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02-17-2002, 03:41 PM
Footsteps began running towards her. Initially, she only heard one set. Mere seconds later, she heard additional footsteps, which she guessed to be 2-3. Her companions rose to their feet, brandishing their weapons and spells. Sylvia calmly rose to her feet as well, and prepared herself for combat. The priestess' violet eyes closed, and she began whispering arcanic words. Just as she heard the shift of metal as the party's warrior had arrived, she heard a curse. Then she saw it coming upon them. The denizens of Chardok had found the small campsite they had set up deep within the tunnels.

The clanging of metal onto the creatures hardened hides shock Sylvia back into reality. She quickly spat out the rest of her incantation, feeling the surge of energy encircle her, and directing it into Elkay's wounded, bloodied body. She mouthed a prayer of thanks, and then hefted up her mace. Fighting beside her mother, oddly brought Sylvia a sense of pride. Phaera was a paladin, and while their beliefs were different, their spirits longed for battle. Her mother had "rescued" her from what she considered to have been her ascension, the Painelite had decided to tolerate her.

Sylvia's mace slammed into another mangler, as the battle progressed. Elkay continued to shout as he battled on, taking every blow and returning each in kind. Phaera was constantly hefting her holy axe above her head and into another monster. Words were spewing from Syana's mouth at such a rate, she was gasping for breathes in between spells. Zarxen, a mistress of the elementals, guided her pet into combat, while also gesturing as the focus of her attention, and spraying a myriad of flames into it. They had grown accustomed to fighting together, and worked as a well oiled machine.

As the last of the creatures fell, Sylvia slumped to the cool floor, spent. The others took a moment to catch their breathes, and her mother extended her hand to the resting priestess. Sylvia's irritated eyes locked with her mother's tranquil filled eyes. "Come, little one. There is no time to rest. Soon, they will be upon us once more." She responded with a dark glare, and then took her mother's hand. They quickly began their trek towards the exit, through numerous tunnels.

She found herself wondering why she felt so tired. Perhaps, because ever since her birth, she had been in battle. She wondered how it was possible that her mother was always so calm and collected at all times. Elkay's hand falling onto her shoulder caused the young woman to jump, and she looked at him. "They're very close now. What I want you to do, is take Syana and Zarxen with you, do this tunnel." He said, gesturing towards a small tunnel, where she could barely notice a beacon of light. She tilted her head questioningly, but his finger covered her lips, and he smiled. "Your mother and I will draw off their attention while you three reach the exit. We'll be right behind you."

As they began crawling down the tunnel, she heard the growls. Syana silently shook her head at Sylvia, which the priestess took to mean not to look behind her. She continued crawling, when she heard a woman's scream of pain. 'Mother!' She whirled around, pushing the enchantress aside and crawling back towards what she secretly dreaded to be her mother's last stand. Moving as quickly as possible, she followed the sounds of combat, and saw her mother, lying against a wall, with blood stained across her chest and right arm. Elkay was still fighting, never seeing the prowler pouncing onto his back with it's razor sharp claws. She started to scream out to him, but suddenly it seemed as if time had stopped.

Zarxen had summoned her to the surface..