View Full Version : Bunions
01-31-2002, 10:09 AM
That news post was soo exciting my eyelids made snapping noises. Are you all as excited about killing those mobs as the news post makes it out to be? I feel like you just told me about your bunions?
Why would you even bother with Zlandicar? Next thing you know you'll be back killing Trakanon, because he might be alive? In only a week and if you are quick enough you might get another chance at the statue of rallos Zek. That is if no one beats you there.
Well, at least you can clear PoG nonstop and work on those Tunare attempts! So cheer up!
Haha I think someone twisted Vegar's arm into updating the news, when what he really wanted to do was sleep. It sure does show, doesn't it?
01-31-2002, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by Hackensack
That news post was soo exciting my eyelids made snapping noises. Are you all as excited about killing those mobs as the news post makes it out to be? I feel like you just told me about your bunions?
I see you get the point. Relaying sarcasm through the written word is an art.
No, we are not excited to be killing this shit. It is boring as hell. The content level for high-end players is completely camped to shit (Hail, 97 ML people CAMPING for Vulak's spawn) or dead already.
Siren, tell me about your bunions?
Hehe i was indeed kinda tired when i wrote that news post =P
No one forced me to write it tho, just thought it would be nice to have an update
Next time i will just put up a picture of a dead mob to show how excited we are with the game!
01-31-2002, 03:07 PM
No one forced me to write it tho, just thought it would be nice to have an update
Enough talk! Back to work on the web page! *Cracks whip*
01-31-2002, 03:22 PM
our webpage is not enthusiastic, so all meaning of killing these mobs is void :rolleyes:
01-31-2002, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by Sirensa
(Hail, 97 ML people CAMPING for Vulak's spawn)
Don't dis Rohaise's Crusade! It's not about phat lewt for officer twinks nor is it revenge for screwing their ebay sales; its about MORALITY and the GOOD OF THE SERVER and the AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE and GRANDMA and APPLE PIE!
Dr. Semele Mooncaller
01-31-2002, 03:52 PM
I don't like apple pie
Buazag Bonesteel
01-31-2002, 04:16 PM
Chocolate cake>apple pie
01-31-2002, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by Semele
Don't dis Rohaise's Crusade! It's not about phat lewt for officer twinks nor is it revenge for screwing their ebay sales; its about MORALITY and the GOOD OF THE SERVER and the AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE and GRANDMA and APPLE PIE!
I agree completely!!
I am so proud that our server's first Jaelin's Katana ROTTED and our server's second is on an ML officers THIRD twink.
I think I'd like to smoke a little of whatever ML officers hand out to inspire the borg. Must be nice to live in oblivion.
01-31-2002, 04:29 PM
Wow such nice polite posts! To the original poster: eat a dick fucker! Bye bye!
01-31-2002, 04:40 PM
Hey, I don't normally flame, but I think its a FUCKED up world where you, who can clear ToV in a little over 5 hours, and lose out to a guild who takes 17+ hours to do the same thing, then .. get this, has over 60 people show up before 1 PST on a WEEKDAY. People. Do you have jobs? Do you pay taxes? Or do you just wait around ALL day on EQ to get Vulak, and then, god you people are really mental, the UBER LOOT is handed out to another officer's twink. Jesus Christ. The only thing that really has been proven to me by this display of FFA is:
1) Many of you are willing to put your EQ game over your RL. Or you have no RL, and this really is your life.
2) That not having a job and skipping school and camping EQ all day is more important .
3) That superior numbers don't mean you do something better. It just means you can have people sitting around to claim spawns that you have never gotten any better at fighting.
4) That I want some of whatever Mythic Legion's officers are getting to keep people in their guild. I can't immagine how many "loot isn't what I play for" posts are on their board.
Its a sad, sad day when people are applading the above things. Congrats you winners!
01-31-2002, 04:41 PM
Someone explain to me why the 982374234 members of ML put up with that. Seriously.
I'll ask tonight. Between the coughing and hacking up a lung ;>
It is likely that they truly have been borged.
I can't even imagine what my reaction would be if Andy or Siren asked me to skip work and spend 12? 16? 24? etc hours in NToV to get items for their twinks...
Oh, yes I can: "HAHAHAHAHA!"
01-31-2002, 05:27 PM
So sry, Klerik gets next Vulak robe thx.
Siame gets next Tolans (well... all our rangers have those anyway).
01-31-2002, 05:33 PM
I thought Siame was a monk!
01-31-2002, 05:51 PM
OMG, ML flames? Where do I sign!?!?!?
01-31-2002, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by Tarissa
I thought Siame was a monk!
She is a ranger. But in the spirit of loot whoring, she will be taking the next Gharn's rock as well.
01-31-2002, 05:54 PM
Someone explain to me why the 982374234 members of ML put up with that. Seriously.
Maybe it's because there are no other choices if they want to play *end* game encounters? It's hard, if not impossible, to get into Hoss or Vindi. If I was in a guild just to get loot, I would consider going to ML but I don't play just get to loot. I have no clue if the officers in ML give themselves way too much loot but I am pretty sure the rest of the members of ML did get something out of all the loot that dropped in NToV. You have to admit that in one clearing of NToV a whole lot of loot drops. Looking at Vindi's website, it looks like Mr. Rot gets quite a bit of the loot that drops when they clear NTOV. I would bank on the fact that the officers in ML might give nice stuff to their twinks but out of all that loot, I will most likely get *something* after a clearing or two. A few items from NToV = better then zero items from NToV. Maybe that is their thinking.
I have to say I am a little surprised at the responses here tho. I read so many posts on from Hoss members after FFA started on the server about Vindication not breaking any rules. Posts about only so much room at the *end* game in Everquest. Lola had a nice analogy about EQ being like a job interview. If you are more qualified then you get the job. In EQ the qualities you need for end game is time and numbers. Looks like ML fits the bill better then anyone else so VI gives them the big lewts and fun. After all, ML is not doing anything against the rules. You don't actually expect them to share NToV do you? Maybe now you can understand where all the whining and unhappy people on were coming from. There is only so much room at the top of EQ and it looks like there isn't much left after ML has taken their share. I mean, they earned it, right? They have the numbers, time and enough skill to get what they want. According to VI they can take as much as they can.
Oh well, I hope no one took this as a flame because it wasn't. I think Hoss is a respectable guild with lots of quality members. It just seemed like a lot of these responses were somewhat hypocritical.
Sirensa said it best: THANKS VERANT. High end EQ is FUBARed.
Andriana Duskrose
01-31-2002, 05:57 PM
So evil Andaas!
/Auction Buying Tolan's Long Sword on Hoss' next Vulak raid!
Seriously I will pay you for rotting loot!
That is all.
01-31-2002, 06:01 PM
I think how Ml keeps a lot of peeps is several reasons
#1 Most people when they hit the higher lvls want to be part of an established Uber guild we all know that HOSS is hard to get into IG and vindi and other guilds can be picky. Ml on the other hand believes in numbers so its easy to get into ml so to speak.
#2 So when I join ML cause its easy to get into they make me feel welcome and give me this speech about how effort is rewarded. So being a new guy in ml you spend a lot of time geting to know people and it takes at least a couple months to get to know everyone and you dont expect loot in that time so your putting forth this massive effort to be noticed. And lo and behold you get something nice handed down to you from someone who got something better. So your like wow cool loot.
#3 that being said you wait your turn patiently for loot and some of the loot trickles down to you (Ragan Nomics) But you never truely get something nice from a mob unless said officer has it the leader of your class and you notice this but no one is saying anything so you dont want to be the squeeky wheel who seems greddy. No matter how hard you try no matter how many raids you attend No matter what you do loot goes to the same people over and over. and there always people who want to be part of an uber guild and if you complain you are replaced.
#4 ML believes in sensorship say something Baramos dosn"t like it gets deleted almost immediatly they monitor there board's heavily like the KGB or something and a story made up about you and why you got booted. You see this happen and think hell no i aint saying anyhting. because if i do ill get booted and i wont have anywere to go that does anything fun.
So thats how People get sucked into the ZERG hive of gayness.
Of course its my opinon and its like an ass everyone has one
Lola had a nice analogy about EQ being like a job interview.
Well, if it was a good analogy, then I won't complain too much that it wasn't me that made it =p
01-31-2002, 06:11 PM
Oops, it was Sirensa. =P
But you had a lot of good posts too!
Amuel Daemon
01-31-2002, 06:25 PM
Tryss, Hoss has never believed in A) quantity over quality and B) unfair loot distribution, ex: officer's 2nd or 3rd twink getting Vulak loot. These two things have been going on in Mythic Legion for a long time.
We have been poking fun at Mythic Legion for those two things for a LONG time as well and don't expect to see it stop anytime soon.
To say for EQ end game what you need is time and numbers is not always true. With good time management and skilled/efficient members you can still get a lot done without a large amount of time or people (in EQ terms).
01-31-2002, 06:27 PM
My response was based solely on the fact that people were all happy about basically committing that huge time and effort for potentially no reward. That ML is happy it spent 20 hours in ToV to get some Vulak loot. If its members have time and numbers and if that's what it takes to "win" in EverQuest, then frankly, I don't really want to be a winner under those rules. I don't think Hoss has ever subscribed to a tactic of numbers to win and I know that I'm not going to camp Vulak for 7 hours with 97 of my
I don't think that this is a victory. Its a sad testament to what it takes to ..and I use this term loosely "dominate a server". I admit, I like to raid. But I think all of us raid in the hope that we will get something someday. I think its BS that the people in Mythic Legion get a bone tossed their way now and then to be happy while the officers and friends of the officers get their pick of the litter. I would say that was an exaggeration, but I'm sure that people who post to this board regularly can name at least a score of examples where first-kill loot or prime loot went to ML higher ups. Hoss is good about that. We give loot very fairly I think. Its just really grim that some people want "uber content" so bad they will put up with abuse and being ignored.
Then again, how many people do you know that stayed in abusive relationships because they "really loved the person and hoped one day their partner would change"?
01-31-2002, 06:35 PM
Sorry, I was unclear on what I considered a little hypocritical. It's obvious you guys don't believe in doing things in huge numbers or decking out officer twinks. It just seemed that some were pretty pissed off that ML was, and most likely will, perma camp NToV. Complaining that ML won't 'share' the mobs, so to speak. That was the whole issue with the IGB. Making sure the same guilds don't the same mobs over and over, while the other guilds get to look on because they can't log in soon enough or whatever.
"To say for EQ end game what you need is time and numbers is not always true. With good time management and skilled/efficient members you can still get a lot done without a large amount of time or people (in EQ terms)."
I meant FIF. With 40 people there for a Vindicator attempt, we got spanked. Tried again and lost 10 people and killed him quick. Sometimes less is more unless you are racing to the mob at 11 am PST. =(
And I agree with you Nesuril. My idea of fun is not the same idea as fun for ML people. Of course, my idea of fun was the IGB even tho the wait time for a mob was at times frustrating. Other people's idea of fun is no IGB and racing to mobs. Guess the world would be pretty boring if we all had the same idea of fun heh.
01-31-2002, 06:51 PM
There is no such thing as "perma-camping" a zone in the FFA game. That's a fact.
01-31-2002, 07:22 PM
Well, I'll stick by what I said they didn't break any rules. Also, ML may and probably will have the advantage in NToV. Most of us know this Tryss, just because we know it, DOESNT MEAN WE HAVE TO ENJOY IT. Also, they were talking about something different. If you aren't trying to cause problems, you are wrong. We did not start the FFA, first of all. So well that in mind, I don't expect them to share NToV. But it DOES suck that we might not get it. That is not hypocritical, that is more like a reaction to a situation. If I said, FFA is amazing I will never bitch at any of its results and it is 100% flawless, then I complained, call me a hypocrit. I will respect another guilds right to go FFA, and not call them traitors, whores, liars, sneeky bastards, because that is immature and uncalled for.
01-31-2002, 07:27 PM
I basically called them losers, Dharrk. Does that count on your list? :p
01-31-2002, 07:42 PM
*was referring to the FFA situation*
but name calling in general sux, proving a point is more effective, unless your talking upon deaf ears, then your just wasting your time. :D
Amuel Daemon
01-31-2002, 07:57 PM
shut up you fat ogre piece of poo!
01-31-2002, 08:15 PM
omg my last bit of self esteem is gone :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
01-31-2002, 10:12 PM
Most of us know this Tryss, just because we know it, DOESNT MEAN WE HAVE TO ENJOY IT.
This is what I was talking about. Lots of people were ripping on others when they would complain that going FFA would ruin Everquest for them. They will not enjoy FFA because they will not get the mobs they would like, just like you won't get into NToV as much as you would like to.
That is not hypocritical, that is more like a reaction to a situation.
I saw quite a few posts telling people to stop complaining ( their reaction ) about not having mobs handed to them on platters and if you want to do the high end mobs, get your $%^$ together and go do it. I just found it interesting to find some of Hoss people that were making those types of posts are reacting in somewhat the same fashion, ie, not enjoying it.
Nobody's fault really but VI's. If Mythic Legion starts to share NToV with L`malla, Vindication and Hoss, then NI and IG would hope that Vindication and Hoss will share Dozekar with NI and IG. If that happens then VE will want IG and NI to share Vindicator ( bad example since he spawns so often ) and so on down the line until we are back to a rotation. There is a no good solution that I have heard. Simply not enough *uber* mobs around during the week to keep the level 60 population happy.
Edit: I have my twink druid logged on my 2nd box and the orc pawns are spawing. Got to go!
01-31-2002, 11:50 PM
I'm enjoying it. Like my Ventani raid!?!? I did!
01-31-2002, 11:53 PM
Hoss had been discussing making a move into NToV on the last respawn, however, we also realized that with the slow-ass clearing that ML did the previous week, that many of the dragons may not have been up for hours after an early morning start, so we chose to wait.
This is what led to 97 ML cult followers sitting in NToV for 7 hours while they awaited for their loot god, Vulak, to spawn (who didn't for another 9 hours or something after they finally gave up for the night). I wasn't there, but I wouldn't have touched that Kool Aid.
02-01-2002, 12:03 AM
Oh yeah, what makes you think they are going to have to hand over NToV to us? We can get it ourselves.
Assuming ML owns the server so soon? Give it a bit of time kiddo.
02-01-2002, 12:18 AM
"Assuming ML owns the server so soon? Give it a bit of time kiddo."
No, not at all but I think they have the biggest advantage out of the big 4 guilds as far as FIF is concerned, especially on patch days.
One more thing, Buazag is interested in only one thing in Hoss. Nettle anyone?
02-01-2002, 12:31 AM
Well, wait and see what happens. Seems to me you are assuming a bit too much, so soon.
Buazag Bonesteel
02-01-2002, 01:37 AM
Buazag is interested in only one thing in Hoss. Nettle anyone?
I have been found out. Hand over the hobbit and nobody gets hurt.
02-01-2002, 02:30 AM
You can't put an "ed" after FUBAR :rolleyes:
No, not at all but I think they have the biggest advantage out of the big 4 guilds as far as FIF is concerned, especially on patch days.
I would agree with you, if the -IF part of FIF didn't mean 2, 3, and 4x the numbers an "average" uber guild needs.
02-01-2002, 08:43 AM
Well first off, no Tolans longsword for Siame, she's not level 46 :p
Second off, when you talk about ML you need to keep in mind that there are two ML's. There's the members, and there's the "core" officers. Get to know both and you'll get two drasticly different opinions. ML members are, by large and far very nice people. Some aren't, but hey that's how people work. Then there's the Baramos/Hali/Rohaise/Ternada core unit. That's where ML's problems lay.
Baramos is a consumate liar and politician, Ternada is exceptionally greedy (although actually not a bad person otherwise), Rohaise is a bit of both thrown together, with each at a lesser degree.
Hali is a freak, period. Get's his kicks by berating guild mates publicly for every mistake. Fortunately though, he's due for a heart attack any time now.
But anyways, a guild is often thought of only based on the personalities of their leadership. So a lot of the negative ML stuff isn't the fault of the members at all, it's the tards who lead them.
I still consider the majority of ML my friends, and always will. I was very saddened when I heard Filo and Harthek both retired :( I'm glad for them that FFA is treating them well so far, but I do cringe at the thought of waiting 3 hours, or whatever it was for Vulak to spawn.
02-01-2002, 09:26 AM
The only sad thing about FIF is that the GM's don't understand the 50 people is not a sufficient number for ML to kill most things. This leads to the possibility of parking 50 ML at a mob and waiting for the other 50 to log in to try the Dain or Vindi.
02-01-2002, 11:07 AM
Well first off, no Tolans longsword for Siame, she's not level 46
Next MANDATORY Hoss guild raid will be power-levelling my tertiary twink!
I expect to see you there, Tilea, or you will be berated for not supporting the guild.
Can we berate Siame and powerlevel Tilea instead?
02-01-2002, 11:09 AM
Congrats to ML Warriors for having the patience and tolerance to put up with seeing arguably the best weapon in the game awarded to yet another officer TWINK.
Congrats to ML officers for having the cajones to dick over their members time and time again, and still somehow manage to motivate them to get you more loot.
02-01-2002, 11:17 AM
I nagged Vegar to update the news, btw.
02-01-2002, 11:27 AM
Ok, Siren :eek:
02-01-2002, 01:53 PM
Hi guys...
Welp, I dont quite understand why everyone cares so much how loot is distributed in ML. Sure it may not 'always' seem fair. But as a whole I believe it is. Vadeenya in 'my' eyes is not a twink of Tirsada's. Vadeenya yes is played by Tirs, but is also our MT in alot of fights. Vad has contributed...Tirs has Contributed tons to ML. In no way do 'I' see her as a loot whore.
Cmon guys, no need to point fingers/bitch/complain. Hoss is Hoss, Mythic Legion is Mythic Legion. We do things our differant ways, but thats what makes us BOTH great.
Anyways, sorry if anything here was rude. Just wanted to add in what i thought.
Mastahh Thunderkitty
02-01-2002, 01:56 PM
I'm just here to hi-jack this thread...
/hug Tilea
02-01-2002, 02:09 PM
/hug Trazz :)
02-01-2002, 02:12 PM
no monk hijacking allowed (unless they are lizards)!
02-01-2002, 03:29 PM
The main reason every server has max 2 uber guilds is because its always been FFA, thus making it impossible to add competition. Our server welcomed competition to make 4 uber and 2 near uber guilds. Going FFA will further prevent guilds from advancing. It may even break guilds that arent quite there. Thats its intention. Making it so 4 guilds get all the mobs and more of the mobs. That is the way it works on all other servers. IGB just made it 4 rather than 1 and now our server is flooded with 60s because they all realized the IGB was an oppurtunity to get uber. Had it not existed there would be less lvl 60s and more mobs for all.
When Vindi went FFA they had no intentions to knock off ML, L`Malla, or Hoss. They planned to knock off the rest of the guilds. But they are also not going to hand mobs to ML, L`malla, or Hoss and vice versa.
02-01-2002, 03:42 PM
If you knew what you were talking about you would know that Vad was the only person in attendance who had the item listed.
02-01-2002, 04:43 PM
~~~ DREAM ITEM ~~~
02-01-2002, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by bubba
If you knew what you were talking about you would know that Vad was the only person in attendance who had the item listed.
ROFL.. that's silly. So there are no warriors MAINS in ML that would have wanted that sword? Maybe they're just afraid to ask for fear of getting the boot.
02-01-2002, 05:17 PM
Only one with that dream item is listed lets talk about how dream items work in ml.
uber officer 1 list sword of uber haste as there dream item
Lowly ml guy list almost sword of uber haste casue he knows ml officer has listed such a dream item.
Uber sword of haste drops goes to officer number 1 officer number 1 immiediatly goes to the web board and changes there dream item to uber bp of whoop ass
while lowly ml guy has his almost sword of uber haste listed. (still)
Can you guess what happens when uber bp of whoopass drops of course it goes to officer number 1 its there dream item.
This happened in ML all the time when I was a member
I was still wating for my first dream item while taegan was on her 5th.
Btw make fun of my grammar and typing if you want still doesn't take away from the fact of the matter.
02-01-2002, 05:54 PM
Guys seriously...Yes we have a list of loot. It works well for us. As far as dream items, Tirs/vad/tern has not had ONE listed since 2000....This was a first. And whoever the other guy is...once a item is received from the 'list' you cant just run and add another. We do have rules.
02-01-2002, 11:02 PM
02-01-2002, 11:03 PM
what happens if Person A's dream item drops within the alloted dream item list time, and then when it refreshes Person B still hasn't gotten his. It goes like this right. Person A selects a new one, and Person B has the oppurtunity to keep his current one or change to a new one. With people making the same item on their list and it being incredibly rare, wont person B get screwed over. I'd tend to think this would cause people not to pick once a 3 month items on their list in fear of not getting any dream item in that time.
This isn't directed at anything that happened, I am just generalizing. Sounds flawed to me, or am I wrong in my logic?
02-01-2002, 11:04 PM
FU EOMER GO DIE AND STAY THERE :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Welp, I dont quite understand why everyone cares so much how loot is distributed in ML
Because people see a huge guild with a ton of members being used by the officers/coremembers. And the people don't even seem to realize they are being used.
I have friends in ML, of course I care. I don't like when my friends are being used, why shouldn't I care?
02-02-2002, 09:50 AM
I have friends in ML, of course I care. I don't like when my friends are being used, why shouldn't I care?
Bullshit, the real reason people talk shit about their loot system is in hopes of fucking with their members minds to make them think what you are saying is true. Your basicly playing these mind games so maybe, just maybe you can break down their members spirits and get them to quit ML. Not that you or Vindi would take them into your guild, but maybe a few.
I talked to some ML people about their loot system before, it seems pretty fair. They reset their dream item list every 3 months or something, if you just happend to pick a VERY rare item for your dream item, then its just luck if it drops.
I just think its quite funny that Hoss and Vindication have public boards and ML doesn't. I guess it makes you guys feel very important when all the newbies on the server can come here and view your opinions.
02-02-2002, 10:21 AM
Yah that's it, its an elaborate plan! Here's the deal. There's certain top end gear that you see going again and again to officers, while members get the pick-of-the-litter. Is it sacrifice to give you what I don't want? No.
Thing I love about Hoss is how much sacrifice I've seen our officers do. I don't load up our front newspage update after update and see the best rare 1st-evers going to officers. And that's cool.
And wth is up with this dude using ranoogs name and adding a G? wow liek cool woah
02-02-2002, 11:21 AM
Board (bored) trolls are funny sometimes. The anonymity to post an OPINION makes them feel special. For instance, notice how this moron tells us...
I talked to some ML people about their loot system before, it seems pretty fair. They reset their dream item list every 3 months or something, if you just happend to pick a VERY rare item for your dream item, then its just luck if it drops.
So what if you talked to people in ML? We all have friends in ML of one type or another. I have heard complaints just as you have heard that it is fair. What's your point? And if they reset their "dream item list" every 3 months, what does that do for the people who haven't gotten anything yet?
If you have 100 people in a guild, and 25 of them want ***edit*** the same item from ToV, you have to have successfully raided that zone 25 times and that item dropped every time for them all to get one. Barring patches, 25 x 7 day respawn (assuming you got ToV every spawn) = 175 days = 6 months. So my one dream item has the MINIMUM potential to take 6 months to get. Wow. I'm all a glow that in half a year (yet again assuming we got all the spawns) that I'd get my dream item. Now let's say we had a patch every week. You are still looking at 3 months to get *1* item. Yay.
Get a clue, get a life and post under your game name you panty waste piece of dog shit. Have a nice day.
02-02-2002, 11:52 AM
The reseting of the dream item list is new since i left ml but fizbain has the idea down cold. Would take about 1 year for everyone to get a good item. Of course ML has not, will not do the same dungeon for over a year. They do enough to get the core there items. Then lo-and-behold it's time for ML to do something more challenging They will come back to it they say but they must move toward the most challanging Thing in the game thats there drive to be the best its not about loot ( sorry had a brain washing flash back) But they never seem to get back to that.
Tilea said she loved how hoss handed out loot, and how officers didnt load up on the best loot. This is what stunned me the most when I first joined hoss. WHAT THE FIRST CROWN OFF OF CAZIC DIDN"T GO TO THE CLERIC OFFICER/ONE OF THE LEADER'S OF THE GUILD??????????????????? It went to a Regular old cleric who was a member was not part of the clich so to speak he was just a cleric hadnt got a peice of loot in a little while his name was Rolist. (Thats right ladys and gents the first crown of cazic that hoss got and i think it was the first on the server went to a regular old Guild member not a core officer) This happend on a regular basis in hoss when i played and im sure it still does.
Now ask yourself Zerglins what class your in do you even fool yourself into thinking that you will get uber sword of haste unless the core officers already have or dont want said named item. Answer that question truthfully and you will see what im talking about. Because no matter how many Times you show up to the raids no matter if your the first here last to leave you will only get your items when the core dont need what you want/need cause they either a) already have it or B) dont need it cause they have better.
Once again make fun of my typing/spelling if you want dosen't take away form the heart of the matter.
02-02-2002, 02:37 PM
Originally posted by Jasin!
This happend on a regular basis in hoss when i played and im sure it still does.
Actually we just switched to a ETN* system of loot distro.
* Everything To Nettle
liek cool ololo,
Semele Mooncaller
02-02-2002, 04:10 PM
Am I allowed to PLevel on this thread too, or is this one of thoose no Pleveling threads?
02-02-2002, 04:52 PM
no plvling in this thread.
02-02-2002, 06:10 PM
Yes anon board troll, it is all an elaborate scheme to demoralize ML from the inside, and fulfill our plans of world domination.
Or maybe some of us (or most) are just so disgusted with it that we feel it needs to be said, our of respect for the people within ML getting rammed in the ass.
And I think it's a positive that Vind and Hoss have open boards. Anyone can come here and voice their opinion on something, and as long as it's not a retarded post, it won't get nuked. ML and Lamma's seem to be all worried about their rep lately, so they have nuked their boards. Instead they just go to and read the Zerg Manifesto to all the lowbies, who of course eat it up and hop in line to be the next people to get a nice gentle reaming.
Buazag Bonesteel
02-03-2002, 01:30 AM
Nice gentle reaming? That's bad right?
02-03-2002, 07:55 AM
It has nothing to do with rep eomer. We removed general to keep the flames off our boards and anon people from posting BS and having people that visited our site from reading said BS. That is all~. P.S General board will come back up.
02-03-2002, 12:35 PM
God forbid someone should go onto your boards and post something against your guild. Why are you afraid the mindless idiots you recruit might change their mind? Personnally I would rather have people who know the difference between BS and truth. But hey if your people cant tell, I guess that works all the better for you huh? Easier to spin off why your 3rd twink gets vulak loot and they get next Centi LS that drops.
Normally I dont flame but that last post really needed it.
02-03-2002, 05:13 PM
duh :o
02-03-2002, 08:51 PM
ML's guild member turnover rate far exceeds any other guild I've ever seen. People leave that guild on a weekly basis. People get caught up in the moment, leave in as dramatic and noticable of a way as possible, and then return one day later (ala Leafweir). That kind of turnover doesn't happen if the general populace is completely happy with how their guild is run.
Neuan Nyagaleth
02-03-2002, 09:22 PM
Apart from your exagerations and untrue statements, you're also missing to inform the general populace as to why there is such a "huge" turnover rate, as you so melodramatic illustrate.
In the time I've been with ML, I can think of 1 single Guildmember that didn't leave over *THE* most prominent reason to leave a Guild.
That one member was Doranin.
Guess what the others, including you, left over.
Yes, LOOT.
Some people are under the illusion, that once they've obtained an ML Tag, the phatty comes rolling in, regardless of their contributions and participation on Events and the likes.
Let me give you an example. There was this Woodelf Ranger, by the name of Tilea. She'd be a great participant when she first joined ML, got rewarded accordingly, but over time, her interest in the Guild and its activities seemed to dither and fade. Every couple weeks, you'd see a "I'm gone for an unspecified amount of time" post of said Woodelf Ranger. Eventually, Tilea would return, and gripe and whine in guildchat about how she couldn't level up because of the Raids. As her reason for leaving, she gave the excuse of "I don't want to Raid all the time." It should be mentioned that Tilea was not only unhappy with the raid schedule and the activities of ML, but also with how she did not get items she thought she deserved.
Unfortunately, and this applies throughout the World in Businesses, Families, Organizations, Foundations and Clubs, for one to earn something, they have to work for it.
It is very apparent that in most, if not all cases, the people leaving ML over Loot are or were instant-gratification seekers. I'm not surprised. In an age where with a few keystrokes you can purchase a new Car, House, that super-fast Computer System, it seems like a tedious and boring task having to wait for an item more than a week.
As for the other folks who so generously devote their time to inform the members of ML that our Officers get all the loot...WHY, Thank you!
I'm sure once those members put on the 'Distort-Reality™' Glasses you had on when you posted your rhetoric bullshit, they too will "see the light" and happily leave ML in search of a Guild that, like Credit Cards and ATM's, promises instant gratification.
Until then, you'd be well advised to take care of your own affairs and issues, as there are many that need addressed.
-Neuan Nyagaleth
MEMBER of Mythic Legion (And has Loot, too!)
02-03-2002, 09:24 PM
It's strange how Tilea refuses loot from time to time, even if said loot will rot otherwise. Spread your bullshit elsewhere.
Neuan Nyagaleth
02-03-2002, 09:29 PM
It's strange that Tilea would leave ML because she didn't want to Raid, yet a couple weeks later she joins Hoss, known and famous for its Raid Schedule.
Bullshit? I think not.
02-03-2002, 09:51 PM
Maybe she had to come up with an excuse to leave ML!
02-03-2002, 11:30 PM
Neuan, out of respect for Selice, I will not rip into on a public board like this.
However, when you come on to our boards and post blatent lies, I will tell you what to do. Get off our boards, and go post your Pro-mythic bullshit full of lies elsewhere.
Tilea is not about loot. I can assure you that 100%. Your "There has been only 1 member that has left mythic over loot" is bullshit as well. Infact about 10 members left in mass because they had merged with VH and did not feel like a family anymore which is what Mythic legion is supposed to be (haha maybe the mob). There have been others as well. I will admit full well that I left mythic IN PART because of loot. Everyone on this server pretty much knows my story.
Anyway I could go on forever about how much of an ass I think you are, you probably think the same of me. I do not care. Do not, however, post on here with some bullshit lies and trash the names of our members with those lies.
02-04-2002, 12:06 AM
Isnt it funny how they dont have a board up so others wont come and talk trash about their guild? Yet every day they visit other guild boards to talk trash about them. They are doing the exact same thing they hate people doing on their boards. Ironic?
Neuan Nyagaleth
02-04-2002, 12:40 AM
Relax. :) Take a deep breath. :)
Btw...Lies are only Lies if they don't fit in your perception of Reality.
Otherwise they're facts.
02-04-2002, 01:01 AM
Neuan, I don't know you.. but I can say you obviously don't know Tilea. Not only does she refuse almost all items, but she has even posted asking the guild to stop trying to force stuff on her. I might have paid some attention to your argument if it wasn't so blatantly false.
Oh and btw.. if you guys have anymore like Tilea we'd be happy to take them off your hands =D
Amuel Daemon
02-04-2002, 01:04 AM
Neuan, you have no dick sir.
Neuan Nyagaleth
02-04-2002, 01:06 AM
I could be wrong.
Maybe this isn't the same Tilea that was in ML. Accounts change Hands so often these days...who's to say.
OR...something happened. Maybe ML really is that evil and oppressive and brings out the worst in people, and only by leaving ML do they blossom into the earnest and valued members of another Guild.
I bet that's it.
02-04-2002, 03:27 AM
I don't know about you guys, but I'm downright intimidated by that confident, slightly cocky way he presents his arguments. It spells backoff with a capital B buddy, and I suggest you all be very af-raid!
02-04-2002, 05:08 AM
or, perhaps you're just a troll.
Get the fuck off our boards and stay off.
omfg you made amb cuss ~
Rhedd, I gave you your dream item almost two years ago, remember what it was? (=
Buazag Bonesteel
02-04-2002, 07:17 AM
Why so down on Trolls Amb? :(
Oh and btw.. if you guys have anymore like Tilea we'd be happy to take them off your hands =D
No shit.
This is from Tilea's post on our private board after declining a primal warsword: (With apologies to Tilea, I hope she doesn't mind me posting this =p)
If you know me by now you know I don't play this game for item upgrades, and in fact I don't care about them to the point where I prefer to not get them.
Pardon me while I open the window, so that your argument may exeunt .
P.S. Perhaps, coming from a person with some tact, "I don't want to Raid all the time." could be translated as "I don't want to raid with you all the time."
Sows McBuff
02-04-2002, 08:03 AM
lol...kinda like "we should see other people"...instead of each other....
#1 board troll
02-04-2002, 09:12 AM
ROFL HAHAHAHA I can't believe some retard just accused me of leaving ML over loot. That is THE funniest damn thing I've heard in a long time. Neuan, if you think I was even IN ML for loot, never mind left because of it, then you are oblivious, and should have taken some time to get to know me. Wanna know why I REALLY left ML? And not because of the "political" reason that Baramos left on the ML board either. The REAL reason:
I never WANTED to be in ML. When VH merged with ML I was the one and only officer who blatantly opposed the merger. I told everyone exactly what would happen to the type of guild VH was, if we merged with ML. However my voice was the minority so we merged. I was the one who ended up being right, and a lot of former VH's left ML because of the exact reasons I predicted. The only reason I bothered going with the merger at all was because Azamien was my friend, and he talked me into it.
Now I don't regret joining ML, because I made a lot of great friends. Here's the real reason I left: I had NO confidence in the competance of the guilds leadership. Specificly, Baramos Hali and Rohaise. Want more specific examples?
ML ninja'ing and going out of rotation on ST key dragons because they were under the -incorrect- impression that other guilds were trying to keep them out.
Want another damned good reason? People like Stosh. People in ML who ass kiss their way into the "in crowd" and then ignore anyone that they feel is now below their newly appointed station. Neuan, did you have any idea that numerous ML members sent emails to Baramos, asking to have Stosh kicked out of the guild? Of course you didn't, Baramos hides that kind of information from people. Needless to say though, despite the fact that very long standing, well respected members of ML bruoght Stosh's ass kissing, two faced problem to Baramoses attention, no way in hell was Bara going to get rid of one of his favorite toadies. So Bara's response is that EVERYONE is wrong about Stosh, and he backs up his little ass kisser. Think I'm exagerating about Stosh? Maybe you never got to know him, either.
Want another damned good reason for why I left ML? How's about this?
One Day ML kills Phara Dar, server first! and there was much rejoicing. Yay! So, right afterwords, our friendly neighbourhood officers (bara and rohaise, go figure) get the impression that every VP capable guild is now making a massive push to get into VP often, just because ML took down PD. That's laughable to begin with, but yeah they really did believe that. Misconceptions aside, Baramos decides to take a poll. The poll asks "How often do you want to go to VP?" Now the MASS majority of ML says once per month. Somewhere around 75 percent of the guild, in fact. So you'd think that 75 percent of the guild has a say in things, right? HAHA nope, sorry this is ML we're talking about. Baramos, for some reason obsessed with VP (even though Hoss and Vindi are already farming the hell uot of ntov for items a million times better) doesn't like the once a month idea. He proposes 3 times every 2 months. People agree, and everyone's happy.
One frigging week later, Baramos blows the poll off all together and tells everyone "We're going every weekend, attendance is mandatory". So, even though the overwhelming majority of the guild voices their opinion, they get totally ignored, just because the "core" officers didn't like the opinion. That was the last straw in a pile of straws that just kept getting bigger and bigger, so I left. Never made a better decision in my 3 years of EQ.
Neuan, you have any idea how many tells I got from my ML friends saying things like, "Stuck in VP yet again... been here for 8 hours...". People were made miserable every weekend because Baramos wanted it that way. Sure I'm sure some people were happy to go often, but those are the people who were in it for loot, NOT me. The funniest part was that they claimed "We need to monopolize VP while we still can, before Hoss and Vindi etc start coming in." Hoss hasn't been to VP since then, ever. Has Vindi? I think they went once out of boredom. ML was the LAST ntov capable guild to actually get anything done there, and it was because of poor leadership decisions.
Yeah my attitude in ML sucked. I hated going to raids, hated doing exp. Gee I wonder if it's because I hated being in the guild? If it wasn't for the great friends I've made in ML I would have left long before that. But there came a point where even friendship wasn't worth it, so I left. Besides those people are still my friends. You have a pretty large chip on your shoulder regarding Hoss, Neuan.. and you don't even play the game anymore? Seek theorapy.
Bara tried to pressure me into levelling but I refused to do it. Hell he tried to rpessure me into lots of things but I didn't do it. I did every single one of them for Hoss though. What does that tell you? Keep in mind this has NOTHING to do with ML's members. I just strongly dislike (some of) the officers. Selice and quint being the rare exceptions. It's too bad Harthek retired as an officer, he might have been able to turn things around.
As for loot specificly, that's a laughable accusation. I don't give a rats ass about loot. Hell I just upgraded my orc fang earring to a sarnak earring of station about a month ago. Passed up multiple ntov items because I just don't care to get them. Everyone in Hoss is well aware of this fact. You, Neuan, are nothing short of ignorant.
There you go, that's why I left ML. Anyone who thinks I left because of anything loot oriented can all gather up in a nice, neat orderly line, and take turns kissing my ass. You can be first in line, Neuan.
02-04-2002, 09:43 AM
Can i be second pleaase= )
*puts some chap stick on and lines up*
02-04-2002, 09:57 AM just got owned Neuan. Thx, drive thru.
Amuel Daemon
02-04-2002, 11:37 AM
Thanks chance, my "you dont have a dick sir" thing was pretty good.
02-04-2002, 12:04 PM
Always room in line for you, Rhedd ;)
Originally posted by Lola
P.S. Perhaps, coming from a person with some tact, "I don't want to Raid all the time." could be translated as "I don't want to raid with you all the time."
Can you cay, BINGO!? :)
02-04-2002, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by Neuan Nyagaleth
OR...something happened. Maybe ML really is that evil and oppressive and brings out the worst in people, and only by leaving ML do they blossom into the earnest and valued members of another Guild.
I bet that's it.
Oh it is! Or have you forgotten the glimmer of PHAT LEWT that caused you and Selice to disband Aftemath without notice to join ML. That caused you to draw up a list of those members who were elite enough to join ML (snicker) and left the other HALF of the guild out to dry. And to add insult to injury your lame ass explanation was extremely insulting to those not "chosen." Thats the kind of material ML feeds on and the people it holds dear. I thank Tunare I was one of the "losers," cause you know what? I am a damn good druid. And not only that I'm in HOSS, not some chump zerg guild that prides itself on lagging zones, screwing over its own members, and pretentions of being "uber" when there is absolutely nothing uber about them.
So Neuan, go back to your little pyramid scheming guild and make sure you satify Selice's phat lewt whoreishness.
Baroness Semele Mooncaller
Heirophant of Tunare
P.S. Tilea is the win!
02-04-2002, 12:30 PM
/hug Tilea :cool:
02-04-2002, 12:33 PM
Nice thread :)
Makes me remember when Baramos gor first mage epic on the server..
didnt wanna camp the Quillmane cloak by himself so he traded one of MLs manarobes and a PoA crown for it with Sphinco...
They didnt have one of the crowns in guildbank though so they took him up to air a few weeks later to get him one...
02-04-2002, 12:51 PM
You go Tilea WOW!! Guess Neuan has about two things to say right about now... Jack and shit, and jack just left town. =) ( I love that line)
02-04-2002, 01:29 PM
Nice feeding frenzy you have going here.
I normally don't post in response to this kind of nonsense. The energy being spent here hating, in context of RL, or even in the context of game life, isn't worth it.
Tilea brought up something, though, with regard to Stosh and I want to say something because I'm fairly certain Stosh won't.
BTW, I have no issues with Tilea. I liked her as a member of ML, for the most part, and was only frustrated by her continued refusal to level, or come to raids that other active members were required to attend. It's true, she didn't want to join ML in the first place, but she joined, then left, then asked to join again. In my mind, particularly after joining the second time, she was making, implicitly, a statement that she would adhere to the same standards of participation everyone else did. I generally liked her personality, and guildsay banter, and humor, however. No hard feelings, on my part.
This Stosh thing, however, bothers me. As an officer or GL of Mythic, I'm privy to a lot of the fusses and frictions that members get involved in. People send me emails saying gee Bara, so-and-so did this or that, and sometimes I'm asked or expected to get involved in some way to help mediate or defuse problems or tensions. Oftentimes, due to tempers, or just immaturity, people will say things or write things or do things they later regret.
The "case" of Stosh was no different. Stosh certainly isn't what you painted him to be, Tilea. He's a grown man, a professional, and works hard and contributes daily to the guild in more ways than merely showing up to guild events and "wooting" when the MOB of the day is killed. Some of our members unfairly, in a sophomoric attack on him, emailed me with a list of "transgressions" hoping to get him kicked out merely on the weight of their email.
Did I refuse to kick him out? Yup. Did I not reveal to the guild that this took place and publicly air a bunch of meaningless tripe? It is true, I didn't. No one's business. If I aired or talked about every single petty issue that came up in the course of running the guild from month-to-month, our board would resemble the Vindication public BB, which I discourage.
Tilea, you might be interested to know that there was an effort to get you removed from ML a couple of times, too, on the basis of your refusal to participate, etc. You can choose to believe or disbelieve that I acted on your behalf as I did on Stosh's.
While I'm here, let me speak to this "ML loot" business you all find so fascinating. ML has a "decision-based" loot distribution system. We keep records of attendance in an online database, much like DKP, but we feel that DKP doesn't tell the whole story, and that DKP also creates a cycle of focus on points for loot and loot for points, taking the focus away from where we feel the real fun is - moving forward as a guild. If we were pure DKP, with my 290 days played, and my attendance to events, I'd be as decked out as a Hoss caster, I expect. *chuckle*
I do think DKP can be made to work, but certainly not at this point in ML's cycle, and the cycle in EQ.
Is our system fair? We think so. We have a guild that's been around for 2 1/2 years, and no real complaints, except from disgruntled ex-members.
Those of you who make accusations about "ML O's getting all the loot" would end up finding is a pretty even distribution of "goodies" from the game, weighted towards those who put more time in, or to the newer members who come in and do particularly well, because their old guild didn't have access to the higher areas in the game.
In the end, though, I think all this thrashing about "what Hoss does" or "what ML said" or the way we do things, is fairly ridiculous. Take a step back and read this stuff from the perspective of someone on another server, say, and you get an idea how absurd it is.
We have maybe a year left playing this game. Maybe less, I don't know.
I think we should put down the pickaxes on these boards. Is it really any fun for anyone?
P.S. - The manarobe you speak of, Stitz (whoever you are) was not a guild manarobe. We have no such thing. It was my own possession. In ML, once you receive an item, it is yours to do with as you please. (Nope.. you're right. I didn't want to camp the horse. Seemed a fair trade to me. Ok with you? =) )
02-04-2002, 02:08 PM
"BTW, I have no issues with Tilea. I liked her as a member of ML, for the most part, and was only frustrated by her continued refusal to level, or come to raids that other active members were required to attend."
Let's count the lies in just one paragraph, shall we? Lie number 1:
""BTW, I have no issues with Tilea. I liked her as a member of ML"
My last words to you were this: My leaving ML is your loss, not mine. I'm a better person that a control freak like you will ever be.
Your last words to me were this: Good, I'm glad to be rid of you.
So which is it? Glad to be rid of me, or you liked me as a member? Hmmm...
"was only frustrated by her continued refusal to level, or come to raids that other active members were required to attend"
Yep. Like I said in my post to Neuan. My attitude sucked. I hated being in ML and it showed. So? As for the active members being required to attend part, that craks me up the most. ESPECIALLY since we're talking about Stosh. How long did Stosh skip guild raids for, Bara? An entire month was it? Ahh yeah it was. For a month he sat in VL and got pleveled to 60 by Ternada, never once attending any single guild raid, while everyone else less than level 60 was showing up. What made him so special, so exempt? Guess I never puckered up hard enough?
Fact is this, Bara. You never liked me. I never liked you. Let's not sugar coat anything now.
02-04-2002, 02:17 PM
Thanks, Tilea. =)
(I suppose I should consider my self pwned now.)
PS - You're wrong about liking you. I like you fine, or I wouldn't have invited you to Mythic Legion, twice. You seem to have very strong feelings about ML. I'm glad you're enjoying Hoss.
02-04-2002, 02:19 PM
*hears wedding bells*
well blow me down I believe i'm becoming a board troll :mad:
02-04-2002, 02:24 PM
Go back and reread my post, I changed it :p
02-04-2002, 02:37 PM
Tilea, the fact that, at that moment, I was glad to be rid of you was no indication that "I didn't like you." (See above about saying things in the heat of the moment.)
There are folks that I'm quite good friends with out-of-guild, that I wouldn't want in ML for various reasons.
I'm not saying that I've ever been "good friends" with you, but I enjoyed talking to you in guildsay, and in tells.
When you approached me about joining ML the second time, after you'd joined, I thought it was an amicable reunion of you to the guild, and us, too.
We seemed friendly.
Maybe it was a one-way street. Doesn't matter.
I think it's true what you say, that you just didn't want to join ML in the first place, it always grated you, and ML management grated you, and you just weren't having fun. Bad fit. I'd been there, and it's why Mythic was born.
Making a guild is as simple as getting together with folks you like and admire and who like and admire you. This is why I created Mythic. I invited folks I liked and admired. You didn't feel the same about me? Not the first time, I can assure you.
We have a good thing going, generally, in ML.
You and Hoss have a good thing going.
It's fun.
Game is about fun.
I still like you just fine, though. I don't hold grudges, as a rule. I see no reason to hold one with you.
02-04-2002, 02:41 PM
Baramos is my good friend.
02-04-2002, 02:45 PM
Nod. Sirensa and I go wayyyy back. She sends me *giggle* tells every night. =)
BTW, I have to go back to work now, and stop clicking refresh like a crackwhore.
Are you a Baramos h4t3r? Get in line!
You can h4t3 me online, after 5 PM PST, daily.
02-04-2002, 02:49 PM
If we were a red server... Baramos would be on rotation =P
Course... so would a lot of ML officers.
Probably hoss officers too.
I know I would camp the Thanatoz spawn as well.
Requesting to be added to the Dlgoth rotation.
Hate the players - not the game!!
Hate the game AND the players.
02-04-2002, 02:56 PM
*click click*
02-04-2002, 03:13 PM
omfg! sirensa has 1000 posts and 4 dancing stars!!!!
I want dancing stars! =(
02-04-2002, 03:34 PM
Those dancing stars are ownage.
02-04-2002, 03:43 PM
Bara your going to break your mouse now stop refreshing =\
As far as the hole mythic legion loot system, well... I do not think it is right. Bara does and so do a majority of mythic legion. We will leave it at that.
I would like to point out Bara that there have been more complaints about loot than just X Members. We both know it =)
I do not need to go into detail. I don't hate bara he knows that. I respect him. I do, however, disagree with the way Mythic Legion is run.
Thats old news, lets discuss a more pressing topic.
Why are dorfs the most beautiful creatures on norrath?
Perhaps we should discuss!
02-04-2002, 03:53 PM
Would I get some sort of kill points for NOT healing Thanatoz?
Cause, well, would be hard for me to take him down, but, like, I could help.
And stuff..
'Gryfalia tells you 'Thanatoz is currently in DN at the first bug trap, he seems ready to be hit'.
02-04-2002, 04:03 PM
I agree with rhedd on the subject of more complaints on ML loot distrubution than currently x-members. I was there I know.
As to neuan's referal of everyone leaving because they were loot Whores and wanted nuthing but fatty. Maybe you forget my fair weather friend who gave you cobalt arms I had just won on a random roll the day before so you could have a novicant blade you so badly wanted. You asked what can i get for you jasin i said nuthing be happy. Later you told me jasin i really wanan get you something for those uber arms you gave me so i could get my blade ( thats almost funny cause they were uber now they trash funny how items depreciate.) I did say if you wana do something help me get a medicine totem another uber item at the time. ( I sincerly hope that you forgot about your old buddy jasin when you implied that i left ml cause i was unholy disatisfied with loot and was a loot whore) Maybe i took your post wrong i dunno
The guy that use to be your body and the guy who you talked all day long with about horizons
Jasin Natale
CLERIC (HOSS) RETIRED (coming outta retirement to a mob near you soon)
02-04-2002, 05:00 PM
Troll > Medion
You only have 11 post... but keep up the good work and I'm sure that hard work will pay off and someday you too will be a troll =p
Up and coming Troll!!
02-04-2002, 05:47 PM
You my dear, are totally clueless. I am sick to death of you trash talking me, when you OBVIOUSLY don't know the whole story of Aftermath's disbanding.
You are very quick to judge me, when you and I have hardly exchanged two sentances to each other. In all actuality, I was the one trying to beg to keep the guild in tact when the guild 'move' was happening. We had too much bickering in guild and I frankly, was sick of it. Having to listen to guild members bitching at each other because they were KSing was enough for me to want to leave.
When you want to hear what actually happened, and listen, you can come back to me, until that time, kindly fuck off.
02-04-2002, 06:13 PM
Heh, this thread is kind of useful. Anyways just thought I'd bring out the fact that people are pissed at me because I was simply stating my beliefs in a manner that previously didn't hate me. That's lame especially since my intent wasn't to flame. Shows you where your real friends are.
Seriously though, as long as the game is fun for you, wtf cares what guild you are in. Holding grudges is retarded. 99% of em go on assumed things.
Neuen: That personal attack on Tilea was wrong.
Baramos: Even though you dont like me for god knows what reason, your post in regards to its generality and not personal situations was pretty good.
02-04-2002, 06:17 PM
Dharrk said:
Seriously though, as long as the game is fun for you, wtf cares what guild you are in. Holding grudges is retarded. 99% of em go on assumed things.
Nmok Soulblighter
02-04-2002, 06:44 PM
Rhedd, the reason you left ML was cause I wouldn't let you in my ass for a while cause you were cheating on me with Gnrub. I'm still mad about that and no longer think you are the even close to being "the win." Tilly, still lub joo even though you no mention me in your posts in either a good or bad manner....bad wouldn't be good but good wouldn't exactly be bad....erm.
Later all,
Nmok Soulblighter
Oracle Ogre of Mythic Legion
Proud Member of the PL Posting Brigade
02-04-2002, 06:47 PM
PL Police says, 'FU NO PLing Allowed'
02-04-2002, 06:59 PM
Why not officer?
02-04-2002, 08:09 PM
My totally useless and annoying post on this thread is not shameless pleveling. I'm Serious!! Why dont you believe me??
02-04-2002, 08:14 PM
Nmok sorry bout that =/ Gnrub had such a nice and squishy ass -=/
Hi Selice =)
I am the Win Nmok.
Tilea is the hot.
Nmok Soulblighter
02-05-2002, 08:57 AM
Rhedd, I am sorry but you are most definitely NOT the win...I AM THE WIN!!!!!!! There will be no more discussion on this subject concerning who is or is not the win, due to the fact that I AM THE WIN!!!!!
Tilly, you are still the hot, why so no cyber?
Nmok "The Win" Soulblighter
This has been brought to you by Nmok as a shameless attempt to PL for stars.
02-05-2002, 09:05 AM
Rhedd. As I have pointed out to you on many occasions, you cannot be The Win, if you are not The Playing. Since you are The Retired, you're simply ineligible for The Title, of The Win. You're not even The Dorf anymore, as Kanf has now taken over that title with your retirement.
Also.. after recent problems I've had with Verix remains, Dozekar has passed on his title to me.
02-05-2002, 09:48 AM
thIs thrEAd mAkEs thE crAbs On mY nUts mAd.:eek:
Amuel Daemon
02-05-2002, 10:12 AM
You are an idiot.
02-05-2002, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by Ranoogg
thIs thrEAd mAkEs thE crAbs On mY nUts mAd.:eek:
Your opinion is noted Pseudo-Ranoog.
02-05-2002, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by Selice-ML
You my dear, are totally clueless. I am sick to death of you trash talking me, when you OBVIOUSLY don't know the whole story of Aftermath's disbanding.
Well golly gee willikers!
You know what I think is funny, is that instead of posting the reasons why to the guild you said time and again was "family" and to give people some indication of what was happenning you end up posting a snippy end note saying basically all the "quality" players are going to ML and the rest of you, well, suck. Haha! But don't think for a minute that this is about a grudge, dearie. It is not; I use this as an example of character. Neuan had the audacity to imply that Tilea was far less credible than she is. I found it funny because long ago you and Neuan showed how much you cared for your "family." And those actions do speak loudly about you honor, credibility, and reputation. LOL even Seekers were saying what a shitty thing it was you did. :D
Call it a grudge if it'll make you sleep better at night. By all means! Your revisionist history can assuage your guilt, but it can't change certain facts. Do I resent that I wasn't "chosen" to enter Mythic Lag? No, not even close. :p As I said before, fate has fared far better for me than you in this little virtual game world. As for my clueless trash talking, you should be honored! I only reserve that for the my personal most despised people on Druzzil Ro. You and Shik make such good company. (Sorry Neuan you're just a whipping boy and not even in the top 10)
I was going to say "Shove your revisionist history crap up your fetid c*nt" but that would be mean and uncalled for. Instead:
Baroness Semele Mooncaller
Heirophant of Tunare
02-05-2002, 02:30 PM
Like I said before, I could give two shits what you think. But don't be spreading bullshit before you know all the hard cold facts.
So here is a hearty FUCK YOU! to you. Even some of your "Friends" realized what a god damned two faced bitch you've turned into.
And YOU can have a nice day!
02-05-2002, 02:36 PM
:eek: iT BuRNS WHeN i Pee :eek:
Why do people always say, "I could care less" or, "I could give two shits", when there's really no meaning in saying that.
Now, "I couldn't care less", that actually communicates something.
02-05-2002, 03:00 PM
They're secretly saying that they care. Isn't it obvious?!
P.s. Lola is a hussy
02-05-2002, 03:07 PM
I shall quote Hunk of the Millenium, Han Solo:
"I must have hit pretty close to the mark to get her all riled up like that, huh, kid?"
Baroness Semele Mooncaller
Heirophant of Tunare
02-05-2002, 04:15 PM
Sirensa is a bigger hussy then Lola =\
02-05-2002, 05:33 PM
Lola = supreme hussy
02-05-2002, 06:08 PM
No Semele...not really. I'm just tired of you spreading untruths constantly.
And for someone to be still crying about a guild break up almost two years ago, I think you need to seek therapy. Get over it. In the long run, we were all better off. You got into a guild you're happy with, and I got away from some of the wankers, such as yourself, that I was guilded with for the sake of my other friends. I'm just happy that they woke up and saw you for the real person you are.
Bitter. Worthless. And an all around bitch.
Bitter. Worthless. And an all around bitch.
-Selice Valorheart
High Priestess of Mythic Legion
I think it would be a bit more clear if you moved that first line down three to be under the "_______________".
Here, I fixed it for you. No thanks necessary, feel free to cut and paste into profile:
Bitter. Worthless. And an all around bitch.
-Selice Valorheart
High Priestess of Mythic Legion
02-05-2002, 07:00 PM
And here we see why ML doesn't have public boards, and never has: Because senseless guild and individual bashing is the norm from some of our rivals.
Semele, I don't think you hit close to a mark. You poke someone enough with a stick, eventually they are gonna snap and work on shoving that stick up somewhere it was never intended to go by nature. I don't know, and frankly don't care, what happened in some guild 2 years ago. You do, bully for you. Back off it, riding it is like being mad a year later at some guy that took yer bus seat.
It's funny, the worst flames of people I see seem to always happen on public boards. Wonder why that is.
Sirensa, I got a gnome around here somewhere, want it?
02-05-2002, 07:26 PM
I haven't forgotten that bus seat you took from me either Quintall...
D A M N Y O U !!!!!!
02-05-2002, 08:03 PM
Amb share liquor pleeb. dont be selifish ><
02-05-2002, 08:15 PM
Take some anger management classes please... and perhaps a reading course or three. Cause it really sounds like you didn't read anything I wrote, did you! I suggest you go back and reread it until you can make a legitimate response other than namecalling!
No I'm not going to make it easy for you and restate what I've already said. You could say I've said what I meant and meant what I said! But it still doesn't uphold your erroneous reading of my prose.
And Quint, nice try... go back to the Psychic Friends Network for some more training.
Baroness Semele Mooncaller
Heirophant of Tunare
02-05-2002, 08:53 PM
Sorry, I've been banned from there, I asked them when Sirensa would give up gnomes, and they couldn't answer me.
Semele, you got a huge chip, does it make you walk crooked? No? Sheesh, you said yourself you are happy where you are now. Move on already, life's too short.
02-05-2002, 09:52 PM
I'm just curious why you dont have a public board. If its because you fear flames on it. They will occur on another board and still be present. Even though they may not be in your members face, when targeted they appear to get a response by that member. A public board can be a good thing as people post humorous, informative, and positive messages too. I'm just trying to be real here and not negative at all. That and I'm bored.
02-05-2002, 10:04 PM
The reason ML dosen't have an public board is that its harder to censor and would take much more scrutiny than there willing to spend in censoring it.
Thank you hoss board for letting me post because if i posted on the ML borad it would be deleted.
02-05-2002, 11:15 PM
I can count on a single hand the number of threads that have been deleted Jasin, and of those, maybe one wasn't by request of the author. You really need to take up your differences with the person who wronged you, not the guild as a whole. Taegan isn't even on D Ro anymore in case you didn't know, and it seems most of your grievance lies with her.
Basically Dharrk, we don't like flaming, even on our own boards. Folks are asked not to do it, not to guildbash, or even to bash individuals, no matter how reprehensible (sp?) the person may be. Having a public board would bring out the worst in some people ("But, if I call your mother a bitch, it's my right be free speech!" types would be posting on the public side), and we're basically a pretty private guild.
Hell, we just got a Webpage in what, April? After almost 2 years as a guild. ML was killing things the whole time, just saw no reason to crow about it.
It's not that we're afraid of flames. Honestly, how many ways can people say the same thing over 2 years anyway?
02-05-2002, 11:56 PM
My greivence is how ML is run as a whole I brought up taegan's name because I am not a finger pointer and name caller of people who play currently.
Now as for your deletion of posts on 1 hand you can count #1 A single deletion of any sort is 1 to many in my book. #2 you must have an awful lot of fingers on that hand. Everytime someone posted there I left ml cause it sucks Baramos gets all the loot, Hali yelled at me in /gu and made me cry, Noxx was an asshole to me for no reason, Rhoasie wouldnt return my tells and hold my hand post IT was deleted. NOW this was well over 1 year ago and things may have changed since then. But when I was IN anypost that contained critizim of the guild for any reason IT was deleted ASAP. Thats a fact. Dravith no longer plays so i will use him as an example he posted critizim of some sort i never read the post but he was removed and his post was deleted. Simple fact others that still play have had there post deleted shorlty after writing them and there critisim of ml as they were leaving ml on there private bb.
Now for using the rohaise, baramos, hali, noxx names these were genralizations.
Yes hali yells at you harshly thats just hali.
Yes sometimes rohaise will not return your tells cause it gets missed im the tons of spam
Yes Noxx is an asshole sometimes but thats noxx hes rough around the edges and one of the best guys i know
Yes Baramos gets to much loot im my opinon all the officers do.
It brings me to the post that baramos says about tradeing your items is your business its yours once you get. Thats a total load of crap baramos you traded for that epic when ML was on a regular basis thorwing people out for tradeing items that had been awarded to them. You did in your defense ask the guild if you could trade those items and if anyone had any objections you would not. (but whos gonna tell there guild leader no?)
All this though is based on my knowledge of the guild as of 1 year ago, and some of this might of changed but it still seems loot is an issue in ML.
Jasin Natale
CLERIC (HOSS) retired
02-06-2002, 01:27 AM
Jasin -
Mythic Legion has never, ever thrown anyone out for trading the items they earn as a member.
I wouldn't allow it as GL.
Roh won't either.
You may recall a line in a post about loot "do whatever you want, use it for toilet paper if you want, but please don't squeeze the Charmin."
Now, it's true, you may lose faction if on an Efreeti Lord raid, you are awarded GEBS and turn around and sell them that day in Commons (although back in the EL Days we still randomed), and someone may say WTF are you doing (probably members more than O's) but it's been ML policy from day 1, that your loot is yours, and ML has no business looking over your shoulder and dictating your use of your hard-earned item, whatever it may be.
On the deletion of posts when people leave the guild and scream f*** you to the rest of the guild (members or officers, either), yep, we delete them. We don't need that crap on our private board. I mean, I suppose we could say f*** you back, but what's the point there.
Most of us in ML are adults near or past the age of 30. Lawyers, engineers, programmers, and the like comprise our ranks. Call us old fogies, but we just don't like seeing f*** this and f*** that and we pwn this or that, and we have mad dps~ f*** you. Most of us recoil at it.
Not to say we don't swear - we certainly do. And we lose our tempers. And we get angry at each other. However, venting that type of thing on our private board, instead of working it out privately, as reasonable adults, is counterproductive. (As Andaas and I can attest to after many IGB battles.)
Something that is getting lost here is that ML, as any guild, isn't a business. It's a group of friends playing the game together. Some ex-members seem to think that there should be a congressional oversight committee, or we should begin filling out W-2s for the members, or forming a union.
We didn't create Mythic for those folks. Mythic is there for the folks who agree with the general tenets set forth when we started the guild. People who don't agree or don't like those ideas are free to leave and in fact are encouraged to do so. Mutual respect, trust, admiration are what keep guilds together. ML's been around a long time, which is a testament to the fact we are doing something right.
Naturally, you can't expect to keep everyone happy all the time. We do a fair job of keeping around 90 members happy, most of the time, though.
Not an easy task.
Lots of things cause problems in a guild. Personality clashes of 90 individuals. Long, sleepless addicted-to-EQ nights causing unreasonable reactions to minor perturbations.
And then of course, there's loot. As can be seen by threads here, on your own private boards, and on any public EQ board anywhere, loot seems to be the thing that's on most peoples' minds.
What loot did you get? Why did he get that loot. OMFG, do you believe they did this with that loot? Oh.. the loot.. the LOOOTTTT... omg the horror.
The horror of the loot.
Anyone that concerned with ML loot and its disbursal should visit our site at and then rail at the inequities of life in Mythic. Peer over our fence. Damn us all to Hell !!
Whatever floats your boat. =)
Actually surprised to hear you post in this fashion, Jasin, as I had heard you'd left the game for health reasons, not some general or specific discontent.
Head Monster, of Mythic Legion
02-06-2002, 02:05 AM
This isn't meant to flame or anything Baramos.. but I thought I would give another perspective to you on the angry member quitting the guild posts that seem to be deleted from your boards.
When someone decides to leave Hoss (for either personal or angry reasons), and chooses to post about their discontent, we never delete the post, and refrain from removing forum access from that person for a few days such that things can be discussed privately.
Obviously, if the person is guilded into another guild, we would then remove their forum access - however, for the most part we like to talk things out and make sure that the decision being made is really what everyone involved wants.
I have seen on several occasions where disgruntled ML members have quit your guild and had to post their goodbye's on public forums. Just seems odd to air dirty laundry in public.
Just my $.02 though.. so take it with a grain of salt.
02-06-2002, 08:31 AM
Baramos, you delete more than just the Fuq you posts....
I have read several goodbyes from ML members, when I was with Ml that were simple goodbyes explaining why they were leaving. Regardless they were promplty deleted (but not before my trolling ass could find them +)
Anyway just thought I would put that in
Baramos said - "Something that is getting lost here is that ML, as any guild, isn't a business. It's a group of friends playing the game together. "
Baramos, I don't dislike you nor ML. But I have a hard time swallowing that statement. Friends don't kick friends for missing a raid when that "friend" is grouped with RL friends. (People you see everyday.) Friends don't kick friends because they are friends with people that you have booted. You probably don't even remember what happened, but I do. I also have the screenshots. My posts were also deleted. That left a pretty bad taste in my mouth about ML. However, I don't spend my time flaming you nor your guild. I just felt the need to point out half-truths. With as many members as you have I seriously doubt you are friends with them all. I know we weren't friends while I was in ML, we never spoke.
Of course, you never actually spoke to me as to why I was missing the raid. Hali did though and he is a great guy. /cough
I would like to thank you though. Seekers were estatic that I told you to shove it and welcomed me. (=
02-06-2002, 09:57 AM
Well personally I think this fight needs to stop, people were kicked out and yes maybe (from what I've read) it seemed unfair but seriously does it matter? The person who was kicked out or left probably doesn't care anymore, and we shouldn't either.
Posting over and over about people not telling the truth is pointless, letting the person know privately will accomplish so much more. Because a lie to someone is just a point of view unless it is said by more than 1 person which I have yet to see. Except Tilea being a loot monster :rolleyes:
As for loot, ML has their own way of handing out loot and HoSS does too, why get people angry instead of accepting the fact that you aren't in that guild and the people that join that guild can do as they please even if *you* think they're being treated unfairly. Some people are into that sort of thing.
Now then again this is just my point of view, fighting with web pages my be a form of closure for some people :)
Instead of posting about how a guild treats their members let get back to the true meaning of 8 page long posts.........Plvl!!
P.S. this post was meant to maintain a little peace, not to provoke anger, again I don't know the whole story...
02-06-2002, 11:56 AM
Actually, Inde, sometimes wearing the "GL hat" in ML, I have removed friends of mine, or asked them to leave.
(Noxx being the most prominent example. For those of you who don't know, Noxx was a co-founder of ML, one of my best friends since the start of the game.)
It's one of the reasons, in fact, that I asked Roh to do the GL job and why I, for awhile, dropped from managing the guild altogether.
Running a guild is sometimes like running a business, unfortunately, and people ask to be all treated equally, fairly. When friends of mine, or any member of ML, isn't pulling his weight with the rest of the guild, I'm the guy that gets to deal with it.
I can tell you this, though. People aren't removed from ML unless there's already been a pattern of problems and there has been prior discussion by all or most of the officers, and the guildleader of Mythic. (Unless the person has announced he's leaving the guild anyway, or in the case of someone going insane during play and spewing profanity, say, all over guildsay or public channels.)
I'm certainly not happy that I've lost friends over the necessity of having to partition "Guild manager" from "Good buddy, Baramos". Pretty much sucks.
And, you're right, Inde, once ML got more than 30ish people, it stopped being as tight-knit as it once was - more of an extended family than a family all living in the same Igloo.
However, core idea is still the same. =)
And, Aparatus is right, although I don't see this as a fight, I do agree that it's a waste of breath to keep talking about it. I'm sure that for every person who's left ML or been removed, there's a "I been WRONGED!" story. That's human nature. And for many, I'm the focal point of the "wrongdoing". It's fine. Like I said, if you're a Baramos h4t3r, get in line. =)
All of these issues boil down to a matter of perspective, anyway, and if you don't like your own guild perspective, there are always alternative guilds to join, or you can take another route, and create your own.
I'm done in this thread, now. If you want to find out more about how ML does things, I handle recruiting. *chuckle*
Give me a tell !
Meanie, of Mythic Legion
02-06-2002, 12:22 PM
What is your name in game sir? :D
I can see how most people would feel that you are to blame, Bara. I know it always falls on the GL's shoulders. I've been there.
It has been a long time since that happened. I'm sure ML has changed quite a bit. If anything, I'm still miffed that you would boot someone without taking the time to explain the problem you have and see if they work to fix it. That just says you don't care if the person is in the guild or not. However, maybe if my name had been Noxx or Leafwier you woulda said something. /peer
As to the "core" you speak of. Most people call it a clique. Some clique's are good, some bad. But usually you don't realize a clique exsists unless you're not in it.
Leaf and Noxx, please don't post asking why I used you as examples, thanx~
02-06-2002, 02:01 PM
Doom it Baramos, dont be giving Aparatus bits of joy when she's right, how am i suppose to tease her now =( J/K
02-06-2002, 02:38 PM
Inde =)
I've been known to make mistakes.
By the way, I appreciated your tell when you came "back" to EQ a few weeks ago.
No hard feelings (or grudges) on my part, at all.
02-06-2002, 02:41 PM
gah u ruined my joke by posting again like you said you wouldn't, but it wasn't in response to my question, so its not funny :(
02-06-2002, 02:47 PM
Yeah, I couldn't help myself.
I tried to resist, though. =)
I also hold no grudges. You're welcome for the tell. Stuff like that is just not cool in my book.
02-06-2002, 07:39 PM
Rixi ! :mad:
02-06-2002, 08:28 PM
w3rd :D Been a long time since I've seen ya. How's that dorf friend of yours?
Its Gunny! Wtf bishe, like play~ Malachei (My brother) quit about 6 months ago so I took over the account. He is very upset that I am l33tzor cleric. )=
02-06-2002, 11:06 PM
Malachei was a good dorf :)
02-08-2002, 09:36 AM
As hard as you try to sound like the 'good guy' you cant escape from the fact that you are a lying sob. Your "ML IS FAMILY" Etc etc is complete bs.
All you have EVER cared about is taking care of yourself and the select few... I've known people in the past who have spent countles hours and days on raids for ML, only to receive NOTHING for their efforts...then when they try to discuss the subject with you all you say is "I"M TIRED OF THIS, YOU ARE A COMPLAINER, QUIT THE GUILD" etc etc... you are a joke man...and actually I think you are too much of a fool to realize it.. blinded....kinda like a jim baker or some other tele evangelist.
Remember when Frumpy got kicked out of ML because he refused to hand an item over to noxx? Sure you spun it as 'He made demands' etc etc but the simple fact is, he was told to hand over an item he got on a NON GUILD CAMP to an officer.
However, you could not get me to EVER EVER re-join ML.
02-08-2002, 09:41 AM
While your story may be true Joeblow. Its counts for shit if you cant put your name to it. Anon is lame.
02-08-2002, 10:06 AM
Ditto Mitsy
Although, I may agree with some of your statements regarding mythic legion. You might as well not even post if you don't have the balls to post your name.
02-08-2002, 11:43 AM
Rhedd and balls in one post....... :mad: don't do that.
Yea joeblow didn't I end this pointless ranting? Well I thought I did although you may think you have deeply touched didn't and you may think that saying that will change his "ebil ways" wont. So just stop ;)
P.S. Personally I don't think Baramos is ebil but then again I dont know him :o
02-08-2002, 02:56 PM
WTG anonymous pussy, you really showed him
Nmok Soulblighter
02-09-2002, 03:26 PM
I do have the balls to put my name to a post. Rhedd, joo sux0r. Why so quit EQ~
Nmok Soulblighter
02-09-2002, 08:35 PM
Your ass wasn't keeping me warm enough -=/
02-10-2002, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by Semele
Oh it is! Or have you forgotten the glimmer of PHAT LEWT that caused you and Selice to disband Aftemath without notice to join ML.
So Neuan, go back to your little pyramid scheming guild and make sure you satify Selice's phat lewt whoreishness.
Baroness Semele Mooncaller
Heirophant of Tunare
P.S. Tilea is the win!
I couldn't have said it better:)
btw u kicked ur own arse by leaving out the skilled and nice ppl part of the Aftermath after disbanding it from joining ML with some ex. AMs and I'm glad you did now that i know everything of importance about ML.
Every skilled player in ML just wastes his talent and time there.
OH and btw..talking about loot...of course u got more than the regular ml member since ur the husband of an officer who managed to kiss her ass up to officership after 1 month of being a member and getting well equipped over long time members who were still wearing leather armor so to say. hahah, u and selice are such low ppl. I'm glad I don't have to see you around anymore.
Oh and have fun on ur 1904692659216 ppl raids without any skill and great lag!
02-10-2002, 06:25 PM
sup bol long time no see ^^ shoot me an email at
all weeples send me an email to keke
02-10-2002, 07:33 PM
Hi Fudorm, you lying cheating fuck. How you been?
Fuck off and don't come here again, you thief.
02-10-2002, 08:29 PM
HAHAHA I love you Eomer. You frickin own sometimes.
02-10-2002, 08:30 PM
Hello Eomer,my favorite Canadian.I've been doing ok lately kinda got out of the whole online gaming scene though, it just kinda stoped intresting me anymore.How would i go about fucking off? I contemplated it for awhile and couldnt really figure out how to fuck off so i decided to just whack off instead,my bad.How have you been since ive been away?Doing well i hope,maybe you can shoot me an email about how i can do the whole fuck off thing im actually pretty intrigued by the whole situation.Anywho, nice talking to you again eomer,goodbye.
02-10-2002, 08:47 PM
Oh, that's a shame you got out of the whole online gaming scene. Did selling off stolen items kind of tucker you out?
You have a lot of balls posting here. Actually no, you don't have any balls. You are just stupid, immature, or both.
02-10-2002, 08:48 PM
<---p lvling
02-10-2002, 08:59 PM
Well Eomer since you want to revert to name calling, i would actually prefer the name asshole if its at all possible.Talk it over with the Fudorm-Hater's club i would really apriciate it,although it might take awhile to talk to all of them,im willing to wait.
Thanks in advance,
Fudorm "The Asshole" Weeple
02-10-2002, 09:22 PM
I never called you an asshole tho!
I did call you immature and/or stupid. I guess there isn't any real proof of those. My bad!
I also called you a thief, and there is no arguing the fact that, yes indeed, you are a thief.
I would ask that you please do not post here any more, as it does no one any good, and probably upsets or at least annoys the person you screwed.
02-11-2002, 10:05 AM
hey Fuddy, gonna write ya a mail soon.
Whats this thievery stuff btw?
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