View Full Version : Um yesh FUCK OFF HOSS
02-11-2002, 06:14 AM
ok ok here it is, stop playing with vindi and tag teaming, we all know whats going on. Just cause you have 2 years plus together don't mean you should take all bosses out without going through IGB rulez. Please give us up and coming guilds a chance at ub loots, you already took away primals from the server now, let me ask what is your next objective? um yes im gonna get heat from this thread so fuck all you. We will overcome your antics and so forth, Now Vindi is gone um yes your nemisis you will have to compete with ML, IG and yes SOS. I bet most of your members are getting tired of Everquest so you better start recruiting because you will loose lots in months too come, already you have accomplished everything there is to accomplish on ther server so lay off and just talk uber shit cause no one really cares. I speak for the newly formed guilds. GET A LIFE AND GO TO DAOC WHERE YOU CAN BEGIN NEW THREADS ON LIFE FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
02-11-2002, 06:35 AM
Come to Bazaar some time. I'll give you some platinum. So you can BUY A FUCKING CLUE.
We do not have any association with Vindication except the mutual respect for each other. We mind our own business and they mind theirs. We are capable of killing on our own and they are capacle themselves.
On the other hand, do you know why you can't? Cause you suck. Plain and simple.
Furthermore, half of the members of Vindication are moving to Legends. So, next time before you open your pie hole to spew filth, buy a fucking clue first.
02-11-2002, 06:41 AM
after reading your post again. I'll just um...
02-11-2002, 06:52 AM
LOL, that post was sheer quality!
02-11-2002, 06:53 AM
Ahahahahaha! I love FFA!
Suck it up, newbie!
02-11-2002, 07:37 AM
Hoss did not cut off primal, it still exists and is very farmable.
Btw Hoss sucks =\
Drakky made me say that
02-11-2002, 08:20 AM
Scourge could use much better public reps imo.
wasnt it the leader of sos who made a thread on that was like
"we going to HoT on saturday, and you better stay off assholes we have mad dps!"
mwahah quality guild you have there dude, you can be proud of it.
02-11-2002, 08:26 AM
Lets be friends Jimmy!
02-11-2002, 09:24 AM
jimmy jim jimmy!
now that you have std's - you know some thing
your right!
/guildremove! cant stand hoss :( they all hoes like mopatpat! i saw him cheating on rhedd and now i lost all faith in him!
teehee all these flames making zappo vile :\
02-11-2002, 09:44 AM
Way to represent your guild :rolleyes:
02-11-2002, 09:55 AM
I read your post and the previous post and all of the replies and your replies to all of the replies and decided to see if there was any way possible for me to make a run-on sentance similar to yours that was gramatically correct, if there is such a thing with a run-on sentance, I'm not really sure if that's at all possible or not but in the event that it is possible I thought I would give it a shot, anyway now that I've seen your replies and your concerns I have to agree with you I am part of the elite poop that has ruined our server preventing idiots and morons like yourself from getting anything decent to wear or use because as you know the three or four items out of the sixteen or eighteen thousand in the game that no longer drop are required for you to be able to keep from killing yourself or dropping out of society and wearing live animals as hats but please dont let us stop you because once you start down that path there is no turning back I can speak from experience because I too was once heterosexual until I met Rhedd who showed me the dark side and I was only too happy to indulge in my deepest of nasty fantasies with the old, short, fat, angry dorf and once done I find I know completely understand why most dorfs run around angry all the time because they all have small penises.
02-11-2002, 10:07 AM
Who the fuck is Scourge of Shadows?
02-11-2002, 10:09 AM
02-11-2002, 10:10 AM
They are l33t n00b5 31id40th
02-11-2002, 10:11 AM
Elkay obviously wants my body =\
02-11-2002, 10:17 AM
Might I suggest a fun game of Hide and Go Fuck Yourself?
02-11-2002, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by Ramellron
Oh wait, you mean this guy was serious? :p
02-11-2002, 11:36 AM
maybe some people dont understand this
also all you do by flaming us is allow the opportunity for multiple people to make fun of you when its only you vs. us. You put the odds out of your favor in an attempt to what? Brainwash us? Last time I checked, lines like: 'Hey ass, go fucking help me now!' didn't make me want to go help someone. So why when you call us names would you expect us to conform to what you think is right?
Flaming people over a video makes you look like you have less of a life than we do. Wow making fun of 'dorks' or 'people with no life' is sooooo coooooooooool. Teach me how!!!
02-11-2002, 11:48 AM
Dharrk its simple really =\
Like this
Ok now you try Dharr =\
02-11-2002, 12:00 PM
try spelling my name right sir
02-11-2002, 12:31 PM
Why so nit picky =\
02-11-2002, 12:35 PM
Now Vindi is gone um yes your nemisis you will have to compete with ML, IG and yes SOS
i have a feeling there is a gap between the stranth of IG to sos, and to ML to IG
can any 1 name some guilds :p
02-11-2002, 12:38 PM
This is how tough guy Maric represents his guild on the Druzzil-ro board raids section GG Maric: topic&start=21&stop=40
Here is a few Quotes from wonder boy:
/yawn...speak more slowly varran? Perhaps you are fail to realize this is a ummm, a post which you read. You are too involved in this game and message board. Nobody in my guild was opening the door, it was IG members. 19 IG were in the zone so dont give me that bullcrap about only 2. Yall went into HoT at about 2pm est, we went in at about 4pm est. So get your facts straight. I think saying "we are going to ToV" is pretty straightforward and blunt, yes I realized PoA was reserved and I thought I made it clear where we were going. If you fail to realize that, sorry then, get hooked on phonics. I think you knew the message being sent but you just want to persist in being a cocksmoker and pursuing superfluous issues. Gimmy, your fabricated story about FD failing at the bottom of the stairs is false. You flopped right in the middle of the crowd and everyone saw it. But whatever. Thanatoz, it's not like IG ever cared about reservations anyways. Hmm lets steal more fear golems and shissar's shall we? Honor our reservations or not dude, you just better stay the hell out of the way because the next time you run a train in on us purposefully, I will return the favor in kind. That being said, you do your thing, we'll do ours. You push us, we'll push back. If you dont want problems, then dont make them.
Ghetto? Whitetrash? Ok, are yall from another country or illiterate? Cuz you guys seem to have a problem understanding English. I believe it is you who are poor white trash since you find it so dimunitive to go to a nice school. I'm sorry if you are too stupid to obtain a scholarship or too poor to pay for it. Go and buy some Vagisil, apply it on
02-11-2002, 12:44 PM
I had heard that the American government was about to begin a new experiment, where they take labratory monkeys, teach them to type and then set them loose on message boards!
I had no idea Jimmy was the pilot monkey!
*gives Jimmy a bananna*
02-11-2002, 01:01 PM
This thread ( topic&start=1&stop=20) was much more entertaining.
My favorite part was this...
I have a 100 grand education from Mercer University in Macon Georgia, pointing out a single typo is a poor attempt to try and make me look stupid. Quite childish as well. If I ever saw you in RL and you tried to display the attitude you choose to exhibit on these boards, I would pound you.
He hates IG more than any guild on Druzzil Ro which is funny since IG helped him get his epic. =| When he finds out that Hoss has awakened the Sleeper...
02-11-2002, 01:23 PM
02-11-2002, 01:34 PM
I dont know who this guy is posting. SoS does not have a problem with Hoss, nor has it ever. Please disregard the crap the starter of this thread posted. In fact I really doubt he is even a member of my guild seeing how he has the guild name wrong; spelling it the way it appears on the d-ro board. I did not post this like others may think, and my problems with IG are just that, my problems not Hoss's. I apologize for any problems this thread may have caused and I assure you any SoS member posting stuff like this on another guild's website would be GRed instantly. My guild is nowhere near interested nor capable of the things Hoss is interested and capable of. In fact, I've only had good relations with hoss in the past. I would appreciate it if IG members refrained from posting flames of my guild and myself on this website and starting rumors.
02-11-2002, 01:35 PM
umm sorry guys Im going to agree with Jimmy. FUCK YOU HOSS!
ya cacksuggers! jimmy like so owns you so you better back off bitches or hes gonna bring his mad dps on your ass.
02-11-2002, 01:44 PM
OMG, hi Maric "I WAS THE FIRST ROGUE IN CN" Whateveryerlastnameis! :)
02-11-2002, 01:46 PM
Posting messages that contain huge blocks of unbroken text must be in their charter or something.
02-11-2002, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by Thanatoz
umm sorry guys Im going to agree with Jimmy. FUCK YOU HOSS!
ya cacksuggers! jimmy like so owns you so you better back off bitches or hes gonna bring his mad dps on your ass.
Who is Thanatoz? Some twink I'm sure..
Damn Smelly Trolls..
02-11-2002, 01:53 PM
When will people learn that doors aren't part of the PoV system in EQ or in most games?
Only static geometry figures into what can or can't see you!
02-11-2002, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by Maric
I dont know who this guy is posting. SoS does not have a problem with Hoss, nor has it ever. Please disregard the crap the starter of this thread posted.
That's it I want my Banana back!
02-11-2002, 03:02 PM
That's it Thanatoz I have had enough of YOUR CRAP.
I demand satisdaction!!!
/guildwar Imperial Guards.
Name the time and place... OR ARE YOU CHICKEN??? bok bok?
Buazag Bonesteel
02-11-2002, 03:29 PM
Damn Smelly Trolls..
02-11-2002, 04:16 PM
Sirensa you want none of me woman...we are sooo rogue/wizard heavy. You better recognize biatch before I rectify! You gotta ride or die foo!
Elid, you love to smell Trolls, you pansy skirt wearin, tee-tee baby bed wettin, FoH wanna-be :D
02-11-2002, 04:18 PM
Fight Fight!! AG while half drunk and watching old Mash re-runs could take you all.
02-13-2002, 06:10 AM
I dunno. Sometimes random flaming can be fun, but I think this guy is a prime example of why there are 2 busses on the same bus route sometimes. Watch the steps there JIMMAH !!!! <sad reference to south park but it fits>
02-13-2002, 06:16 AM
Mitsy is damn right!
ROFL, great comedy. Can I join SoS, they sound so ub3r!
02-13-2002, 09:02 AM
Hmm I should move back to DruRo and join SoS :D
02-13-2002, 09:11 AM
After Spending 6 Hours CRing SoS in Fear ( at 4:00am :o ) and then someone comming out with such a lame comment... it makes me think why i didnt Drag all your sorry ass`s too CTs door step and let em rott wiff da fissah`s!
Hogre > all
im harsh.. Problem? /duel me
02-13-2002, 10:00 AM
02-13-2002, 10:56 AM
wut~ L`Malla is not a contender? awe damn. lol
Jimmy we must discuss ....
as Thumpers mama said " If'n ya dont got sumthin nice ta say /sigh, dun say nuffin at all"
*score 3 posts for me!
02-13-2002, 12:06 PM
Thanatoz, wut'd you do with my true lub, Bloodeyed :|
02-13-2002, 07:52 PM
Lucci, Bambi's mum said that, not Thumpers.... Get it right ya n00b
Sows McBuff
02-14-2002, 07:39 AM
/veto eomer, vestax's sexor belongs to mah!
02-14-2002, 09:40 AM
Ranoogg, you may be the one that owns me but you don't know your cartoons very well :p
Lucci is right, she is now the one that owns you.
/clap Lucci
Oh and Austryker is back, yay a great player and person returns to Norrath.
02-14-2002, 10:11 AM
Sissy is the win :D
02-18-2002, 10:23 PM
/whimpers but... do tinkerers masks?
hey, nobody will ever go to chardok with me for the halfling mask, next best thing would be a gnome one... One day..
Originally posted by Lucci
as Thumpers mama said " If'n ya dont got sumthin nice ta say /sigh, dun say nuffin at all"
Originally posted by Ranoog
Lucci, Bambi's mum said that, not Thumpers.... Get it right ya n00b
You are BOTH wrong
Thumper said it, quoting his father after being prompted ("Thumper!" "Yes, Momma?" "What did your father say?") by his mother.
Damn non-Disney watching folks
02-26-2002, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by Thanatoz
Sirensa you want none of me woman...we are sooo rogue/wizard heavy. You better recognize biatch before I rectify! You gotta ride or die foo!
haha Thanatoz always was cool
02-26-2002, 12:03 PM
Dwarfs look up to a lot of people. (literally)
02-27-2002, 07:12 AM
03-11-2002, 08:08 AM
I haven't added my two cents in some time, so I just wanted to say, "Fuck Off Jimmy"
Lronius de la Mancha
03-14-2002, 06:10 PM
rofl thanatoz post was cool
03-14-2002, 08:50 PM
Lrod and I think alike
Finloar Fizzlemasta
03-19-2002, 04:31 PM
a couple of members of hoss helped me out in a time of need although itz no matter now since i was hacked n gms n verant are doin sh*t for me but ty for helpin me
03-20-2002, 12:51 AM
How do I Plevel? =)
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