View Full Version : For Lefarve

07-07-2009, 01:15 PM
What I have my screen to look like atm.

07-09-2009, 12:52 PM
Who's Lefarve? And it looks like someone joined a PUG! :D

07-09-2009, 04:35 PM
Yes it was hell. They took Saber no questions asked, but when I wanted in, they had to armory me and even then weren't convinced I could do damage correctly. I did a pug group last night 5 man CoS, there was a warlock that just kept going on and on about how she was gonna be highest damage at the end of the instance. Even bet 10 gold she'd be highest dps! I said orly? And she said yeah I have all this gear from Uldaur 10 and 25 man and Naxx 25 as well. So I was like whoa, I'm gonna be just blown out the water!! So I get to the group and we clear the first boss and I'm only 25k behind her.....and the other warlock combined. She dies and says this group sucks and quits and so does the other Warlock. Apparently being carried through an instance wasn't enough, they wanted me to not out damage them or something, dunno!! The tank sent her a tell and said you need to pay up that 10 gold and she said, we didn't finish the instance!! Ahhhh I love pugs...