View Full Version : stargate universe
10-14-2009, 12:01 PM
Anybody watching? I never saw any of the other series, but I'm desperate for new scifi since BS:G ended.
I watched the first 2 episodes so far and am kinda into it. I'm new to all the lingo and lore of the show so some it just goes over my head but I believe they have written it to be watched by newcomers as well.
I like the concept, although I've seen it before as its similar to star trek voyager (find your way home from far away).
I'm not 100% all in on the cast so far but it usually takes a while before characters really settle in.
10-14-2009, 12:05 PM
I started watching it and basically agree with everything you said. I never liked the other Stargate series. So far it's a bit on the cheesy side but we'll see how it goes. I was also struck with the similarity to Voyager.
10-14-2009, 12:06 PM
Kurbi, go to Look at the TV Series tab and I'm sure they have every season.
10-14-2009, 12:09 PM
thanks. oh did you watch the other series Lons?
10-14-2009, 12:17 PM
I watched both SG:1 and Atlantis; and enjoyed both. I've got the first SG:U episodes but haven't watched yet.
10-14-2009, 12:22 PM
ok. so good a few questions
1) does the world know about the stargates discovery/ancients? or just the military and senators?
2) who are the other aliens that are at war with us? what is our interaction with aliens allies/enemies? what keeps them from just wiping out earth.
3) do we have a fleet of alien ships/ancient ships? how much ancient/alien tech do we have?
10-14-2009, 12:33 PM
ok. so good a few questions
1) does the world know about the stargates discovery/ancients? or just the military and senators?
2) who are the other aliens that are at war with us? what is our interaction with aliens allies/enemies? what keeps them from just wiping out earth.
3) do we have a fleet of alien ships/ancient ships? how much ancient/alien tech do we have?
If you watch SG1 all these questions will be answered :)
10-14-2009, 12:41 PM
1) does the world know about the stargates discovery/ancients? or just the military and senators?
Just the military and select governments (Russia, etc.). There was a possibility with the ending of SG:Atlantis that may have led to the world becoming 'aware', as they landed "Atlantis" a large space-ship-city on Earth; but I'm not sure about where they went with that.
2) who are the other aliens that are at war with us? what is our interaction with aliens allies/enemies? what keeps them from just wiping out earth.
Earth was allied with an advanced alien race called the Asgard (now extinct); they provided some technology to help create some of the ships, but not weapons.
The Earth was originally started by the "Ancients", an (10,000 year extinct, although they 'ascended' to an energy-based form so are still sort of around) advanced human race that created Atlantis, the Stargates, and were the source of most of the advanced tech used by all alien races on the show.
The ancients left behind some weaponry on Earth that the Earth has used to defend themselves against alien attack.
The Wrathe was the advanced enemy alien race from Atlantis; not sure if they will have a part in this show or not.
The Ghould was the advanced enemy alien race from original Stargate; not sure if they will have a part in this show.
3) do we have a fleet of alien ships/ancient ships? how much ancient/alien tech do we have?
We had/have a small fleet of Asgard design-assisted ships that can travel beyond the speed of light.
Not sure how much Ancient technology has been implemented since Atlantis landed on Earth.
Andriana Duskrose
10-14-2009, 12:43 PM
ok. so good a few questions
1) does the world know about the stargates discovery/ancients? or just the military and senators?
2) who are the other aliens that are at war with us? what is our interaction with aliens allies/enemies? what keeps them from just wiping out earth.
3) do we have a fleet of alien ships/ancient ships? how much ancient/alien tech do we have?
The easiest way to find out everything is to read up on the wikis for Star Gate:SG1, and Star Gate:Atlantis, but if you go that route instead of watching the series', spoilers galore.
10-14-2009, 12:52 PM
ok thanks guys.
Loniel Bonewalker
10-17-2009, 02:02 AM
I have been watching it. Am enjoying it to a certain extent. I as well was hit with the feeling at times of "am I watching Voyager". I believe i read somewhere that it is a line they are riding very close too and have to watch out for. I think the differing factor though, is that from the beginning they have a form of contact with earth. SO we wont have the "poor me im sad because i do not know if my planet knows I am alive" crap. ATM I can only say i hate two characters whoever lou diamond philips is (doesnt belong on stargate) and that dude that was free from being in detention during the attack, I purely hate him and everything about his character. Such a insobordinant fuckup.
10-17-2009, 07:51 AM
Yeah I agree. I'm trying to give the characters some time to figure themselves out, but so far they are all kind of annoying. I don't know why everybody is so outraged at being in a crazy circumstance. They really should have expected it except for the gamer kid who didnt know about stargate/aliens until yesterday but is really not all that amazed.
they are really going for a battlestar galactica meets voyager thing, and its a little cheezy at times, but i'm sticking with it. I think there is a possibility to make it really really interesting.
10-19-2009, 03:47 AM
Been watching it. Not overly impressed, but it has potential. It all depends on how it plays out after they gain some stability.
It's quite distinct from SG-1 and SG:A, that's for sure.
Robert Carlyle kinda carries the show atm.
10-19-2009, 09:54 AM
hmm. he seems pretty ok. his character is a bit annoying at times with his dont ask me questions just let me do this kind of thing.
On the whole it seems to me that the people there would be a lot more structured even under these circumstances and there would be a lot less dissension in the ranks given that this is a military project. Everybody seems to be questioning orders and extremely pessimistic/disappointed.
I kinda wish somebody would just look at it with some excitement about all the possibilities of learning/experiencing fantastic things billions of light years from home. You sort of get that from the gamer kid, but he plays up the smart witty thing a bit too much.
Also there is too much going home to see family with the body switch thing.
Oh my, Im a critical bastard.
10-19-2009, 09:56 AM
BSG thay made a new movie called The Plan its on Ninja Video atm
10-19-2009, 09:58 AM
oh awesome I remember they previewed that would be coming when they ended the show.
Its supposed to be about the whole show/leadup from the cylon point of view. Which is very cool. I just hope the people who did the Caprica have nothing to do with it (that thing was horrid)
10-20-2009, 11:35 AM
Always been a big Stargate fan, loving the show at the moment, it just seems more grown up, like the bastard child of BSG and Voyager (both of which I loved). Was also ranting on about how good the new BSG movie was in gchat but nobody knew what I was talking about :(
Loniel Bonewalker
10-22-2009, 10:59 AM
The whining about being so far from home is getting to me. I mean they were on a base far away from home to begin with. They say these are the "wrong" people to be there. Yet those are the people likely to go through the gate to begin with. So far the gamer kid and the senators daughter are the only characters that make any sense to me. Again i hate Lou Diamond Philips figured i would throw that back in there.
10-22-2009, 01:40 PM
yeah. lou diamond doesnt bug me yet, though.
10-23-2009, 08:45 AM
let's see how they avoid going directly into the sun or if they are really even stuck heading that direction tonight.
10-25-2009, 09:19 AM
cool twist with the solar power thing. I liked that. however the cliche gamer kid getting sloppy death seconds from the jocky soldier boy was a bit much. I liked the did rush know angle, though i don't think he did.
Overall the characters still need more time to settle still in.
10-25-2009, 01:25 PM
It was pretty obvious after they made the decision to send off the shuttle with the lottery winners that the ship was going to miraculously save itself, hehe.
10-25-2009, 03:03 PM
oh yeah. there was never any sense of jeopardy as a viewer. just a hope that they wouldn't cheeze out too terribly in their salvation scenario. which i think they accomplished.
10-30-2009, 02:43 AM
so are you gonna like talk about every episode of SG U in this thread? -_-
10-30-2009, 07:21 AM
only until i lose interest.
Loniel Bonewalker
10-31-2009, 09:54 AM
I am actually starting to enjoy it. mainly because they are starting to turn the ship destiny into a character in itself which I like. I do not think rush knew as his character is based in fact of always being right in which case i would think he would of said from the begining that destiny would save itself while no one listened to him. I have to say ely (fat gamer kid) is by far my favorite character. However i am not liking how they are trying to trivialize everything he goes on to accomplish for those pissants. And well sgt. dumbass marine i still hate.
11-01-2009, 03:43 PM
Show has some promise. I hoping though for more depth then what has so far been shown.
11-08-2009, 12:50 AM
Going down the drain to be honest. Doubt it'll be renewed for another season unless it picks up. Honestly, the plots are so blatantly obvious that after 5 minutes you know exactly how each episode is gonna end. Doesn't make for very entertaining TV.
11-08-2009, 02:19 AM
I sort of agree.
I think the whole aspect of them having next to no control of the ship has played itself out now. Which, obviously, will prove to be a problem in the eventual storyline as they will run out of food at some point; and the ship only cares about it's own survival - not it's passengers.
I did like the introduction of the communication devices being interrupted when the entered/exited their light-speed travel.
11-08-2009, 01:41 PM
I'm still hoping it will turn the corner but it feels like a pointless story arc. Getting back to Earth does not interest me in the slightest.
11-14-2009, 05:11 PM
last episode was pretty good. but im a sucker for temporal looping.
12-07-2009, 04:25 AM
Starting to get good with the end of Justice. They need a confrontation with another species already.
12-07-2009, 09:20 PM
Yea i liked the justice one. U know though that we not seen the last of mister "I am too smart for my own good"
12-08-2009, 10:36 AM
Starting to get good with the end of Justice. They need a confrontation with another species already.
It's coming ;)
12-09-2009, 09:26 AM
well yeah, he's clearly going to figure out how to get into that spaceship they found and hopefully get something interesting going.
I was kind of surprised that the leader guy actually did that to poor man's baltar.
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