View Full Version : WoW and Vista..

12-25-2008, 05:19 PM
So one of my xmas "presents" (i knew i was getting it,since i picked it out..) was a new Toshiba Satellite laptop..It came preloaded with all sorts of fancy things,including vista home premium..

I wanted to get my laptop up fast as possible,so i did exactly what I did with when my dad did when he wiped the HD of the computer and reinstalled XP,I put my entire WoW directory on my portable HD and copied it over and made all the shortcuts.I did the exact same thing with my laptop.Except im running into problems.

WoW Will NOT detect my interface addons,even though the interface folder is in the directory in C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\

And I just ran the WoW Repair tool and now its saying that WOTLK isnt even installed on my computer.

Ive been told that copying it into the Public folder will work,but also that the Public folder is covered by some Vista protection thing,and thats why people are getting hacked left,right and center.

Would this fix the problem?And in doing so would it create more problems (such as my account being hacked)Or is there a way to fix this problem without having to move my WoW directory from Program Files to the Public folder??

Any help with this would be appreciated beyond words.

(Ive never used Vista before,thats why theres alot of newbie questions)

EDIT: ive just been told that CTMod has a security vulnerability and thats why blizz made the motd about accounts being hacked, and that deleting all of my CTMods and running a virus scan would be a great idea.Im not 100% sure if this is true or not,so I thought I would throw it in this post anyways to see if anyone could verify this :D.

12-25-2008, 08:31 PM
Should have left Vista on it.

12-25-2008, 08:40 PM
Should have snowballed wow on it

12-25-2008, 08:45 PM
Snowball it up good.


12-25-2008, 10:29 PM
What you want to do is probably to install WoW the usual way, then copy in your old WTF and Interface folder into your new WoW dir.

It used to work just fine copying over WoW without installing it, but I'm pretty sure they did something and nowadays it gets messy if you don't install it but rather just copy it over.


12-26-2008, 12:48 AM
My dads computer never had Vista on it...It was always running XP Home,the laptop which I was having the problem with,is brand new,and came with Vista Home Premium....

I took my entire WoW directory and put it where Vista insisted it should be,then I had to reinstall WOTLK for some reason,now its all fixed :D Ive been grinding for like 5 hours lol...

12-26-2008, 08:35 AM
Vista, like XP, has this thing called a registry. If you circumvent the registry in Vista... you will have problems. Part of the 'install' process is telling the registry that you have a particular program, where the parts are, and how they should be used.

Think of yourself as a wedding crasher. The computer is saying, "you aren't on the list of guests !?!?!! How did you get in ??!!?" Vista's registry is just way more anal than XP...and you won't be allowed to eat dinner.


12-27-2008, 02:07 AM
Wasnt a registry issue :D..it was vista moving folders around...

12-27-2008, 11:04 PM
What you want to do is probably to install WoW the usual way, then copy in your old WTF and Interface folder into your new WoW dir.

It used to work just fine copying over WoW without installing it, but I'm pretty sure they did something and nowadays it gets messy if you don't install it but rather just copy it over.

I copied it from my desktop onto my laptop with no real issues, just some video stuff, which I attribute to having old drivers for the now unsupported Mobile Radeon 9200 : /

12-28-2008, 12:56 PM
I once had an ATi 9200..4 years ago,upgraded from it to a 9600XT ("hand-me-down" parts since the comp was meant for school..) then I found out that my Gigabyte motherboard wasnt 8x/4x..It was only 4x >.<