View Full Version : Any 10m ICC seeking dps?

01-20-2010, 09:01 PM
Just as a quick introduction, I am an Unholy specced DPS DK. I had applied to the guild for a raiding spot about a month ago, but unfortunately there wasn't a need for my class at the time. I believe my application is still up in the Recruiting forum if you wanted to check it out.

I still have not found a guild that suits my needs since transferring over to Draenor, so I have unfortunately been forced to PUG the raids for entertainment. One thing that I have noticed is that 10-man raids are pretty hard to come by, especially being melee DPS. Since I am still hoping against hope to eventually get a chance to try out for a regular raiding spot, I figured it would be a decent idea to see if anyone had a 10-man raiding group that was looking for a regular attending dps. I'm more of an evening raider and live in the central timezone, so anything after 7 pm server would be best.

My DK (Eminy) currently has a Gear Score of 5217 and a WoW Heroes Score of 2820. When running ICC 25 and ToC 25, I am regularly in the top 7 for dps and damage. While numbers are great and all, I feel that the biggest thing I bring to the raid are my abilities to listen to directions and actually execute the planned strategy.

I do have a decent tanking set. Last I checked it was a Gear Score of 4725 or something. Haven't checked the WoW Heroes score. While it isn't all top end tank gear, it should be serviceable for a 10 man. While I don't really have experience tanking in a raid setting with my DK, I'm willing to do it if someone wants to give me the chance to get used to it.

So, if anyone needs fill out their 10-mans, feel free to post a reply, send me a private message, or contact me in game. Thanks for reading this far!

Death Knight

01-20-2010, 09:15 PM
And he's nice people :)

01-20-2010, 10:23 PM
Just persistent, right? :p

01-20-2010, 11:51 PM
Talk to Rawberry or Kripdiggler, he's been known to organize the occasional pug ICC run.

01-21-2010, 09:23 AM
Talk to Rawberry or Kripdiggler, he's been known to organize the occasional pug ICC run.


We'll keep our eye out for you when we run our 2nd groups/alts


01-21-2010, 09:23 AM

We'll keep our eye out for you when we run our 2nd groups/alts


Aind = Forum troll

01-21-2010, 11:07 AM
Just an FYI, I have a friend in town the next 2 nights, so you might not see me online. Should be back to my normal schedule on Saturday. So if I miss you this week I will for sure look you up for next week. I appreciate the replies!

01-21-2010, 12:32 PM
Talk to Rawberry or Kripdiggler, he's been known to organize the occasional pug ICC run.

Or BabyBowser!

01-21-2010, 12:54 PM
babybowser = worst shaman ever

nyalia told me so.

01-21-2010, 01:00 PM
Going to piggy back this thread...!

I'm much more suited to tanking, but I can deeps alright too!

01-21-2010, 03:09 PM
Saturday is the day.

Have some loser warrior tank that is gonna miss it cause of some Bday party!!!!! So have a tank spot open.

Also our hunter has a Bday party too on Saturday.

I always try to give priority to guildies but as of now have opening so please get in touch with me IN GAME Doma and Eminy.

Ps - Nyalia wishes she was half the shaman Babybowser is!