View Full Version : Translocate Protocol

02-10-2002, 11:04 PM
Ok here it is, 90% of the people that I TL get it right, but 10% is too high a number to get wrong such an easy thing. If we all do it right I will be able to get to you sooner and we will be out of wherever we are quicker. Please don't go afk after you give me a tell for a tl.

Heres how it goes.:

1) Get all the buffs you want before leaving.
2) Disband from your current group.
3) Get within /target range of me. You can test this by typing /target Rinna. If i don't become your target please look around for me.
4) /tell Rinna Please TL me to <place*>.
5) Click follow when I invite you. This is as easy as pressing control-I.
6) Don't go into your spell book inventory or do anything that would result in a dialog box getting dismised (same as a rez box)
7) ***THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART*** I will cast a spell on you, a dialog box will come up. Click disband before you click yes. This is as easy as hitting control-D before you click yes.

*place refers to one of these locations:
Zone In
Toxx Forest
Greater Faydark
Nek Forest
West Karana
North Karana
West Commons
North Ro
Cazic Thule
Wakening Lands
Great Divide
Cobalt Scar
Nexus (only work from within luclin)

There is NO tl to South Ro, Emerald Jungle or Skyfire

Reasons for these steps:

1) While sitting in my group waiting for buffs you may be taking up a spot someone whe is waiting to get out and is ready could be in
2) Sitting there clicking invite on you again and again is no fun for me.
3) I don't want to run around looking for everyone who needs a TL, I'm doing plenty of work on these already, you can contribute a little too.
4) If to give me a tell it stand out from other spam. and if you tell me where you want to go it saves me having to type "/g where to" 20 times per night.
5) DUH
6) Everytime the box gets dismissed it still cost me the mana (and sometimes the stone) to do it, so i am spending twice the mana on you.
7) When you don't disband before you click yes, you are still in my group while you are zoneing. This can cause all sort of group bugs, plus you may be holding up a spot for someone else who could get in my queue.

Please folow these simple steps and I will be Very happy, and Translocates will go much faster.

02-10-2002, 11:10 PM
fewk! i cant remember all that! ill jus make sure i get all my buffs before leaving! keke thnx :D

/hug rinna

02-11-2002, 05:08 PM
Thanks for clarifying that, Rinna.

As long as I'm here, I'd like to remind everone of the proper protocol for receiving Lay Hands:

1) Ladies, please remove any unnecessary clothing.

2) Pour us a couple glasses of Champagne.

3) After getting Layed, please refrain from smoking until I've left the immediate vicinity.

4) If you're an ogre or troll, you can skip step 1! Oh, and be sure to bathe first. =)

5) Guys, keep your clothes on and just hold out a clean hand for me to shake, please.

thx~ :D

02-11-2002, 10:02 PM
o_O All that for one second of laying? *laughs and jabs Scrith* :p

02-12-2002, 02:54 PM
Pha, its actually 3 seconds for Scrithy...1 to get his clothes off, 2 to actually do the deed, and 1 to get dressed...:)

02-12-2002, 04:43 PM
That's 4 seconds Kanfy ;)

And um not to make a big deal out of it, but how exactly do you know? :eek:

02-13-2002, 12:19 PM
Keep in mind I was only talking about the traditional method of using Lay Hands, which produces an instantaneous feeling of bliss...you'll have to ask me privately about the long version~

And Kanf...who said anything about me removing my clothes? Keep your fantasies private plz...


02-13-2002, 02:37 PM
Make sure you include in your tell, "LK > RHEDD"

02-13-2002, 04:58 PM
this post is somewhat important to me, I am getting burned out on porting cause several people will not put any effort in it. Please read this post and learn it... not that hard... and please take pl crap somewhere else.

02-14-2002, 02:00 AM
Hello Rinna, do you mind if I copy it to the AB server board ? :)

Would maybe help to prevent such tells: " Hello , can you xloc me to EJ ?"


02-14-2002, 02:21 PM
post away