift if he made himself strong enough", but it's not.

10-29-2008, 04:44 PM
The point is that you are breaking a law of logic by stating something as infinite and then putting a limit on it.

10-29-2008, 04:58 PM
Logic? Wait a second...

This was supposed to be a thread about politics (and morphed into political/religious). What made you think logic has *ANYTHING* to with it?

10-29-2008, 05:15 PM
Because the old God can't make something he can't lift is based on a traditional logic argument with a built in fallacy. Proving that I did learn something in the logic class I was forced to take 7 years ago.

10-29-2008, 05:22 PM
So sorry...This thread is now about kittens..Discussssssss

10-29-2008, 05:26 PM
Because the old God can't make something he can't lift is based on a traditional logic argument with a built in fallacy. Proving that I did learn something in the logic class I was forced to take 7 years ago.

I hear ya bro... I hear ya... Myself, I'm a recovering Catholic. I would get kicked out of Sunday school weekly. Sometimes all it took was for me to raise my hand and the teacher would tell me to go sit in the hallway and wait for Father Tim.

I learned in my younger days to never try and apply logic to an unlogical system (i.e. religion). Just as in my elder years, I have learned to never apply logic to an unlogical system (i.e. girlfriends/relationships).

Sometimes, logic just does not apply.


I am in soo much trouble now ;)

10-29-2008, 05:33 PM
umm clearly not about kittens..go sit in the hall and wait for kallsex to violate you

10-29-2008, 05:36 PM

10-29-2008, 05:53 PM

10-29-2008, 06:07 PM
My kitty RAWR!


10-29-2008, 06:07 PM

As I said before politics inevitably leads to religion hence topics usually got banned during my tenure in charge of a forum, luckily we are all adults here and can respect each others opinions :)

10-29-2008, 08:34 PM
Chili's milkshakes... mmmmmm... so tasty!

10-29-2008, 11:10 PM
Angry kitty says: Eat lead sucka!!


10-30-2008, 01:23 AM
LMFAO!!!!! Zomg! I'm so proud of this thread... I think! I just wanted to hear other opinions about what was going on in the Great 'ol U.S. I'm glad to have read what you all wrote twas interesting! Good points! I voted today! For McCain obviously, lol <3 Hoss! /cancel out some1's vote!

10-30-2008, 06:44 AM
Aniaa didn't you see the thread derailment? You fail at posting about kittens!

10-30-2008, 07:37 AM
wow it only took what 4 pages for the derail. Thats pretty quick for a Politics thread. You usually get two people arguing back and forth; while both being wrong.

10-30-2008, 08:00 AM
i do what i can

10-30-2008, 08:59 AM
Needs more gang bang, blow, and hookers in this thread on top of pussy (kittens)...

NSFW (http://main.dejavu.com/images/image_tscphotos_003.jpg)

10-30-2008, 11:16 AM
I honestly voted for McCain because Palin is super hot. No politics involved just good looks go PALIN for President!!!

10-30-2008, 11:30 AM
I vote for Obama because he can get MORE hot chicks in Washington where as Palin will prevent more hot chicks from getting in due to the risk of removing her from the throne of hottest chick in office.

Obama is the man - must get more hookers in the white house! MORE IS BETTER! QUANTITY > QUALITY!!!

10-30-2008, 12:58 PM
Dude all Obama is bringing is a saggy Biden. I would not hit that with a ten foot Quantum Blade.

10-30-2008, 01:13 PM
Think Monica Lewinski but a much hotter version son!! This guy is a pimp!

10-30-2008, 01:15 PM
Post the pic and I will make you some lumpia and mail it to you fedx!

10-30-2008, 01:25 PM
Well - I believe it will be something along the lines of the pics in this thread (NSFW):

GOGOGO FOH PGT THREAD! (http://www.fohguild.org/forums/screenshots/4328-pretty-girl-thread-1357.html)

Brows backwards!

This is safe for work right?
Obama's new council!

10-30-2008, 01:26 PM
Damm you I am at work. I almost clicked on the link hahaha.

10-30-2008, 01:35 PM
Well - I believe it will be something along the lines of the pics in this thread (NSFW):

GOGOGO FOH PGT THREAD! (http://www.fohguild.org/forums/screenshots/4328-pretty-girl-thread-1357.html)

Brows backwards!

This is safe for work right?
Obama's new council!

Is it me or are all those chicks staring at me? I think they are undressing me with their eyes.

10-30-2008, 01:39 PM
Damm you I am at work. I almost clicked on the link hahaha.

What a NiB. Use your iPhone bitch.

10-30-2008, 05:39 PM
dude, our PTG thread needs some work

10-31-2008, 09:28 AM
Our PGT is rated PG13. We are niblets.

10-31-2008, 11:27 AM
omg i'll fix that!! inc hawt nexten sex pics

11-02-2008, 05:29 PM
more kittehshttp://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/funny-pictures-tiget-shark-is-doing-it-right.jpg

11-03-2008, 10:52 AM
Not sure exactly where this guy got this information, but like all election stuff atm it is a good read....

Warning....it is LONG!!

To Barack Hussein Obama,
The New York Times carried a story on Saturday, October 4, 2008, that proved you had a significantly closer relationship with Bill Ayers than what you previously admitted. While the issue of your relationship is of concern, the greater concern is that you lied to America about it.
The Chicago Sun reported on May 8, 2008, that FBI records showed that you had a significantly closer relationship with Tony Rezko than what you previously admitted. In the interview, you said that you only saw Mr. Rezko a couple of times a year. The FBI files showed that you saw him weekly. While the issue of your relationship is of concern, the greater concern is that you lied to America about it.
Your speech in Philadelphia on March 18, 2008, about 'race' contradicted your statement to Anderson Cooper on March 14 when you said that you never heard Reverend Wright make his negative statements about white America. While your attendance at Trinity Church for 20 years is of concern, the greater concern is that you lied to America on March 14.
In your 1st debate with John McCain, you said that you never said that you would meet with the leaders of Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, and North Korea without 'preparations' at lower levels ... Joe Biden repeated your words in his debate with Sarah Palin ... while the video tape from your debate last February clearly shows that you answered 'I would' to the question of meeting with those leaders within 12 months without 'any' preconditions. While your judgement about meeting with enemies of the USA without pre-conditions is of concern, the greater concern is that you lied to America in the debate with McCain.
On July 14, 2008, you said that you always knew that the surge would work while the video tapes of you from more than=2 0a year ago show that you stated that the surge would not work. While your judgement about military strategy as a potential commander-in-chief is of concern, the greater concern is that you lied to America on July 14.
You now claim that your reason for voting against funding for the troops was because the bill did not include a time line for withdrawal, while the video tapes of you from more than a year ago show that you voted against additional funding because you wanted our troops to be removed immediately ... not in 16 months after the 2008 election as you now claim. While your judgement about removing our troops unilaterally in 2007 is of concern, the greater concern is that you lied to America about your previous position.
You claim to have a record of working with Republicans while the record shows that the only bill that you sponsored with a Republican was with Chuck Lugar ... and it failed. The record shows that you vote 97% in concert with the Democrat party and that you have the most liberal voting record in the Senate. You joined Republicans only 13% of the time in your votes and those 13% were only after agreement from the Democrat party. While it is of concern that you fail to include conservatives in your actions and that you are such a liberal, the greater concern is that you distorted the truth.
In the primary debates of last Febru ary, 2008, you claimed to have talked with a 'Captain' of a platoon in Afghanistan 'the other day' when in fact you had a discussion in 2003 with a Lieutenant who had just been deployed to Afghanistan. You lied in that debate.
In your debates last spring, you claimed to have been a 'professor of Constitutional law' when in fact you have never been a professor of Constitutional law. In this last debate, you were careful to say that you 'taught a law class' and never mentioned being a 'professor of Constitutional law.' You lied last spring.
You and Joe Biden both claimed that John McCain voted against additional funding for our troops when the actual records show the opposite. You distorted the truth.
You and Joe Biden claim that John McCain voted against funding for alternate energy sources 20 times when the record shows that John McCain specifically voted against funding for bio fuels, especially corn ... and he was right .... corn is too expensive at producing ethanol, and using corn to make ethanol increased the price of corn from $2 a bushel to $6 a bushel for food. You distorted the truth.
You and Joe Biden claim that John McCain voted like both of you for a tax increase on those making as little as $42,000 per year while the voting record clearly shows that John McCain did not vote as you and Joe Biden. You lied to America.
You and Joe Biden claim that John McCain voted with George W. Bush 90% of the time when you know that Democrats also vote 90% of the time with the President (including Joe Biden) because the vast majority of the votes are procedural. You are one of the few who has not voted 90% of the time with the president because you have been missing from the Senate since the day you got elected. ; While your absence from your job in the Senate is of concern, the greater concern is that you spin the facts.
You did not take an active role in the rescue plan. You claimed that the Senate did not need you while the real reason that you abstained was because of your close relationships with the executives of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Countrywide, and Acorn ... who all helped cause the financial problems of today ... and they all made major contributions to your campaign. While your relationship with these executives and your protection of them for your brief 3 years in the Senate (along with Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, and Chris Dodd) is of concern, the greater concern is that you are being deceitful.
You forgot to mention that you personally represented Tony Rezko and Acorn. Tony Rezko, an Arab and close friend to you, was convicted of fraud in Chicago real estate transactions that bilked millions of tax dollars from the Illinois government for renovation projects that you sponsored as a state senator ... and Acorn has been convicted of voter fraud, real estate sub prime loan intimidation, and illegal campaign contributions. Tony Rezko has contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to your political campaigns. You personally used your political positions to steer money to both Tony Rezko and Acorn and you used Acorn to register thousands of phony voters for Democrats and you. While your relationships with Rezko and Acorn are of concern, the greater concern is that you omitted important facts about your relationships with them to America.
During your campaign, you said: 'typical white person.' 'They cling to their guns and religion.' 'They will say that I am black.' You played the race card. You tried to label any criticism about you as racist. You divide America.
You claim that you will reduce taxes for 95% of America, but you forgot to tell America that those reductions are after you remove the Bush tax reductions. You have requested close to $1 billion in earmarks and several mill ion for Acorn. Your social programs will cost America $1 trillion per year and you claim that a reduction in military spending ($100 billion for Iraq) can pay for it. While your economic plan of adding 30% to the size of our federal government is of concern, the greater concern is that you are deceiving America.
The drain to America's economy by foreign supplied oil is $700 billion per year (5% of GDP) while the war in Iraq is $100 billion (less than 1% of GDP). You voted against any increases to oil exploration for the last 3 years and any expansion of nuclear facilities. Yet today, you say that you have always been for more oil and more nuclear. You are lying to America.
Mr. Obama, you claimed that you 'changed' your mind about public financing for your campaign because of the money spent by Republican PACs in 2004. The truth is that the Democrat PACs in 2004, 2006, and 2008 spent twice as much as the Republican PACs (especially George Soros and MoveOn.org). You are lying to America.
Mr. Obama, you have done nothing to stop the actions of the teachers union and college professors in the USA. They eliminated religion from our history. They teach pro gay agendas and discuss sex with students as young as first grade. They bring their personal politics into the classrooms. They disparage conservative s. They brainwash our children. They are in it for themselves ..... not America. Are you reluctant to condemn their actions because teachers/professors and the NEA contribute 25% of all money donated to Democrats and none to Republicans? You are deceiving America.
Oh, Mr. Obama, Teddy Roosevelt said about a hundred years ago that we Americans should first look at the character of our leaders before anything else.
Your character looks horrible. While you make good speeches, motivating speeches, your character does not match your rhetoric. You talk the talk, but do not walk the walk.

1. You lied to America. You lied many times. You distorted facts. You parsed your answers like a lawyer.
2. You distorted the record of John McCain in your words and in your advertisements.
3. You had associations with some very bad people for your personal political gains and then lied about those associations.
4. You divide America about race and about class.
Now let me compare your record of lies, distortions, race baiting, and associations to John McCain: War hero. Annapolis graduate with 'Country first.' Operational leadership experience like all 43 previously elected presidents of the USA as a Navy officer for 22 years. 26 years in the Senate. Straight talk. Maverick. 54% of the time participated on bills with Democrats. Never asked for an earmark. The only blemish on his record is his part in the Keating 5 debacle about 25 years ago.
Mr. Obama, at Harvard Law School, you learned that the end does not justify the means. You learned that perjury, false witness, dishonesty, distortion of truth are never tolerated. Yet, your dishonesty is overwhelming. Your dishonesty is tremendously greater than the dishonesty that caused the impeachment and disbarment of Bill Clinton. Your dishonesty is tremendously greater than the dishonesty of Scooter Libby. You shou ld be ashamed.
Mr. Obama, it is time for us Americans to put aside our differences on political issues and vote against you because of your dishonest character. It is time for all of us Americans to put aside our political issues and vote for America first. It is time for America to vote for honesty.
Any people who vote for you after understanding that you are dishonest should be ashamed of themselves for making their personal political issues more important than character. Would these same people vote for the anti-Christ if the anti-Christ promised them riches? Would they make a golden calf while Moses was up the mountain? Would they hire some one for a job if that someone lied in an interview? Of course not. So why do some of these people justify their votes for you even though they know you are dishonest? Why do they excuse your dishonesty? Because some of these people are frightened about the future, the economy, and their financial security .... and you are preying on their fears with empty promises ... and because some (especially our young people) are consumed by your wonderful style and promises for 'change' like the Germans who voted for Adolf Hitler in 1932. The greed/envy by Germans in 1932 kept them from recognizing Hitler for who he was. They loved his style. Greed and envy are keeping many Americans from recognizing you ... your style has camouflaged your dishonesty .... but many of us see you for who you really are ... and we will not stop exposing who you are every day, forever if it is necessary.
Mr. Obama, you are dishonest. Anyone who votes for you is enabling dishonesty.
Mr. Obama, America cannot trust that you will put America first in your decisions about the future.
Mr. Obama, you are not the 'change' that America deserves. We cannot trust you.
Mr. Obama, You are not ready and not fit to be commander-in-chief.
Mr. Obama, John McCain does not have as much money as your campaign to refute all of your false statements. And for whatever reasons, the mainstream media will not give adequate coverage or research about your lies, distortions, word parsing, bad associations, race baiting, lack of operational leadership experience, and generally dishonest character. The media is diverting our attention from your relationships and ignoring the fact that you lied about those relationships. The fact that you lied is much more important than the relationships themselves .... just like with Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon ... Monica Lewinski and Watergate were not nearly as bad as the fact that those men lied about the events ... false witness ... perjury ... your relationships and bad judgements are bad on their own .... but your lies are even worse.
Therefore, by copy of this memo, all who read this memo are asked to send it to everyone else in America before it is too late. We need to do the job that the media will not do. We need to expose your dishonesty so that every person in America understands who you really are before election day.
Mr. Obama, in a democracy, we get what we deserve. And God help America if we deserve you.
Michael Master
McLean, Virginia

11-03-2008, 12:06 PM
Wall of text crits you for 25k

Wall of text crits you for 25k

You are dead

Wall of text crits you for 25k

Wall of text crits you for 25k

You are a dead horse.

11-04-2008, 09:40 PM
Ah yes, I forgot to post......as i was saying..... :)

11-05-2008, 06:00 AM
To All my American Friends;

Be you Republican or Democrat, your country has started a new era.

God Bless the USA and your New President.

Canadian Cousin

11-05-2008, 06:30 AM
To Barack Hussein Obama,

Stopped reading there.



11-05-2008, 12:02 PM
Well - my only serious comment about this thread is that I'm quite sad that my No vote on Prop 8 was defeated in California :(

11-05-2008, 12:11 PM
I was also sad and to be honest surprised about prop 8. Thats weak sauce.

11-05-2008, 12:20 PM
I would rather lose on all 11 props and win prop 8 than lose prop 8 and win some of the remaining 11 props :(

11-05-2008, 01:24 PM
yeah I'm a lil vexed

11-07-2008, 09:45 AM
I give you props. Angelie you were voting for same sex marriage right (Prop 8)?

Sometimes 2 inch lumpias do make a right?


11-07-2008, 09:49 AM
Yeah. I voted No on it...People just love to "stick" their nose into other people's business... :angry:

11-07-2008, 09:52 AM
I have rather high hopes for the court deal tho. prop 8 also takes away state rights... lets see it work then!

11-07-2008, 10:04 AM
They also said there are about 3 million more ballots to read and No on Prop 8 only lost by ~500k... So there "might" be hope?

11-07-2008, 10:53 AM
you guys all fail at posting about kittens

11-07-2008, 02:09 PM
What is prop 8?

11-07-2008, 02:39 PM
Prop 8 was the ban on same-sex marriage in CA.

11-07-2008, 02:41 PM
lol, why should gay folks be immune to the same bullshit that hetros are. Let em get married and find out that the grass isn't greeener.

11-07-2008, 03:19 PM
lol, why should gay folks be immune to the same bullshit that hetros are. Let em get married and find out that the grass isn't greeener.

/applaud...they should have the right to be as miserable as the rest of us.

11-08-2008, 09:02 AM
According to The Book of Revelation:

The Anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal.....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power,
he will destroy everything.

11-08-2008, 09:14 AM
Great, so lets just shoot everyone by that description and we're straight.



11-08-2008, 10:05 AM
According to The Book of Revelation:

The Anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal.....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power,
he will destroy everything.

I really dont think it says that in the book of revelation, but it may. The bible was written, changed and manipulated so many times, by so many people, with such ambiguous language that its hard for me to take it seriously.

11-08-2008, 11:39 AM
Great, so lets just shoot everyone by that description and we're straight.



I like domas idea

11-08-2008, 05:16 PM
Wait... Barack Obama = Nicolae Carpathia?

If anyone gets that I'll give you a cookie.

Or maybe some cake.

11-08-2008, 05:17 PM
Oh, and to stay off topic, here's a kitty for Nexten.


11-08-2008, 05:28 PM
woot nice

11-08-2008, 07:29 PM
Nicolae Carpathia?

Anti-Christ in the "Left Behind" series.

Back in the day when I went to a place referred to as "Church", I was force-fed those books.

What a silly time that was.

11-08-2008, 07:55 PM


11-08-2008, 09:28 PM
According to The Book of Revelation:

The Anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal.....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power,
he will destroy everything.

I just read both my bibles from 2 different sources and form 2 different time periods one from England and the ninties and the other from US and 2008 and it says nothign of this

Octavus 1
Sendain 0

11-08-2008, 11:04 PM
According to The Book of Revelation:

The Anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal.....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power,
he will destroy everything.

Wow!! If that is true, then the writer of the Book of Revelations predicted not only the "End of Days" but the appearance of a Religion that actually began in 7th Century AD with the Writings of Muhammad.

11-09-2008, 10:40 AM
Anti-Christ in the "Left Behind" series.

Back in the day when I went to a place referred to as "Church", I was force-fed those books.

What a silly time that was.

Aye, but the books were entertaining were they not?

As promised, here is your cookie sir.


11-09-2008, 10:47 AM
They weren't terrible.

They had some interesting concepts and some good writing in places, but about the time you get to the 5th book and ESPECIALLY the 7th book, it just felt like they completely ran out of ideas on what the hell to have happen to people.