View Full Version : A quick goodbye...

02-19-2002, 07:34 PM
Not sure how many people are still in hoss that remember me from back in the day or perhaps know me from days more recent.. I guess i am dropping a line here for people like montaro..and others that i knew that are in hoss, that i had known for a long time but had not kept in touch too well.. Well i have decided to quit for good... After 3 years moving servers and taking time off...I finally made 60 and well i feel that i have accomplished something that i had strived for...And having achieved it, i see other things in real life that i want more..and i plan on persuing them...Well i guess what im trying to say is goodbye to all those who know me and good luck in everything you accomplish in EQ, and i hope you enjoy it like i have...Good Luck Hoss aswell...

Lortl "Da'Tortl" Thrice