View Full Version : what is hosses problem?
whats your problem
02-10-2002, 01:20 PM
why are all of the people ive talked to in hoss ass holes? im sorry but there is no excuse to be like that to evoryone else who isnt in your "uber" guild keep in mind you werent always lvl 60 with the best EQ my name is neeggun on everquest if you wanna know what im talking about send me a tell
02-10-2002, 01:29 PM
My bad you did post your name in the message...
02-10-2002, 01:34 PM
Amuel Daemon
02-10-2002, 01:52 PM
Sorry, when I bought my account off ebay I was lvl 60 and already had the best equip so your wrong.
02-10-2002, 02:07 PM
i paid good money for this char, and i'm not about to be talked down to!
02-10-2002, 02:10 PM
I am not an asshole!!!
02-10-2002, 02:15 PM
The problem is the assumption that we're all assholes from bad experiences with a few people, therefore getting in return from all of Hoss what you claim.
02-10-2002, 02:16 PM
Hi Frnd
we are going to be assholes to you if you ninja mock us for 1
and explain exactly what happing ect ect bla bla bla
we are going to be assholes to you if you ninja mock us for 1
OMG Zappo said ninja :D
02-10-2002, 02:35 PM
whats your problem
02-10-2002, 03:26 PM
ninja mock?
02-10-2002, 04:17 PM
ninja's cut peoples head off for no reason other than they are ninja's and thats all they do
explain to all of us what makes me and all my friends ass holes
or what we said to you that was so vile
call your trains :\
02-10-2002, 04:36 PM
I never talk down on anyone. It insults me when people generalize like this.
Think of it this way. If you met like 5 of us and we were all 'assholes', you then assume that we all are assholes? correct. Now if one of us meets 5 newbies that are assholes, why can't we stereotype all of you?
By my statement, people who generalize I feel are pretty naive. You feel you have the right to stereotype us, yet we can't stereotype you. There is no attempt to empathize or even find out what the problem was or where the people were coming from.
Instead, you come here, insult all of us in public and expect what? Us to be nice to you?
02-10-2002, 04:58 PM
Rhedd's problem is constipation.
02-10-2002, 05:07 PM
I am not an animal
but I play one on TV. Neegwiener /tell me for cyber - I promise you wont ever wanna try woman once they 'drop' from your sack.
02-10-2002, 05:26 PM
Sirensa quit pleveling your posts, you know its not nice.
whats your problem
02-10-2002, 05:42 PM
the thing is ive met more than 5 of you ive met alot and you are always rude you have egos from hell and seem to think that you are the gods of norrath all im saying is that evoryone from your guild ive met is a complete ass as for the rest of you i dunno i hvent met you yet
02-10-2002, 06:14 PM
The question is, sir. What is YOUR problem? You're the one that is acting like an ass right now with your posts.
edit: Most of us don't like to talk to idiots. You can't even form a complete sentence in your posts. Guess what? You seem like an idiot.
02-10-2002, 06:14 PM
Besides trouble, what do you plan to accomplish by posting this? Just curious, cuz you seem to not be budging and we seem to not be budging? I think you are after the 4 dancing stars under your name and are just trying to plvl this thread!! :D
Before I joined Hoss, I never thought they were asses. Maybe you are misinterpreting the situation? Like missing an inside joke or not hearing the whole thing. Has to be something to it, if not everyone thinks we are bad.
02-10-2002, 06:35 PM
edit: On second thought, just fuck off.
02-10-2002, 06:36 PM
neeggun trained me and sazar earlyer today when we were doing elidroths 8th ring
see he told me ugh got hit by an arrow bla bla bla
now i have never seen that many mobs before in my life
i dont care what you say you were ut for blood
you also told me you were just going to CC
then why were you out of CC and back to the fort a little bit later/
because i said no to rezzing your friend?
i took to long to /r when i was afk
i said no because i was not sure if i needed to be FM or not for my friend fight (i didnt need to really do any healing hehe)
oh well ill be a bigger asshole and stay anon
02-10-2002, 07:12 PM
Lol dont post worthless dribble like this on our forums - omg we're going to disband because someone's *read: JEALOUS*telling us we're all assholes!!
If you had a legit concern you wouldnt be such a coward and post anonymously. U anon posters are teh win~ :rolleyes:
02-10-2002, 07:20 PM
y0u sir are a fakin SNERT! fu!
02-10-2002, 07:31 PM
I bet if you took a poll of people on Druzzil, asking their general impressions of Hoss people, you would probably find that most people spoke positively of us, or at the very least say "Who is Hoss?" if they are not particularily high level.
Most of us mind our own business, and rarely are in zones where we run into normal people. And when we are, chances are we are heading somewhere else to raid, and are probably in a hurry. If someone brushed you off or ignored you, there is probably a reason, and that in itself is no reason to generalise an entire guild as assholes.
Some people aren't outright friendly either, but I don't think there is more than maybe a few people in Hoss who could come across as being gruff, because they just don't have the patience.
And yes, a lot of people in Hoss may be outspoken and confident, or (omg!) even a little arrogant. But I think in a lot of respects, we have a lot of reason to be confident in ourselves. We ARE the best on Druzzil at this point, so in a way it's justified.
02-10-2002, 08:38 PM
Naw your an asshole Eomer!! Although Hoss as a whole is pretty good group of people and very helpful if they arent already busy. But you can't just expect them to drop eveything and help you out. He is probably some begger who didnt get a CoF and SoD for free cuz his corpse rotted and you all have alot anyways. Hey i'm not in hoss and I can be an asshole to beggers too. Must mean all of EQ is made up of assholes.
Mitsy the Asshole
02-10-2002, 08:52 PM
omg i smell a poll of whose the biggest hoss asshole ever :\
probbly all time biggest asshole is Rhedd! hate that dwarf
he always says "no zappo i cant do that because i love mopatpat bla bla bla your too much hobbit for me ect"
Amuel Daemon
02-10-2002, 09:07 PM
I have four blue stars.
02-10-2002, 09:33 PM
Dharrk is so mean to me :( he even wants to have a guildwar with AG! /cry
02-10-2002, 10:09 PM
Zappo is correct =\
And Lootwhore
And Loudmouth
And God
and Sexy
And hot
and god damn beautiful
and a cleric
and mopatpat's lubber
and the own
and Sylvia's Mentor
and Just an all around good dorf!
02-10-2002, 11:36 PM
da dorf has spoken~
02-10-2002, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by Eomer
Some people aren't outright friendly either, but I don't think there is more than maybe a few people in Hoss who could come across as being gruff, because they just don't have the patience.
I'm indiffernet to people now. How many times have you been inspected by someone lower level then you. How many times have you been begged for equipment. To the point where its like getting harrassed for things. You wonder why I ignore. Well I am to blame because its happened so much to me now I can't stand it. So do I blame the server? No. Do I blame you? No. I blame myself for letting so many people spoil the opportunities I might have at making new friends because they are too damned lazy to earn something for themselves. So, I remain aloof and hold onto the fun I have in game. Blame me for that if you wish.
I think though, if you took the time not to find something wrong with what we do and tried finding out about them personally. You would realize that generalizations, as usual, are often wrong.
PS Sorry you didn't get your 56 res. Or even your 49 res. Some of us leveling up didn't either. Congrats and welcome to the joys of leveling....
I walked a mile in your shoes, funny how you judge me when you haven't done the same...
02-10-2002, 11:45 PM
da rogue has spoken~
Tularis Darkeblade
02-11-2002, 12:19 AM
Well i for one have never had anything but good interactions with HOSS members, there is NO other uber guild on the server that i can make that statement about. By not putting your name on the post just goes to show u are full of shit, and trying to start things.
Or it could be because u assume that them not bending over backwards and kissing your ass equals them being jerks. Either way your an ass, and hey, look my names attached to this, and i dont care who i am upsetting, instead of spouting BS and hiding like a Bisch.
Tularis Darkeblade
54 Reaver
Beloved of Kaelynn Darkeblade
02-11-2002, 02:16 AM
Neeggun (if you read carefully in his/hers/its post, you find the name embedded in the ramblings)-
Let me get this straight, at LEAST 5 people? What about 10? Am I an asshole now that I've questioned you? No? Let me continue...
We have a bunch of people in Hoss. 5 out of 40? 50? 60? People are people. Individuals have individual personalities no matter what club or organization they are in. Families are the same way. Hoss is not the Clevers. Sirensa can sometimes come across like June, and Andaas as Ward (sorry couldn't help it. :p) but basically we are all as dysfunctional as you are, in our own way of course. What I guess I'm getting at is, why bother asking if we're all assholes when you haven't spoken to the whole populace of Hoss? This isn't scientific, just common sense. I'm a lot different than say, Torrid, but we have a common goal, to see this guild move on. You have no argument, just a gripe. The gripe isn't even rationalized out at that. Have a nice day, send me a tell when you look outside the box.
02-11-2002, 07:39 AM
Fizbain your an asshole =\
02-11-2002, 08:44 AM
Oh, just read that Zap got trained by Neegun or whatever his name is. Let's call open season on his gay ass!
10K plat to the first person who posts a screenshot with his body and a mass of mobs on top of it!
02-11-2002, 09:47 AM
That was beautiful man...I need a tissue
02-11-2002, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by whats your problem
the thing is ive met more than 5 of you ive met alot and you are always rude you have egos from hell and seem to think that you are the gods of norrath all im saying is that evoryone from your guild ive met is a complete ass as for the rest of you i dunno i hvent met you yet
Neeggun, let me start by saying you're a dolt. YOU pull a mob from the Rygorr fort, start running around like a chicken with your head cut off, so we (Myself, Fehren, Zappo, Sazar) jump in and kill it thinking we're doing you a favor in saving your worthless mouth-breathing, double digit IQ ass.
You then respond by getting all pissy and asking why we trained you. We trained you? You pulled the fucking orc in the 1st place. Then you whined that we killed your friend (who I later rezzed by the way, if you'd bother to check your info). Feel free to ask him and then come back.. we await your apology.
To top it all off, you then trained my group inside the Orc fort and purposely tried to fuck up my 8th ring war (for which you were /petition and /reported so enjoy). Oh.. so sad, we still won the war and I got my ring.
So who's the asshole here? Everything YOU did yesterday points to you. So kindly fuck off.
02-11-2002, 10:06 AM
Im not in Hoss yet.... So does this mean im a semi-asshole?
Please respond.
Can I be a Porn Star like Sirensa's 5?
Zarune Zak'Anon
02-11-2002, 10:10 AM
Membership in Hoss is not a pre-requisite to being an asshole.
You're already a full fledged asshole Zarune! Grats Necro Anus Powah!
02-11-2002, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by Dharrk
I never talk down on anyone. It insults me when people generalize like this.
Think of it this way. If you met like 5 of us and we were all 'assholes', you then assume that we all are assholes? correct. Now if one of us meets 5 newbies that are assholes, why can't we stereotype all of you?
By my statement, people who generalize I feel are pretty naive. You feel you have the right to stereotype us, yet we can't stereotype you. There is no attempt to empathize or even find out what the problem was or where the people were coming from.
Instead, you come here, insult all of us in public and expect what? Us to be nice to you?
Dharrk said it best. All I can add is this, we all have bad days and sometimes you can catch someone at an off moment. Not to mention the fact that even though 9 times out of 10 I will give old gear away to lower lvls and buff newbies when I'm on my alt doesn't mean I want to be pestered for free stuff and buffs all the time...I pay my $ to play the game to have fun some too.
02-11-2002, 01:15 PM
I pay my money to buff newbies and run to the hole and rez winners and be basically on call for anyone and everyone because I'm a cleric. If I didn't want to do all that I wouldn't have been a cleric right?
59 Templar
Forge of Ro
P.S. I raided with Hoss for 5 months so I'm still tainted by the asshole residue. I feel dirty :mad:
02-11-2002, 01:18 PM
I hear they sell a cream for that in Thurgadin Eli.. hehe..
02-11-2002, 01:21 PM
Come from Luclin to Everfrost to rez me please Eli :(
02-11-2002, 02:37 PM
I myself have talked to a few members of Hoss in the past, and to be honest NON of them have every been anything but helpful, have never had one of them act like an asshole to me....dunno maybe it's just the way your talking to them, maybe (just maybe) your the ass (now I could be wrong)
I myself have talked to a few members of Hoss in the past, and to be honest NON of them have every been anything but helpful
You caught them on a bad day sendarr. They must've been controlled by the one nice player in Hoss at the time, I can't explain their unacceptable behavior in any other way.
02-11-2002, 03:22 PM
02-11-2002, 03:35 PM
the one nice player in Hoss = me? :eek:
02-11-2002, 03:41 PM
wtf amb you're an ass =(
02-11-2002, 04:15 PM
Amber put Hoss way over the asshole quota of, asshole per members ratio.
Mitsy :)
02-11-2002, 05:26 PM
What amazes me is that you guys give this moron the time of day.
Save your breath for the flames that follow basic elementary school grammar.
02-11-2002, 11:12 PM
What I love is when yard-trash PCs flame me, and then their guildies /tell me for some uber-lewts I'm selling.
I call that my "How many idiots are in their guild" multiple factor.
Scarabs of Cruiseliners now has an HMIAITG factor of 1.79
02-12-2002, 12:54 AM
Clearly the one nice player in hoss was me
02-12-2002, 09:09 AM
brt Phaera :D
HEY...If I am a trialee, how do I become a full flegded A$$ like the rest of HOSS?,,,I dun wanna be left out :)
02-12-2002, 10:45 PM
To the jackass that's talking about "hosses"(does this man not even know how to use an apostrophe?) problem:
I'm not in an uber guild, I'm not a hardcore player...I'm just an average guy who likes to play EQ...
I've met and interacted more and more with ppl from Hoss recently, and I've been paying a lot more attention to the "uber" goings on, esp. since the whole deal with the sleeper, and I havent seen ANY evidence of what you're saying about Hoss...apparently neither have you, because you've posted nothing more than just general crap about "you guys are assholes"...
I have nothing but respect for Hoss...a lot of ppl are talking shit about they shouldnt have woken the sleeper...but i find the ppl that complain the MOST about it are ppl who were not about to get anywhere NEAR ST anytime soon... Personally, I will probably never even get a VP key, much less see any primal stuff... If Hoss wants to accomplish something that the makers of the game have put in there TO BE ACCOMPLISHED... (i.e. waking the sleeper) then let em! Odds are it wont even affect you! The reason you probably had members of Hoss act like "assholes" to you is cause you went up to them and said "Fuck you for waking the sleeper" know what, i'd be a fucking dick to you too if you said something like that to me...especially when I know that deep down you werent about to go kill any warders yourself. I have had occasion to talk to members of Hoss, and my opening line is usually something like "I dont care what ppl think, you guys are cool by me" and you know what, i find them surprisingly warm to me...even though i cant even think about approaching their lvl, none of this ego shit youre talking basically, Do unto fucking jackass!
Xabulaz Stormreaver
51 Monk
P.S. sorry for being wordy...but sometimes you just gotta vent at assholes
02-12-2002, 10:48 PM
That's not wordy, you should go check out my 3200 word post over on!
02-12-2002, 10:55 PM
Post, or thesis?
[Insert Random Flame here]
02-13-2002, 06:39 AM
My problem is I read this entire post, and the only thing I have realized is that some people just have to keep whining. How many times does this guy have to say "FU hoss" before he is comfortable he has made his point? Kk thx. So sry but nobody is hurt by your post. You provided some great entertainment now go on with your life and don't waste our time anymore please !!!!
tanzen knifeblade
02-13-2002, 10:19 AM
Why does everyone got to dis HOSS, gees their not ass-holes, maybe overly fat orges and such but not ass-holes, it fact many members have been quite nice to rezz me while in chardok after a mystery train has appeared from no where, while other are quite happy to answer questions. When it comes right down to it tell me now bish isnt going to get you anything, politeness goes a long way:D
02-13-2002, 10:40 AM
I can find assholes in every guild! What's your point!? If it's because we don't answer everyones newbie questions - well, it just gets old answering stuff like that.
Me myself get about 25-30 tells a day about warrior stuff, even though I'm anonymous. I try to answer some of them, but when I'm busy - I can't. Sorry!
And sometimes I'll just mess with newbies because they are so annoying sometimes!
02-13-2002, 10:44 AM
Drakky told me that Mages are great tanks...I died 10 times FU!
02-13-2002, 11:07 AM
If it was posted by Eomer it's probably just him rambling on about hockey after coming home from a long night of drinking.
For 3200 words!
02-13-2002, 11:29 AM
No, there was some jackass there making "I hate hoss cause they woke sleeper" posts, and for awhile I had posted a bit back and forth with him, then I just got bored with it, and he kept on posting, along with a few other people. Finally one day I was sitting at work bored outta my tree (it goes from being super crazy busy to mind numbing boring in a flash), so I sat down, loaded up all the threads, and went through each and every one and tore down what he said.
Probably about 1/3 of the text was myself quoting others, so it wasn't all my writing. It took me about an hour or so, and after I posted it, whoever was the main jackass never posted on it again, as well as a few other people. Of course, most people didn't even bother reading it, but it felt good :).
02-13-2002, 11:44 AM
That is all
02-18-2002, 05:14 AM
I blame Thanatoz~
Ladi Sarinja
02-20-2002, 12:00 AM
*waves* Hi there, Hoss-Peeps. *waves*
Ok... whoever said HoSS sucks... guess what? I used to agree with you. I used to HATE HoSS. I'll admit it.
Now, before y'all start headin out to lynch lil ole me... listen up!
Reasons to hate them:
1. They got more uber gear than me.
2. Their guild is bigger and more uber than mine.
3. They (lvl-wise) are bigger than me.
4. They are so RESPECTED.
All of the above = one thing. Jealous. So, what did I do about it? Got up off my lazy ASS and made EQ work for me. Formed a guild that is one of the "most respected" on the server. At least among the ones that know about us. Moved me and my guild forward so we could get items that I (and they) wanted. Basically, quit the whinin BULLSHIT and went to get what I wanted. /screw HoSS was the attitude.
Now... why did I say all this? Cause HoSS is still one of the most respected guilds on this server. Ok, by most. :D I have (recently) raided with HoSS and guess what? They are just like the rest of us. Goin out and havin a good time, playin EQ they way they wanna play and enjoyin themselves.
So.... to the one that says HoSS is all assholes? Guess what? I have a famous sayin, in my guild. I share with you.
( )( ) <--- Kiss This.
On a side note: Thank you, HoSS, for lettin me hang out with ya, last weekend. Was very fun and enjoyable. Sorry I had to go so soon. :( I wanted to watch Tunare bite the dust. :(
02-20-2002, 12:07 AM
Elkay > Rhedd
02-20-2002, 09:16 AM
Ogre > Hummie > A Moss Snake > DORF < fish cakes
02-20-2002, 09:36 AM
Bears > all
02-20-2002, 09:51 AM
Im an asshole =/
Ps. Elkay Stfu up!
PPS. Cardinal your a fat ogre liar =\
02-20-2002, 10:08 AM
/agree Kare
02-20-2002, 12:03 PM
There must be a misunderstanding, we are not like the rest of you, we are all aliens who go by a different code of life. With the exception of Rhedd, he's a faker.
02-20-2002, 12:21 PM
Least Im not fat like you stupid ogre!~
02-20-2002, 12:22 PM
Sorry Lepra, we all know Karendra always lies.
She's so vile that way. Nub believe anything she says.
02-20-2002, 12:30 PM
Ok, I've been lurking on this board for long enough.
I have to end this debate once and for all. It is simply something I must do.
The truth is...
Rhedd is NOT the hottest, sexiest, most badass Dorf on Druzzil Ro.
I'm sorry to disillusion so many of you, and I know that the truth is painful. I'm sorry that you hurt, but the pain will go away once you accept it.
Who *is* the hottest, sexiest, most baddass Dorf?
That would be me.
Grimthorn "I'm young, hung, and skilled with my tongue" Redbeard.
(See? not every post I make is a Magnum Opus that creates 5 pages of "That's exactly what *I* would have said if I had mastered the English language past the 5th grade reading level!")
/goofiness OFF
02-20-2002, 12:35 PM
Feel free to lurk as long as that stupid signature doesn't lurk with you. The one with the big picture. Thx!
02-20-2002, 12:57 PM
We do not allow blatient lies on our boards, please refrain from posting such filth in the future thanks!
02-20-2002, 01:48 PM
Ogre > ...... > Iron Rations > Rations > Fishcakes > DORF >> RHEDD
Must we keep repeating?
Dlarkin Soulbreaker
02-22-2002, 12:03 AM
I would like to verify that Elkay is not only single-handedly responsible for having awoken the sleeper, he also left me without a tank in my group in Velks one time when I was exping.
This, my friends, verifies that he is a class "A" asshole.
02-22-2002, 09:54 AM
I demand that you change your surname immediately!!
Vinilaa Soulbreaker
~The original Soulbreaker of Druzzil Ro~
02-22-2002, 10:16 AM
Why does it matter Vini? Your a paladin and therefor your surname does not fit and needs to be changed =\
Dlarkin Soulbreaker
02-22-2002, 01:46 PM
I have always been a humble who will not condone the use of meaningless violence, so this will be short:
You change your name or DIE!
02-23-2002, 07:34 AM
Oh no you are clearly in the wrong here sir. I have been Vinilaa Soulbreaker since the summer/fall of 1999. I forget the exact date, it was an RP scenario since the GMs wouldn't change my surname w/o an RP reason.
However, I demand you change your name!
As to your threat, come and find me. :p :p :p
02-23-2002, 04:27 PM
Ya see Hoss is well just Ebil!
Yep ya see Hoss has alot of former seekers and Vindi members from way back. So alot of them are inherently Ebil. So that is the problem,with Vindi moving to Stormhammer and some Vindi members joining Hoss the amount of Ebilness will unfortunately Increase in Hoss,and more trolls will come out of the woodwork and declare Hoss the source and/or Axis of Ebil.
02-23-2002, 08:03 PM
he also left me without a tank in my group in Velks one time when I was exping.
*cackles* That was because he wanted to group with Sylvia :D jk! ..maybe -_-
Rogarr, we are the epitome of ebil now!
02-23-2002, 08:35 PM
Thank you for getting this thread back on track Rogarr.
02-24-2002, 02:20 AM
Jebus SHUT UP already Arcius. Your a Canadien I bet!
02-24-2002, 02:22 AM
FU exx :/
02-24-2002, 02:54 AM
Hello my name is Zerixia, and i before you to ask an important question............
Can i beat up arcius and make him a maid? PLZ! hehe
Lilkylor Ravenblade
02-24-2002, 04:13 AM
I have to say Rhedd is the biggest Asshole in Hoss. He was always so mean to mah and tried to give me dorf lubbin =(.
Eomer is Asshole too!!, i bet it was him that broke mah computer so i couldn't play EQ anymore=(.I miss you guys and am still waiting for Amb to gimmie some HE lubbin.
Lilkylor Ravenblade
Assassin of Dru Ro
Phandaris Willowblade
Elf Ranger Galahad
<Aedail is mah hero!!>
02-24-2002, 04:33 AM
I always knew Amb was a HE! She cybered too good =\
02-24-2002, 05:18 AM
Lilk omg =o Miss you!!!!
and fu Tarikins~
02-24-2002, 09:27 AM
Fu Exxile :mad: :mad: :mad:
(p.s. Canada going down today)
Lilkylor Ravenblade
02-24-2002, 11:35 AM
Damn you Exx!!
Canada is gonna own US today like a ugly ass-faced redheaded dorf<ie. Rhedd>. So in conclusion Canada is the own, US is the dorf. Thx.:D
02-24-2002, 11:37 AM
Hey Lilk, been a long time :)
Wondered where you disapeared off to, figured you were in DAOC or something.
Lilkylor Ravenblade
02-24-2002, 06:49 PM
So amb when can i expect that lubbin you always promising?:D
02-24-2002, 11:13 PM
FU Zerixia! And FU too hoss! FU everyone! wtf omg lol rofl thx kk fu k any more?
02-25-2002, 12:41 AM
No more cookies for joo!:eek: :eek: :eek: :D :D :D
02-25-2002, 01:34 AM
start playing again and I'll see what I can do~
02-25-2002, 02:09 AM
i dont understand
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